A Taste of Slavery Ch. 42


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"Okay, I have to ask," Dawn said. "Protect you from what? Scott won't fuck you. He's going to be too busy fucking me tonight even if his slaves gave him permission to fuck you."

Lucia and Shasta shared another long look. "It's up to you, Shasta," Lucia said, "but I told you I got through my trauma with the help of my friends and there are no more friendly and caring people than those with you now."

Shasta started to cry again and Lucia automatically slid next to her to envelop her in her arms. This left her spot open and with Shasta crying again, my cock was taking a dive. I finally got in, deciding it was better for it to be invisible under the bubbles, than in plain view outside the tub, even flaccid. I knew whatever it was, was bad.

I wondered what it was she didn't even want to talk about. Suddenly, Dawn's previous suggestion burst into my head and like a fool, I blurted it out. "You were raped, weren't you?"

Shasta started crying harder and everyone looked at her and realized it made perfect sense. She'd started crying when Lucia's story came out. Suddenly she was swarmed with women hoping to take her in their arms and take her pain away. I was alone on my side of the pool, feeling like an idiot. Worse yet, I wanted to shelter her in my arms as well, and that would be a horrible idea at the moment.

Surrounded by the three women cooing and comforting, the "there, there"'s, the "let it out, baby," the tears finally eased. Shasta sniffed loudly, rubbing at her eyes, trying to wipe her tears.

She looked at us and tearfully told the story she'd related to Julia and Lucia earlier; her gang rape, the birth of her son, her struggles as a single mother, the attempt of the gang leader to take her son, and the cause of the car crash which injured and disfigured her. It was a horrifying account and I was filled with so much pity for this young woman and disgust for the bastards who did it to her.

Zoe said, "They could still be prosecuted. There's no statute of limitations on rape in California."

"I don't want to go through a trial. As long as they leave me alone, I don't give a fuck what happens to 'em."

"They're not still after your son?" I asked.

"Only the asshole who died. None of the rest care two shits."

"May I hold your hand for a few minutes, Shasta?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, cautiously sliding her hand into mine.

"I'm so disgusted for the actions of some of my gender, Shasta. I'd like to apologize for all of them who hurt you. Anything that I, or anyone else in my family can do for you, you only need to ask." I squeezed her hand. "You can get counseling if you wish. We have the insurance for that and I know counseling helped Lucia."

"Julia told me, Scott. Actually, you've already helped me a lot. I pretty much hated men after it happened. Then you hired me, giving me a chance when I had no actual experience, paid me what you paid any other new employee. You made sure everyone else on your crew treated me right. Didn't stop paying me when I needed to have my child, didn't drop me when I had the accident. I admit I had some reservations when I found out you kept sex slaves, including another black woman. It's not until recently I've really begun to understand what that means. You don't really mistreat women. You love and cherish them, just in a different way. It's why I became comfortable enough to go without clothes in your presence today. It was only finding out what happened to Lucia which brought out all my suppressed feelings. It's nothing you or anyone else did today. I can't believe how nice everyone is."

"I happen to believe I have some of the nicest friends in the world." I had a sudden idea. "Would you and your mother and son like to come for grilled hamburgers tomorrow?"

The rest of the women quickly echoed my request. "Please, I'm sure your son would enjoy swimming in the pool," Zoe said.

"I don't think I should expose my boy to naked women at this point in his life."

"We don't have to be naked, Shasta. We choose to be naked and we can choose not to be for guests," I replied. "Eventually, we'll have to do the same for my own children. My son's due in seven weeks. I suppose we can go naked the first couple years of his life, but eventually, we will have to put on clothes."

"You don't have to do this just because I was raped years ago by people you don't even know."

"No, I suppose not, but wouldn't it be enjoyable for everyone involved? Don't think of this as me atoning for other assholes. Think of this as doing something pleasant with a friend and her family. Please, it would mean a lot to me."

She looked around at all of our faces. "I'll ask momma, but I suspect she'd love to come."

"What would your family like to eat and drink?" I asked.

"Cheeseburgers and chips or potato salad would be good for all of us to eat. Cedric, that's my son, likes orange soda. Momma likes a cold beer now and then. I'll have whatever everyone else is having."

