A Species' Survival Ch. 01

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A hike into the woods changes a young man's life.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/20/2022
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This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain.

All characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

The situations described in this story are for the sole purpose of entertaining the reader. Events and Characters in the story are completely fictional and any resemblance to real world persons or events are purely coincidental.


I'd like to thank my editor, markf52.


For everyone else seated at the lunch table, it was just another day, but for Anthony Howard, it was different. He stole glances at Elizabeth Wilson, aka Liz. They had been friends ever since they were kids. Elizabeth, Margaret, aka Marge, his twin sister, James Williams and him, the group who had dubbed themselves 'the four musketeers', had been close friends since primary school. Anthony had had a crush on Liz for a long time.

Marge caught him looking at Liz and Marge knew that Anthony had a crush on Liz. In fact, she was the only person who knew.

Marge had been the one who had pushed Anthony to confess to Liz. Marge had planned it out, she was going to hold James back after the lunch, so that Anthony and Liz could walk back to the class together. She had told Anthony to ask Liz out at that time.

"Hey, Ant, you're coming to the movie on Saturday, right?" James asked.

Anthony hated that nickname since he was not tall, only about one-hundred-seventy cms in height, he was, in fact, the shortest in their group, even shorter than his twin sister. So, James had come up with that "creative" nickname for Anthony.

"I dunno, James. I'm planning on finishing some of my chemistry project tomorrow."

"Come on, man, please! Liz and Marge are gonna be there. Nina's going to be there, too. I really want all of you guys to meet her."

All four of them were high schoolers and were eighteen. James had, somehow, managed to ask out a college girl and he had told them that she was amazing. Her name was Nina Diaz. He had been talking for the past few days about introducing her to them.

"You know what, man, I'll be there."

"Thanks, Ant. I really want you guys to like her. It would mean a lot to me."

"I've never seen you act this way about a girl," Liz said.

"I think she could be the one."

"Dude, you're eighteen," Marge retorted.

James wasn't paying attention to what Marge had said, he was lost in his dreams.

The group finished the rest of the lunch and prepared to leave. As they were leaving, Marge spoke up, "Hey, James, could you stay back for a minute? I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it, Marge? Do you need any help?" Liz chimed in.

"No, Liz, you and Anthony go ahead. I just want to talk to James about something."

Liz and Anthony split from James and Marge and made their way to the next class.

"I wonder what Marge and James are talking about," Liz said.

Anthony realized that this was the best moment to talk to her about his crush. "Marge and James aren't really talking about anything. It was actually a ruse to get you and me together alone, because I want to ask you something."

"What is it, Anthony?"

"Liz, I've had a crush on you for quite some time now, would you consider going out with me?"

Liz stopped in her tracks as she was clearly surprised by what he had asked of her.

"Anthony, that came out of nowhere."

"I'm sorry to spring this on you like this. You don't have to reply right now. Why don't you think about it tonight? Tell me tomorrow."

"No, Anthony, I don't need to think about this. I can tell you right now."

Anthony waited with bated breath for her answer.

"I'm sorry, Anthony. I don't think of you like that. We've been friends ever since we were kids. I've always seen you as a friend and not as anything else. I'm sorry."

Anthony hung his head. At that moment, he wanted a bottomless pit to open up beneath him and consume him.

"Anthony, promise me that this won't affect our friendship. You're one of my best friends and I depend on you so much, for everything."

Anthony looked up at her and forced himself to smile.

"Of course, it doesn't matter. We'll still be friends and nothing's changed."

"Thank you, so much, Anthony," Liz said, then she hugged him. "Come on, we should get to our class."


Anthony was sulking the whole way home. When he entered his home, his mother, Tara, immediately knew something was wrong from the way his face looked. She rushed over to him with concern all over her face.

"Anthony, baby, what happened?"

Anthony and Marge were actually surprised to see her home. Their parents ran a successful paper supply business and they didn't expect their mother to be home this early.

