A White Tiger and The Wolf Ch. 12


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Kay didn't like the look of him there was something about him that she just didn't like. She thought to her dad.

"Dad I'm getting a very funny feeling when looking at Peter Broadway, there is something about him that makes me uneasy", she said.

"Kay honey, do you think we should keep an eye on him then?"

"I would feel better if you or mom could probe his mind and check him out".

"Alright honey we will check him out I promise".

"Now Matthew Gobbins; might look small compared to the others but, he is one hell of a lethal weapon with guns, knives and his bare hands if he must. He is one bad killing machine", said Talbot with pride in his voice.

Matthew Gobbins looked it too, big with brown hair and brown eyes that looked like they would pop out of his head at any moment.

Talbot moved the line of men until he came to Billy and stopped.

"This is Billy Muffit; he has been with the squad five years now".

Billy was also tall but he was very thin with black spiky hair.

He also had bright green eyes.

"This is Tony Croxley; he transferred to this unit last week. Haven't got his measure yet but seems to be a good all round guy to me".

Tony Croxley looked a bit shy to Kay's way of thinking he seemed to hide his face when Talbot was talking about him. Kay wondered what that was all about and made a mental note have a chat with him when she got the chance.

Tony Croxley was also tall and well built with long shoulder length hair. He had grey eyes.

"This here is Herbert Trench; he has also been with this squad five years." Herbert was walking to Bradley.

"Is my dad here as well Mr Black?", he asked.

"Yes, both your parents are here in the medical centre helping out last time I heard".

Herbert's parents were Mason and Milly. Mason was the Doctor of Linda and Nigel's cat pride.

Talbot couldn't believe it another one of his squad was a were.

"You're a werewolf as well Trench?"

"No, actually I'm a werepanther like my mom and dad", he replied.

Trench was lean built exactly like a panther and he was black in skin tone also with deep green eyes.

The last one in the line was also looking at Bradley Black as if he knew him.

"The last in line is Leslie Hylton; he has been with us three years and is good at almost anything except don't get him near the kitchen as he can't cook for peanuts", said Talbot chuckling.

"Hey Alpha, sorry I missed the mating ceremony last night but I was on duty sir", said Leslie.

Talbot was wondering why Hylton was calling Bradley Black Alpha.

"Ere, why is Hylton calling you Alpha?" he asked.

"Because I am his Alpha, he belongs to this pack", replied Bradley.

"Let me explain everyone who lives here is part of my pack and I'm in charge of them and they recognise me as their Alpha or leader for want of a better word. This Kay my mate and she is the pack's Alpha Female. After last night we now have two titles though because Kay is a Princess of The Fire Tiger Pride and me being mated to her, I'm now seen as a Prince as well", said Bradley.

"John you all know and this is his mate Connie".

Everyone was busy shaking hands and getting to know one another when Kay started glowing again and starring into space.

All of a sudden she was screaming as if she was being attacked. Her body guards ran to her and surrounded her.

Bradley ran to her and tried to pick her up and hold her but it was impossible she was far too hot.

Then Kay passed out.

Several things happened at once then.

John and Connie placed their hands above Kay and said a few very funny words and all of a sudden Kay was floating off the ground. John and Connie were able to guide Kay's unconscious body towards the medical centre with the guards and the flying squad and quite a few other people following them.

Connie thought to Isobel. "Isobel get over to the medical building pronto, something has happened to Kay and she is unconscious".

"On my way my Queen", replied Isobel.


Once Isobel got to the medical centre she had to push herself through the mass of people and guards to even get into the door.

She went straight in and found Connie, John , Bradley, Paul, Henry and both doctors all starring at Kay lying down on the bed.

Isobel put her hands either side of Kay's head and closed her eyes.

Something wasn't right this was not a natural collapse. There seemed to be something trying to push into Kay's mind.

"John can you do a mind sweep on Kay there seems to be something or someone trying to enter her mind and take control of her", asked Isobel looking very worried.

"Isobel you know a mind sweep might hurt her".

"John we don't have a choice, at the moment".

John was very reluctant to do this but, it seemed he had no choice.

Very carefully he touched the side of Kay's head and pushed into her mind.

