A Story About Friends


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Then, without warning he plunged deep into her, slapping his pelvis hard against hers, and she gasped for air like a swimmer breaking the surface of the pool after a dive into twelve feet water. He knew that she was totally under his spell, and he would control her pleasure as if he were using a remote.


Maneuvering to the back of the house wasn't difficult without a fence to keep her out. She had watched intently at the goings on within the front room of Jefferson's suburban home, and rubbed herself to a pleasurable orgasm, but she wasn't done watching this live action sex show.

After watching her timid best friend lead her dream lover away by his cock, Devon had been in full spy mode. She had gone from window to window to try to find them. The first couple of windows had the shades or blinds drawn. Both were in the front of the house, so it was a little bit of a relief to go look elsewhere on the property. She didn't want to draw attention to herself while in a strange neighborhood, high, and breaking every peeping tom law in the state.

The back yard had a patio dressed with an army green set of metal furniture. There was the typical square charcoal grill that she was sure got plenty of use, though it wasn't easy to tell the condition of anything on the concrete layout, due to the lack of light on the backside of the house. The lawn of the backyard was cut even, with no flaws. She did notice that the yard was absent of trees, shrubs, or lawn ornaments. She didn't see Jefferson as a landscaping man, but she was sure that he was out her once per week, ensuring that his grass was well kempt.

She moved around the back area to peer into the window, and realized that the blinds were open. Disappointment overtook her as she realized that there wouldn't be a stove, refrigerator, or George Foreman grill in a man's bedroom. Though some men wouldn't mind having those things easily within their grasp. She backed away and continued her search, realizing that she only had one more option, and then it was back to the SUV to review the newest material she'd added to her wank bank.

She crept off the patio toward the light of the last window located on the backside of the house. As she approached her ears picked up a familiar voice. She had heard a lot of this voice on Friday. It was the sound of her best friend moaning with sexual pleasure. The sound was like music to Devon and the soundtrack was accompanied by the sound of a male character. Their pants were almost matching in pace, though they were happening on opposite intervals. She'd pant or gasp, and he'd growl or grunt. It was going back and forth with an uncanny balance, as if they were in the bedroom playing an extremely satisfying match of tennis.

She felt blessed by the sex gods when she looked into a window with the blinds drawn enough for her to watch two people in the room engaging in some of the sweatiest, passionate humping that she'd ever witnessed. Mary and Jefferson were beyond pornographic, yet loving and compassionate within the same picture. It was as if they were filming a new style of adult video made for freaky couples that were madly in love with one another and desired to regain their lust. They were fucking each other's brains out.

Devon gazed through the window into what seemed like another world. Jefferson was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his feet on the floor as if to get up and start the day. In his lap sat Mary in all of her naked glory. They were both glistening with sweat, and their skin slapped together as she grinded and bounced on his member. Both of her feet were on the bed holding her in a squatted position with her legs wide, giving her the power to control her thrusting. One of his muscular arms was wrapped around her waist, just above that tight ass of hers. His left arm was placed behind him, flexing in the bicep and triceps as he leaned back to balance them both.

"Oh my god, you are so fucking good! You are so fucking good!" Mary moaned

"Yea, I know you love that fuckin dick!" He grunted back. "Tell me you love my dick."

"Ah, I love it... I love it... aaaagh!" She replied.

Mary threw here head back and let out, what Devon was sure was, an orgasmic groan. It wasn't the sexy panting orgasm of a movie climax, but a deep, strained, guttural growl. Her body looked as if she were reacting to an electrocution. All of her muscles flexed, and a huge vein appeared prominently in her neck. She pulled on Jefferson's neck within the throws of her orgasm, and he stood firm as she jackhammered her pussy down on his dick. Her face was as red as a solo cup, and she seemed as if she were having the most pleasurable asthma attack in human history.

As Devon watched, Mary's consciousness return as Jefferson kissed her. She decided to try and match her friend's orgasmic intensity. She looked around, and realized that she was alone with more privacy than she had in front of the house. The devil on her shoulder told her to get out of her pants fully, while the little angel that was supposed to show up on the other shoulder took the night off.