"Mom, what are you doing home so early?" Marge asked.

"Oh, I have to fly to New York tonight to close a deal, so I came home early to get everything ready. You guys can take care of yourselves and Dad for a couple of days, right?"

"Yeah, Mom. I'll take care of them," Marge replied.

Anthony didn't talk to his mother and went up to his room.

"What happened to your brother?"

"You know how I told you that he had a crush on Liz?"


"He actually asked her out today."

"Oh, what happened?"

"You saw him. What do you think happened?"


"Don't worry, Mom. He'll get over it."

As soon as Anthony entered his room, he threw his bag on the chair and threw himself on the bed. He was so exhausted that he immediately went to sleep.


Tara had left for New York before dinner. Marge called their dad and he told her that he was working late and wouldn't be able to make it home for dinner. Marge made some instant noodles and knocked on Anthony's door.

"Anthony. Anthony, wake up. Come down for dinner."

Anthony didn't want to wake up, but he was hungry. He dragged himself downstairs. Marge placed a bowl of instant noodles before him and he started eating.

"You shouldn't let this get you down. There are a million girls who would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend."

"Ok, can you give me their numbers?"

"Don't snark at me, wise ass. You know what? Let's go on a hike tomorrow."

"What? Don't we have school?"

"Yeah, but let's bunk school and go for a hike."

"Nah, let's go to school."

"You'll have to talk with Liz if we go to school. You really want that?"

Anthony didn't want that. "Ok, let's go hiking tomorrow."

"Good. Now finish your dinner and go to sleep."


The next day, Marge and Anthony's dad left for the office very early. After they had their breakfast, the twins took their car and made their way to the nearby forest. Marge loved hiking in the forest as she had explored most of the trails.

Even Anthony had to admit that he was enjoying it. The sound of nature surrounded him, his eyes loved the greenery they were surrounded by. He looked up at the sky, it was a cloudless day. Anthony saw something unusual. It was something bright that was making its way towards them.

"Hey, Marge, look at that."

Marge turned around and focused her attention on the object that was falling from the sky.

"Anthony, that's a meteor!"

The meteor was on fire as it crashed about a couple of kilometers ahead of them.

"Anthony, come on, let's go take a look at it."

Marge didn't wait for his answer and started walking. Anthony sighed. Once Marge had made up her mind about something, it was futile to argue with her. So, he followed his sister.

They walked for another fifteen minutes before they arrived at the site of the crash. The crater was about the size of a swimming pool and in the middle of the crater, there was a rock. Marge descended the crater.

"Marge, maybe we should stay back."

Marge didn't listen to Anthony and started walking towards the rock. Anthony ran after her and looked at the rock. The rock was pitch black in color, with a few sparkling gems embedded in it. Marge was about to touch the rock when Anthony saw some form of black goo writhing on the rock's surface, but Marge didn't see the goo. The black goo from the rock propelled itself from the rock towards Marge.

"Marge, get away from that rock!!!"

Anthony pushed Marge away and the black goo latched on to Anthony's hand. He watched in horror as the goo started to seep into his skin through his sweat pores. Within seconds, the entire goo was inside his body and the last thing Anthony remembered seeing was the terrified face of his sister.

Anthony's consciousness was in a black void. He was looking at the black goo that had just infiltrated his body.

"Hello, Anthony."

Anthony looked around to find the source of the voice.

"It's me."

Anthony looked at the goo.

"You can talk? How can you even talk?"

"I'm not talking, Anthony. We're inside your brain. I'm having a telepathic conversation with you."

"You're inside my brain? Get out! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Anthony."

"What are you doing inside my head? What do you want?"

"I'm not "just inside your head", Anthony. I've actually "melded" with your entire body."

"What do you mean? Melded with my body?"

"Stop asking questions for a few moments and just listen to me."

Anthony shut up and let the "creature" "talk". "Anthony, I am not from your world. In your world's terminology, I'm what you would call an alien."