It felt weird pushing into his daughter unconscious mind. He could see memories from her child hood and growing up with Helen and Norman and all the tantrums and trouble she had while growing up.

Then he saw her when she started her Job at The White Cat Hotel and then meeting Bradley and mating with him. He saw and felt last night ceremony through her memoirs and then he felt something else trying to push it's way into her mind.

He surrounded it in his brain waves and forced it out. He felt the thing what ever it was trying to connect with him but John put up his internal wall and then he felt the presence leave both his and Kay's mind.

Kay started glowing again and John pulled out of her mind.

Kay opened her eyes and then closed them again as she had a severe headache.

"Dad what happened to me", she asked shakily.

"You screamed and then passed out don't you remember", asked John.

"I remember thinking I would have to watch one of Talbot's men as he seemed a bit weird to me and then I felt something try to enter my mind", Kay replied.

Kay then got this funny feeling again and then she knew who it was that was trying to control her.

"Bradley, arrest Peter Broadway it has something to do with him. I can feel bad vibes coming from him right now", said Kay in a shaky voice.

"Jason get the guards and surround Peter Broadway, he has something to do with Kay's collapse", thought Bradley to him.

"Right away," replied Jason.

Outside Talbot and the rest of the squad were wondering what was happening because Bradley's guards had just surrounded Broadway and hand cuffed his hands behind his back.

Talbot was getting angry and was attempting to get Broadway released as he had no idea what was going on. The rest of the squad were now attack Bradley's pack thinking they were going to be arrested also.

All of a sudden no one could move they were all frozen in place as Kay had stepped out the medical centre as she could feel tension in the pack.

Kay had done her trick and frozen everyone at the same time.

Bradley, John and Kay stood in front of the group.

"I know you can all here me, you have all been frozen in place and will be released in a little while. Let me explain why I have had Peter Broadway put under armed guard. My mate Kay as some unusual powers in that she can feel when someone near her is a traitor or even a liar.

"As you were all there earlier and witnessed Kay collapsing I will let you know what happened. Some one or something attempted to take control of Kay's mind but, luckily for her, we were able to stop it and banish what ever it was. When Kay came round she recognized Broadway as being the one that tried to attack her and this why he has been arrested.

"Now I'm going to have Kay release you from the freeze in time and Broadway will be taken to the holding cells to be questioned later", said Bradley.

Kay started to glow a bit and then held her hands down towards the ground in front of everyone and thought of the word release and move.

Talbot made a grab for Broadway and punched him hard in the stomach. He looked him in the eye and then asked.

"Why have you done this?"

Broadway just started laughing and then he said to Kay, "He is coming for you and he will get you nothing you do will stop him".

"Before you take him to the holding cell search him and bring to me what he has in his pockets," asked John.

Then everyone entered the mansion and went into the dining hall as time was getting on and it would soon be time for lunch.


Lazlo's Underground Hideout.

Arthur Brownlow had been busy devising a plan to get his mate Sally and some others out. There were a few of Lazlo's men who wished they never got involved in his lunatic ideas and Arthur had been rounding them up. As soon as Lazlo went to his all day meeting, he would get things organized and get together anyone wishing to go with him and the captives including his mate away from here.

"Brownlow!" shouted Lazlo.

Brownlow ran to Lazlo's office.

"I've been called to an earlier meeting and I'm leaving in an hour. I will be gone all day, probably won't be back till the morning".

"Yes sir," answered Brownlow. This is our opportunity to go he thought.

"Because I'm going off world for my meeting, I'm taking the guards with me and just leaving a skeleton staff here. Make sure everyone is secure and before I get back move Sally into my room tonight and I will play with her when I get back. Make sure the big chest which is just inside the playroom is also in my bedroom you got that".

"Yes Sir," replied Brownlow.

"Ryan Crow should be here later tonight bringing the princess back here. Once he gets here secure her in the dungeon with the others understand", said Lazlo sharply.

"Yes sir", replied Brownlow.

Brownlow went into the kitchen to his friend Robin and told him to put some food and first aid supplies together as they were getting out this afternoon.

