A Very, Very Naughty Girl


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Greer left the other two women completing business and headed home feeling a little disappointed that Sebastian hadn't called to thank her for her rescue and salvage efforts. Well he would when they were face-to-face again, she philosophised.

Her phone went.


"Hi babe, it's Jimmy, your friendly ranger. I called in but you weren't at home. There are four largish cartons on your front porch, with a courier docket. So I went over and asked Annie Fabish if she knew where you kept a spare key and to help me take the cartons inside."

"Thanks. Was she suspicious?"

"That would be unlikely. I told her I was passing and noticed the cartons left on the porch so being a vigilant and proactive ranger I did the decent thing."

"Little wonder you can commit adultery being able to lie like that. How may I reward you?"

There was a pause long enough, Greer fantasized, for Jimmy to scratch his balls and then think about how he could be rewarded. She lured him on, "I'm feeling horny and am just leaving town. Want to meet at Shepherd's Bush -- I have a rug with me?"

"Yeah, great idea. Josephine rejected my suggestion to invite you to dinner saying you were too high and mighty for the likes of us."

"Did you say she was misguided, that you'd recently had your erection up me as far as it would go?"

"Greer!" Jimmy choked.

She laughed and said she'd see him in about ten minutes.

Greer pulled up behind Jimmy Applefield's vehicle. The couple kissed sexily, circling tongues, and walked a little way in with Jimmy carrying the rug before they turned off and negotiated thick undergrowth for not even twenty yards before finding one of the little clearings in that park that lovers had used over generations.

"Get them off Jimmy," she smiled. Greer only had to remove her sundress and underwear and kick off her sandals while Jimmy had to unbutton his park ranger shirt, remove the required white t-shirt, unlaced his boots, remove thick socks followed by pants and underpants.

"It looks fine Jimmy, long and strong," Greer encouraged, already on her knees waiting.

Grinning in pride, Jimmy pushed it into her open mouth and rolled his eyes in pleasure as Greer gobbled it skilfully, removing it a couple of times to lick the length including waggling her tongue around his hairy testicles. When he began to pant Greer pulled away and lay on her back.

"My turn."

"Christ Greer, you are a detectable fuck," he said, "Clean, fresh and shaven and yet it's well past your shower this morning."

"God, what do you get at home?" But to her relief, as she'd not meant to say that aloud, Greer heard only a garbled reply as Jimmy, tongue hanging out and curled in a half-circle attacked her very wet pussy.

Jimmy got her away with relative ease. Well she had said she was horny. She climbed on to her hands and knees, guided him into the right orifice and he was away, plunging into her with a beautifully slow rhythm that had her groan in appreciation each time he bottomed out. When she knew by his noises he was preparing to come she reached under and squeezed his balls and yelled, "Go tiger!"

"I'll drown you, you hot bitch!" he roared, pumping into her. Greer was used to men acting as if they actually pumped a pint of come instead of one or perhaps two teaspoonfuls.

After they rested Jimmy suggested he better go home with fuel in the tank. Back at the vehicles Greer handed him a dispenser of water-soluble lube.

"It's for your bedside cabinet top."

"Cor thanks Greer. It looks expensive."

"You're worth it. The truth is Jimmy I think I've met someone who appears interested and if it happens it could become long-term."

"That's okay," Jimmy said gallantly. "Two great flings with you were worth a dozen mediocre ones at home."

"Listen to me Jimmy. Work on Jo, gently and let her see kindness and real affection. No woman wants to feel she's kept just to be a handy fuck bag. No matter what you think of your relationship, what matters as far as Josephine is concerned is how she sees things and how she thinks. Take her flowers occasionally and perhaps when dining one Friday night you say, 'What say we have a candlelight dinner tomorrow night -- late after the kids have settled?' And pick good moments to just say good things to her, supportive things."

"Like what?"

"Like you think she doing great things with the kids, making them into real family members."

"But Tom is a little shit."

"Ignore that. You have to sound sincere and feel you are sincere otherwise none of those things will count; it will be just a waste of breath."

"You're doing great with the kids Jo. I see a real family shaping up because of your excellent mothering."

