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My brain was working fast - I almost moved on, but then I realized I'd better add that before that appointment they'd need to go to Student Death (the health center / campus clinic) for an Ob/Gyn checkup first, that it needed to be clean of problems, and they had to confidentially send a copy to Carol.

My stuttering through this as I was thinking on the fly probably didn't take an extra few seconds, but it wouldn't have won any smooth-talking contests.

I was worried about that bit. I had to clean up what I'd said and put it down in the doc.

The gist of it was that everyone was henceforth to be a good student, work to achieve dreams that meant solid careers, and that they should spend 5% of their monthly available income, whatever that was, to add money to anonymous gift cards they'd give to me, through Carol.

I said they could think of the cards as part of a 'scholarship fund' they were helping with. But, they weren't to talk about them, it was just something they'd do, quietly and without talking or thinking about it too much.

I liked that part. It meant I might actually have enough money for college.

The instructions finished with the 'consciously forget this but still obey it' and 'remember this as a good campaign speech; clap when I finish'.

Of course, I finished with, "That's an order."

Everyone clapped.

I bowed, like I'd given a campaign speech.

As I sat down, I hoped people didn't misinterpret that command as, clap whenever I finish something. The wording on this stuff might be troublesome.

Mrs. Ryder, now treating me as she 'normally would have', went on with class.

This normalcy, after I'd just had such an exciting few minutes? It was both SUPER boring, and reassuring, and... anticlimactic is probably the word. And, describing something as anticlimactic is Exactly what I should do, in an English literature class.

My frustration with 'life is boring' (time spent in that class) contrasted very strongly with the way my life had been generally going, and I was really confident I could write a 5-paragraph compare/contrast theme paper on exactly how.

== Chapter: Wednesday Evening ==

After practice, I met up with Carol again, but I told her I didn't want anyone spending the night that night, I wanted to put my new computer together and work on some math. This was profoundly the truth. I'd been thinking about some of my math homework all day.

I was going to walk home, but just as I was parting with Carol, Kate drove up to give her a ride. I got a free ride home out of it. Our town was pretty small but it was nice nonetheless.

Setting up my new computer was fun!

Once it was going, I shifted to working some trig-textbook problems, to make sure I had all that stuff down.

Everything I looked at, I understood almost instantly, so it was a fast thing to zip through to the end of the book. The trouble was, what could I do next? My history textbook was on my desk, so I opened that and skimmed / speed-read through it. Most of it was stuff that, for whatever reason, I remembered having read before, clearly enough it got boring pretty quickly.

History, as a class, had some fun stories, but the way they were told in the textbook took all the fun out of them. Sword battles? Sure - but no descriptions about what KIND of swords, or battle axes, halberds, daggers, etc., or how people got speared or whatever. Probably something about 'scaring children' drove the textbook writer(s) to remove anything controversial.


The same result happened with the next textbook, econ.

Physics was different.

It took me a while rereading the physics text - from the very beginning - to get what they were talking about and do the problem sets they gave me. Luckily, I had a prep book, so I read through that and could check my answers with the way it said to answer the questions there.

That took a lot of the evening. At the end, I didn't have any more textbooks to work on!

What to do?

I had to order one, I guessed. I had my old calculus textbook, but it didn't have the answers so I'd never know if I got the right answer. That meant I had to get the teacher's edition.

Pensive, I did some pushups and sit-ups, brushed my teeth, then went to bed.

In bed. Alone. I missed Carol's warm soft skin next to me, or Kate's, or even Melinda's. And, I was suddenly a little horny. I decided I'd probably need to get a bigger bed and make sure I always had a bedmate, if that was in any way a high-school-guy possibility.

== Chapter: Thursday Morning ==

The next morning, I woke up slowly and wondered.

What if, I thought, I gave instructions to a big set of people at Midvale, and then someone noticed that all the students were doing the same things?

What would happen? Could I really be anonymous if someone did something odd, then it might be traced back to me -- and then... I wasn't paranoid, but some sense of planning ahead seemed prudent.

What did I really want to achieve? Was I going to go through life like now, just taking over and redirecting people's lives, hoping to not get caught?

