A Sinful Family Ch. 01 - Moving In


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His wife was almost his polar opposite, she stood at 5'4 and weighed about 115 pounds.

She was tanned, had curly, shoulder long dark brown hair with blue eyes and had thin, arched eyebrows. She was five years younger than her husband and considerably better looking, she had an instantly recognizable raspy voice that Jaime assumed was caused by smoking a lot.

Jaime had just noticed them but could without hearing what they were saying understand that they were talking about politics. His dad always assumed a certain tone of voice when talking about politics, a debating voice designed to make him appear responsible and wise but which Jaime recognized as fake and stupid. He had no interest in joining in the discussion so he walked through the nearest corridor to the left.

He strolled aimlessly through the hallway, not really sure what or whom he was searching for. He opened a door to his left. It was a small living room with a large pool table in the center, there was a dartboard and a chess board in opposite corners of the room but his attention was centered on the two people using the pool table. His uncle Steve's two stepsons, Lamarr and Leroy; two big black guys in their early twenties. Jaime hadn't known them for long and was quite intimidated by them, he took a step back and tried to leave but they had spotted him and invited him in.

"You know how to play pool?" Leroy asked as Jaime shut the door behind him.

Leroy was the taller but skinner of the two, Jaime estimated that he was 6'5 and weighed about 200 pounds. He had dark brown skin, a medium sized black afro and hazel eyes framed by a pair of arched black eyebrows. His face was oval shaped and his nose was flat with wide nostrils. He wore long baggy white sweatpants, a black hoodie and sandals.

"Uh, no...I've never tried." Jaime replied hesitantly.

"Well, it's easy you know, just shoot these things into the holes, that's the basics at least." Leroy explained and took a shot with the cue, the red ball he had taken aim of went down into the bottom left hole.

"You wanna give it a go?" Leroy asked but before Jaime could answer Lamarr interjected.

"Hey! We're still playing you and me, don't try to bail out just cause you're down." Lamarr said accusingly with his deep clear voice.

Lamarr was two inches shorter than his one year younger brother but considerably heavier, not all of that weight was muscle however since he was quite hefty around the midsection. Jaime figured he was easily the stronger of the two though. Weighing somewhere around 250 pounds he was quite the physical presence. He had the same skin tone as his brother but had brown eyes instead of hazel and had shaved his head. His face was square and serious with a low, broad and jutting jaw. His nose was wide, flat and slightly crooked and his eyebrows were thick and straight. He wore black shorts, a white tank top and sneakers.

"I was just tryin be nice and teach the kid some pool but now you ruined it." Leroy responded and glared angrily at his older brother.

Jaime did not appreciate being referred to as a 'kid' but he was not going to make a big deal out of it, he really just wanted to leave as he did not feel comfortable being alone with the two of them.

"I didn't ruin shit, you were about to ruin our game and chicken out." Lamarr replied with crossed arms.

"You call being nice chickening out? What's your issue man?"

"My issue is I bet you wouldn't have offered the kid a lesson if you were up in the game, that's all I'm saying." Lamarr said and looked at his brother challengingly.

"I would have, you wouldn't cause you take everything so fucking seriously but I..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Lamarr called out loudly, interrupting his younger brother, "Who was it that freaked out on the court yesterday when he lost one on one against me?" he asked and looked around as if there was a crowd surrounding them.

Jaime started slowly backing up towards the door, hoping he could leave without either of them noticing.

"Oh fuck that shit you fouled me like fifty times you can't compare that!" Leroy replied angrily and pointed at his older brother.

Jaime slipped out of the room and shut the door behind him, he heard the two brothers continue to shout at each other as he walked through the hallway. He really couldn't understand why uncle Steve had married their mother in the first place, especially since they came with the union. Their younger sister Amaya was quite cute though, they were the same age and he found himself wondering where she was when to his shock the very next second he found himself staring at her butt.

He had just walked past an open bedroom door and there she was, bent over going through the bottommost drawer with her butt in the air. She was wearing a short pink skirt, a white blouse and flats. Jaime saw her begin to turn around and hurried to say something.

"Hi!" he said louder than he intended to.