"Jimmy that was just wonderful. You have no idea yet what that will be to her, but when she realizes it's not just a flash in the pan she'll tell you."

"God Greer, you're brilliant."

Driving home Greer thought initially what a slut she'd been tempting Jimmy to commit adultery again. It could unsettle him to re-establish through new experience that fucking a woman didn't have to feel no more exciting that feeling like fucking a pillow. But then the guilt eased when thinking she'd told him they were finished and then brightened when thinking of him possibly making a determined effort to act like a real husband and companion to his wife who perhaps had been thinking she was locked in to a loveless marriage. It wouldn't require much imagination to see a half-drunk Josephine with tenderness in her eyes sitting without panties on over Jimmy's lap. Despite being only halfway through their candlelight dinner she would be urging, 'Slide it into me big boy after lubing up; the dispenser is between the salt and pepper'.

Greer stared at the cartons. Initially she thought they might have been delivered to the wrong address, but checking found her name and address was written on the carton and also on the delivery docket. Ah perhaps it was copies of the new book from her publisher, but three times the usual number from those skinflints. Unlikely and anyway they used their own cartons. Why would anyone send her something in a new-like cartons marked Sony music centre?

The penny dropped. It WAS a new music centre!

She loved it. The unsigned card read, 'A small token for saving my life.'

Greer called Annie and Gavin over for a drink and asked Gavin to help her unpack the cartons and get the music centre going. Greer played the test disk in the CD and they all agreed it sounded marvellous.

Annie picked up the note, read it and smiled.

After Annie and Gavin left she called Wendy.

"Ah Greer. Has it arrived?"

"Yes and its beautiful with awesome sound. Sebbie hasn't called me since the night of his jet-ski accident."

"Did he suggest you call him Sebbie?"

"No, out in the water I just began calling him that shortly after we introduced ourselves. He told me it was your pet name for him but didn't tell me to desist."

"Ohmigod, he told me it had started."

"What has started?"

Wendy said er it didn't matter.

"Where is he?"

"He wanted you to receive the gift before he called you but this morning went to Sydney urgently to advise the wife of an influential client who had been arrested on a shoplifting charge."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he's a lawyer."

There was silence until Wendy said, "Ohmigod, you didn't know that. Then what the hell did you two talk about before the dinghy arrived?"

"Well we exchanged cross words about not being able to see one another we knew we were close..."


"And after exchanging names I was told you were attempting to match us up over dinner to go on a date. Then there was talk about sharks..."

"Oh god."

"And then I worked to calm him, telling him how I though a boat would be launched and someone would have a spotlight and how they would use it to arrive at our last known position observed in daylight. Annie and her team arrived and you know the rest."

"God Greer, you were heroic and I can't understand why you are gun-shy over taking credit for it?"

"Because if I'm to become a celebrity in my own country I want it to be because of the popularity of my novels. I may have saved Sebbie's life by talking to him to encourage him to remain conscious but he's probably a tough coot and it may have worked out okay without me being there until the boat arrived. Who knows and who cares? The thing is Sebbie got back to shore alive. How's baby?"

"Fine and kicking a little, but does that mean discussion on the rescue has ended?"


"God you can be as dense as a man."

"Thanks darling; I guess that was a compliment?"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. On the other hand, you were brilliant with Mrs Knightsbridge earlier today. She was becoming such a pain. Thank you darling."

"No problem. Please give me Sebbie's phone number and I'll call him."

"Talk sweetly to him darling because he's told me it's begun to happen between you two. Now this is confidential darling. Sebbie is married without children but it's an unhappy marriage and divorce proceedings are underway. It's a two-year-plus process. There's nothing to stop you two have sex or even living together if that's what you two decide."

"Ohmigod and yes my lips are sealed."

"Excellent now this is really, really confidential. Peter, Sebbie and I conducted a study to appraise legal services in this town and found the number of lawyers in our town district is well below the national medium of lawyers per head of population. We also found the District Council quick to confirm that the net population gain of in this area is positive, 11% above the national medium and it was only 4% above that line three years ago. So a month ago, just before your return here, Peter and I agreed with Sebbie's request to expand our business and take him in as a partner, with Sebbie providing full general legal services. That agreement was signed and he has another three weeks before he completes his commitments to his existing partnership practice."