What kinds of things _could_ I do? Be a billionaire? I was pretty sure that'd mean attracting some attention. Somehow, I didn't want to do that, it seemed like a bad idea. I mean, if I'd been born this way, that'd be one thing. But, with attention, someone might figure out I had this cube thing, and want it back, and maybe kill me to keep this whole thing secret.

And... Maybe they'd kill all the people who have been affected by it.

I didn't want to be responsible for people dying.

Plus, if I ever wanted to buy a car, I'd need money, and that didn't mean a bunch of gift cards. I had to have some legit business. That'd mean I'd definitely need to be seen as a smart guy, not just as some high school kid from a po-dunk town in Manitoba.


I had to hunker down.

I had to study things, learn everything, and then, I'd have power enough to make a difference in the world. Really, if I had power, that's great, but doing the Wrong thing, it'd tear me up if hurt people when I was really trying to help them.

For money, that'd mean I'd need a legit business? I could make someone I know have a legit business, and make them hire me and pay me a lot. If something was unusual, that'd be bad, so it'd have to seem utterly normal and boring.

Plus, I could blame any oddness on the business owner. With one odd thing, they'd be fine, but if I had a string of odd things about me, that'd form a pattern.

Deniability, that way, would protect everybody.

Who could I get?

My mom's singing voice, downstairs, floated up. She sang to herself a lot. She'd been in chorus in school, I remembered. She sang lots of things, made up stuff, improvised words about things she was doing in the moment, sometimes to vaguely familiar tunes.

Every once in a while in Band we'd play something that I'd heard before because my mom had been singing it. She had the radio tuned to the classical music station out of Winnipeg a lot, so some of it soaked in that way, too. I had been surprised how many tunes we'd played that I recognized.

I made a connection: I'd been thinking about having a legit business where I could help people, for money, and maybe the way to fix that was, my mom being a nurse.

Nurses help people who need it.

I could set Mom up as a weight loss counselor. She'd like that. She wasn't overweight -- far from it, she was pretty slim (granted that she had a mom-body). I might even be able to help her body be more fit, too. Or, to help her, really give her willpower, to take care of herself better.

Then, maybe, she wouldn't have to work so many double shifts all the time. It had to be wearing on her. A lot of that was from paying off car repair bills, so if I could help get her a new car that didn't cost so much in repairs, that'd be great, too.

Or, I could just get hers repaired completely so that it wouldn't break down all the time, and be cheaper to operate...

I got up and showered and headed downstairs, said hi, ate breakfast, gave her a kiss good morning, and went to school.

Biking to school, I realized I'd really like a car, but biking was fun, too, being out in nature with the wind going past my ears with a whoosh, the sharp smell of pines or whatever in my nose, morning sun breaking through clouds and making things beautiful.

This was a good morning.

Carol was waiting for me when I got to school, by the bike racks where she knew I'd be. We kissed and started walking towards the entrance, but she stopped me. "Problem."


"A whole bunch of people have been coming up to me this morning and handing me visa cards."

"Oh. Yeah. I didn't tell you about that part."

She wasn't happy. "When would be a good time? To tell me?"

I laughed and apologized, and told her about everything. She sighed, nodding, like she'd suspected that already, but I got the feeling I was in the doghouse for not mentioning things earlier.

Walking inside, I told her in low tones about my idea to have a weight-loss clinic, maybe using my mom, to make it more anonymous. I liked Carol's smarts, and the perspective on having enough money PLUS helping people got her kind of excited. She didn't seem to talk differently, but I could see the wheels turning by the way her eyes moved and her lips pursed.

All I got was, "Anonymous? Yeah... Would be safer. Your mom, though... Maybe, maybe not.... Lemme think."

We kissed and (given I was wearing a sweatshirt that day) I didn't worry as much about touching people I walked by.

I was getting pretty horny though, and it was early.

During Band, the director kept working on the clarinet section and I got bored, so I got my phone out on the sly. This was hard because Ben, a sophomore who played French horn next to me, kept glancing over. I decided to ignore him and just look at what I was looking at, a site that had free open online textbooks. I'd read some of the material before, so I was skimming, but then I got to some new stuff and had to slow down... slightly. It all made huge sense. I could do the problems in my head, mostly.

That is, I'd glance down, get the problem, look up, watch what others were doing, or play my (relatively simple today) part, solve the problem in my head, and then repeat the process.

One class period and 3 calc chapters later, I had a system.