Amaya's throat produced a quiet shrieking sound as she jumped up in the air so hastily that she almost did a pirouette.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Jaime said hastily as he held back the instinct to laugh.

Amaya placed a hand on her chest and exhaled deeply, "I thought you were..." she said and smiled, exposing her braces briefly but quickly pursed her lips again.

"I mean I...I didn't see you...how are you Jaime?" she asked hesitantly, looking shyly at him with her large beautiful hazel eyes.

Amaya was a fit black girl with lighter skin tone than her brothers, she was 5'8 but very skinny, Jaime estimated that she might weigh around 115 pounds. Which considering her height was very little, whatever little fat she had seemed to be centered around her butt however as it was the only part of her body that wasn't skinny. Her face was heart shaped and she had a small, flat and straight nose. Her lips were thick, especially her lower lip. She had tied her black afro hair into two afro buns, one on the top left side of her head and the other to top right side. It was a very cute hairstyle and Jaime had a difficult time taking his eyes off them.

"I'm fine... I've just gotten here really and checking things out." he said while still looking at her hair.

"Oh, that's nice." Amaya said and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Well...this is where I sleep." she said, looking like she didn't know what else to say.

"Who's your roommate?" Jaime asked before he could think of something else to ask.

Amaya looked down at the floor briefly and Jaime could tell she was blushing.

"It's...complicated." she said and paused, "I share room with...both of my brothers. It's pretty terrible actually cause there's only one bed."

"What? One bed for three people? That has to be some kind of mistake right?" Jaime asked feeling shocked.

Amaya sighed deeply, "I wish it was but what's his name...your grandpa, he said it wasn't. Apparently he wants all roommates to share beds for some weird reason."

"Henry." Jaime replied quickly, "But the bed...it doesn't look any bigger than the other ones, and your brothers are really big!" he said and looked at her worryingly.

"Yeap, we told him all that but he's stubborn and didn't care." she said and looked annoyed.

"I-I mean I'm sure he's nice in other ways." Amaya backtracked and eyed Jaime unsurely.

"Don't worry, I don't mind you talking about him like that, he's always been very stubborn...and greedy." Jaime added and winked at her.

Amaya smiled, displaying the bright white teeth hidden underneath her braces.

"Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who thinks so."

"So, who's your room..." Amaya began to ask but before she could finish her sentence a loud bell sounded, it was coming from the right wing of the mansion.

Jaime looked at Amaya who did not look as surprised as he felt.

"That's the dinner bell." she explained, raising her voice slightly to make herself heard over the sound of the bell.

"Ah, okay." Jaime said feeling relieved, "I thought it was some kind of a fire alarm."

"No." Amaya said and giggled, "That sounds way different...should we go?"

"Yeah of course." Jaime replied and followed Amaya to the dining room.

The dining room was more of a hall than a room. It was a giant rectangular room with three massive longtables spaced out far apart. Jaime followed Amaya to the food line located along one of the long sides of the room. There was a help yourself setup in place similar to a buffet and Jaime made sure to make the most of it. He put salmon, turkey, lobster, sushi, and many other dishes on his plate. It was a visual mess that he figured wouldn't go well with one another but he wanted to try how it all tasted anyway.

Amaya went to sit down next to her family as her mother Leona waved for her to come sit down next to her.

Leona was a very large and intimidating looking black woman in her late thirties. Jaime estimated that she was about the same height as he was and that she weighed around 230 pounds, a lot of which was fat as she had a large belly and a hefty chest. She had long straight weaved black hair and brown eyes. Eyes which always seemed to be wide open, adding to her intimidating presence. She wore thick black glasses and had thick, straight black eyebrows.

Her face was square with a broad jaw and her nose was wide and flat. She wore a loose, bright yellow skirt and blouse, an outfit that went against her otherwise tough exterior, by design Jaime figured.

When he saw that Candy and her sisters were seated next to Amaya's family Jaime changed the direction of his feet towards the table where his mom, dad, brother and sister were sitting. They were joined by Marie, Charles, Megan and Michael as well as Grandpa Henry and Grandma Grace.

He sat down next to Jennifer who picked disinterested at a salad.

"Grandpa's an idiot." she whispered into his ear.

Jaime smiled, "Do you want me to tell him you said that?" he whispered back.