"Well, well. That makes the possibility of a romance developing between Sebbie and me happening on even firmer ground. Now this is confidential: If he wants to live in town that would be fine by me. I could go out to the beach just to write or rest in the dunes thinking and being warmed by the sun."

"It will work, I know it will. Sebbie has never met a woman like you."

"Hush darling and I plead please butt out. We'll have to leave him to make his own decisions about romancing me but at least I can make the possibility very attractive to him and you could help by arranging double dating. Once I have him between my legs he's mine, I'm 90% convinced about that."

They giggled and Wendy handed across Sebastian's business card.


As arranged during their transtasman telephone call, Greer went to Auckland the next morning to meet Sebastian for lunch shortly after his 3-hour return flight from Sydney. That evening they'd go to dinner and a concert.

Greer had arranged through the producer who'd contacted her about a beach interview to be interviewed early that evening in an 8-minute slot at 6:20 during the hour-long national TV1 news programme, knowing such an appearance could stimulate her book sales in New Zealand. She'd stay with a married cousin who'd take Greer shopping at some of the malls and designer-label 'outlet' shops. The author was in a high state of expectation as she entered the restaurant to wait for Sebastian, hoping for an exciting twenty-four hours.

Sebastian entered a few minutes later, looking tall, dark and handsome, just like romance authors think while these days invariably describing in such simplistic terms, she thought, standing and waving. Over he charged.

She thought naughtily should they or shouldn't they? And of course they made do with a kiss, rather a long one but it was not a lover's kiss, she sighed to herself... more like a thank you kiss from a guy whose life she may have well saved. Still it was better than a handshake.

They sat and began taking simultaneously. They both stopped and laughed and then immediately repeated that performance. This time he grinned and said 'Ladies first' and to her horror Greer heard herself say inanely, "How was your trip?" Christ, had romance died? He replied politely but by then she'd taken control of herself and said, "I'm so pleased to see you again. I really want to be your friend Sebbie."

Following that very revealing conversation with Wendy, Greer had decided Sebastian was not the kind of guy to throw herself against wantonly. He was living by professional standards and knew he remained married to a bitch of a wife; he wouldn't be focused 60% of his time on his cock, as did guys like Jimmy. At least that's what she'd thought and if she was wrong no harm done; he'd just think she was standoffish and would have to be won over by determined wooing. That was far preferable for him thinking she was totally focused on being fucked. What man would want a woman like that? She'd smiled believing she knew the answer to that question.

Their conversion was lively and friendly. She'd always remember that, Greer thought, if this occasion was the next step in something that would culminate in a magnificent obsession as bygone romance writers termed it all very well. But something a little short of that would be more practical to live with. He arranged to call at her cousins' home for her at 7:45 that evening and was told to be watching TV1 news a 6:20 when she was expected to appear in an interview.

"You are in a celebrity in the making," he smiled.


"Wendy says that's what Annie and she thinks so too."

Greer cringed, thinking what a flawed character she was, having in mind of being in a public park with Jimmy and acting like a slut. Good grief, little wonder she'd put to the side her rightful claim to being called a lady.

She almost whimpered, replying to him, "If that means being elevated in popularity as an author I'm all for it."

"The public expects its real heroines to be more than very creative at the keyboard. I suggest you think about that?"

"Has Wendy been talking to you about this?"

Sebastian's face colouring told Greer the answer before he confirmed and added Wendy wanted Greer to be the best she could possibly be. I'd like you to think about that, I really do."

"I'm something of a flawed character."

"Ah, that probably explains your erratic behaviour, described by Wendy as your tendency to duck for cover to avoid being in the limelight."

"I had my reasons."

Glancing at his watch Sebastian said he could understand that. "I must go as a client will be waiting for me."

Outside Sebastian kissed Greer, said he'd had a lovely time talking and looked forward to the concert and late dinner this evening. He hurried off and Greer went to get her hair done.

Greer said to the hairdresser, "If you were a public figure and had done some naughty things would you confess publicly?"