A morning's full of classes, almost ignored, and I had the next 3 chapters after those.

At lunchtime, though, I was randy as all get-out, and had to do something. Carol suggested we go to a bathroom, but I knew a better place. We ate lunch quickly and then headed to the nurse's office.

Mrs. Tresk looked up, as did the girl she was helping. It was Beth Vertenne, a girl I'd known (and lusted after) since we had English 101 together the previous year. She was getting some kind of prescription pill, so we waited. The pills were huge, and she had a cup of them, a glass of water, and a slice of bread. Her face looked pained.

Someone else came in briefly and Mrs. Tresk handled them.

Butting in where I wasn't welcome wasn't my plan, but, I thought, maybe I could help. I walked over to Beth.

My hand brushed her arm. Skin contact: Achieved.

She turned to me, "Uh... what?"

"Beth -- can I talk with you for a minute?"

"Sure." She followed me back over to where Carol was standing. I said, "Carol, get out the latest 'fit' script?"

She nodded, and I turned to Beth. "Utter honesty, please. What's up with you?"

"Ovarian cyst. It's super painful. Doc may have to operate. For now, though, it's these meds. He doesn't believe me about how much it hurts."

I nodded. "Beth. I'm going to tell your body what to do now. Not your mind, your body." Turned away from Mrs. Trask, I pointed at Beth's stomach and said, "Beth's body. Fix the problem with the cyst, and any other problems, too, so you're perfectly healthy." I looked up at Beth's face, where she was smiling weakly and rolling her eyes a little. Then, the smile broadened as she started realizing something.

"Hey... I ... my pain is lessening... I feel better!"

I chuckled and said, "Great! See, I can help if you give me a chance." Watching her react with happiness, and then turn to look at me with questioning eyes, "How did you do that?"

"I don't know that I did anything. It's your body that's fixing itself."

"Oh." She seemed happier.

I was feeling flippant, and horny at the same time. Carol and I had come in to get some nookie and I had a big hardon that was bumping out my pants. Even more so, because I was picturing Beth's inner workings and imagining what it would be like. In a funny voice, I said, "My fee for services today is, Sex with Kevin."

She laughed and said, "Where?"

Carol was chuckling, too, but I could see, disappointed. I looked at her and said, "Oh, I can do both." My grin implied, doing 'you both', and Carol looked at me, confused but smiling. Then, to Mrs. Trask, I asked, "Can we use the back room now and not be interrupted?"

"Sure! Go ahead. I'll turn on some music here, but if you're loud there might be problems."

Carol and I nodded, and all 3 of us walked into the back room.

Immediately after the door clicked shut, I turned around and Carol was already taking off her shoes and pants. Beth, seeing her, said, "Oh, you, too? Wow..."

I asked, "Beth, this won't hurt you or me, will it?"

She shook her head no as she started stripping, too. Her relieved smile (from the pain going away) said it all, but she clarified as her bra came off, "I feel so much better now, you have no idea. No. Whatever you want, I'm THERE."

My shoes and shirt were off, but Carol got to me to help me get my pants off. She asked, "How do you want to do this?"

I said, "Oh, how about you suck me a moment while Beth licks you from behind. Beth, you like licking pussy now, too."

Beth nodded, obviously imagining a new reality, then accepting it. Some parts of this thing were amazing to me.

Just as I said, Carol bent over at the waist and sucked on my cock, while Beth knelt behind Carol and started kissing and licking Carol's pussy. This was fun to watch!

Carol's mouth was sweet heaven. After a few minutes, I said, "Carol, you ready, turn around?"

My dick 'POP!'d out of her mouth and she spun around, butt to me, leaning on the table. I was going to line up, but Beth was just so beautiful there and she looked like she was confused about what to do next. "Beth, lie on your back on the exam table. Carol, see if you like licking her nipples."

We shifted around, and just about the time Carol started licking Beth's nipples, I pushed into Carol and started bouncing away. My rhythm made it hard for Carol to keep steady on Beth's breast, which was funny to watch. After a minute or two, I suggested we move down and Carol could try kissing Beth's inner thighs.

That worked fine, too, until I pushed a little harder into Carol and knocked her forward, nose-first into Beth's by-now pouty lips.

Slowing down, though, I didn't bump her so much, and Carol took to licking Beth.

