A Simple Farmer


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"Far enough!" he demanded.

"I have a warrant for Ms Sara Brown," he said, stopping and holding up the paper.

"I need to take her, and her BRAT, into custody."

Hearing Rebeca called a 'brat' caused Rory's hackles to raise, and angered him enough, that he irrationally began to advance on the cop, until his cousin Marv tackled him. Marv stood at six foot seven inches and weighed about 350 pounds, so Rory didn't have much of a chance.

The Chicago cop started to pull his pistol but, as he did so, the unmistakable sound of several pump-action shotguns chambering rounds sounded all around him. Sara's ex turned white, as he realized he had been set up, and there was nothing he could do but surrender.

Allen Weber, wearing his Colorado state police uniform, approached the Chicago cop. He disarmed the man, and tossed the pistol and holster into the back of the cop's SUV. Then Allen helped the unfortunate man into a Colorado state-issued cruiser. Marv slid into the driver's seat of the SUV.

Allen drove the cop to a section of Rory's cornfield, where several farmers with earthmoving equipment were waiting. They were followed by Marv in the SUV. As soon as Allen stopped his car, the farmers went to work. They dug a hole about ten feet deep and ten feet around using a track hoe. Then a bulldozer pushed the SUV into the hole and covered it with earth. Some smaller farm tractors then carefully raked over the ground so that, soon, there would be no evidence that anything was buried there. Allen held up a stopwatch he'd used to time the whole process, and told the fuckwit that it took less than 17 minutes, as the farmers took their equipment and moved off.

To complete the process, Allen drove the Chicago cop to Goodland, Kansas and handed him a one-way bus ticket to Chicago. Allen let him know that he would be buried in the same hole as his SUV if he ever returned, before handing him a document to sign. Allen waited till he boarded the bus and, only then did he leave, with a big smile on his face.

Chapter 13: Safe

Rory thanked everyone involved for volunteering their time to help him deal with Sara's ex. He did have to pay the private investigator, who was hired to shadow the cop during his return to Chicago.

Finally, Sara and Rebeca were safe. They could freely travel anywhere Sara decided, whether that was California, or perhaps just as far as Denver. Rory was sad, but realistic, knowing that he couldn't offer them much more than a farm life full of chores: feeding livestock, looking after farm animals, maintaining farm equipment, buildings, fences, etc. Not to mention keeping the business accounts, cleaning the farmhouse, and preparing meals. He knew that farming wasn't an easy life, especially for a city girl like Sara. He was so pleased that Sara had kept the books for him in recent weeks, as she had recovered a considerable amount in overpaid in taxes from the last several years. She had earned her weight in gold.

To give Sara more freedom, Rory had quietly purchased her an SUV. He had Mel move the vehicle from the Quonset, where he had stored it, and drive it to Mel and Deb's place, where Sara and Rebeca were waiting.

Rory called Sara's cell phone.

"It's over," he said, when she answered the phone.

Sara was speechless, as relief surged through her body and mind.

"You're safe now sweetheart. You're free to do whatever you wish," he said, trying not to let his voice crack.

"Are you coming to get us?" Sara asked.

"No. Mel is bringing you a gift from me. Call it a freedom gift," he said.

Sara was perplexed. Rory's words gave her the impression that he wanted Sara and Rebeca to leave, but his behavior in every other way, for weeks, had shown her how deeply he loved and cared about them.

She hung up the phone trying, but failing, to hold back her emotions.

Deb saw Sara's expression, went to her, and put her arms around her. Sara's mind was in turmoil as she looked at Deb. Her tears started to flow as, distraught, she said, "I don't think he wants me anymore."

Surprising Sara, Deb laughed.

"I love my cousin Rory to death, but that doesn't mean I like him all the time. He hasn't ever been able to talk to people very well and, emotionally, he's as dumb as a box of rocks. He loves you deeply, Sara, but he is afraid that, if he gives you his heart completely, he could be badly hurt. He was devastated when Tina died, as you know, and it took him years to recover."

Deb put her hands on Sara's shoulders, and held her firmly.

"He is afraid that you will reject him, and take off somewhere, now that your ex is no longer a threat." Staring right into her eyes Deb continued, "Is that what you want to do? If you want to leave, you're free and able. Rory has bought you a new G.M.C. Youkan. You can take it and go anywhere you want but, trust me when I say, you will be taking my cousin's heart with you. He gave it to you and Four the second he pulled you two out of the snowbank. The choice is yours."

Deb looked down to see Rebeca staring up at them.

