A Soldier For All Seasons Ch. 11


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"Ana," Nate threw himself back into the bench, staring up at the ceiling with an exasperated sigh. "You're not mine. You don't owe me—"

"Don't say that! Please don't say that." Ana stomped her foot lightly. This was all wrong. "I am yours." She made a quick decision and, double-checking there were no cameras in the elevator, quickly hit the button for the emergency stop. The lift squealed, hissed and stopped.

"Ana, what are you doing?"

She sidled up to him, pushing him back and then laid herself over his lap until her bottom was exposed, her skirt pulled up to her waist.

Ana looked at herself in the wall mirror, her legs up, feet kicking, examining Nate's stunned face.

"I've been a bad girl, Nate." Ana bit her lip. "I let you down, put us both in danger." She smiled as his hand dropped to her bare skin, fingers squeezing her pert peach. He loved squeezing her ass, she knew. "I need to be taught a lesson."

"Is that right?" Nate's voice was deep, dangerous.

"Uh-huh." Ana said eagerly, thrilled his tone had changed from frustration to lustful. "I'm your naughty little Lunari Princess and I need a big strong—ahh!"

Nate's hand cracked against her bottom hard, the clap echoing across the lift, sharp burn sparking through her. Ana gasped, feeling the burn spread to her traitorous pussy, feeling that familiar heat.

"What do you say?" Nate asked, voice low.

"I don't know. What, I don't—"

He spanked her again, but this time his hand stayed there, massaging her ass, squeezing, groping her thick cheeks.

"What do you say?"

"Th-thank you." Ana realized, squirming, legs kicking up.

"Thank you, what?"

The Princess felt her pussy clench as his fingers traced over the lilac thong that bisected her peachy ass. She'd only just bought it.

Bought it for him.

"Thank you, sir." Ana smiled, watching her own smile in the mirror. It was all for him, and her smile grew wider. She'd never smiled so wide as these past few weeks.

Nate struck harder on her other cheek, entranced with the way they jiggle and then fell perfectly back into place, so toned and yet such delicious jiggle. She bucked in his hold, the tears she'd held in the bar now falling.

"It stings, sir, I mean, thankyouthankyouthankyou, sir." Ana squirmed, breathless, feeling her dirty treacherous pussy leak hot juices into her thong. Nate could see her heat, her darkening thong, his thumb tracing her mound lightly. Ana moaned.

He cracked down again and this time Ana screamed, fingers burying into the plush fur of the elevator bench, feeling herself flood out as the pain shot from her burning bottom to her pussy. "Yes, yes, thank you sir." Ana gasped out.

"Is my dirty Lunari slut getting off on this?" Nate's voice said, amused, but his voice was sensually deep, only making her wetter.

"No, yes, please." Ana gulped, so close to the crest, not really sure what she was saying. She moaned as his hands caressed her red ass, cried out when he slowly unpeeled her sopping thong, felt the cold elevator air-con against her heat.

Nate's hand snapped down and Ana came with a cry, legs thrashing before Nate held on tightly, her orgasm squirting out onto Nate's fingers, fierce and full. Ana closed her eyes, too humiliated to watch herself, her slim stomach rising and falling on Nate as she twitched at his gentle touches.

"Thank you, sir." Ana said lazily, smile wide as he caressed her, rubbed her bottom gently. They stayed like that for a blissful moment before Ana turned in his lap, accepting his wet fingers in her mouth and then kissing them when they withdrew.

"Who are you?" Nate asked her as she looked up at him with wide doe eyes. She'd never felt so submissive.

"I'm your good girl." Ana squeezed herself as close to him as she could, wishing she could never leave his touch. "I'm your good girl." She murmured again.

"Yes, you are."

Filled with emotion, she dropped quickly to her knees, trying to tug down his pants. Nate's hands pulled her own away.

"You can't suck me off, sweetheart."

Ana gaped at him. "B-but, but—"

"You can't look pregnant here, baby."

Her shoulders drooped, chin trembling as she looked at his hard bulge. "Y-you can come in a bottle, I have a bottle in my bag—"

"Sweetheart, there's no bottle big enough for the amount I cum."

"I'll drink a little!" Her voice wavered. "I'll mop the rest up, I bought some clothes—"

"No, Ana." Nate said firmly.

