A Student's Potential

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A student and his teacher simultaneously fulfill a fantasy.
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"Well I'll be damned," Jake Walsh said to Mark Long. "I guess I owe you twenty bucks."

Jake took a long look at Mark's cellphone before finally reaching into his pocket and retrieving his wallet. On his phone was a picture of their English teacher, Miss Hunt. The focus of the picture? Her beautiful tits hanging from her chest, exposed by a slight parting in her top, as she bent over to pick up a classmate's pencil.

"I told you I'd get it," said Mark. It may have taken him a week of trying, but he finally got a solid pic of his teacher's body. Not that it was the first, by any means- he and Jake had been building a collection of Miss Hunt memorabilia ever since they were placed in her class.

In the picture, Miss Hunt was reaching down to the floor, the pencil just out of reach. Her golden blonde hair spilled like a stream of lemonade around her shoulders, a few strands on either side of her head falling forward and reaching towards the ground. Her legs were shapely and smooth, moderately exposed by her knee length floral skirt. Her long lashes covered her eyes, which both boys knew to be a striking cerulean blue. Mark was worried about those eyes looking up at him just after he took the picture, but thankfully, she hadn't noticed.

"You gotta send this to me when you get home," Jake requested.

"Sure man," replied Mark, "I'll upload it to my computer and email it after I finish my homework."

The two never traded pictures over the phone. Instead, they used private emails solely for their collection- another protective barrier to stop them from getting caught. They saved the pictures to secure folders on their computers and always deleted the pictures off of their phones afterward.

The eighteen year olds lived on the same street, four houses away. They had been best friends since fourth grade, and now they were seniors in high school and tighter than ever. As they grew up and discovered the fascinations of women, they started their own collections of pornographic media- pictures of adult women, both naked or close to it, as well as writings and drawings that they themselves had created. Mark was good at writing, and Jake was good at drawing. They made a good pair. They even started a website, MJ Comixxx, to publish their own creations and make some money. They didn't directly post the pictures they had taken- they were horny, but not deceitful. When they told girls they wouldn't share their pictures anywhere, they meant it. However, Jake sometimes drew copies of the original pictures, posting a slightly altered cartoon or even realistic piece of art inspired by someone they had met.

Now, they were walking home from school. Mark had waited until no one was around to show Jake the picture of Miss Hunt.

"How's your coloring coming along?" Mark asked. He was referencing a comic that they were working on together for their site: a tale about a threesome between a high school senior and two female teachers.

"Progress has been slow. I've been busy with homework and haven't had a lot of free time where I don't have to worry about the possibility of my parents walking in on me coloring in a naked chick, like I'm a child with a coloring page."

"Don't worry man, I've been busy too. As long as we finish it eventually, it'll be fine."

"It'll be a lot harder once we're off at college. I can't imagine what my roommate would say if he walked in on that shit."

"Maybe he'd ask to be our editor."

Jake laughed. "I doubt it, but I'll try and stay optimistic."

They turned the corner onto their street. Mark was the second house, so they were close to parting ways.

"Get that homework done quick," said Jake. "I want that sent tonight."

"I'll do my best," Mark replied.

Several hours later, only pausing for a brief dinner, Mark was still going at it. His AP Calculus exam was coming up in a couple weeks, and he had to study despite his heavy lack of motivation. He had gotten into college, and he was always a diligent worker, but efficiency had certainly dropped this semester. He spent a lot of time privately complaining about his workload and vowing that he wouldn't spend so much time on it, but the perfectionist in him always kept him going.

He also had to finish reading a novel for the school book club. He liked reading sometimes, but he was really in the club because Miss Hunt was the faculty supervisor. The best part about it was that they had weekend meetings at her house, because for some reason Miss Hunt wasn't available after school during the week. Jake hated to read, so Mark felt that this was a private experience he had all to himself (plus the other book club members, none of which were his friends).

The novel was kind of a crappy one- at least, Mark thought so- about a girl who gets kidnapped while jogging in the mountains and ends up falling in love with her captor. He had two chapters left to read, and at the end he had to email Miss Hunt a brief summary of his thoughts in preparation for their next meeting. As he read, he started nodding off, but told himself he had to stay awake and finish so he could hang out with Jake and a couple other guys tomorrow. Still, he had trouble focusing. He started to let his mind wander to his teacher.

