A Slave to the Servants Ch. 10


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I was allowed out in the evening, with my bleeding nether regions wrapped up tight in a towel. The first night I couldn't sleep, so more cream was used. By the time I stopped bleeding I was a drooling mess and could barely hold my own head up.

I was sent back to the Keepers and I terrified Rose. I stumbled into the compound and sat dully in the sunshine outside. The light broke through the fog that seemed to have permanently invaded my mind.

My friends found me and brought cushions to me. We sat in the light until I could at least speak.

"Where have you been?" Fuji asked once it seemed my answers were making more sense.

"At my Master's home," I slurred.

"What happened?" Rose asked stroking my arm.

I stared blankly at her. I remembered vaguely that I had had a period. My brain was full of snapshots of my fake owners cleaning bloody towels off of me.

I did remember one thing quite clearly. That morning, they had threatened to sell me if I discussed the bleeding with anyone, including Master Damien. What had happened the last many days would never pass my lips.

They had been very blunt with me. My fake owners did not ever see Master Damien and his Brothers. They passed messages to one another. If I got my them in trouble they would sell me, Master Damien could not stop it.

"I missed earth," I lied. "I was anxious. My owners would not let me out until I calmed some."

"Ah," Rose said satisfied, "it happens to many of us, the realization you will never leave can cause great distress. I'm sure changing owners made it worse for you."

"Yes," I nodded.

From days of laying in the box, I was weak. My friends helped me inside and decided I needed to do something. They brought the drums over and asked me to play. It took an amazing amount of energy to tap the familiar rhythms on the drums.

"You seem...strange," Fuji said. "You have no strength."

"I was agitated," I told her, "they kept me in the box."

"You have been gone ten day cycles, Ciara," Rose said. "How much of that time was in the box?"

I didn't answer her, but she seemed to understand.

Rose's breath shuddered out. "You must be active to get your strength back," she told me. "Come with us; we will walk."

Fuji did not understand the walking I did with her and Rose. We just paced the compound. My balance got better and I got stronger as the morning wore on.

The lunch bell rang and we were on the wrong side of the compound. I'd never make it in time.

"Go," I told Rose and Fuji, "I'll get there."

The girls ran off and I was left to stumble toward the lunchroom. The men were all feeding their slaves by the time I made it. I moved as quickly as I could to stumble and kneel before my owner.

The other men asked him what was wrong with me. He gave them brusque and noncommittal answers.

"You were not trained," Basin hissed. "I'm not sure why Damien chose your family. There were better choices, there still are."

"Mind your own slave, Basin," my Master said in his regular dismissive tone. "No one needs your opinion on the matter."

The men in the compound found my obvious illness to be horrific, an insult to my owners. I heard them speaking about it when we left the Keepers. I tried desperately to look strong and normal, but ten days of a forced coma had taken a toll.

The took me to the bathhouse and sat me in their alcove. Since my first meeting with Master Damien and his Brothers, they no longer plucked the mark. I knew they were keeping it hidden. I sunk into the familiar cushions and waited for them to be done.

When we were in the bathhouse, I'd taken to looking around. I draped my hair over my face and looked at the world through my shield. No one ever seemed to notice me, since I'd gotten quite sneaky.

Tonight all the men were looking at me. It was worse than when I'd been at the posts. I heard them talking clearly and they discussed what a poor job my current owners were doing.

"Would you sell it?" a man asked one of my owners as they bathed.

"No," was the disdainful answer.

"You were not trained, that is now very obvious," another man said. "How is it you were able to buy a slave?"

"This is not your concern," my owner said stepping out of the pool.

For the first time, my owners seemed uncomfortable. I judged it was due to the amount of negative attention they were getting. Usually everyone just ignored them or was put off by their cold, contemptuous answers. Their usual tactics to evade the attention of the other Warriors were not working.

I watched as they came toward me. The other men had not let up and were actually following them. When they got close enough to me, I spoke up.

"Masters, I am so glad you returned. I missed you so much," I said as authentically as I could.

In truth, I imagined how I would sound when I saw Master Damien and his Brothers again.

"Of course you have missed us," one of them said, as he bent down and scooped me up.

The interaction seemed to surprise the surrounding men. I suddenly realized I never spoke to the men I called Master and they never touched me. Using the moment of confusion, my owners exited the pool and walked me upstairs.

They sat me down once we were inside and never mentioned the bath house. No one ever said it had been a good idea. I don't think these men could admit someone else had a good idea.

The men took out the plug and then returned to the eating area. A man brought food to the table and we sat to eat.

"Slave," one of them addressed me, "you said yourmen-stru-ationcomes each lunar cycle on your world. How long is a lunar cycle?"

"Twenty eight to thirty days, Master," I told him, "but the bleeding usually only lasts for four or five days."

"Things are different here," the man said directing his comments to his Brothers, "time is different here. We can anticipate it will not follow the lunar cycle we are expecting it to."

The men talked so long at the table, I thought the conversation would never end. Having learned not to interrupt, I just sat as they determined what they would do with me when the bleeding came. Eventually, they came to a decision.

The men decided fairly rapidly they couldn't put me in the box every time. I was weak and obviously ill from that experience. Men with human slaves had told them using the box for too many days caused that problem. It was a well known issue for men who kept humans.

"It has told us it cared for itself at home," they kept repeating. "The Keepers are not necessary."

"Do you know what happens to slaves that run?" one of them asked me suddenly.

"Yes, Master, I was spared the whip, but taken to the village once I was found," I answered.

"What if your Masters had not found you?" another asked pointedly.

"The men that found me could have used me however they wished," I shuddered. "They could have sold me or had sex with me, Master."

