A Slave in Imperial Rome Pt. 03

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An opportunity arises for Marcus and Rebekah gets a surprise.
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/11/2020
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"Marcus, your slave, are you teaching her our language?" Father asked as we walked towards the stables. I was surprised by this question. He had suggested we go for a ride around the estate which I eagerly accepted. Father was a very busy man who spent most of his time in the Senate in the heart of the Capitol. He had seemingly taken little to no interest in Rebekah since her purchase and arrival at our Villa.

"Yes Father, I work on her Latin most days. She's very keen to learn and in the three months she has been here I have seen great progress. You would be impressed."

"Hmm. Interesting. An ambitious slave perhaps though I'm not too surprised. Your mother is impressed with her intelligence and her skills as an artist." I knew this as well. Mother was initially disdainful that we had spent so much money on a slave that was so small and fragile looking but began to warm to her when Rebekah's skills as an artist emerged. Other than Maya, our highly valued house slave, who more or less organized the running of the household, Mother was largely indifferent to the other slaves we owned. She also would have preferred that I married instead of acquiring a bed slave but she had very reluctantly agreed. I was pleased with Mother's recent approval of Rebekah.

Continuing on I said to my father, "She now reads our manuscripts, with my help of course. And she can now write simple sentences."

"Very good. Very good. Hmm ... this slave may have more worth than just a body for you to mount. Speaking of that, has she fulfilled her duties to your satisfaction?"

"Yes Father, I'm very pleased in that respect. I am so grateful you purchased her for me." How completely understated was that sentence. How could I possibly tell my father how utterly enthralled I was with this slip of a girl. I loved every part of her body, from her delicate toes and feet to the glorious richness of her dark hair. I spend hours daily kissing, licking and caressing every part of my adorable creature. As I explored and learned about her body I found I particularly liked the curve of her breasts and I loved pulling out the squeaks and sighs as I licked and sucked her nipples.

Rebekah had at first lain there quietly while I enjoyed her body. She stoically accepted that her captivity and role was to provide me pleasure. But slowly I drew out from this girl her own enjoyment. I particularly revelled watching her body and face convulse in pleasure despite her best attempts to suppress her reactions. I knew from comments by Lucius and others that placing their mouths on a woman's sex was disdainful to them, that it made them feel subservient to the female but I didn't see it this way. Perhaps it would be to a wife or a noblewoman but I didn't see it that way with a slave. I owned her body and her body was mine to play with however I wanted.

And as I experimented and learned the secrets of her sex, I entertained myself with slowly bringing her to the brink of release and then backing off, blowing warm air on her glistening sex and then taking her close again and again. And finally, as any good master should, I brought her to her own completion. I delighted in hearing her groans and screams and watching her body thrash on the bed, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. I found it exhilarating to see my possession so alive. I would not deny myself this enjoyment.

"MARKUS!" my father shouted and I realized I had drifted off into a reverie. "I didn't ask you to dwell on your slave's body but I am pleased that you are satisfied with her."

"Yes Father. I find it hard not to think of her."

Father chuckled at that but then added in a serious tone, "Well we may benefit from your slave in other ways if she can attain a reasonable grasp of our language. The Senate is sending a Legate to Judea to better ascertain the state of the province. We want to understand if more revenue can be derived from the conquered areas."

Our mounts were ready at the stable and father and I rode out into the Villa fields.

"Father, how does this relate to my slave?" I asked in alarm as our horses trotted, a sense of disquiet as to what this could mean to me.

Father laughed again at my obvious concern. I was not prepared to sell her to the government to become a publicly owned slave. "Do not worry my son for this could possibly involve both of you. Titus Aurelius has been appointed the Legate and he will be looking for assistants in fulfilling his tasks. I have mentioned your skills with numbers and accounting as well as your skills with a sword. He was also interested that you owned a potential translator for the native language of Judea. You may be invited onto his staff and you would be asked to travel there with your slave.

