Accidental Honeymoon Pt. 01


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"Righto. Coffee?"

"That'd be great, Darling", he jokily added as I walked over to make a morning brew.

"What did mum say? Is she going to be able to send over my cases?"

"She was super annoyed and couldn't believe what had happened either. She said she'll look into a courier asap, but it'll probably take a few days at least."

"Thought that might be the case, to sort my case, see what I did there?" I smiled.

"Yeah, very funny. So I guess you'll have to cope with her clothes for a bit, I'm afraid, son. At least they seem to be about the right size if that nightdress is anything to go by, at least in some areas, if you know what I mean." He said, nodding at my chest.

"Are you saying I'm a bit flat up top?" I laughed as I held my hands to my chest, where the night dress was loose.

"Ha-ha, yeah! Though, with your hair untied like that, you look like your mum from behind, at least."

"Oh, thanks", I smiled back sarcastically. "And you kept saying I should get my hair cut, maybe not so bad after all", I winked. "Well, at least that means I might be able to wear some of her things until my stuff turns up."

"That's ok with me if you're all right with it? There's might some less feminine stuff in there if you need them."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd been through all her stuff the night before and not found many masculine things, never mind unisex, but it looked like it might be my only option for the time being.

"We'll see; I'll do my best," I replied.

"By the way, we can order food in, anything we want," he said, sounding like he was trying to be more positive. "How about we start our holiday as we mean to go on and have breakfast in the Jacuzzi?" dad suggested.

"That sounds great; it saves me having a shower. However, my swimming shorts are with all the rest of my clothes, back in England. I guess I'll see what of mum's stuff I can wear."

"Cool, we can phone in an order after I get changed and figure out the jacuzzi," Dad said as he headed into the bedroom whilst I finished my coffee.

After he was done, I began my hunt through the clothing I'd put away the night before. I assumed mum wouldn't want me to ruin her stuff, so I'd have to wear some proper swimwear. Mum had been planning on spending some time on the beach as she'd packed lots of swimwear from the look of it. But, unfortunately, they were all defiantly of the female variety: three-string bikinis and a full-body Speedo swimsuit in black and yellow. As my dad has already pointed out, I didn't have much up top, so there was no need for chest support. Still, I decided the string bikini bottoms might look a bit silly by themselves, plus they were all a bit more feminine and sexier than I liked, so it would have to be the full swimsuit.

At first, it seemed strange to strip down nude and step into a tight lycra suit. But then, I suddenly thought back to those old black-and-white photos of both men and women wearing full bathing suits in the 1920s, so in a way, this wasn't that different, was it?

I pull the suit up and put the straps over my shoulders; it felt very tight and figure-hugging. The first thing I noticed was how it seemed to compensate slightly for the fact that I had not have proper breasts; it seemed to pull what fat I had on my chest together to fill the inbuilt cups a bit; I was no longer totally flat but had like mounds of a few centimetres, not exactly the largest bosom in the world put weird to look down at from a male perspective. I ran my hands over my small chest and found myself slightly excited, which I hadn't expected.

The second thing I noticed was that my genitalia didn't feel or look right. I didn't have the largest set of parts down there, but it looked very out of place, and the suit pressed on them quite uncomfortably. After a bit of trying, I came up with the solution of pulling what I had back and under my crotch where the suit seemed to hold them in place. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but it was an improvement before, and for some strange reason, it felt better when I saw a nice smooth area on the front.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror. My lack of masculine development was helping; indeed, my legs & arms, never mind my face, didn't even have much hair. But, from a particular direction, I was pulling off this woman's swimsuit quite well, which made me strangely proud.

I headed out to see if dad had managed to turn on the Jacuzzi.

"So, no shorts then, son?"

"Nope, this was the best I could find."

"Oh well, it could be worse. It looks good on you; it shows your curves nicely!" he laughed.

"DAD, stop it!"

"Ok, Okrry, no more. But seriously, it does suit you, get it, suit you?!?"

"Funny", I smiled back.

"Well, I think I've figured out how this thing works, so do you want to grab the phone whilst I get it going, and we can order breakfast?"