"What brand of beer?"

"She mostly can only afford the cheap stuff, but I know she has a Corona with lime when she wants to splurge a little."

"What does Cedric like to do? Since there aren't other kids here, he'll have to play with adults. Any games, like catch or something?"

"He's a little young for catch. He likes the board game Chutes and Ladders. He'll love swimming."

"Good. Can I ask you one more, very personal question?"

"You can ask."

"Have you ever been with anyone since this happened?"

She got a little fire in her eyes, glaring at me. "No! Are you offering?"

"Of course not, Shasta. That would be insulting. Insulting to you, my wife, Lisa and Rhonda. No. Not offering myself at all. You probably need lots of counseling and when it finally happens, it should be with someone you care for. I feel guilty for having sex in front of you now I know what happened, but when we have, you seemed more interested in the girl/guy thing than the girl/girl. I'm assuming from that you're not interested in sex with girls, and I'm guessing you can't trust men, so you don't have sex at all."

"You're probably right about the motivations, except it's not no sex, just no sex with people."

The girls laughed, Dawn saying, "Sometimes a vibrator is a girl's best friend."

Shasta smiled.

"You might think you've managed this long on your own, and except for a little slip today when you heard about Lucia, you've gotten along just fine and don't need help from anyone. I just feel it's sad, is all. Not even so much for the sex, as for the closeness of being with someone else, feeling their breath against your neck as you fall asleep, their arm around you. It's a miserable way to live your life, which is why I encourage you to start counseling and not continue the same as you have, no matter how well you're coping. The right person in your life is like a soothing balm, comfort when you ache. No one should have to live their life without those things in them."

"My son is those things for me, Scott."

"Children grow up, Shasta. They leave the nest. Someday you'll be alone and I would hate for that to happen to you. You deserve as much happiness as anyone else."

"Master Scott is right," Lucia said. "There's no shame in getting help when you need it. It doesn't make you weak. Don't you think Cedric should see and experience you having a loving relationship with someone. It will be how he learns to have one himself."

"I'll think about it, okay. I won't make promises, but I'll think about it."

"Good," I squeezed her hand one last time, then released it. "Feel free to stay as long as you like, Shasta, but Dawn told me she wanted to wear me out tonight and I'd better get started or I won't get any sleep. I feel awkward sitting in here with you and me not having anything on. Doesn't seem right, now I know."

I got out of the tub and helped Dawn out. Resting my hand on her ass, I guided her towards the house, leaving the rest of them soaking in the tub. Dawn had her wish granted. I used all three of her holes, starting with her mouth and ending with her ass. She went to sleep with a huge smile on her face. I thought about Shasta awhile before I fell asleep, wishing I could do more to help her. At least, I might be able to provide a positive male influence to her son.



Jade and Riyuki woke me up at six-thirty, going muff diving to start the day.

"Why so early?" I moaned, Jade's tongue dipping deep in my sheath.

Riyuki sat on my face, smothering further protest.

"It's your duty to serve us, and you need to shower and eat before you get tattooed."

Since I couldn't protest further, I ceased trying. We tried a number of different positions enjoying all the ways three women could lap at liquid folds for forty-five minutes before they allowed me to shower. They rushed me through breakfast and brought me to the room they frequently used for piercing. It had a comfortable dentist type chair. Monique was waiting for me along with a tattoo artist, hired from the outside; a woman who was not surprised at all to see us nude.

Monique said, "Have a seat in the chair. I'm going to secure you to it so you can't move. Since you're being tattooed near your cunt, it will be painful and we don't want you to move. We do the same thing for piercings, to get an ideal piercing. We've used this artist before. She's very good. Give her the design you wish to have done."

I handed her the design Lisa had come up with. It showed two slave slave shackles with Lisa's and my initials in it, with chains extending to a handle, with Master's name. Another chain extended from my shackle to another one with Rhonda Meadows initials in it. What made it pretty, to me, was the flower garlands intertwined in the chains, which made it less severe and prettier. She began transferring the design to tracing paper.

I sat down and the chair was lowered to a position comfortable for the artist. Monique secured me to the chair, all of my limbs close to my torso, then my waist itself. I could barely squirm.