A thrill ran up my spine. I knew the time was approaching when I would start my career in the civil service or perhaps the military. Either option was possible as my Father was from the Senatorial class but my mother's family was rooted in the Equestrian class, the class that formed the leadership of the Legions.

"Father, I would be honoured to accompany the Legate. What must I do to secure the appointment?"

"First, I will convey to Titus that you are interested in the role and secondly, continue your slave's language lessons. He will likely want a demonstration of her ability to translate."

I enthusiastically agreed to the terms and the remainder of our ride was devoted to a discussion on the perceived relations with the Consul of Judea and the general unrest in the province.


Hurrying through the entrance to the courtyard I searched the area for Rebekah. My parents had agreed that it was safe to let her out of my room and to move about our home even if Maya had no work for her. I quickly moved to the kitchen expecting to find her there working on a task that Maya had set out but she was not there.

Seeing Maya enter from the garden I asked, "Maya, where is Rebekah?"

"With your mother Master. They went to look for some herbs in the fields." I smiled at that. More and more Mother was adopting Rebekah as a companion. After her near death experience birthing me Father would not let her have another child. Mother wanted a daughter but resigned herself to just two sons. And my brother was serving with a Consul in far off lands.

Rebekah's outbursts of vocal defiance were also becoming less frequent, thank the gods. In the past few weeks, as much as I sometimes wanted to strip her bare and beat her for outrageous behaviour, I controlled this impulse. Maya had cautioned patience and slowly her defiance abated. Still, I knew the fiery temper of the unwilling captive Princess was not far from the surface.

I also reflected that Mother and Rebekah were not that different in age. As with most patrician Roman women Mother had been married young. She had been betrothed to my father at thirteen and married at fourteen. I was a product shortly after.

As pleased as I was with their friendship, I was excited about the foreign position and I knew that Rebekah's language skills would possibly be important for me being chosen for the posting. I also knew that she longed for her homeland and I was excited to tell her about the possibility of visiting Judea.

Hearing laughter from the gardens I smiled as Mother and Rebekah entered the courtyard. Rebekah walked a respectful half step behind my mother and dropped to her knees in front of me, head bowed. I reached down and stood her up gently placing my hand under her chin. She gracefully rose and looked at me, a hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth.

"Marcus, my dear, thank you for loaning your slave for my herb hunting expedition. Her knowledge of our language is astonishing for such a short time here. Do continue with her lessons. I will leave her with you." With that Mother left for her chambers.

As I led my slave towards the baths Maya quietly approached us. She said, "Forgive me this interruption Master Marcus. I have some information about Rebekah you might be pleased with. Her monthly course has just finished." This was something I was waiting for as we had not lain together for several days and I was anxious to have her.

Maya continued, "And for the next two days or so you may mount her and put your seed into her with out fear of making her with child. My herbal drinks will also help prevent conception at this time."

Thanking Maya, I led Rebekah quickly to the baths. I was excited by the thought of fucking her without the need to pull out and expend my seed on her body.


Bathing went quickly and now, sitting on the edge of the bed, I held my slave from me so I could drink in her body. Her breasts were now delightfully full orbs rising proudly from her chest. Her hips were slim but beautifully shaped and her rear felt perfect in my hands. Her lovely black curls around her sex enticed my lips closer.

But first, I wanted to savour the moment while continuing the exploration of her mind. I asked, "Rebekah, tell me how your day went? How was the time with my mother?" While her defiance was lessening, I still did not know how she truly felt about her enslavement to myself and my family.

"Master, your mother is kind to me. I am pleased she walks with me," she replied looking me steadily in the eye.

"And you talk to her?"


"What do you talk about?" I was genuinely curious about what a young slave and the Mistress of the Estate would talk about while away from the men. Rebekah was powerless and Mother had the full weight of Roman Society behind her. There was no equality.

And to be truthful, I enjoyed hearing my slave speak. Her voice was like a soft breeze to my ears as I focused on her luscious lips. I brushed mine across hers as I waited for her reply.

"We talk about the beauty of the countryside."