"Ok", I replied as I turned and headed back to the bedroom to find the cordless hotel phone. I was suddenly aware that my back was bare except for some straps that crossed in the middle and somehow felt more exposed than if I was just topless in a pair of men's swimming trunks.

Also, I could swear I caught dad staring at my behind in the tight suit as I walked; for some strange reason, that thought excited me slightly.

He'd got the water going by the time I returned.

"I did mean what I said, Jimmy; you look good in that suit; I like how it hugs your bum." He suddenly looked like he realised he'd misspoken. "Sorry, I know that sounds a bit wrong coming from me."

"It's ok; thanks, though; I'm kind of glad you like it." I found myself swelling a bit with pride

"Have to say you've made a good attempt to fitting it well." He added, looking at my whole body as I stood at the side of the hot tub.

"Did you have to, well, pull back your man bits?" he asked, almost like he was trying to be matter-of-fact.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a faff, but it seems worth it."

"Oh, for sure." He smiled. "So you are getting in?"

"Sure," I said as I slid in opposite him.

"Hey, this is freaky; I can feel the bubbles all over me," I exclaimed as the water jets massaged my body through the swimsuit.

"Your mum and I always enjoy a jacuzzi when we go away. So, what do you fancy for breckers?"

"Oh, I don't know; what do you and mum usually have when you're on holiday?"

"Well, we normally start our first day by splashing out, and like I said last night, this is all-inclusive, so shall we do the same?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

Dad phoned the hotel reception and ordered the best breakfast menu. "They say it'll be about half an hour."

"No problem."

We sat and chatted for a few minutes about what we wanted to do for the next three weeks; I tried to keep him positive but did point out it looked like there wouldn't be many hot young girls for me to enjoy, even if just checking out.

"Yeah, I think this is a bit of an older couple's kind of place. But, at least I don't have to worry about the lack of hot girls as I've got one right here at my villa, given how you look in that swimsuit! At least until your stuff arrives," he joked with a huge laugh but a slightly excited look in his eyes.

"Ha-ha, hilarious, dad!" I said with a smile as I splashed a load of water at him with a slightly fake offended look.

He replied in kind, and soon we were throwing water all over the place whilst laughing.

"Oh, that's it!" he shouted when a big splash went in his face, and he dived across the Jacuzzi and started trying to tickle me to stop me from throwing water.

"Dad...hee hee...stop it..that...tickles," I giggled as he tickled my sides through my swimsuit.

I was throwing my arms up in the air and making a feeble attempt to stop him, caught up in the moment. During all this horseplay, my ponytail must have come out as my shoulder-length hair kept getting in my eyes. Suddenly I noticed his fingers were no longer tickling me but more roaming over my body, sliding up and down the smooth swimsuit. We were still laughing and giggling even though we both realised it was wrong, but also enjoyable for both of us; I didn't resist.

I then felt his right hand go down my back and underwater to my behind, which was up off the seat. His tickling had become more of a rubbing movement as his hand squeezed my backside through the lycra suit. My giggling had subsided as the tickling had lessened, but his hands stayed on my body. I glanced into his eyes and noticed that he was pretty excited with a smile, and I realised I was similarly enthusiastic and gave what I assumed might be an encouraging look. Neither of us spoke as his left hand continued to feel the outside of my suit chest before heading up towards my small 'boobs'. I couldn't help enjoying the experience and let out a small sigh of pleasure.

"Mmmm", I whispered, shocked at my behaviour but seemingly unable to control myself.

Suddenly the moment passed as there was a knock at the villa door, and dad dropped his hand from my chest.

"Ah yes, Ermm, that'll be breakfast," dad said quite distractedly, "Come in", he shouted.

The front door opened, and three porters came in bearing trays and began to set them down on tables around the Jacuzzi. As they were doing this, we sat there in silence, both slightly awkward, water everywhere and looking a bit exhausted, but I couldn't help noticing that dad's right hand was still secretly squeezing my behind under the water. Finally, the porters finished arranging the plates, politely wished us a happy meal and left.

We turned to each other again, both unsure what to say about what had just happened.

Dad just said, "Right, well, err shall we eat then?"

"Sure", I replied. "Oh, and by the way, you might need this" I smiled with a bit of a cheeky look as I reached down, removed his hand from my bottom and passed it back to him.