She looked angrily at him.

"I'll kill you if you do." she whispered, "Besides, don't you have enough to worry about yourself anyway?" she whispered and nodded towards Candy who Jaime saw was looking at him.

He choked on the chicken he had just put in his mouth and Candy looked away.

"That's what you get for coming at me." Jennifer whispered gleefully and put an olive in her mouth.

"She's cute though isn't she? You lucky bastard." she whispered teasingly.

Jaime felt himself starting to blush, he ignored her question and resorted to shoving food down his throat to distract himself. They ate mostly in silence after that.

At the table they were sitting Grandpa Henry, Jaime's dad John and Aunt Marie were by far the most talkative and most conversations seemed to go through them. Jaime hoped none of them would ask him anything and to his relief it seemed they wouldn't.

Jaime looked up from his food for a brief moment and saw his grandmother Grace looking pleasantly at him. He had always liked his grandmother, she was calm and quiet;

two characteristics that were not shared by many in the family. She was sixty-two years old, had shoulder long gray hair that hung freely and dark green eyes. She was about 5'8 foot tall and thin, Jaime estimated she weighed about 120 pounds. She had a triangle shaped face framed by petite rectangular glasses that rested on a short straight nose. She wore an expensive looking green and white dress and large emerald earrings that matched her eyes hung from her ears.

"Do you like the food?"she asked sweetly.

"Oh yes...delicious!" he said with a mouth full of food.

"Wonderful, what did you have?" she asked and looked at the mess that was his plate.

"Uhh...everything pretty much." he said sheepishly.

"Good, eat as much as you want. You're still growing and need to eat." she said motheringly.

"Thank you grandma." he said and smiled.

He kept digging away at his massive portion but soon found himself getting tired of all the deliciousness that was on it. There was a large amount still left on his plate that he felt like he couldn't eat but he didn't want to grandma to see him throwing away food so he forced himself to continue eating.

Jaime noticed to his dismay that the main conversation around the table had shifted to the subject of double beds.

"I think it's an excellent idea!" Jaime's aunt Marie said with her raspy voice.

"Megan and Michael have been arguing a lot lately and sharing beds might be able to fix that." she said and smiled happily while looking at her children.

"Mom!" Michael sneered quietly with a downright mortified look on his face. Megan also looked a bit uncomfortable by mom's public announcement but didn't say anything.

"Awh, am I embarrassing you again?" Marie asked and chuckled, "Oh no! Mommy's being embarrassing!" she said half-playfully, half-mockingly and looked around the table for support.

A lot of the old and middle-aged relatives at the table found her joke to be very funny and chuckled. Jaime cringed so much he couldn't stand looking at Michael's reddening face, he imagined his own mom doing something like that and shuddered at the thought.

If Aunt Marie cared that her son's face got increasingly redder by the second she didn't show it.

"You two are going to have so much fun together!" she proclaimed, "It's going to be like when you were younger. You used be inseparable." she said fondly and smiled.

"I've finished eating." Michael said shortly and got up from his seat.

He picked up his plate and left the table with a sour look on his face.

"Oops...I guess I was too embarrassing again." Marie said self-mockingly.

"I'm done too, thanks for the wonderful food." Jaime said and stood up.

He was eager to leave before his own mother said something embarrassing about him.

Jaime saw Michael walk out to the back of the mansion and followed him there.

He had only seen the front side of the mansion but the back was almost equally extravagant.

A massive pool, at least seventy feet wide and a hundred feet long dominated the yard. Around it a wide row of sunbeds were situated. Jaime saw Michael sink down heavily into one of them and went to sit down next to him.

"Hi." he said carefully as Michael looked very upset.

Michael sighed loudly before replying, "Hi." while rubbing his forehead diligently.

Michael was Jaime's cousin and probably the person outside of his core family that he knew the best. They always hung out at family gatherings as they were the same age and had similar interests. They didn't really keep any contact outside of that so they were always a bit rusty when they first met in a long time.

"Sucks with this whole shared beds thing." Jaime said and fiddled with his thumbs.

"Yeah...that would be an understatement." Michael said and shook his head though he looked gratefully that Jaime was there.