"Big-O! Big-O! Big-O!"

Carol started building up, but I said, "Carol. Quiet with this one."

She mumbled, and I saw Beth look up, so I gave Beth the instructions about what that phrase meant.

After Carol came, I wasn't quite ready yet, so I pulled out of her and lined up between Beth's legs. "Beth, do you want this cock?"

"Oh, my god, YES!"

I pushed in, and WOW, just like Carol, she was tight on my cock. Wet, and tight. I slid in and out, stroking, and Carol stood up beside me, hugging me. I asked her to go kiss Beth and play with her nipples, which she did, as I had a good rhythm going.

Too soon, though, I felt myself climbing, so I gave Beth the Big-O call and she built up, and the timing was perfect! She came, grunting low and breathing hard, shuddering and wiggling, driving me wild with internal contractions on my cock that just set me right off. I had told her to be quiet, and she sure was, but what it lacked in volume it made up for in exuberance.

My driving into her as I came let my eyes close and I saw a little tunnel vision, only losing that as my head swung around (seemingly on its own) to put her perfect body, her face, her boobs, right back in my view. Carol was helping her, holding her as she held Carol back, the muscles tensed on all of us.

Settling back to normal, I relaxed, still standing there holding Beth's knees up and out. Everyone's breathing returned to normal-ish, and I pulled out, seeing my cock covered in slippery and a little white foamy cum.

Carol had stood back up (from being leaned over Beth), and she looked at me with a grin a mile wide. "That sounded good."

Beth said, her eyes still closed, "O, M, F, G."

Looking down my body, Carol saw my cock was still semi-hard and dripping, and her face showed she visibly decided to take care of that. Bending down, she sniffed, then kissed the head, then licked a little of the underside.

As much as I liked this, I smiled down and said, "Thank you, but, hold on." Turning to Beth, I said, "Beth? I have a job for you."

She opened her eyes and looked at me, with Carol still kneeling in front of me. Her smile was dreamy, still. "Yes?"

Carol said, "He needs to be 'cleaned up'. Come on over..."

Beth's being slow was relaxation not reticence, from just being super-duper happy. Walking over to me, she touched my chest and then looked down, knelt next to Carol and said, "Just... lick it clean?"

Beth went to work.

"Suck, too. Get it good and cleaned up."

Her licking and sucking worked, getting me all clean and with a dutiful attitude. Though a little hesitant at first, she finished with gusto, especially after I praised the job she was doing.

Carol had stood up and started getting re-dressed, so when Beth finished, we joined the process and were quickly fixed up at least to normal looks.

I glanced at the clock. We still had a couple of minutes before the bell. I leaned into Carol, hugged her in a big hug and kissed her soundly, and said, "Thank You! Best, Lunch, Ever."

She smiled at me and pecked me again, bashful and happy as we all got dressed again.

Walking out, Nurse Trask said, "Bye now. Feel better, Beth."

Beth was definitely feeling better.

== Chapter: Thursday Evening ==

The rest of the day was uneventful, but Carol and I talked for a while after practice while we walked home.

"I've set up Lisa Giamutti for you for tonight, 7 pm, your house. She's in your English class and was one of the first to see me -- in the hall, by the way -- after your class. She's middle-of-the-road sexy, not the most attractive for you, from the group - I know what you like - but not the least, either. I figured you might be up for that. I'd like to be in your rotation, too, but you haven't told me what criteria to use."

"I haven't figured that out yet..."

"I figured. I'll handle it. You said, you need me to be organized, and I'm doing that, but it would help if I knew how to optimize things."

I thought, "I need a bigger bed, King sized, with a headboard I can put books on. And, a car. And, ... well, I don't really know. Hell, I have no right to complain. I have at least, what, a dozen women, now, including you and Kate? I think I'd better figure something out."

"I read that in your revisions."

"Yeah. And I... I think I... want to start with the girls that are, uh - More attractive? Give the instructions on how to be healthier time to work?"

She nodded, "Sure, makes sense." She paused, then obviously remembered something and dug in her pack. "Oh, can't forget, here you go." She handed me a small pile of prepaid visa cards. "I've checked the balances and kept track of numbers for you, and who they're from. Everyone who gave them to you knows how to add money to them remotely, so no more handoffs are needed."
