A Surprising Two Days


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"I think you like that," I said as I lowered her to the floor and carefully spread her legs. Those hazel eyes were looking right at me until my finger entered her again, and the eyes went shut. I wondered what thoughts were filling her mind.

I lowered my head, and my tongue went to work while now, two fingers were probing her. Her hips were moving up and down in unison with the probing, and there were little sounds escaping her throat. When my lips closed on her clit there was a loud groan.

"Oh, God, Noah. Don't stop."

I wasn't about to stop, totally overwhelmed by the sounds surrounding me and the movements of that beautiful body in front of me.

When the rhythmic spasms began, her body squeezing my fingers, her short but loud moans filling the air, I could only wish that it was something besides my fingers being squeezed. I knew that would come.

A moment filled with only heavy breathing.

I watched her eyes slowly open "Am I still alive...or in heaven?"

That made me smile.

She raised herself onto her elbows and glanced at my crotch, nibbling her lower lip.

"Noah." A fairly hopeless look filled her face.

"What's that look, Ari?"

She looked away, and I understood immediately. I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I need for you to help me," she said softly.

I squeezed her a little tighter.

Thirty seconds of silence was followed by, "I want to do for you what you just dId for me."

"There's no script, Ari. And when you told your mother you were staying here tonight...and tomorrow night, you made me the happiest man north of the Mason-Dixon line."

"But, Noah."

"But nothing, lady. Come on to bed with me, and we'll see about what's bothering you."

When we stood, I stayed motionless, just staring at the picture of perfection standing with me.

"Noah, stop. You're going to make me blush."

"Blush away. It will only make you look better."

She blushed as I pulled her into a hug, and I shuddered as she tightly grasped my cock.

"I thought you needed help," l groaned.

She totally surprised me when she began gently pumping the erection.

"Is that good?" she whispered, and I couldn't tell if she was curious or being sexy. The sensations gripping my body couldn't care less.

"A few more minutes, and you'll see how good it is."

She guided me to the bed and indicated I should lay down.

I didn't argue.

Those gorgeous hazel eyes locked on mine, she climbed up and straddled my legs. She looked wary but willing.

She bent down until I could feel her warm breath on the throbbing head. I received a kiss and then another. So far, there wasn't much she needed help with.

Her tongue came next, circling the head over and over, my body undulating with each swish of her tongue.

Next, I felt her lips working on the head, finally sliding lower, her tongue working on the rim. I could barely breathe. Her lips were continuing their work, moving faster and faster and lower and lower until I couldn't contain it any longer.

"Gonna come, Ari."

It was her hand that finally caused the eruptions. Some landed on her breasts, but most were on me. When I opened my eyes, she was smiling.

I did it, didn't I?"

I chuckled, nodding my head.

"I didn't know, well, exactly what happened when...when that happens. Lay still."

She ran to the bathroom and returned with a towel, and carefully cleaned me. As she started on herself, I stopped her, took the towel, and carefully cleaned those sumptuous boobs.

The way she was looking at me told me she was ready. But was I?

Like the Boy Scouts, I had decided to always be prepared. And I was prepared tonight, even though I'd never imagined I'd need to be.

"See the duffle by the far wall. Open it and check the zipper pocket."

I received the I know what you're up to look, and she was back, looking at the small foil packet.


I'm not sure why I'd anticipated his not being prepared, perhaps transferring my own reactions to him. But I was holding the magic packet. I'd been around a similar packet twice before but knew little about them since the two guys hadn't been interested in anything besides getting themselves off.

I glanced at Noah, who seemed to be waiting for me to do something. It seemed to be his way of helping me to be sexy. I'd never thought of myself that way, except for wearing a bikini. But, after the way Noah had reacted tonight, I might have to reevaluate myself.

I smiled at him, licking my lips as I tore open the packet. I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I knew Noah would help me do it right. When I looked at the condom and his cock, it was easy to see what needed to be done, and after what had happened a few minutes ago, I knew what the bulge in the tip was for.

I was ready for more than his fingers to be inside me.