Jaime had learned through the years that Michael was a lot friendlier than he seemed at first glance. Once you got past his hostile, sarcastic exterior he could be quite friendly and he was a good listener. He was not a good people person however and often found himself inavertedly in some kind of argument.

"Well, at least you don't have to share a bed with a transsexual." Jaime said encouragingly, "Some of us are not that lucky." he added and couldn't help but feel a bit bad for throwing Candy under the bus.

Michael shone up a little, "Yeah that's true. Though I might've wanted to trade with you if I could as my sister is not any better." he said and made a bothered face.

"Is she really that bad? She's always been nice to me at least." Jaime said.

Michael shook his head and made a dismissive facial gesture, "You don't know her. She puts on this act when she's around other people but she's...fucking weird man." he said and crossed his arms.

"Weird how?"

"Like...creepy. She always wants to make physical contact for some reason." he said and looked disgusted, "And that's just when we're at home, I can't fucking imagine how weird it's gonna be now that we share a bed. I'm seriously thinking about sleeping on the floor or on a couch somewhere."

Jaime felt surprised, Megan had always seemed like a nice person to him and not overly physical at all, he told Michael as much again and he threw his hands out in the air.

"That's the thing!" he said, "She waits until no one's around and then she gets...clingy." he said and visibly shuddered.

"I don't want her fat ass close to me! She's fucking nasty. She's always like...touching me and it's weird." he said and crossed his arms again with a frown on his face.

Jaime honestly felt Michael was being a bit unfair to Megan and he was glad she didn't have to hear what he just said. They sat in silence for a moment before Michael took to words again.

"So how're you gonna deal with Candy being...you know...'in your bed'?" he asked awkwardly.

"I...I don't know." Jaime said unsurely, "I don't know what to expect from her either. I'm almost more worried about her sisters though."

"Why?" Michael asked but just as Jaime was about to answer he saw Candy, Charlotte and Caroline exit the house and head towards them; wearing only bikinis.

"Oh no!" Jaime said and felt his heart jump in his chest.

"What are you two losers doing with your shirts on?" Charlotte called playfully as she swung her hips side to side in a yellow bikini that barely covered her privates.

"Yeah, take em off, its warm anyway!" said Caroline who wore an equally exposing green bikini.

"We're not trying to get tanned, we're just sitting here." Jaime replied as he tried to take his eyes off their assets.

"Spoken like a true loser." Charlotte said mockingly and Caroline laughed.

Candy quietly followed them, she wore a pink bikini and Jaime could've sworn he saw a bulge poking out of her lower piece bikini but didn't dare to return his eyes there to make sure.

"Why are you calling us losers?" Michael asked sounding a bit offended.

"Well cause you look like losers maybe." Charlotte said cruelly and Caroline giggled at her sisters comment.

"What have I ever done to you?" Michael said in a voice that revealed he was starting to get upset.

"Well I don't like humorless gingers." she said and smirked, Caroline again supported her by laughing.

"If you're gonna be a ginger at least be a funny one." Charlotte added cruelly.

Jaime looked horrified at Michael as he figured this was not going to go well; Michael was not the type of person who took insults well. And right on cue Michael's face turned beat red.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" he yelled far louder than you'd expect someone of his skinny build to be able to yell.

Charlotte looked taken aback by his aggression and Caroline stopped laughing.

"I was only joking, don't be a fucking psycho!" Charlotte said and took a step back and eyed him with contempt.

Caroline did the same as she positioned herself behind her twin sister.

"YOU SHOULDN'T FUCKING INSULT ME LIKE THAT!" Michael yelled and clenched his fists.

"ALRIGHT!! WILL YOU STOP YELLING LIKE A FUCKING PSYCHO NOW?" Charlotte replied as her face also started getting red.

"What's going on here?" a mature voice called from the house.

Jaime and the others turned around. Candy and her sisters dad Kris had stepped out of the house. Kris was about 6'1 and heavily muscled, weighing somewhere between 180 and 190 pounds Jaime estimated. He was forty-six years old, had an oval shaped face and a bald head. He had dark blue eyes, wore rectangular glasses and had nothing on him but a pair of blue bathing shorts.

"I was making a joke and he freaked out on me and started shouting!" Charlotte said accusingly and pointed at Michael.