Before she could stop herself, she was stepping out of her left shoe, and then unbuttoning her jeans again. She then pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles and stepped out her left pant leg. She instantly felt the night air all over her legs and butt. She then took a little sidestep to allow herself access to her already wet pussy. The air was stimulating to her, due to her high and horny state.

Now, pants less and horny, she returned her gaze back to the room of sexual desire and she returned her hand between her legs. She was sure to place her phone on the windowsill again, just in case she got the chance to snap a few more pictures. Devon didn't want to miss the opportunity to completely document this night for her memory. Looking back at explicit material, after her high went away, was one of her favorite past times.

Already warm from the earlier orgasm and watching this live sex show, she needed no pregame routine and went straight into her normal furious masturbation. Masturbating while standing was one of her favorite things to do. She didn't have a particular reason why, aside from having plenty of practice doing it in the shower. She was working her clit with a precise motion as she watched Jefferson turn Mary around and enter her from behind in a doggystyle fashion. As he placed his hands on her waist and thrust his cock into her, she watched his back muscles and ass tighten. He slammed into her over and over with a steady rhythm and she yelped in response. The bed, which they both kneeled on, shook and squeaked ever so slightly. The smacks that their skin made added to the scene, and Devon's intoxicated brain put all of the sounds together to make a symphony. The moaning, sighs, skin slapping, squeaking bed, and the squishing sound of Devon's wetness made beautiful sexual music that was driving her over the top. It wasn't her opus, but she was glad to be a part of something so special and tantalizing. She lived for this kind of creation.

Devon was in a trance now that she felt somehow connected to what was going on in the room. It was as if she had become high off the sexual energy that was radiating from the room. All of their lustful powers were swirling in the air to create a threesome of sexual indulgence. Her mind processed the idea that Mary must be feeling the same high with Jefferson, and that she never needed Friday night's adventure in order to be open sexually. Mary was in need of Jefferson. He was her drug. The look that was on Mary's face was clear evidence of her theory. Each thrust cause her friends eyes to roll into the back of her head and her face was contorted into a yell, while only sighs and moans escaped her mouth.

Devon willed herself to break her concentration on her pleasure to pick up the phone and quickly snap off a few shots. The last one she clicked displayed Jefferson and Mary silently screaming with their heads thrown back at the same angle, showing their beautiful agony. All of Jefferson's muscles were displayed due to the film of sweat that covered his naked body, and the ripple of her best friends ass could be seen as well. Mary looked as if she were braced for the impact, but still shocked by how hard she had been thrust into. None of Jefferson's cock was visible in the crystal clear picture, but looking at the still image clearly showed how good it felt deep inside of her.

A few noises escaped her mouth as Devon pleasured herself. She was on the verge of the next big orgasm, and the scene in front of her was transitioning again. The man was standing on the floor now and the woman lay down on her back at the edge of the bed. It was a loving missionary position that allowed him to put her legs on his shoulders and penetrate her deeply. He was thrusting slowly into her as they traded grunts of enjoyment. Devon was now moaning in time with their sexual motions. She was rubbing her clit faster now, knowing that a release was only seconds away.

The buildup ended as she heard a crunching sound to her left. She felt her body taking her away into the paradise of an entire body orgasm. She was now moaning audibly with every full body contraction. The crunching noise had increased, but she could not control her body as her hand furiously rubbed between her legs to continue to fuel the orgasm that had replaced her conscious mind. She felt as if she had no control over her body now. The peak of the orgasm was subsiding and she was near the point of collapsing from clenching all of her muscles when she realized that she had just been bathed in a halogen like light.

"Don't Move!" The authoritative male voice said.


It felt so good! She was in amazement as to how Jefferson seemed to know her body better than she did. Every move he made and everything he touched made her feel as if she were in heaven. The feeling that he was giving her was beyond anything she had ever experienced, and she hadn't had an experience like this since the last time that they had been together physically. He was proving to be the key to her lock.