"Let me just look at you for a few minutes," he said.

It was the first time I'd noticed that his erection wasn't as erect as it had been. I wondered if that was normal, but Noah didn't seem to be overly concerned. Could I possibly affect that.

I grabbed hold of him, and he inhaled deeply. A kiss, a lick, and the head was in my mouth. When my tongue went to work, I could feel it growing. To know I could do that had my heart pounding again.

I decided he was ready and rolled the condom on with no problem. We were ready.

Noah carefully rolled me onto my back, then moved between my legs. He lowered himself to his elbows, his face right above mine.

"This is the first time I've ever done it this way. The other two were, well, you know."

"This is a first time for me, too, with you."

He continued to gaze at me, and I thought I might melt.

"Keep looking at me," he said as his hand went between us, aligning everything.

I think that before, my eyes had been closed most of the time. Could I keep them open?

There was a sudden magical quality about where we were and what was happening, our eyes locked together and our naked bodies about to do something I hadn't even dreamed of just a few days ago.

I felt him pressing forward until he was just inside me. He paused, his eyes never leaving mine. I'm sure he was silently asking a question, and I was just as silently answering. He was definitely inside me now, a delicious stretching making my body tingle...and much more.

Ever so slowly, he filled me completely, and I was able to keep my eyes open, knowing how much he adored looking at them. When he just as slowly withdrew and then was inside me once more, I couldn't restrain the soft moan and the arching of my body into his.

His movements were now a little faster, and mine were matching them. I'd never imagined what this could be like, the descriptions in the romance books I'd read coming nowhere near the sensations that were gripping my body. My nipples were so hard they nearly ached, and Noah's chest caressing them with each of his thrusts only fed the fire of passion that had erupted inside me...and my heart.

Hearing the gentle grunts coming from his throat and guessing that his feelings were matching mine was creating a euphoria that I knew could have only one conclusion.

"Noah, I'm coming again," I moaned loudly and watched the look on his face changing.

"Me too," he barely got out before both our spasms began, his lips finding mine as I felt him pulsing over and over inside me.

I think both our eyes went shut because I was conscious of opening mine when the spasms finally slowed and seeing his tightly squeezed shut eyelids slowly opening.

I knew I was falling in love.


I was where I'd wanted to be all my life, and I never wanted to leave it.

I'd had sex before, but it had never been like this. It was orders of magnitude better than anything I'd ever experienced.

I opened my eyes to see Ari's looking at me, a tender smile on her face.

"It was good, wasn't it?" she said with a sincerity that nearly burst my heart.

I chuckled. "The understatement of the ages," I said.

"My brain is jello right now, and I'm lucky to be able to say anything."

"I never want to let loose of you."

"Then, don't," was her simple reply.

I started to lift myself off of her.

"Don't move. I love the feel of..." She looked like she might be ready to blush. "...of you inside me. That's what I want to keep forever."

I think her words had me reacting again so that I could stay there a little longer.

"I'll be here for a week."

Her arms squeezed me against her, and I was even more positive I never wanted to let loose of her. She was absolutely delicious.

"Not long enough," she whispered.

"We'll talk about it in the morning. Now it might be nice to cuddle like we did before and get a little sleep."

"That means you're going to take it out."

"But only till it's back in again."

"I think I can wait."

We stood and headed for the bathroom.

"You don't have any of your toiletries here," I said, a little concerned.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Grams has a supply of toothbrushes available to any guests she might have staying here...including me tonight."

Cuddled against her warmth, the citrus aroma of her hair filling my nostrils, I was as near heaven as it was possible to get, I was sure. I was surprised when I heard her voice.

"I didn't know I could do that."

"What, have wonderful sex with me?" I teased.

A tiny giggle. "No, that I could...could come just from, you know."

"I didn't know that either, but now that it's happened, I'm kind of glad."

"Me too. Twice in, what, less than an hour."

"Someone seems a little proud of herself."