"It's not fair, you haven't cum at all, I was apologizing, and-and-and it's not healthy to hold it in, and the whole point of this was so you'd forgive me for being so silly and—"

Nate wrapped her in his arms, muffling her as she melted into his chest. "I forgive you, baby. We'll have some fun when we get back to the ship, okay?"

"Twice." Ana said grudgingly.

"Twice." Nate laughed at her childishness as she pulled her panties back on in short, angry motions.

After they resumed their elevator ride, Ana followed Nate around the market, her bottom still stinging as she tailed him from stall to stall. He interrogated and haggled with all manner of strange men and women, covered as they were in engine-oil and grease, overalls stained. Try as she might, she couldn't be interested in the long tables of chrome and silver parts, clanking and beeping as they were set down and picked up by suspicious customers.

He should have used her, she thought sullenly, crossing her arms as he handled a part, his brow furrowed. She wanted to show him everything she'd learned over the day. He'd be so happy with her. With a slight smile, she remembered all the things she'd shipped to the ship and to her storage unit. He'd be thrilled. Maybe he'd even tell her he loved her.

That cheered her up.

And the spanking had been perfect. Lauren was a genius — well, not a genius, but she had good ideas. They'd definitely do that more often. She wiggled her ass a little. It still stung. She could tell Nate had loved it and that just made her love it more.

And he'd made her call him sir. She paused, biting her lip as she thought. Maybe she should call him sir all the time? That felt fun, like she was a submissive little harem girl in front of the dominant Taranasar. She reached for Nate's hand and then pouted as he swatted it away. Why couldn't they hold hands?

Eventually, Nate ordered her to wait on the benches that faced the view of the rest of Sepanza, a dizzying mass of malls and spires, filled with ant-like figures that Ana realized were swarming crowds. Lights glowed from restaurant to restaurant, neon icons for the different cuisines, all made big for easy scanning with the armguard, so one could both get nav directions and see the menu.

House-ships and restaurant-ships sometimes floated through the sky, their centers wide and open, massive ramp-like doors elevated so the diners or residents could see out while they are.

Ana kicked her feet impatiently, idly admiring her new black leather boots, all the way up above her knees, with sharp stilettos to match. Lauren had been shocked at how quickly she'd taken to walking in them. Fuck-me boots, Lauren called them, and Ana just had to have them.

She'd seen Nate admiring them too, in the mirror of the elevator. She'd leave them on while they fucked, Ana thought to herself happily.

"Excuse me, your Royal Highness."

Ana blinked to see an elderly Lunari, wearing the traditional mauve robes, pale pastels to match his unusual eyes. His pointed ears were even prominent with his baldness.


"My name is Tel'farand, I am the Ambassador to DuoPlanet and representative of your Mother, the Queen of—"

"Hi there. Would you like to sit down?" Ana interrupted — she really didn't want to think about Mother.

"Thank you, your Highness. I merely came to offer some advice, because what else can old men in their old age?" He gave her a wry smile.

"And you have must have competition, as a Lunari politician." Ana gave him a polite smile. They were all old men. Mother liked it that way.

"Well, quite. And we must seem even more old to the young, as they rush around in their fierce folly."

Ana stiffened. "Is that what this is about? A warning from Mother?"

"Oh, not at all. I am simply a bystander, looking on, wanting the best for our people, just as you do."

"And what's that?" She tugged down her skirt's hem, seeing his eyes roam.

"I want the same as you. I saw your interview, earlier." Ana winced. "A powerful Princess, uniting our people so that we can face our blades outward, not at each other."

"A noble cause." She ceded. "But can there be any unity when one half of the alliance is a coward?"

The man chortled, his laugh turning into a nasty cough that he buried into a handkerchief. "Come, Princess, did your young man have any choice? He simply thought you dead and had to protect his people. Don't be hasty in matters of love."

"He knew I was alive and he didn't even bother, not by himself, not with his bodyguards, not with his tribe. How long did his Twin Sea tribes take to bring a ship? Were they involved in the battle days later, above the skies of Tallaris?"

"Your Highness, come now, do you really believe that if he thought he could have saved you, he wouldn't come for you? He loves you—" His hand came up to grip her shoulder. Ana shook him off, furious.

"Do not touch me."