Anthony was horrified, but he still kept quiet.

"My planet was destroyed because of an unexpected event in our sun. The inhabitants of my planet wanted to ensure the survival of our species. So, they created me. I am the cumulative, genetic material of all the inhabitants of my planet. They sent me to your planet to make sure that their race would be able to survive. My mission was to bond with one of you and pass on the genetic material to you. When you reproduce, you will also pass on the genetic material of the inhabitants of our planet."

"What do you mean, I'll pass on the genetic material? Are you trying to tell me that my descendants will be aliens?"

"No. No. They'll look and live like normal humans. They'll just have the genetic material of my planet's inhabitants along with your genetic material, of course."

"Why me?"

"You were... available."

"What do you mean by "available"?"

"You were the human nearest to the point of impact."

"So, it was completely by chance?"


"How can you speak our language?"

"The moment I melded with you, I gained access to all your memories and your skills. Also, you really shouldn't think along the lines of "me" and "you". The moment I melded with you, I became a part of you."

"So, my kids won't be weird aliens, right?"

"Definitely not, they'll look like normal humans and will have normal human lives. They'll just have the genetic material of our planet's inhabitants in their genetic code along with yours."

"I won't turn into a freak, right?"

"No. No. But there will be some changes in your physiology."

"What do you mean? What changes?"

"You will start secreting pheromones. These pheromones will make you irresistible to females of your species. I made sure to include this... let's call it a "feature", to make sure that you can mate with females of your species and ensure your genes pass on, because our genes are melded with your genes."

This revelation was a surprise to Anthony. Immediately, he started thinking how he could use this new advantage he now had and how he could use the pheromones to seduce Liz.

"How do I use these pheromones?" Anthony asked the alien.

"You don't have to "use" it, it will work on its own on any females who are in your proximity for some time."

"Nice," Anthony thought.

He could use these pheromones to seduce Liz.

"Ok, I'll do it. I'll pass on the genetic materials of your species to the next generation."

"Thank you so much, Anthony."

"How can I talk to you again?"

"You can't, Anthony. I've already become a part of you. This is the last time you'll speak with me."

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"Yes. When I went through your memories, I realized that in your species, the sexual union of blood relatives is forbidden. I believe this is due to the fact that offspring of blood relatives will have faulty genes. This doesn't apply to you anymore. So, if you want to have sex with any of your blood relatives, you now can. Any children you have with them will not have defective genes."

Anthony thought of having sex with his mother. The very thought disgusted him. So, he decided he wouldn't do something like that in a billion years.

"Is there anything else?"

"There's nothing more to tell you, Anthony. The hopes of our entire civilization rests on you, may you live well."

Anthony didn't know how to respond to that. "Erm. Yeah, sure. Thanks. Bye."

Anthony woke up and saw the concerned face of his sister looking down at him. She realized that he was awake.

"Anthony, are you alright? Are you ok?"

"Marge, calm down, I'm ok."

"I saw you go near the rock and then you fainted."

"No, Marge, it's nothing. I'm fine. Marge. Just tell me, what else did you see?"

"Nothing, you just went near the rock and then fainted."

"Did you not see the black goo that was flying at you?"

"What? Black goo? No. I didn't see anything like that."

Marge was looking at him like he had gone mad.

"Let's just go home, we'll talk with Mom and Dad and let's get you to a hospital."

"No! No, Marge. That won't be necessary. There's no need to tell Mom and Dad. It'll just worry them. It's unnecessary. Also, there's no need to go to a hospital since there's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine, let's just go home."

Marge looked at him with concern, but she finally relented and nodded. She helped him up and they walked back to the car.


Anthony laid awake in his bed that night as he couldn't sleep. The alien had told him that his body would emit pheromones that will make women go mad for him. So he thought about how to make this work in his favor in his situation with Liz.