"Maybe," she said pensively. "But for someone who was never interested in sex or having someone around who they'd want to have sex with, to do what we did tonight is like coming over the mountain and finding Shangri-La. A utopian experience."

"Wow. That makes me feel good, Ari. And I share the utopian feeling with you."

"Let's sleep," she said, pulling my hand to one of her breasts.


Noah was still asleep, his arm around me, his warm breath against my neck. I carefully lifted his arm and rolled, so I was facing him. What had happened? I knew I liked him; that's why I'd invited him to Pennsylvania to snowboard with me. It felt strange when I'd done it, and it had actually been a little difficult to convince myself to do it. It was so far beyond my ken.

And now here he was, sleeping in the bed beside me, having given me the most astonishing night of my still fairly young life. A curtain of sadness seemed to drop over me as I realized he'd only be here a few more days. When I'd invited him, a week seemed like forever, and I'd wondered what we'd do to fill the time. I chuckled to myself as I thought that he'd be filling more than my time for the next few nights...maybe days as well.

I slipped out of bed and went to my phone. There was a text message from my mother.

be sure you guys come to our place when you wake up. I'll fix breakfast.

My mother had encouraged me to do this, particularly on the phone, last night. But, could I face her this morning, with Noah sitting there beside me? I texted back.

will be there when Noah wakes up

As I headed back toward the bed, I saw his eyes watching me.


"I have good reason to be."

I crawled in beside him.

"Let's make a deal," he said.

"What's that?"

"Anytime we're together and alone, you have to be naked."

"Noah!" I squealed.

"You don't put clothes on Michaelangelo's David."

"I hope I don't look like David," I giggled.

"Perfection of another variety," he answered.

"Noah, we tease, but I do appreciate it when you say things like that."

"I hope so. It's just how I feel about you."

"I don't want to put a damper on things, but Mom has invited us for breakfast."

It wasn't a terrified look that crossed Noah's face but severe apprehension, at the least.

"Does your dad do a lot of hunting...with a shotgun?"

I laughed aloud this time. "There won't be any shotguns, babe. They're on our side."

He winked at me. "Babe?"

I'd never used that expression before, although my mom and dad used it constantly. Somehow it had transferred to how I felt about Noah. That thought made me blush.

"Uh-oh. I see some rosy cheeks."

"Just get dressed, and we'll go get some breakfast and some looks from my parents."

I was a little surprised that the parents didn't give us sly smiles or any suggestive comments. They just seemed to accept that we were, well, a couple and treated Noah almost like he was a member of the family. It made everything so simple and me so happy.

It was on the way to Fort Ligonier that Noah said, "You know we need to talk about things."

"Okay," I said, nervous about the talk but anxious for some resolution.

"I think you know I'm falling in love with you and have been since the island."

He'd said the word I never expected to hear spoken about me.

"I never expected to fall in love...but I think I have."

"Not quite love at first sight, but love after two days?"

"And two months of facetime."

"You need to finish school, and I have my job at the pharmacy. Plus, I have a very plump savings account."

"Go on," I said, anxious to hear his thoughts since I hadn't really tried to formulate a plan as of yet.

"I'm willing and anxious to come to Pennsylvania every two weeks until you graduate. On your spring break, I'll fly you to the beach. It should be plenty warm."

"Noah, that's a lot of money, and what about your house?"

"Right now, I can't imagine having a house without you there to share it with me."

"That's about five months, Noah."

"Compared to a lifetime, that's not very long."

Somehow he was able to say all the words I loved to hear. There was something I needed to share with him.

"When I was a freshman and sophomore, I volunteered at the hospital. My mom had been a candy striper, and she got me interested in volunteering at the hospital. I read to little kids and vIsited with older ones, helping them whenever I could. I loved it" I looked at Noah, curious about his reaction.

"I didn't know about that, Ari. But keep going."

"I spent a lot of time tutoring when they found my major was physics. It turns out they didn't have many STEM tutors. Seeing those kids do well made me feel so freaking good." I watched Noah raise his eyebrows and smile.

"You enjoyed teaching."

I nodded.

"And you think you might like to be a teacher?"