Miss Hunt sure was a babe. He imagined talking to her in the classroom at the end of the school day. The hallway was bristling with excited students shuffling down the hall and throwing open their lockers, ready for their evening of freedom. He asked Miss Hunt if their book club meeting was on Saturday or Sunday this weekend (it often moved around).

"Sunday this weekend," she answered in her sweet voice. She was on the younger side, maybe thirty or thirty-one, and practically radiated positive energy and cuteness. Her body remained firm and curvaceous- it was clear she either dieted or worked out, maybe both. Today her lips showcased a new pinkish-red lip balm that smelled like strawberry from a few feet away.

"Cool. I guess I'll see you then," he said. As he walked toward the door, Miss Hunt cleared her throat.

"Actually Mark, since you're here... I was wondering if we could talk about something?"


"Can you please close and lock the door?"

"Oh." He gulped, not sure what was going on. "Uh, okay."

After doing what she had asked and returning to her desk, he noticed that she looked a little more serious than usual. Her arms were crossed and her eyes a bit thinner than they usually were. It took him all his focus to not so much as flicker his eyes south of her face.

"I noticed something today," she started. Mark then remembered that he had taken a picture of her cleavage. He didn't think she had seen him!

"Noticed what?" he asked, playing dumb. She smirked, but only for a second.

"Oh, just that you had your phone in your lap and were sitting a little oddly in your seat," she remarked.


"And then-" she moved her hands to her hips- "as I bent down to pick up Rachel's pencil, you took a picture of me."

Mark felt his Adam's apple do a quick twist. "I... Uh..."

"Relax, Mark. I'm not upset with you."

"I- You're not?"

"No. And I know why you took that picture. You wanted a picture of this." She ran her finger slowly down the valley between her breasts, without taking her eyes off of him. Mark's own eyes followed her finger and lingered for a couple of seconds before he realized what had just happened.

"What? Miss Hunt, I-"

"I want to see the picture."

"You... you want to see it?"

"Yes. Please show me the picture you took of me."

Figuring there was nothing to lose, Mark pulled out his phone and opened his photos. He pulled up the picture of Miss Hunt's cleavage and gave her the phone. She seemed to study it for a moment.

"Hmm... not bad, not bad. That's a pretty good angle. Gotta love gravity, am I right?"

Having absolutely no idea how to respond, Mark simply grunted. It had a bit of a whine in it.

"Oh, are you embarrassed?" she asked.

"Well... yeah."

"And why is that?"

"Because you caught me doing something I shouldn't have been doing."

"Mark," Miss Hunt sighed, "It's okay to have a crush on your teacher. I'm flattered, actually. I know I'm quite attractive." She gave a hearty laugh. "I mean, look at these things!" She cupped her breasts in her hand and squeezed them together. Mark's jaw dropped.

Miss Hunt shuffled her breasts in her hand, somehow keeping them inside her top. They appeared firm but also natural based on their movement. Mark and Jake had sometimes argued whether or not she had gotten implants. Mark had always insisted they were natural.

"I've known you have a crush on me," she continued. "All the boys do. It makes it even more fun to tease."

"You tease us?"

"Sure I do, don't play dumb. Haven't you noticed the way I write on the board during lectures, standing on my tiptoes to reach the top? Or the way I dress, leaving just a bit for you to pour your eyes into?" She looked at the phone again, then placed it on her desk. "Although, I have to admit something."


"I don't want to just be a tease." She walked forward and leaned into his ear. Her warm breath tickled the hairs on his neck. "I want to fuck one of my students. And you're the perfect candidate."

Mark shivered and almost stumbled backward. "What? What makes me perfect for that?"

"Because I know you want me. Plus, you're quite cute. And from the looks of it, you've got something packing down there!"

His surprise had distracted Mark from noticing that he had started to grow hard from Miss Hunt's dirty talk and gestures. He looked down at his bulge, then covered it with his hand and looked back at his teacher.

"I want to suck that cock of yours- I want to coat it in my saliva and make you cum harder than you've ever cum before. Then, I'm going to sit on my desk and let you eat me out until I cum too. And then you're going to fuck me."

Mark gulped. He felt like he was going to pass out.