"Or killed you if it pleased them to watch you die," the man added. "Many that do not keep slaves would find it interesting to watch a slave die. It would be too expensive to invest in a slave for the entertainment, but to use another's..."

My horrified expression stayed on my face and the men watched it.

"So you understand, slave? You know there is no escape. If you wish to survive, which I believe you do, you will listen to us," he said.

They spoke to me then, in a way I'd never been spoken to on this planet. They told me what I would be doing and explained no one would be watching me. If I did what they told me wrong, I would suffer.

My fake Masters were smart men. Their apartment was full of their studies and experiments. When I bled they would tell the men that cleaned they could not enter. They would say their work could not be disturbed by other men touching it. Me and my bleeding would be left in the apartment alone until I was done.

"If you are unable to care for yourself, we will reconsider the box, perhaps without the creams," I was told.

"I will do as you ask, Masters," I said solemnly.

The men retired and started to tinker on a small device they had been working on. I was ignored. Knowing it would anger them, I had to ask just one question.

"Masters, may I please ask a question?"

They were upset. If they hadn't been afraid of more weakness, they'd put me in the box. I knew not to ask questions.

"Perhaps it will interest us," one of them finally said and gave me permission to ask.

"Why am I bleeding now and not before? Why can't anyone know?" I asked.

They were silent. I couldn't tell if they were irritated or pondering the questions.

"We don't know why you bleed," they finally told me. "It isn't normal for an Earth slave here. No one can know, because it happens to no other slave. If you were taken for study, Damien and his Brothers would no longer pay us for our service. We have come to enjoy the money this endeavor has brought us."

I thanked the men and knelt down in the room they were in. They continued to play with what they were doing, completely uninterested in me.

The day had been long and I was still weak from the box. Despite my best efforts I ended up leaning on the furniture, sound asleep.

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skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

I think that the Fake Owners are going to Earth.

xyz123446xyz123446almost 2 years ago

“I’m really enjoying this story but it’s kind of getting on my nerves that that the heroine seems to frequently miss the obvious”

Indeed, it’s almost as if she has been broken of most thoughts of independent care of herself and reasoning. It would take months of deprogramming to change that way of thinking and truly start to take care of herself again.

The “fake owners” are interesting characters in that they are “clever” yet severely limited by walls this society forces them to operate within so have massive, massive gaps in knowledge and zero “wisdom.”

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Heroine misses the obvious

I’m really enjoying this story but it’s kind of getting on my nerves that that the heroine seems to frequently miss the obvious (previous chapters as well). Why couldn’t she figure out why her old Masters’ mark was left on her? She could have at least gotten into the ballpark of why that happened. Instead she just kind of floats along. She doesn’t really seem to possess very good critical thinking skills. For another thing, she suddenly starts her period. It’s great that she asked the question “Why now?” but the author needed to take it a step further and have her come up with ideas on why it reappeared. She just seems to be a very passive character who lets things happen to her instead of making things happen (even in her own thinking). Probably overthinking for a story on here so I’m not letting it bother me too much. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
You naught Doctor

You had me in tears when I thought they sold her lol. Great twist though !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Lol, for smart guys they’re pretty dumb

What kind of chaos is it going to cause when she’s pregnant! Hopefully not life threatening.

Gah, the truth is awful, having periods makes you age 😉 I know it makes me feel bleurggh

jott50jott50over 9 years ago
i am enjoying the many twists and turns in this series.

i think i will miss this story when you conclude the story. you can be sure i will read everything you write.

YukiWolfYukiWolfalmost 10 years ago
Best story ever!

This should be a book. I love this story so much! I never expected to find myself attached to the characters. Ciara's "sale" and reuniting with her Masters was so emotional I found myself crying. I WOULD BUY THIS BOOK!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I bet humans are a nether closely related branch of there species created by, or having something to do with the women, who pay the slavers to only allow them to be able to purchase human slaves, while also telling everyone that it is hard to open a portal on Earth, which the woman also allow them to keep human or any slaves to raise moral, or as a reward, or to help them in some way, and that's why they give human slaves the drink, combined with the worms so that they can't get impregnated by the men. They worry that otherwise, the men will realize humans are just as pleasant (if not more) and more easily overpowered while still being able to reproduce, as a result they will stop breeding with there women, in favor of human women thus causing the inevitable weakening of the species!!... Did everyone catch all that?!?!... lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The "Nerd" Masters...

I like their personalities, trying to fix things and work on hobbies. I like that a lot, but I don't like the way they treat her. Yes, they give her more "freedom" in a way.. but then she is not allowed to speak and is not cared for. They do not even use her name. It's good that they want her information and not sex, but it's still rather messed up ... just in a different way.

If we could combine the "caring about her" part with some actual respect in Damien and his brothers, that would be nice. And I am starting to see a little more of that happening there. Slowly they are learning to see her as slightly less of a child.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
the new masters

I know you're not really supposed to like the intellectual "masters" but i adore them. Its clear they dont really care about her but they treat her with more respect then the men she claims to love ever did. They actually listen to the things she says (when they permit her to talk that is) and see a value in her besides her body.

Although if i have a fetish for anything its intelligent men so perhaps i am a bit bias. Id rather listen to them talk all day an absorb as much knowledge as i could then have to be a sex slave to a bunch of meat heads.

I have always found it difficult to understand why she is able to trust Damian and company when they so consistently fail at being trustworthy. But perhaps it is born out of desperation; she has to trust them, right? She has let herself become completely self reliant, she doesn't have much of a choice.

oh boy do i LOVE hearing about thier suffering at the hands of the women. Karma's a bitch.

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