"Yep. Someplace warm."

Noah's smile was priceless.

"On one condition," he said very decisively.

I giggled. "Sounds like I have no choice."

"You finish this semester and then decide. If we're still together--"

"--Noah, bite your tongue!" I interrupted.

"I was just going to say that we can work out anything."

"I think you're right."

It was fascinating watching Noah explore Fort Ligonier. When he realized that it dated from the 1750s, he had question after question for the helpers. It was difficult to realize that he had come here as an interesting friend and was now...I took a deep breath...my lover. It seemed so simple and so natural.

A quick stop at a pharmacy in Ligonier.

We returned to Grams' to find her waiting. She'd actually heard my car pull in and ran out to meet us. She chuckled when she saw us, and I realized I was clinging tightly to Noah.

"You've answered my first question, both last night and today."

I could feel myself blushing.

"Young man, any time you want to visit my granddaughter, you are both welcome to use the apartment...as long as you stop in to visit with me."

I couldn't be happier. My family had accepted Noah without question, trusting my judgment.

We had six months before I'd be free to join him at the beach. I had many possibilities but felt sure that I'd be teaching, probably physics.

Whatever it was, and despite our short time together, I was sure we could work out any problems we'd face.

Just a few days ago, l was sure I'd never marry, and Noah was a friend who I thought might become special. Never did I dream it would only take two days to fall totally in love with him. I wondered what other surprises might be in store for me.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wonderful story, would be interesting to visit them again after say 10 years of marriage, just to see them struggle, but to see them stand together and face the world together.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Terrific story! Very fun and entertaining. If I can offer my opinion/observations:

On a jet ski, each rider would be wearing a life jacket - no exceptions. That might change your descriptions of the ride and her return in the boat. Also, IMHO, she fell too fast. All's well till they're done snowboarding. At that point,it would have been a better read if she goes back home that night, and has a convo with parents or her BFF. Then a trip to the fort and more flirting. Then another day of snow activities before they get together. That would have made it more believable - but of course, more work on you :}.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very good story. it was good to end the story at this point as the magic might end.

KachinaDollKachinaDollabout 1 year ago

Sexy and romantic. Doesn't get much better than that. *****

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICabout 1 year ago

Wow, I love this story. The characters and storyline are great. I look forward to reading more about Arianna and Noah.

Jimloves2watchJimloves2watchover 1 year ago

Great! I like the characters enough that I wonder if there might be a sequel coming.

WilCox49WilCox49over 1 year ago

Um. I like it very well indeed. But . . .

I really, really wish you would either start seriously proofreading or find someone picky-minded to to do for you. There are a couple of typos (I HOPE that's what they are), but they're kind of minor. The big problem: you have a persistent problem with quotation marks. Speech ends, and you add a comment that's NOT the character's speech, and only then do you close the quotation. Or you NEVER close the quotation. Or you miss the open-quote mark. Sometimes it's hard to realize a character has started speaking, for half a sentence or so. It's really, really distracting.

The story is pretty well handled. I'm not sure I buy Arianna's love-at-almost-first-sight turnaround, but you handled it very well. The period of long-distance-not-quite-romance makes it a lot more believable.

Regarding nestorb30's comment, I mostly don't agree. People that age, at that point in their careers and lives, often make changes of direction. She's learned that she likes teaching. She's seriously questioning another few years' schooling. (Admittedly, she'll have education courses to take. Yuck.) Noah just provides one more reason to consider.

On the whole, very good. Believable characters. A little too fast, maybe, but you can defend that as not letting it get bogged down. (Some of us have the opposite problem!)

Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So nice but it so needs more chapters. You can't be done with these characters, they are so fun.

nestorb30nestorb30over 1 year ago

Cute but getting a degree in theoretical physics and then becoming a small town school teacher? Why can't Noah move to where Ari is getting her graduate degree? Pharmacists are in demand

jwoozjwoozover 1 year ago

I know enough by now to know that if it says pickfiction on it, just give it a five! Great story. Thank you!

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