He decided to invite her to his home under some pretense. She has to stay in his room with him for some amount of time for the pheromones to affect her. Even though he thought for a long time, he couldn't come up with a plan and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the room next to him, Marge couldn't sleep either. She was masturbating. She didn't know why, but ever since they came back from their trek, no, even before that, even during the car ride home, she had been feeling so horny. She couldn't really keep her mind straight during dinner. She had an animalistic impulse to tear the clothes off her brother and fuck him, right there on the dinner table. She was shocked and ashamed by these new impulses. So, after dinner, she had come up to her room and masturbated. She fantasized about her brother while rubbing her clit and even after cumming multiple times, her lust never subsided. She was going crazy.

After her latest orgasm, she decided that her lust wouldn't just subside by cumming. So, she decided to sleep and see if the lust would subside by morning. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep and she eventually managed to fall asleep after some time. She dreamt about her brother.


The next day, Marge's lust had subsided. A good night's sleep satiated the lust of her body, but it did not have any effect on the lust in her mind. The indecent thoughts she had developed about her brother the previous night lingered in her mind. She didn't even talk to her brother or even acknowledge him during breakfast.

At school, things were kind of awkward for their group during lunch. By now, all four of them knew what had happened between Liz and Anthony. James was the only person keeping the conversation alive and even he was very cautious. He looked like someone who was walking on eggshells.

After lunch, James pulled Anthony aside.

"Look, man. I'm really sorry about what happened between you and Liz."

"That's ok, man. I have a feeling that things will work out just fine."

James was actually a bit taken aback by how maturely Anthony was taking it.

"Hey, if you need someone to talk to -- "

"I know that you'll always be there for me. Thank you, James."

James was now actually unsettled by Anthony's demeanor. What James didn't know, was the fact that, the Anthony he knew a few days ago was not the Anthony standing before him right now. Anthony was already determined to make Liz his with his new "upgrades", he was just waiting for the perfect moment.

The moment presented itself to him in the first class after lunch. Mrs. Martins, their Physics teacher, assigned them a project. They had to split themselves into groups of two and present a paper on one of the historically significant inventions in the field of Physics. Anthony knew this was the moment he was waiting for. So, after the class was over, he caught up to Liz.


She turned around and saw him. Her eyes were filled with concern.

"Liz, I just wanted to ask you if you want to team up with me for the Physics project."

Liz looked down.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Anthony..."

"Liz. I promise you I won't misbehave. I won't hit on you or anything like that. You were the one who told me that you still wanted to be friends and that's all I want. The past couple of days have been really weird and awkward. I just want to be friends with you and I just want things to go back to the way they were before I confessed to you."

Liz thought about it for a moment. She then smiled and nodded at him, "Ok, let's do it."

"Ok, Liz. I'll get started on some preliminary work. Then we'll meet up and work on it."


Anthony watched her go. His plan was working very well and it was on its way to fruition.


Anthony searched for James after school and he found James in the parking area. "James!"

"Hey, Ant. What's up, man?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, anything."

"You know that Physics project?"


"Can you partner up with my sister? Just don't tell her that I told you to ask her. Ask her like you're asking on your own."

"What are you planning, Ant?"

"Just do me this favor."

"Ok, I'll ask her."

"Also, invite her to your home Friday evening, at around five, to work on the project."

James' eyes narrowed, "Ok, man, I'll do it."

"Thanks, James, you're the best."

Anthony was smiling ear to ear as he was walking away from James.


That night, Anthony called up Liz, "Hey, Liz."

"Hey, Anthony."

"Look, I just wanted to ask you something. Is it ok if we do a paper on AC generator for the Physics paper or do you have any other ideas?"

"No, Anthony, your idea sounds pretty great. Let's do it."

"I've actually gathered some literature on the invention of the AC generator, shall we meet up at my house on Friday, at five, to go over it?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll come over on Friday and we can work on it."



Anthony hung up the phone and laid down on his bed. He went to sleep with a content smile on his face.