And he did, briefly. His book had luckily stopped his head from impacting his desk, although he had folded the corner of his page in the process. Shaking his head, he looked at the time. It was just past eleven o'clock. Damn, he had really drifted off!

He skimmed the last few pages and quickly typed up a summary of his thoughts (what he said wasn't too important, just proof that he had read the book) Then, fulfilling his promise, he airdropped the picture of Miss Hunt to his computer and emailed it to Jake. Above the pic, he added: Pinup drawing for MJ Comixxx? Jake would know that Mark wanted him to make a standalone piece of art inspired by the picture.

Ten minutes later, Mark had finished his mental fantasy and tiredly beat off to it, helping him fall asleep for the night.


Saturday morning, Mark woke up with a thin line of drool dripping onto his pillow. He smacked his lips and blinked several times before wiping his eyes.

His phone let him know that it was nine-thirty in the morning. After rolling out of bed, he groggily sat on the toiled and urinated.

As he was washing his hands, his phone buzzed. Without looking at the caller ID, he dried his hands and picked it up.


"Good morning sleepy head! It sounds like you aren't quite awake yet."

"Uh, who's this?"

"Don't recognize my voice? You must be reeeally tired!"

"Wait..." Mark looked at his phone and saw it was Miss Hunt. "Miss Hunt?" The whole book club had exchanged phone numbers, but this was the first time one had been used... and she was calling him.

"That's me."

"Sorry! You're right, I am a bit tired. I was up a bit late studying and reading."

"Oh, I know. I was also up late last night and happened to get your email just as I was getting ready for bed. I have to say, I was surprised by your... summary."


"Yes. A good surprise, don't worry. I was quite impressed, actually."

"Really? I kind of halfheartedly threw it together last minute since it was late."

"Halfheartedly? Aww, that makes me sad."

Even though she sounded sarcastic, Mark heard the pout in her voice and imagined her full bottom lip and widened blue eyes. He smirked at his own thoughts.

"Well Mark, I didn't call you because of your summary, although I am looking forward to discussing it. I called because I had something come up tomorrow and I was wondering if you could meet for the book club today? I understand if you can't- I know it's last minute."

"Uh, yeah, I guess I can come over today if it's not too late. What time?"

"Excellent! Does one o'clock sound good?"


"Great. See you then!"

"Bye, Miss Hunt."

He hung up and thought for a moment. What was so good about his summary? Nothing, really. The writing expertise in him knew that it was a poor attempt to fulfill a completion requirement. If he wanted to stay in the book club, he had to do the summaries- and he sure as hell wanted to stay in the book club.

The morning passed by like any other Saturday morning would. Mark's mom generously made him breakfast (eggs and bacon) and he played a few rounds of a multiplayer videogame before taking a shower. When the time came, he told his mom he was going out for a while. She didn't ask where- he liked that she was laid back and didn't have to know where he was going all the time.

He arrived at Miss Hunt's house a few minutes before one o'clock. He didn't see any of the other club members' cars. It was odd, he thought, but maybe they were running a little late, scrambling after the sudden change in plans.

Looking in the rearview mirror of his car, Mark straightened his t-shirt and ran his fingers through his short brown hair to fix up his bedhead look. Then, he got out and walked up to his teacher's front door. He rang the doorbell right at one- right on time.

The door opened as he absentmindedly looked around the street.

"Hello, Mark."

"Hello, Miss Huuuu..."

Mark's voice trailed off as his eyes found his teacher. She was wearing a low cut green floral sundress that revealed more of her skin than he had ever seen. Her lips were coated in a rose matte lipstick. Her full, round tits practically begged to be set free. Her bare shoulders were smooth and sexy, and her wavy blonde hair leaked over them. Her equally as smooth legs were almost completely revealed, the bottom of her dress only covering a few inches below her waist.

"Mark? Everything alright?"

He shook his head. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

"Come in," she said, smiling. He looked around one last time before stepping inside. Where was everyone else?

The chairs in the living room weren't set up in a circle around the coffee table like they normally were. Confused, Mark turned back to Miss Hunt as she closed and locked the front door.

"What about everyone else?"

"They aren't coming today. They're coming tomorrow, as planned."

"What? Why am I here today?"

"I wanted to talk about your email privately." She motioned to the couch. "Have a seat."