Eventually Lazlo left with his guards in 4 Large Red SUV's. As soon as Marmaduke had seen him pass through the old station bridge he called Brownlow. "Arthur they have just crossed the Bridge."

"Good," replied Brownlow.

"Can you switch off the perimeter defences so we can get out?" he asked

"Yeah no problem, do you want me to do it now?"

"In about 30 minutes please," replied Arthur.

Arthur ran down to the dungeon and was met by Gary and Mark they were getting the two girls that had been locked in the dungeon out.

Brownlow was disgusted the way they were. He knew Angelica had been here over 18 years locked in the dungeon. She was a mass of bones and had so many scars on her you could just make out her features and she looked so sad all the time. Brownlow had not seen Angelica in a long time as that thug Braddock looked after her. There was no way she was walking out of here that was for sure.

"Oh god, look at her," said Gary.

"I know," replied Brownlow. "Let's get out of here."

Brownlow handed Mark a thick blanket to wrap her in as she was freezing cold. She had fresh blood on her back and whipping marks. Arthur was glad they were taking them out of this terrible place.

Mark picked her up and thought my god she weighs practically nothing at all it's a wonder she is still alive.

In the next cell was Veronica she had been there about 3 months and was chained to the wall. Again Braddock was in charge of her. She had fresh marks of a cat of nine tails on her and was sobbing her heart out. Gary very gently released her and she collapsed into his arms. They wrapped her in another blanket and Gary carried her out.

"You have to be quiet," said Arthur. "We are getting you out now."

Veronica had only seen Braddock and he was an abusive bastard and she was wondering whether this was some kind of game they were playing with her.

They carried them up to the kitchen. Robin was packing a few boxes with supplies. Dennis came in and said he had the last remaining SUV's waiting and had removed the tracking devices.

Robin's wife Gwen gave the two girls a drink and then Arthur went up to get Sally.

Sally was still asleep. Brownlow slipped into his room and got her a pair of sweats and then went to wake her.

"Sally, get up I'm getting you out of here," said Arthur.

Sally opened her eyes and noticed it was the same man who had helped her before.

"Come on we have to be quick," said Arthur.

"What's your name and why are you helping me?" she asked.

"My name is Arthur Brownlow and there are a few of us who have had enough with Lazlo and we are getting out."

Sally quickly dressed but found it still hurt to walk so Arthur picked her up and carried her down to the kitchen.

It was a bit crowed in there now as the servants were coming as well; they had all been mistreated by Lazlo's guards. So now they were taking about 20 people out.

Just as they were about to go out the back door Angelica spoke.

"Please, please we have to get my daughter Zina she is been held in the lower level dungeon".

"Oh god no", cried Gwen.

Brownlow was thinking fast he knew the lower levels would hold about 12 cells but he had no idea who was in them if anyone was in them at as he had never been down there before.

"Marmaduke, do you know whether Zina is in the lower level dungeon", asked Brownlow.

"There are about 10 prisoners in the lower level and some have been there a long time, on the close circuit TV you just can see the door with the bars across. I have no idea who is down there and what state they are in", he replied.

"I think we go with who we have here and when we get to The Black Wolf Compound we ask them for some help to get them out", said Brownlow.

"Ok Marmaduke go and switch off the outer defences", asked Brownlow.

Marmaduke went to the security room and switched off the outer defences and then picked up the fire extinguisher and hit the control panels and the monitors smashing them all up to bits. He wanted to make sure that Lazlo would have a hard job following them.

Marmaduke walked into the kitchen and everyone went out the backdoor and got in the SUV's.

Veronica and Angelica were held by Gary and Mark as they were so frail and needed support. Arthur carried Sally as she was still in some pain from the treatment that Lazlo had given her.

Marmaduke and Dennis got in the driving seats and off they went.

It was easy getting out of the tunnels and across the Bridge.

Brownlow knew they had to make for a safe place and quick because if they were caught by Lazlo now they would be in serious shit. They would all end up dead he knew that for certain.

Brownlow decided the safest place to be would be at The Black Wolf Compound and hoped they would give him and his group a safe place to stay and help with the girls, as they were in a bad way.


At The Black Wolf Compound.

It took them the best part of 2 hours to get The Black Wolf Compound.

