All Comments on 'A Summer in the Flesh Ch. 10'

by C.C. Rider

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KingCuddleKingCuddleabout 8 years ago
One fixie?

Starry, Starry Night....Van Gogh.

While I'm being persnickety...:+)))

You're too fine a writer to have some of the typos still the series.

smuuthiesmuuthieover 5 years ago
Great sense of humor

I loved the imagery of “the little bugger climbed on top of me and fucked my lights out again. Too funny.

StubbyoneStubbyone11 months ago

Simply a wonderful chapter. Your writing is exceptional. The emotions that you evoke are amazing. Anne sure is sowing her wild oats. She’s turned into a bit of a slut, but I still like her character. The Alshara character was well done and very poignant and believable. You write like a professional except for the sloppy editing, and again (TWAT). Stop already !!! Another 5-😊😊😊😊😊’s

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