I nodded my head in acknowledgement. I then asked, "Do you talk about your life here?" She looked away, a slight tremble in her lip.

After some moments she quietly replied, "I am a slave. My life is as you wish. There is nothing to talk about."

"Rebekah, my family values you, even in the short time you have been in our possession. Even today my father has expressed his approval of your language skills and encouraged your learning."

She looked at me curiously so I added, "Your ability to translate from the language of your people to Latin may be of value to me in my future government role." I watched her digest this information carefully. I bought her for her body but increasingly I was enjoying the perceptiveness and brightness of her mind.

"Master, why would that be of value here?" Exactly, I thought, she knows that Judea is a subjugated state and likely has no emissaries in Rome. I decided to play with her more.

"But in Judea a translator would be of great value, would she not?"

"Yes, but what could I accomplish here, in Rome."

I pulled the naked girl close and nuzzled into her hair at her ear. I asked, "How would you feel about accompanying me to Judea as my translator?"

She pulled back and looked piercingly into my eyes. "I am a slave and will do as my masters wish."

"But would you like to see Judea again?"

"It is the homeland of my people and I would very much like to see it again."

I held her by her arms and licked the bottom curves of her breasts and then, pulling back, I said, "It is early yet but I believe I will be offered the position of assistant to the Legate who is preparing to visit Judea. However, enough of that for now. I want your sweet body around my cock."

I was excited by the thought of completing my ownership of this woman. Today I would spread my seed into her body and she would be totally mine.

Oddly though, at this time, I thought of what it would be like to have her bear me a baby. My Father had started me thinking this way.

Before the possible Legatus posting I sensed a change in my father's attitude to Rebekah having a baby. And one day when we were surveying the fields and the many slaves at work he remarked that our need for field workers was increasing as our Estate increased in size. Small farmers were leaving the land for the military and the city and the large Estates were growing. My father expressed his concern that with the peace of Vespasian and the subjugation of both Gaul and Judea, the supply of fresh captives was bound to decrease. The talk of the large landowners was of reproducing their own supply of slaves to ensure sufficient labour for the future. The Estate's could not produce the wealth they did without the manpower slaves provided.

Father also surprised me with another perspective to the shift in thinking on the issue of slave supply. Our slaves were carefully separated as much as possible by sex. The only time males and females were allowed to mix was during work in the fields. Father always said that a very pregnant female was not much value in the fields or even in the household. And besides, he reasoned, an infant slave was of little economic value for twelve or thirteen years, just another mouth to feed. His thinking was now definitely shifting to the breeding of his females with a view to ensuring a longer term supply of manpower,

At first I didn't know why he was telling me this but his thoughts continued along a strange line. As much as he had a natural disdain for even touching a household or field slave he now mused that perhaps breeding his slaves himself was a rational decision for at least some of the females. Others, he said, would be bred by a carefully selected male slave to ensure strong healthy field workers. However, as much as he wanted his bloodline expressed through his future house slaves, the time and energy needed to impregnate a female successfully, despite the momentary pleasure he might derive from copulating with them, was a concern for him. When I realized that I might be drawn into this plan I felt unsettled. There was only one slave that I was interested in breeding. Rebekah completely dominated my sexual desires. I wanted her and only her.

While my slave was gaining in weight as she recovered from the ordeal of her initial capture and transport to Rome she really was just a slip of a woman. I picked her up and placed her on my bed, on her hands and knees. I caressed her sex, gently massaging her labia and running my fingers up and down her slit. There was moisture there for my cock to enter but her opening was so tight and small I bent down and licked up and down her sex. I loved the smell and taste of her fresh from our baths.

I then massaged her shoulders and back as my cock rested on her ass. I bent down and kissed and sucked her skin on her neck and ear. Nuzzling her cheek, I brushed the side of her mouth with my lips. Her breaths were coming in short gasps and she turned her head to lick my lips and kiss the side of my mouth. I smiled in enjoyment of my small victories over her reserve and sometimes outright defiance. I wanted all her emotions to be unfettered in our lovemaking and slowly her distance from me was shrinking.