Arthur Brownlow passed Sally to Robin to hold while he went and talked to the guards on the main gate.

"State your business," said Brian.

"I've come to see your Alpha in regards to giving us a safe haven as we have all come from Lazlo's underground hide out."

Brian's ears picked up when he said Lazlo.

Brian sent word to Bradley that the people from Lazlo's had arrived at the main gate and Travis and Eric were checking them out.

Travis and Eric went towards the SUV's and each went to the drivers windows.

"Get out please," asked Travis and Eric.

Marmaduke and Dennis both got out at the same time. They could see that these men were both heavily armed.

Travis asked them to stand off to the side while they checked the passengers.

"Oh god. Eric come here quick," said Travis.

Travis was looking at Angelica and she was in a real bad way.

From what he could see there wasn't one part of her face and hands that wasn't covered in bruises. She seemed to have more bruises than skin.

Travis thought to Bradley.

"My alpha the two SUV's have arrived and nearly everyone will need some medical treatment but there are 3 women in a very bad way and will need immediate attention".

"Bring them up to the medical centre we are waiting for them".

"Yes my Alpha", replied Travis.

"Right, get back in the vehicles and we will take you to the medical centre in the compound", said Travis.

Travis got on the side of one car and Eric got on the side of the other car, each guiding a SUV towards the medical centre.

As they got near the medical centre Bradley walked out with Kay to meet them.

Arthur got out of the lead SUV and dropped to his knees in front of Bradley and Kay.

"Mr. Black we seek refuge from Lazlo as we are fed up with Lazlo's lunatic ideas" said Arthur. "We have a number of injured men and women with us, as well as 3 women that are in a real need of medical attention."

Bradley knew he would have to interview these people as soon as he could but, for the moment the important thing was to get them inside and washed and treated as soon as possible.

"We will give you Haven here but, we will have to interview you soon. For now welcome to The Black Wolf Pack we are the Alpha's I'm Bradley and this is my mate Kay."

"Pleased to meet you," said Arthur. "My name is Arthur Brownlow and I was Lazlo's secretary for over 20 years I'm sorry to say. I will answer all your questions and will gladly tell you all I know about Lazlo and his crazy schemes."

"Please come inside and get cleaned up you will find fresh clothes on all the beds for you to wear. Remove all your personal belongings and then put your clothes in the yellow bags provided," said Nathan.

Everyone entered the medical centre Arthur went to the van and picked up Sally, Mark was carrying Angelica and Gary was carry Veronica.

"These three are the worst and need medical treatment now," said Arthur.

"Everyone else is able to walk," said Mark.

"Follow me please," said Isobel to Mark "We will check the girls out in the main examination room."

The rest were led to the isolation ward and started removing there clothes and heading for the showers. Everyone was relieved to be taking off their clothes as Lazlo kept his servants in mostly rags.

Arthur, Mark and Gary carried the girls in and placed them on the examination tables.

"Alright you may join the others and we will look after these three now," said Isobel.

Gary and Mark went out but, Arthur was still lingering by Sally and didn't really want to leave her.

Isobel noticed and went up to him.

"She will be fine we will take good care of her I promise," she said.

"It's just that she is my mate and I have only just found her and don't want anything else to happen to her please," said Arthur sadly.

Isobel took him by the arm, "I will come and find you when we are done ok, now you really must go so we can check on their injuries and start treatment." She said.

"Fine, but when I've had my shower and check up can I come back and see her please," he begged.

Isobel looked at Nathan.

"That will be fine now please go and remove your clothes, have a shower and put on the clean clothes we have put out for you," said Nathan.

Arthur left but, he felt really weird leaving Sally, almost as if there was an invisible line pulling him back. He never knew the mating pull could be this strong.

Nathan and Isobel turned to the three women lying on the trolleys.

All of a sudden Isobel gasped.

"Oh my god, it can't be we thought she died years ago".

Nathan moved to where Isobel was starring at a very thin woman.

"What's the matter do you know her," he asked.

Isobel turned towards him and she had tears in her eyes.

"This poor woman is Queen Connie's sister," she said.

Nathan thought to Bradley.

"My Alpha can you come in the examination room now please".

"What's up", he asked.