He had treated her as if she were a delicate flower when it was appropriate. Her dream lover knew, somehow, when she wanted to be controlled like tramp as well. She had started this whole session as the person in charge and once she was at his mercy she had cut loose. All of the second-guessing she had been doing was a thing of the past, that night. She took his instructive hints and abided by his commands. They were both dominant and submissive in nature, but this was their true dynamic. Jefferson was the man and she was the woman.

The room's aroma was one of sex mixed with a hint of strong cinnamon. Their body heat and sweat added to the strong fragrance of their sex scene. As Mary prepared for Jefferson to reenter her, while she lay on his bed and he stood on the floor, she breathed deeply. She appreciated the wonderful smell that they made together. It was the child of their passion and bodily fluids mixing in an expression of their lust for one another. It was evidence that this was more than just sex, and it was something special only to both of them.

With her hands squeezing her breast, she looked at him. She silently asked him to come back inside, and keep giving her the best sensation she'd ever experienced. Her entire slick body was so sensitive that an orgasm could be coaxed from her body from any part of her, without touching her privates. Fondling her breasts made brought waves of pleasure through her, and her nipples grew hard again from the sensation. Jefferson reached down and pulled at her left nipple, sending a jolt to her. She couldn't help but exhale deeply.

Before giving a warning, he slipped inside her, and began to thrust in and out at a steady pace. She moaned and squeezed her tits hard. His movements seemed as precise as a surgeon with a scalpel. His angles were magnificent, and he pushed deep enough into her so that she felt full. His balls swung like a pendulum and touched her asshole, which she was still very aware of, from the action it had received earlier. The sexual excitement was building again, and she knew that she wouldn't last too long as long as he kept up his pace.

She let go of her tits and reached for him, while propping herself up on her left elbow. Her fingers ran over his glazed abs and traced his body's contours. It was like touching a precious piece of artwork. His body was as hard as granite, and his penis felt the same inside of her. All the things touching her and the things that she was touching were nearly overloading her sense of touch. His body, the sweat damped comforter, and the feeling of his sex were driving her up a wall.

Their eyes met as he pulled her right leg up onto his shoulder, and at that moment she felt as if there had been a sudden flash of light. That still image would be frozen into her brain, she knew, for many years to come. He looked so good right now, and she didn't know if she'd get a chance to see him like this again. She pushed the thought out of her head and enjoyed the masterpiece that was his face and body. His serious demeanor looked a little softer while he was engaged in sex. His passionate eyes were glazed over from the pleasure that she was giving him. This made her feel even more special. He had a shell that was nearly unbreakable, but when it did it revealed a soft sensual lover.

He came in for a passionate kiss, and Mary tasted his tongue. The flavor of her own flesh made her feel drunk. The kiss was passionate, and everything from his drink to his time between her legs lingered in his mouth. This long zealous kiss told the tale of their spontaneous night together. She expressed her feelings about the night when he began to take his tongue away and Mary pushed hers into his mouth lengthening the kiss as if it would keep the night going forever.

When he propped her other leg on his shoulders, releasing from the kiss, she felt his member deep inside her. When the head slammed in as far as it could go, his hips slapped against hers, she felt her eyes rolling. His pace had quickened and she could tell that the session was pushing him to the point where he'd cum. She wanted him to, more than anything right now. She had already gotten off a couple of times, and they were so good that it sapped her strength, but he just kept her in a plateau. Every time she'd been ready to just let her body melt into his arms, he'd give her more long strokes to keep her body excited. She was beginning to get sore, but the sex was so exciting that the feeling was dull.

The room was echoing their moans and shouts. She heard herself and didn't feel at all self-conscious because it was just so good. His breathing sounded shallow as if he wasn't getting quite enough air, and she knew he was getting really close. The sounds filled the room. There wasn't even a second where someone wasn't expressing his or her gratification vocally. Mary thought that she heard an echo in the room. She was sexually zoning so badly that it was like there were others getting off with them.