"Yeah, err, thanks." He replied sheepishly.

We stayed in the Jacuzzi and ate silently; we both needed time to think. Even at 18, I hadn't had much experience in the intimate department with other people, primarily due to my shyness. Still, I could tell that something had happened, something more than what usually happens between a dad and his son. I'd never been 100% sure of which way I leaned, but like most teenage boys have the impression of being into girls; either way, I'd never been drawn to older men like that, especially not my father. Albeit, as we sat there in the hot tub with the water bubbling around us, I did have to admit for a guy hitting 40, he had looked after himself.

Let's face it, he had been feeling me up whilst I was wearing a tight woman's swimsuit, my mum's swimsuit, but I had enjoyed it, which, if you'd asked me the day before, I would never have believed. Maybe it was just because we'd both been laughing, and I knew for dad especially, having a laugh and smile was important after all the stress and disappointment of the last few days.

As we finished our luxury breakfast, Dad finally spoke, "You know all that has fair worn me out. The food, I mean. I think I might go have a lay down for a bit. You don't mind if I use the bedroom, do you?" he asked.

"Of course not; it's your bedroom, after all."

"No, it's ours. Like we agreed last night."

When he said that, it seemed to cause me to react differently to last night. After what had happened earlier and some of the things he'd said about me in the swimsuit, the thought of sharing a bedroom, and a bed, with my dad made me feel different. No longer did it seem like a chore, but slightly exciting. Dad got out of the Jacuzzi to find a towel to dry off; I watched him walk into the bedroom and again found myself thinking he had quite a healthy body, he was regular at the gym most nights after work, and it showed.

"Do you want to find something else to wear before I hit the hay?" Dad shouted back to me.

"Yeah, I'd best do", I replied and got out of the Jacuzzi. I liked the feeling of the water running down my swimsuit and almost hairless legs as I walked back inside. I knew my wet hair was still down, but I didn't bother tying it back up.

In the bedroom, I found dad looking through the clothes I'd put away.

"Sure, looks like your mum didn't pack many clothes suitable for a young man, did she?"

"Doesn't look like it, no. Though I reckon I'll be able to make do until my luggage turns up...." I replied with a slightly light edge to my voice.

"Let's hope", he responded noncommittally as he continued looking through the wardrobe. "There's some denim shorts here that might fit you."

"They're more hotpants and shorts."

"True", he replied before adding slightly hesitantly, "But we know, seeing how good your behind is in that swimsuit, I'm sure you'll be able to pull them off."

I didn't reply initially as I wasn't sure what to say; it seemed Dad was happy to keep talking along those lines, albeit I found myself ok with that.

"Maybe I'll try this top with the, it seems about the most neutral there is here," I said, picking out a grey striped top, about the only one I could find which didn't have a low neckline to show some cleavage.

"Don't forget the underwear..." dad reminded me.

There was an issue: 99% of mum's underwear was very feminine, all silk and lace. Hunting through, I managed to find a pair of white panties which were reasonably neutral, just white with a full front and back. I didn't show Dad what I'd found but picked up all the clothes and headed into the bathroom to change. It seemed better for me to slip out of my swimsuit in private rather than in front of dad, for some reason.

The panties, like the swimsuit, weren't designed for the wearer to have additional parts down there, so I tried the pulling back trick again to allow them to fit better. The back of them was quite large, more like the boy pants I was used to, so I didn't feel that unusual, albeit they were pretty tight across my bum cheeks. Next were the hotpants, which were also much more intimate than I was used to, more than any jeans or shorts I'd worn. Again, they were tight at the front, so it was lucky I'd moved my parts out of the way and covered my behind as they were painted on. Walking around in them, I was very aware of them pressing on my body but was sure that after a few minutes, I'd get used to it.

The top had most of the back missing; it covered my shoulder with a tie across the bottom just above my hot pants. I realised I was thinking of these clothes as mine, maybe it was just because I was wearing them and should keep reminding myself that they were my mum's.

I spent a minute or so trying to tidy up my hair in the mirror; I decided to keep it down, which I usually didn't do.

Not sure what I would wear on my feet, I returned to the bedroom.