"I'm sorry, your Highness." He bowed his head low. "I'm only concerned about your—"

"Your concerns are your own and should be kept that way." She snapped. "Do you forget who you're talking to?"

His face stiffened, his smile turning unpleasant. "As long as you haven't forgotten who you are, Princess. You are Princess Anariel De Lothien and not the plaything of a human." His eyes turned to track Nate in the market.

Ana shook, amazed at his gall, anger simmering through her veins. "I am no one's plaything and you have no right to say such a thing. Begone before I order your head removed." She snarled.

The Ambassador stood up heavily and bowed. "As you wish, your Highness. I regret that our conversation could not have been more pleasant and I—"

"Was I not clear?" Ana snapped.

He grunted, scowling at her, but finally walked away.

"Geriatric waste of space, stupid paper-pushing excrement." Ana grumbled, watching him disappear to ensure he didn't try and interact with Nate. She just knew her Mother had put him to this. She'd have to sort her out, sooner or later, or her Mother would start taking drastic measures.

Finally, Nate wrapped up his business and wandered over to her, smiling. Just looking at his smile erased the scowl on her face, and she let him pull her up from the bench. Nate looked around to see if they were alone and then pressed a quick chaste kiss to her lips.

He tugged her along on the path to the ship, amused as she let out a little moan at the simple kiss, her eyes closed.

"You're easy to please, sweetheart." Nate bumped her shoulder.

"Well, maybeee you've just got a big pleasure-provider." Ana rubbed against his side, trying to tangle her hand in his before he pushed her away. "What's got you so happy, anyway? Is it me?"

"Nope." Nate quipped. "It's a top of the line Transceiver Muffler. Come on, just around here — I parked in short stay so we need to move it."

"Why do we need a Muffler?"

"Because when we're off roaming around space, we want to pretend to be someone we're not. Like, say, not a top model Lunari noble carrier. So when we get SIS-scanned."

"What's SIS?"

"Ship Identification System." Nate frowned at her. "I'm going to get you to read the basics next time we do a lesson."

"I bought a schoolgirl outfit!" Ana said eagerly, bouncing on her heels.


"I bought lots of things. For you...for us."

They turned onto their numbered pier to see their ship being loaded with twenty big boxes, stuffing its tiny cargo bay to the max.

"Princess, what the hell did you buy?" Nate said, bewildered.

Ana twirled happily, hands reaching out to hold her skirt's hem as it twirled with her. "So many things, you're going to be so happy. Lingerie and leggings, satin sheets and stockings, lists upon lists of the sexiest things." She sang, corrupting the lyrics of some popular song Nate had heard but didn't know the name of. She stopped suddenly, turning to whisper into his ear. "It's the basic starter set for a How To Please Your Boyfriend kit for slutty Lunari girls."

Nate groaned but he was grinning. "Ana, you don't need to try so hard—oh, shit." He dropped his Muffler part into the bag Ana was carrying and snapped off a sharp salute as he saw the man coming toward him.

"At ease, son." Major General Anthony Kanu laughed, turning to Ana. "It's a honest delight to meet you, your Royal Highness. I'm Major General Anthony Kanu of the Federation."

Ana reached out her hand and let the General kiss it. "Lovely to meet you too, General." She liked his smile, she decided. He had a short 'fro, but she could imagine it had been a mighty afro before he'd joined the military, many many years ago. His black mustache stretched along with his smile.

"General, sir. Forgive me sir, I am not in uniform."

"Relax, Captain. With the assignment you're on, nobody would expect you to wear your uniform while you're doing civilian things. Although," He frowned at him. "You should maybe carry the lady's bags?"

"Yes, Captain."

Ana giggled. "Not to worry, General. The Captain has been a perfect gentleman and quite chivalrous."

Nate gulped, all too aware he'd spanked her red not long ago.

"Glad to hear it. Tell me, Captain, did you have an encounter with another fair lady recently?"

Nate grimaced as Ana looked at him curiously. "Sure did, General. She gave me some strange orders to chat to some less than savory indviduals, sir."

"So I've heard. Well, don't worry son, that woman is one of our finest and if she tells you to jump, you jump, do you hear me?"

"Yes sir, I will jump, sir. Very good, sir."

The General turned to Ana and leaned toward her with mischievous eyes. "He does like the sir thing, doesn't he?"

Ana smirked. "Oh, you don't know the half of it."