Then Sara looked down and saw that her daughter's eyes were red and dripping with tears. Sara knew that Rebeca loved Rory and was upset to overhear that they might consider leaving. She leaned down and wrapped her arms around Rebeca.

"What if he doesn't want us Rebeca?" she asked quietly.

Deb started laughing so hard, hearing Sara's ridiculous question, that she nearly fell on the floor.

Rory sat on his front porch, cursing for allowing himself to become vulnerable again. His heart had broken when Tina died and, although he had recovered, would never heal completely. Deep down, he still loved Tina and missed her. He couldn't just turn his love on and off. Even years later, he regularly visited her grave to be sure it was maintained and had fresh flowers, mostly her favorite yellow roses. Rebeca had accompanied him a few times and had helped him arrange the flowers.

However, Rory had discovered that, although he still had a place in his heart for Tina, there was plenty of room left for Sara and Rebeca, and he loved them deeply. Now he worried that he would lose them forever. Rory had bought them a vehicle, and had readied a large amount of cash for them, so all they had to do was pack and leave. He was filled with doubts and thought to himself, 'I hope Sara wants to stay, but I'm just a simple farmer. What do I have to offer a beautiful woman like Sara?'

Next, he second-guessed their physical love for each other. They had made love often, or at least he had. Now he wondered whether Sara was making love or merely showing her gratitude.

He was prepared for heartache when he saw Sara's new Yukon speeding towards the farmhouse. As it pulled into the courtyard, Rory could see only Sara in the SUV, and wondered if she had left Rebeca at Deb's while she came to pack their belongings.

Rory tried to greet his beloved, but his voice cracked, so he settled for a weak smile, the best he could manage.

Sara slid out of the SUV and stared at Rory with her fists on her hips. Then she strode over to him with determination etched on her face.

Seeing how serious she looked, Rory lost his smile.

She reached him, bent down, softly kissed his lips, and pushed him back in his chair. Then Sara straddled him, placed her palms on his cheeks, and kissed him again.

"What are my options Rory?" she demanded.

"Uh, well, uh... oh... the..." he stuttered, eloquently.

"I have to know Rory. I have to know what I need to do."

"You can do anything you want, Sara. You are free, but I don't recommend going back to Chicago."

"So, you are just going to let me and Four..." deliberately calling her by her nickname "...just walk out of your life forever?" Sara asked incredulously.

"Only if I have to!!" Rory stated.

"Why?" Sara asked.

"My cousin Lynn said that if I loved someone then I should set her free and, if she returned, she would love me forever and, if she didn't then it wasn't meant to be."

"Your cousin is an idiot. Do you love me?" Sara asked.

"Yes, very much," he answered.

"I am the type of woman needs to hear that a few times a day, every day. I am not all that secure emotionally, so I expect my man to make sure I know he loves me...and his daughter."

Rory's lips quivered as she said that.

"Will you stay with me then?" he finally asked.

"I thought you would never ask," she said.

"Of course, I would love to stay with you. This house will need a lot of work to make it a home Rory," she added, while smiling.

"It has been a home to me ever since you and Four came here. You made it a home Sara."

"No, we will all make it a home, Rory, all three of us."

Rory smiled and kissed her.

Then Sara said, "Actually, there is something you might want to know about Rory."

Rory kissed her again.

"All I want to know is that you and Four are staying here."

"This may take precedence over that."

"Sara, nothing in the world could be more important than the fact that you and Four are going to stay here, and we can be a family together," Rory said, determinedly.

"Actually, there is..." Sara said, just as determinedly.

"OK baby, go ahead. Spit it out."

Sara grabbed her purse and opened it. She pulled out a crumpled sheet of newspaper. Inside it was a plastic stick that she had purchased earlier in the week. She handed it to Rory.

Rory looked at it, puzzled, and then into Sara's eyes. He turned the stick over and read the large blue letters that spelled out "PREGNANT". Well, that made sense. They had been making love for almost three months by then, and Sara's birth control had run out.

Rory was speechless, and Sara knew she had just made her man very happy.

Chapter 14: Together at last

Rory and Sara were married just a few weeks later. The wedding was not large, but the reception rivaled many others for sheer enjoyment.

Rebeca was happy to stop calling Rory, "Uncle Rory", and began to call him "Daddy". The first couple of times Rebeca called him Daddy, Rory choked up and couldn't speak for a while. His heart was filled with love each time.

Three months after their wedding, an envelope arrived in the mail, the contents of which caused Sara great excitement. She could hardly wait until Rebeca and Rory returned from the morning chores.