"Wow, that all works well. The shorts show off your legs well, Jimmy."

"Oh, err, thanks, dad", I quickly replied, feeling another sense of pride inside at his comment.

"Turn around, and let me have a look." He asked, and I complied.

"Luckily, you're not wearing a bra; the strap would show across your back."

"True", I replied, suddenly aware of how flat my chest was and slightly disappointed.

"You don't want to wear a bra, do you? Just complete the outfit?" He winked.

"No, not at the moment, dad", I smiled back. "So, do you think it all looks ok?"

"It all looks great on you; I especially like the shorts; they show your pert bum nicely." He answered, again looking a bit embarrassed by what he'd just said.

"Err, thanks, Dad."

"No, I mean they, well...they look a good fit. Though, hotpants are meant to be worn with a thong underneath; I can see the outline of your panties through them."

"Oh, do you think I should change them?" I asked, unsure what to do.

"Well, if you're going to wear something, it's best to wear it right. So here, why don't you try on these instead?" he said, passing me a different pair of white panties. As I took them, I noticed they were made of more lace than my current ones, but if dad reckoned I needed to wear a thong with the hotpants, they'd have to do. I returned to the bathroom and slipped them on; they had a little silver bow on the front and lacy sides around my hips; they looked much more feminine than my previous ones. The thong strap at the back felt strange as it ran up between my cheeks, my bum felt exposed, but I could probably get used to it, I guessed. Thankfully they still did a good enough job of keeping my bits of the way and allowed a nice smooth front. Putting them back on the hotpants felt different now; I could feel the denim rub against my cheeks as I moved, a sensation I enjoyed in a way I hadn't ever before.

"So, do they look better now?" I asked as I returned to the bedroom and turned around to show my dad my denim-clad behind.

"Oh yes, that's much better," he smiled, "They look like they should now." I could detect the admiration in his voice, and he stared at me.

Without knowing what came over me, but with a sudden sense of cheekiness, I moved and leaned forward at the waist and rested my hand resting on the edge of the bed, causing my bum to stick out.

"Dad, do you want a feel to check that there aren't any panties lines still?" I asked over my shoulder in a timid voice. He looked slightly shocked, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Sure", he replied calmly and apprehensively placed one hand and then the other on my behind and began to move them around. I could feel him squeezing my bum, and I giggled with pleasure; it was enjoyable. He mumbled that it felt nice, and looking back, he was staring at my bum like it was his new toy. Slowly he became more daring and slid a finger down between my cheeks towards my legs; I was getting excited and tightened my legs around it, holding it there, so he had to keep the rest of his hand on my inner leg. Not sure what I was doing and not certain of its effect on my dad, I continued encouraging him. I was enjoying this, and he sounded and looked like he was too. His other hand left my cheeks, which disappointed me for a second, before tracing the top of my hotpants and tentatively sliding a finger down inside them. I felt it brush the top of my panties and follow them around to my hips. We were now making pleasurable noises and enjoying this second round of feeling up.

But suddenly, he seemed to snap out of it and withdrew both hands. I quickly looked around and made direct eye contact with him, my hair falling around my face.

"What is it, dad?" I asked disappointedly

"No, no. This isn't right." He answered, sounding unsure of what he was saying.

"What isn't?" I replied with a hint of innocence in my voice.

"I think you'd better go out for a walk; I need to have that lay down." He answered, sounding a bit confused and distracted.

Not sure what to say, I stood up and slowly walked out of the bedroom.

To be continued...

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Soshameless11Soshameless1111 months ago

Wow! Very, very enjoyable!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fantastic story…I bet the swimsuit does feel good…Of course dad is confused and distracted…he’s probably getting hard….

EmilyPlayEmilyPlayover 1 year ago

Oh you are my new favourite author! Just as well their holiday is 3 weeks long, plenty of scope for you to reveal more episodes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story so for cross dressing for the 1st time and what looks almost a certainty incest, interesting

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

i am absolutely loving this story... cant wait to see where it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please add incest tags

300bowler300300bowler300over 1 year ago

Love where this story is heading, more chapters soon I hope...Great job building it up...5 Stars!

Hugs and Kisses Betty jo xoxo

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More! More! Please more!!

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