Mark sat down on one end and Miss Hunt sat on the other. She stretched her legs out before crossing one over the other. He privately enjoyed the brief showing of her legs.

"I'm a little confused," he admitted.

"I'm sure you are," she agreed, " I don't normally do this with my students."

"What did you want to talk about exactly?"

"Well... for starters, I could tell you didn't put your full effort into the start of the summary. I know you've been busy lately, but I was hoping for a bit more."


"You're a very bright individual, Mark. As your teacher, I just want you to reach your full potential. You've been able to pass by in school with good grades and minimal effort. I think if you put a little more in, it could make a big difference."

"You're probably right. I enjoy writing, but sometimes I get distracted in other subjects."

"Is that so?" Miss Hunt picked up her phone from the coffee table. As she unlocked it, she continued speaking. "I agree. Even in my class, I can tell your mind starts to wander."

"I don't mean for it to wander."

"Sure. Back to your email, however- I found the second part of your summary to be very intriguing."

"Second part? I only remember sending a paragraph."

Miss Hunt laughed, her breasts bouncing on her chest. "It's cute that you don't know. It also makes this a bit more interesting."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't recall replying to your own email to me, sending something else soon after the first?"

"No, I..."

Suddenly, Mark's heart sank into his intestines. Was it possible... that he hit reply to his summary email instead of separately emailing Jake the cleavage picture? Could he have been that stupid?

"Ah!" Miss Hunt exclaimed. "Maybe you do remember now. Do you remember what you sent?"

"I'm... uh, not sure," he said, playing dumb. Maybe he has sent something else...

Looking at her phone, Miss Hunt said, "Pinup drawing for MJ Comixxx?"

Mark felt as though his chest and face had been lit on fire. He was in disbelief- he had sent her his picture of her own cleavage!

"Miss Hunt, I-"

"Look at this picture," she interrupted, showing him her phone. There it was- the picture he had taken during class yesterday. "I didn't realize that you were such a naughty boy."

He looked down, totally embarrassed. What the fuck was he going to do now?

"Mark, did you take this picture during class yesterday?"

"...Yes," he admitted after a long silence.

"Thank you for being honest," she said sincerely. "Can you tell me what MJ Comixxx is?"

Thinking quickly, he said, "it's a, uh... adult comic website I found."

"Really? Can you tell me more about it?"

"Not really. I've, uh, only visited it a couple times."

"I see."

"Miss Hunt, I didn't mean to-"

She shushed him, interrupting him again. "You know, I was a bit stricken after receiving this email. But, my curiosity got the better of me, and I visited the MJ Comixxx website."

Mark tried to keep a poker face. "Oh."

"Yes, it was very interesting. Graphic novels and artwork inspired by some very familiar people and places."

She didn't seem mad- if anything, she seemed completely like her usual self. She was just as cheery as ever. But this seemed a little less professional...

"Mark, are you and Jake Walsh the creators of MJ Comixxx?"

There it was. He thought about lying or covering it up for a moment, but decided to start telling the complete truth. "Yes," he said dully.

"Ha! What do you know? I have a couple of horny young adults in my English class."

"Miss Hunt, I didn't mean any disrespect."

Suddenly, she turned rather serious. "Mark, if I had any concerns about disrespect, I would least expect it from you. Although you can be lazy, you're always very polite and considerate." She smiled warmly again. "I admire that about you."

He didn't say anything. He didn't know what to make of any of this.

"Do you find me attractive Mark?"

"Yes, Miss Hunt. I do."

"I know. I can tell. Most of the boys in class do, as well as my fellow teachers. And you know what- it's a huge turn on!"


"I love knowing that my looks make boys hard as a rock when they think about it at night. I love knowing that during class, you all drift off and think about what I would look like naked... what it would be like to fuck me."

Her sudden profanity caused Mark's jaw to literally drop. Miss Hunt laughed once more.

"Tell me, Mark. Do you jerk off thinking about me? No, don't answer. I know you do. You took this picture of me. I wonder how many more you've taken? God, it makes me wet just thinking about it."

Miss Hunt spread her legs a bit, and in the shadows between them Mark saw a thin white pair of panties. He semiconsciously rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dreaming. If he was, he had no interest in waking up.