Since it was spring and the cattle could feed on new grass in the pasture, the chores didn't take as long, although the cattle still needed to be checked as the cows were going to calf soon, and Rory had to monitor their health.

About noon Rory and Rebeca returned with broad smiles on their faces. Sara waited in the dining room for them to clean up and take their seats for lunch. She had prepared a special lunch to celebrate the contents of the envelope.

After kissing Sara on the lips, Rory took his seat, as did Rebeca. Instead of loading their plates with food, Sara raised her hand and said, "I have some good news for you two."

Rory and Rebeca looked at each other, then turned expectantly to Sara. She held the manila envelope aloft. Everyone at the table knew what the news was, but were enjoying the suspense.

"Is that what we've been waiting for?" Rebeca asked excitedly.

"Yes, it is. The state approved your adoption. All we have to do now is fill out the paperwork, and Rory will officially be your daddy."

"He is already my daddy..." snapped Rebeca, in an aggressive tone.

"Yes, he is. But this makes it official. And you will be a Benson too. No longer a Brown."

"I have filled out everything but one line. All I want to know is... Rebeca... what would you like your name to read, officially?"

"I get to pick my name?" Rebeca asked.

"Yes, you do," Sara assured her.

Rebeca thought for a long time, while Rory just smiled and continued to watch Sara.

Sara wasn't sure what Rebeca would decide, but Rory was hoping she would choose the nickname that he'd given her.

"My name will be Four Rebeca Benson," she said with a smile on her lips.

"What happens when you turn five in a few months," Sara asked.

'Four' looked at her daddy.

"I like it when you call me Four, daddy. I don't want to ever turn five."

"Four, no one can stop you from growing up, but I would like to keep calling you Four, because I want to remember you as young and innocent as you are now. But I know you are going to be a wonderful woman too."

Four smiled at her father. Sara smiled at her family.


Four waited, in her white wedding gown, staring at the incredibly handsome man in front of her. She walked to him over the short grass and said, "Daddy," as she reached up to dry the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. "Daddy, I love you. Think of all the grandchildren I will bring you."

"I don't want to know anything about you making them, Four," he countered, trying unsuccessfully to stop his tears.

Four put her arms around her father, held him, and tried to reassure him that she was not abandoning him. She knew he was hurting. He had done so much for her growing up. He had always been there throughout her life. He had helped with her schooling, with homework, with 4H where she became very competitive, with college, and then with veterinary school.

He had even introduced her to her fiancé.

Rory had hired him to help around the farm while she was in school, telling her that he needed extra help now that she was away at college.

He had even built her a lovely house although, thankfully, not as elaborate as the farm home.

She held her father tightly as they walked down the aisle together, arm in arm. She was being held by her handsome father, while looking ahead at the handsome man she would marry. Four felt so grateful to the man whose family name she had used for the last 24 years after he had legally adopted her.

Four would always remember her father's reaction when the preacher asked, "Who gives this woman to be married this day?"

Her father opened his mouth, but no words came out, he simply raised her hand and placed it in her fiancé's hand. She felt her eyes water, as her dad bent and kissed her cheek, still unable to speak. Then he turned to sit next to her mother.

Four watched her mother and twin brothers, Bill and Blake, try to comfort him as he sat with her mom and sister, Four. Yes, her father insisted on naming her little sister 'Four'. Her legal name was Four Marybeth Benson. Rebeca had to smile. She had the best family in the world.

She turned, said her vows, and walked to the car with her new husband to begin her new life.

But one thing was certain.

She would be back.

Her parents, and the whole town, needed another veterinarian, and she intended to be the best.


Thank you for reading, lbenton.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Excellent! A 5 for Four!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A very sweet story that drags a reader into it. Five stars.


JackJillHopeJackJillHopeabout 2 months ago

Thank you, Ibenton, you are the best. Your story brightened and made my day.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I'm not sure my old login works but I had to tell you what a wonderful writer you are. You created a beautiful, loving story. I grew up in cities and yet I could feel how wonderful life on the farm was. Thank you so very much for a well written romance.

John (notforsaleyet)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The is the only great story you write deserving of 5*. Your other stories show you to be a cuck writer with weak wimpy cuck MCs

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICabout 1 year ago

Oh my, what a fantastic love story. It brought tears to my eyes when I think back on my daughter’s wedding day. Thank you for the time and effort you put into writing this beautiful story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Loved it, wonderfully sweet yarn!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Must Read 5+++

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Super Romance

olddave51olddave51over 1 year ago

Yes, a great story. You should write more romance!

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