All Comments on 'A Vertical Expression: Vanessa'

by KarennaC

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RossDanielsRossDanielsabout 16 years ago
Very well-written

Great character development. Made me care about what happens to them. I hope we'll be able to read more about where their relationship goes. Nicely done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
old men young girl edepus?

as an 0ld man who has lots of sex w young and younger girls,it is wonderful, but note, only for a short fails when a long relationship is planned. the little woman girl always attracts to a younger man of her age group.

Auld_HenryAuld_Henryover 8 years ago
A gentle tale

A tale with a twist in the end.

An excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree with the positive, including the character development. There should be further of at least one of them.

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