"Hell no; public lives and private lives must be kept separate. What naughty things have you been doing luv?"

Greer described her two adulterous outings with Jimmy, making sure his identity and occupation remained her secret.

"God, nothing like that ever happens to me."

Greer said a little wearily, "For things to happen Gloria you have to make them happen."

"God with my breasts hanging like they do now no guy would want to look at me; my husband hasn't noticed the slump over the years so accepts them like this when I'm out of my bra."

"There are guys out there Gloria who just love to bang a woman with what they call heavy hangers being held around their ears."

Gloria's shrieking laughter brought all over conversations in the hair salon to a halt and she was asked to share the joke, but refused. When conversations around them were back to normal Greer said with an air of responsibility, "My advice Gloria is not to venture beyond your comfort zone unless you feel confident you can deal with the risks and perhaps unpleasant outcomes."

* * *

Sebastian sat with his father Seth drinking beer and his mother Lily had a Bloody Mary in her hand. Following an explosive marital bust-up Sebastian was living with his parents. He returned to turn up the sound of the TV and said quietly, "Get ready to meet your new daughter-in-law."

"Is this the woman who saved you from drowning or near drowning?"

"Yes mum."

"I don't want you heading recklessly into an affair you'll regret. You are probably experiencing some kind of worship syndrome because she came to you in your darkest hour in the sea."

"Wait until you see and hear her before making judgement mum."

"Yeah Lily, give the boy a break."

Wordlessly they watched the ads roll and then the news reader said, 'We now cross to Studio B for the interview of a homecoming Kiwi who is making quite a name for herself."

Good evening New Zealand, this is Karen Wilson. With me is noted international romance writer Greer Gregory whom only recently it was learned is a New Zealander. Greer was born and raised at Wainui, the largest town on the east coast between Whitianga and Tauranga.

Karen: Welcome home Greer. Why did you choose to hide your nationality when you went to England on a three-year writing scholarship?

Greer: Hi Karen, lovely dress.

Sebastian knew Greer was dressed in black with her hair done up like that because she was ready to go with him to classical guitarist Julius Bachelor's concert. His mum said "Ohmigod she's beautiful" and Seth told her to be quiet and listen.

Greer: My only reason was to try to build my reputation internationally as an author and I believed I could achieve that best without the tag of New Zealander. But now that I'm back home writing I've sent an updated CV to my publishers and the piece about me on the dust cover will identify me as being a New Zealander from my next book on."

Karen: Is your new novel set in New Zealand?

Greer: Yes, it's set on Wainui Beach in 1863."

Karen::Oh how romantic. It's a romance between a young Maori warrior and a female British aristocrat married to an older man.

Greer: As I told you before coming on air that's all I can reveal until the book is being marketed.

Karen (looking slightly rattled): And what made you return home and attempt to fade into your background until you made that unfortunate decision to be interviewed by your town's East Coast News? Was it because of your husband's tragic death in a work-related accident?

Greer: Partly because of Archer's death. He was co-owner of a small inter-city airline in England and was supervising the replacement of an engine in his aircraft when the rigging above him collapsed and the heavy engine crushed him. But it was also because of something as equally crushing for me?

Karen (leaning forward): Go on -- we do have a bleep button.

Greer: Nothing has ever been published about this but I think I'll never be free of the load it has placed on me until I confess. I believe this is the opportunity to unload publicly and reveal the type of woman I am and by that I mean flawed."

Karen: Go on.

Greer: Like any young over-sexed woman I just had to have the occasional man and this continued even after my marriage. I'd grown up been a naughty child and never seemed to grow out of it. If you can believe this I became addicted to affairs and I'm absolutely sure of this that it grew me as a writer. My second conquest in England, a Scot, married me.

Karen: That was the Earl of Rymer, Archer Gregory.

Greer: You are well-informed. Well three months ago I began seeing someone, an older married man who became addicted to me. We'd met at a cocktail party. Then four night's after my husband's death, two men accosted me as I was about to enter my apartment. They said who they were and took me to a place I was able to identify easily and I met some serious-faced men. I was informed that my liaison with Mr X, a married man, could bring down the Government.