"It's my job to give you orgasms to ease the pain of being tattooed. I'll give you one about every half hour until she's done. I can use my tongue which I discourage due to mouth bacteria so close to the tattoo location or a vibrator, the recommended method this morning."

"I'll take the vibrator, please." Made sense to me.

Monique produced a vibrator and gave me a fast orgasm, almost all orgasms fast for a needy slave like me. Then the artist started the tattoo. It was painful, but other things I experienced as a slave had prepared me for pain. Spankings, nipple clamps, being confined in positions for long times; even orgasm denial was a type of pain. She worked for a couple minutes, wiped blood away with a clean cloth to clear the field, then go again. I let myself go into sub space, the needle becoming an annoying throbbing as much as it was painful.

True to her word, Monique gave me another orgasm every thirty minutes. While I was cumming, the artist was changing needles or dye, drinking water, or whatever else she had to keep herself busy until my climax was over, then start again. As I was immobile and could barely move, the work went quickly. About two hours later, she was finished. Lisa was now in the room, waiting for her own turn. She inspected the work while the artist held up a mirror to show me. It was exactly as I'd envisioned it. The tattoo proclaimed my slavery and submission to my Master, right by my cunt so he'd see it every time he fucked me.

The tattoo artist did a final wipe down, applied an anti-bacterial spray, blotted dry, then spread a thin layer of petroleum jelly and a bandage over the tattoo.

"Here's a list of instructions for caring for your tattoo," the artist said after I'd been released from the chair, handing me a sheet of paper. "Please follow them closely as they help ensure the tattoo doesn't get infected and it stays beautiful for a long time. I have two other instructions due to the location next to your pussy. You can't shave your pubes for at least a week, or until there's no more scabbing. You won't be able to see the tattoo as well as your hair grows back, but it will look fine when you shave again. You just can't have razors scraping the area until it's fully healed."

I guess we'd all have to get a little used to cunt hair again.

"The second one is no licking the area of the tattoo. I'd tell you to give it a week before someone licks down there, but I'm sure you won't listen to me anyway, but give it three days at least, then wash it afterward. You can lick your Mistress's pussy all you want, but no one can lick you."

"I have a Master," I said automatically. Not that it made a difference. Two other slaves normally licked me.

"Well he can't lick you either, but you can suck all the cock you want." Master would be happy about that anyway.

"Thank you," I said.

I glanced at the instructions as Lisa was strapped to the chair. 1. Remove the bandage after 24 hours. Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and pat dry. 2. Apply a layer of antibacterial ointment twice a day, but don't put on another bandage. 3. Gently wash your tattoo area several times a day with soap and water and gently pat dry. 4. Keep applying a moisturizer or ointment after you clean it to keep it moist. A little harder to do with my pubic hair growing back.

The rest was general care and not as specific. Repeat this process for 2 to 4 weeks. Try not to wear clothes that will stick to your tattoo. Not really a problem for naked slaves. Avoid swimming and the sun for about 2 weeks. That would be a pain. Take cool showers. Another pain. We usually showered with Master and he liked hot water. So did I, for that matter. If your tattoo scabs a bit or develops hard layers, don't worry, but never pick, scratch, or peel it. You could get an infection or remove the color. If you think your tattoo is infected, or isn't healing properly, go see your doctor.

The rest of the aftercare: always put sunscreen on it. Not a problem; nothing worse than sunburn on my cunt. And moisturize it daily, especially if it's on an area of your body, such as your hands, where it can fade quickly. Did saliva count as moisturizer?

A couple tricky things, but nothing I couldn't live with.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Sam's slaves are receiving payment for services rendered to Mistress," Monique replied. "You will go to his house with your slave and provide said payment."

"Where might I find my slave?"

"Don't worry. She's already being sent there."

I headed towards Sam's carrying my sheet of instructions, the tattoo a dull ache on my mons. On the way, I met Rhonda going to the same place.

"How was your night?" I asked her.

"Exhausting," Rhonda replied. "Ingrid in particular was insatiable. I think she liked the contrast of my skin to her pale skin. It was until three o'clock last night and again, starting at seven this morning. How is your tattoo, Domina?"

"Beautiful, but sore. I'd show it to you, but I have to keep the bandage on until this time tomorrow."