Entranced, the room lit up more brightly as Jefferson's pumping became more primal. He had let her legs fall into the crooks of his arms, and was picking her ass and lower back up, off the bed as he pummeled her pussy with all of his power. Looking up, between their legs, she could see a cloudy white froth built up around the base of his cock, and knew that she was wet to the point of covering him. She thought about how sexy that was and really began to lose herself as she neared another climax.

He was in her mind, apparently. He let go of her left leg, and took her right hand into his. Without an explanation, he brought her fingers to her clit, and began to make her masturbate. Each circle she made heightened her excitement exponentially. The feeling of his dick deep inside of her and the quick circles she made around her clit were quickly becoming too much. She couldn't last much longer, but judging by his cries, he couldn't last much longer either.

"Tell me when, baby, tell me when." He said between gasps

His pace increased and his hips were a blur. She felt him touching the back of her pussy with every stroke, and the jolts shooting from her clit made the experience that much more unbearable. She knew that this was the definition of heaven and that he was the only person that could give it to her. Each full insertion pushed her toward the point of no return and she was ready to get there for another earth shattering experience. Her movements matched his pace, and it was a race to the finish line now.

"I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" She felt herself yell.

Just as she was talking, her pussy slammed tight around his dick, and each time his dick plunged into her it felt like a mini orgasm. Her muscles tightened, but her hand and wrist kept moving. The climax was powerful. She felt herself bucking and making a sound as if she were crying. She was feeling the massive overdose of pleasure from her every part of her skin, and she never wanted it to stop. With her senses overloaded, she barely noticed Jefferson, until he pulled out of her and walls slammed together on themselves, intensifying the feelings in her sexual areas.

She got her eyes opened up just in time to see his slow stroking, and all of his muscles flexing at once. He let out a lions roar as he went over the cliff. With each slow stroke, thick pearl white cum shot from the head of his prick. The first shot straight onto her, between her tits, pooling at the base of her neck and running down to the middle of her stomach. The next spurt arched out of his prick and landed slightly on the right side of her chin and neck. The next tear dropped out of his cock onto her hand and pussy, further lengthening her orgasm. Then another blast leapt form the tip onto her right breast. Each time his cum landed on her skin, it intensified her climax. It was making her body tingle as if it were a magic solution. Finally, he exhaled and with a couple of more slow strokes, he finished his orgasm as hers subsided, with the rest of his cum landing on her stomach, wrist, the back of her hand, cunt, and the inside of her thighs.

They stared at one another, both in a stupor. They were both breathing heavily and coming down. This was by far the best experience of her life, and she was feeling a slight sadness that it was over. It had felt like hours, but Mary knew that it had lasted but thirty minutes or so. The natural high had made time extend. Her feelings were welling up inside of her now, and it felt so right. Her courage was as strong as it had ever been. She wanted to chance it while they were both under each other's spell.

"Jeff, how do you feel?" she said, exhaling deeply, still recovering from her full body orgasm.

"I've never felt so good, Mary Mary," He replied, visibly spent. "How do you feel? I mean, did live up to your expectations? Honestly, I'm feeling a little self conscious, and I don't want to have enjoyed this ten times more than you did."

"That was the best thing I've ever experienced... and I love you." Mary forced out.

"You... You love me?" He asked with hope in his eyes and puzzlement on his face. "Are you fucking with me? Cause I've..."

All of a sudden there was an extremely loud banging coming from the front room that startled them both. Mary, covered in Jefferson's sperm, rolled herself up in the sweaty comforter, and Jefferson, ever the pit-bull, rushed to his nightstand. He opened the drawer and reached in quickly, as if in a practiced motion. He extracted a nickel-plated handgun with wooden grips. It was big, and looked like it could do some serious damage, if used properly. Though she was already cowering in the corner of the room, so nervous that she hadn't wiped the cum from her chin and neck, she thought to herself. "Did Jefferson get that big gun to compensate for his feeling about his cock?"