They laughed loudly. Nate could feel the sweat pouring down his back.

"Shake my hand, Captain." The General ordered.

Nate's eyes widened but shook his outstretched hand.

"I have a nephew on the Destiny and he tells me you saved that whole ship by taking over the Kalaverkash. Thank you, son."

"Thank you, sir. It was my honor, sir."

"Remember, Captain." The General pulled him closer so he could speak more quietly. "There's a lot of enemies out there, but there's a lot of friendlies too. Don't be a stranger."

"Princess." The General kissed her hand again and then he was gone, immediately attended to by his entourage as he strolled off down the pier.

"What the fuck just happened?" Nate muttered as he followed Ana onto the ship.

Ana dimpled prettily as the ship's ramp closed and she threw herself into his arms, kissing him passionately, arms around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist as his hands came up to support her.

"Mmm," She moaned as he pushed her up against the wall. "I think you just got your orders, sir. What are they?"

Nate pulled away from with a slight gasp. "We're to meet an agent of Cipher's, an info and arms broker here, try and find some evidence on Jarek."

Ana sighed as Nate kissed and sucked on her neck, head tilted to allow him access. "Mmm, yes, Cipher agent broker." She mumbled.

"And I'm going to install this Muffler, you're going to keep up your firearms training."

Ana squeaked as his hands dropped below her skirt. "Train me!" She said unintelligibly.

"Exactly." Nate picked her up and headed for the bedroom. "I'm training you to be my perfect Lunari slut." He tossed her onto the bed, laughing as she squealed.

"And somewhere in all of that, we're gonna make time for this schoolgirl outfit of yours."

"Yes!" Ana lifted her legs up to her head, peeling off her panties and throwing them at the advancing Nate.

"And whatever comes at us." Nate grinned as he parted her legs. "Not wet panties, evil Judges, dodgy brokers or ugly bugs, nothing is going to stop us."

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onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader4 months ago

see alot of three square meals references.. honestly, I dont care.. the concept of a woman living of a mans cum is hot.. something that happens alot with sucubuss fetishes.. but seeing isabella growing more and more irrelevant, is kinda sad.. really thought she would be the ace in the hole.. she had such a strong and interesting start..

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 1 year ago

Behind all the fun and action and sex is a good story set in a cool interesting universe.

RamazaRamazaover 1 year ago

Well, apart from this being as close a copy of Teflers “ Three Square Meals “ and a Star Wars mix as you could get, the story is turning out to be very silly at this point, I sure hope it gets better and soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree with some of the other comments, but I don't really see it as that big of a deal. Sure, Ana giving a drunken interview is pretty bad, but it's not like she dragged the person she was meant to protect to one of the most dangerous parts of the universe on a whim, got instantly double-crossed, and then almost got killed multiple times. Now, that WOULD be bad.

Madmack37Madmack37over 1 year ago

Destroying the female lead for a couple of cheap thrills stinks. Following the TSM story arc so closely make the author look like the antithesis of a hero.

KJay15KJay15over 1 year ago

I'm going to have to drop this story here, it started off so good but it's devolved into a mindless bimbo, a forgotten ancient AI and a big dick, such a shame

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like the story, but it copies some of the story lines of another writer. Tefler's 'Three Square Meals'.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

i hope there is more to come

AardieAardiealmost 2 years ago

I hope we find out why the Princess is such an idiot now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One thing that's not working for me here is having Ana be smart and realizing her entire race could be at risk in one scene, and then forgetting all that and acting like a love-struck tween in the next. Is she princes Leah or bimbo Bambi? She should be consistent within reason. For a cheap laugh, you've hurt a lead character you worked hard to develop.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What the commenter below me said.

Cuthcavs55Cuthcavs55almost 2 years ago

Still absolutely loving this. But I Agree yes with the secret bunny on the princess. The big for me is that it almost seems like Isabelle has been completely forgotten. There isn’t any of the banter or her helping Nate work through his thoughts. That was a nice part of the story and I hope it returns.

TheSecretBunnyTheSecretBunnyalmost 2 years ago
I do so hope

That the princess isn't turning into a bimbo, she can still be Nates and have a good head on her shoulders..

pk2curiouspk2curiousalmost 2 years ago

Very entertaining and well writen tale . Big fan of this .

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