Flipping Rebekah onto her back, I wanted to look into her eyes as my cock entered her. Slowly sliding in I watched as they widened and then rolled up as a gasp left her mouth. Yes, my little slave girl, this is what you were made for, to enjoy my manhood making you mine, to feel my seed spreading into your depths and to eventually give me a child.

Pumping my cock into her and enjoying the exquisite feeling of her channel wrapped around my manhood I held her tightly to my chest. So delicate but so warm to my skin, I reveled in my slave girl's body. And when I could no longer delay my climax I leaned on my elbows and held her head so that we could lock eyes. When she closed her eyes I commanded her to open them as with a shudder and shout I emptied my balls into her body. I don't know what the look was in her eyes but mine left no doubt that I was overjoyed at the pleasure and completion of coming into her. All I could think of was that I loved my slave's body and if it was possible to love a slave for herself then maybe I was beginning to sense that too. Could this really happen?


We rode slowly out of the trees and towards the fields of our Estate. Rebekah followed behind on the small mare that was becoming her usual mount. Paulus had carefully chosen this horse for Rebekah. He had taken an interest in my girl learning to ride and, if truth be told, I believe he had taken a liking to her. It was many weeks before we first saw a smile from the defiant girl but when she did, few could resist smiling back and Paulus was clearly taken by her.

We had enjoyed a swim in the pool in the stream and were heading back home. The water had been lovely and after swimming, with a naked slave girl on my lap, slowly humping my cock, my back to a tree, I could enjoy the soft breezes caressing our skin as I sucked and played with Rebekah's beasts and nipples.

Ridding down the hill we passed along side a group of field workers cutting wheat with long scythes. I nodded to the mounted slave master who was keeping a careful eye on the men and women as they laboured in the field. The crop this summer season had been excellent and our estate would earn much from the sale of the wheat. Our wealth grew along with the demands of the Empire for food for the growing population.

I startled suddenly at a shout from behind me. Turning I saw Rebekah slide off her horse and go running into the field towards the slaves labouring to cut the crop. She stopped in front of a female and threw her arms around the woman. Quickly the slave foreman rode up to the two entwined women shouting and waving his whip in the air. The other slaves, both men and women, moved hurriedly away from the pair and the angered slave master. He reached down and grabbed Rebekah by the hair and tried to pull them apart.

As I rode up Rebekah shrieked at him and tried to free herself to return to the woman beside her. The situation was rapidly deteriorating as I dismounted and ran towards the three. I yelled at Phillipus to unhand Rebekah and I grabbed her by the arm shaking her while she cried and screamed at the distraught woman who was equally crying and trying to grab Rebekah. Both were talking in Rebekah's language and they clearly knew each other.

Shaking her by the arm, I shouted at Rebekah, "Rebekah, stop immediately and tell me what you are doing. Who is this slave?"

"Master, she is my cousin. She comes from my city. We grew up together. She is like an older sister to me. I thought she had died in the siege and the fighting. I am overjoyed to see her again. Please Master may I stay with her here."

I was taken aback by this revelation and quickly had to make a decision. The other slaves were watching with interest, all work having stopped. The slave master was circling on his horse looking at the scene with concern. Clearly agitated at loosing control of his charges he asked, "Master Marcus, I am sorry for this slave's behaviour. I will whip the field slave for her disobedience and the other one too if you desire."

Rebekah yelled at Phillipus, having heard this threat and came running up to my horse shouting, "Please Master, do not let him punish Alonia. We are so happy to see each other. We mean no disrespect to you or the other master. Please don't let him hurt her." She said this as she wrapped her arms around my leg and begged me. I could feel the tears running down her cheeks and wetting my leg. I had to make a decision quickly as all work had stopped and a murmur was running through the field slaves. The foreman was growing angry as his control was slipping away.

"Phillipus, I will deal with the unruly women. Let me remove them from the field and the other slaves can resume cutting the wheat."

"Master, the one under my charge must be punished where the others can see or we risk rebellion."