We arrived at Sam's house. The three of them were there. It appeared Sam had just fucked Marcia. Fresh, white cream running from her cunt. Chantelle was cleaning her Master's cock. She stopped as we knelt in the presence of a Master.

"Good morning, slaves," Sam said, "were you informed of your purpose in being here this morning?"

Rhonda shook her head 'no'. I replied I was told we were supplying payment for services rendered.

"Exactly," Sam said. "You and Rhonda will take turns satisfying my two slaves, a half hour on one, before swapping over to the other. In an hour, Chantelle has to assist with lunch preparations. Marcia will take you to a display room where you may inspect the jewelry you wish placed in your piercings this afternoon. You'll eat at noon and the piercings take place afterward. You'll be sleeping here tonight in our guest room as no one will be able to use your cunts tonight, though you'll be satisfying mine again before you retire."

"Will you be watching us service your slaves, Master Sam?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied. "In fact, I anticipate having to use one of them during the process. I enjoy watching women with other women."

I was assigned to clean Marcia's cleft, then give her orgasms for a half hour. Rhonda started with Chantelle, midnight black on coffee with cream. Master Sam watched us, idly stroking his cock which grew quickly as he watched us. When the half hour was up, Rhonda started on Marcia. Before I was allowed to start on Chantelle, Sam fucked her, saying, "he'd yet to fuck her this morning, so it's her turn." Because he'd been stroking his cock as he watched us, it only took him five minutes to cum, and I ended up licking his cum out of Chantelle as well. It was a good thing I enjoyed the taste and texture of cum now, as I got a double dose of his, second hand.

Both of Sam's slaves greatly enjoyed our talents, each of them cumming multiple times. Our faces were well smeared in girl cum and mine also had some of Sam's seed around it from when Chantelle had ground my face against her pussy during her first climax after her fucking. Sam told us to wear our cum until lunch. Chantelle went to help with lunch.

Marcia took us to the jewelry displays. I loved the way the slave badge dangled between her legs, chiming as she walked. I would get something similar for my own slave, and for me when I could finally be pierced. Lisa would be in charge of her own piercings, and I don't know what she wanted. Both Lisa and Rhonda were getting pierced today. I had to wait until after I delivered Junior before my cunt was pierced, and until after he was weaned before my nipples could be pierced. It was the only thing I regretted about my pregnancy other than how fat and graceless I felt.

I allowed Rhonda to pick out the temporary posts and rings she would be wearing post piercing. I picked out the things she would be wearing when she bonded to me. I also picked out some other jewelry she would be receiving from her Domina for Christmas and later. I also saw some other things I'd like to get for all of my other employees. I could order them from the catalog, however and get them shipped.

Master sent me a text telling me he'd invited Shasta and her family over for hamburgers for lunch and she'd told everyone what happened to her, so I no longer needed to keep it secret from Lisa or Rhonda. I was happy she'd offered to share because I had an idea of what I'd like to give her for Christmas, but I probably needed Lisa's help to make it work.

We went to lunch and before I was allowed to eat, Mistress Brianna made me pleasure her under the table. Monique was pleasured by Rhonda and Adele by Lisa, fresh from her tattooing.

After she moaned her climax, Brianna handed me a napkin so I could finally clean my face. "I hope you're being kept busy, slave. You owe me a lot for providing Dawn, Zoe and Lucia for the weekend for your Master." Brianna stroked my hair and cheek, providing some measure of comfort for a poor slave without her Master.

"Yes, Mistress, very busy," I replied, dabbing at the cum around my mouth.

"Good. After the piercings, the aftercare won't allow you much sleep because they need to be treated every three hours. We'll let you doze as you can after nine so you're not too tired for your drive tomorrow, but there's nothing to prevent each of you from using your mouths, so expect to be used frequently until then."

"Yes, Mistress."

"How does your tattoo area feel?"

"It throbs, Mistress."

"The lack of orgasms to you will keep it aching more than you expect. You may use Tylenol for the pain, but no aspirin or ibuprofen as they're blood thinners. After the piercings, we'll provide analgesic and anti-bacterial creams. You may use them on your tattoo after the bandage comes off."