Accidents Happen

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Brother and sister and one big mistake.
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"I'm telling you, Scar, you're going to lose your virginity tonight. It's guaranteed." My best friend Gemma curls her long, dark hair as she looks at me through the our reflections in the mirror.

Bringing my knees to my chest, I hug them tightly. "You say that like I even want that to happen," I mutter.

"Please, girl. You've been telling me how horny you are for weeks."

I roll my eyes. "Being horny is one thing, but going to some stranger's sex party just to lose my virginity to some rando is another."

"First of all, he's not a stranger, I've been fucking him for two months now," Gemma corrects me. "And secondly, you're making it sound more sordid than it is. It's literally just a party. The kinky stuff is just an added bonus."

"I just don't see what people get out of it. I can't help but see it as kind of sordid."

"Anonymous sex with someone you never have to see again? That's practically online dating, babe. There's no difference. Steve and his friends just decided to make it a little more spicy."

I don't respond, knowing it would be a waste of energy to do so. Gemma has been begging me to accompany her to one of these parties for weeks now. I'd refused, but one night when I was tired of her constant whining, I'd given in and told her I would go -- if only to shut her up about it. I've regretted the decision ever since. I'm not totally sure I want to do it, and it absolutely has not succeeded in getting Gemma off of my case.

"Listen, we'll go, have some drinks and a good time, and if you absolutely hate it, I promise we'll grab a taxi and leave."

I lift an eyebrow. "You promise?"

"Pinky swear," she says, turning in her chair to stick her little finger out to me.

Shaking my head and smiling, I reach out and link pinkies together. Gemma may have a one track mind most of the time, but she's a good friend, and I trust her when she says I won't have to do anything I'm not comfortable with.

Gemma goes back to curling her hair while I stand and rifle through Gemma's wardrobe, deciding what exactly I'm going to wear tonight. I have no expectations, but there is a possibility I may be having sex tonight, and I want to be prepared for it. Gemma's taste in clothing is a lot more provocative than my own, so wearing something of hers will surely be the right way to go. Even if I decide I don't want anything to happen, I want to feel sexy.

"What does this Steve guy do, anyway?" I ask Gemma, pulling out a slinky red dress that looks more like underwear.

"He's a student at the university," she tells me. "Everyone in the house is."

I stop dead in my tracks. "This house isn't on Grange Road, is it?"

"No, it's on River Walk. Why?" She eyes me curiously.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, I turn back to the mass of clothes before me. "Thank god. Alex and his friends live at Grange Road."

"Oh," Gemma says, understanding my reaction. "Yeah, no worries there, girl. Last thing we want for you is to walk in and see your older brother. You're safe, I promise."

"Unless he somehow knows your fuck buddy."

"Doubtful," she responds. "It's a big university in a big city. The chances are slim."

I nod, agreeing with her. She's right. My brother Alex decided to attend university in our hometown for practical reasons, but he still moved into his own place to gain some independence. That was about two years ago, and since then, I've never crossed paths with my brother. We still see each other when he visits home, but aside from that, it's almost as if he doesn't live in the city any more. It's for that reason I'm confident tonight will be no different.

"Okay," Gemma says, hoping out of her chair. "I'm done. Your turn."

I blink at her. "My turn what?"

She waves a hand at my appearance as if that answers my question. When I don't respond, she sighs dramatically and grabs me, practically dragging me over to her vanity.

"Don't get me wrong babe, I love the beachy, natural vibe you rock. But tonight could be the night. You want to look the hottest you'll ever look in your entire life."

"I want that or you do?" I mutter.

"Hush. Okay, let's start with hair."

I sit and play on my phone as Gemma gets to play her favourite game: makeovers. I scroll through Instragram and respond to a couple of messages from my mum and other friends, and then a text comes through from Alex.

- There's going to be a Harry Potter marathon tonight at 6pm. You watching?

I smile to myself. Alex knows how much I love Harry Potter, both the books and the movies. He loves them too. In fact, the series is what bonded us as children. Before that, we were like any other siblings. He was the bossy and domineering older brother and I the annoying and clingy little sister. We would often bicker about the most childish things -- unsurprising, seeing as we were children. Finding a common interest brought us closer together, much to the relief of our parents.

Quickly, I type a reply back.

- Busy tonight. We'll have to make some time to have our own marathon. It's been a while since I binged the movies.

Alex's reply comes in almost instantly.

- I'll hold you to that. What are you doing?

- Just hanging out at Gem's, might go out later. You?

- Most likely staying in. Have fun. Stay safe.

I smile at his concern, then put my phone away. It wasn't exactly I lie I'd told him. Not that Alex would care if I'm going to a party. He's often been my alibi back when I would party and drink underage. This time, however, feels different. Knowing that tonight could be the night, I want to keep my plans to myself.

For the next hour or so, Gemma toys with my hair, then gets to work on my make up, prodding me with brushes and layering on products. I'm happy to let her do what she likes. God knows she knows more about this stuff when I do. But when she's finished and finally allows me to look in the mirror, I'm astonished.

My blonde hair is curled softly, resting in shiny gold waves on my shoulders. My make up is natural and subtle in a 'I barely need any make up to look this stunning' kind of way. My skin is glowy, my eyes enhanced with a little black liner, making them look larger and more flirty. I don't know what she's done to my lips, but they're juicy and kissable.

"Gemma," I gasp, taking myself in. "You've outdone yourself."

"It helps when the canvas is already naturally gorgeous," she winks. "Okay! Time for clothes. I'm thinking definitely something that borders on the lines of innocent and slutty."

A little later, Gemma and I are climbing out of the taxi in front of Steve's house. It's already getting dark, and from the street we can hear the music blaring.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I ask Gemma nervously. I ended up wearing one of her little black dresses. Thanks to my being slightly shorter and a lot more well endowed than Gemma, it accomplishes her wish of innocent meets slutty. The sweetheart neckline frames my breasts nicely, while the fabric clings to my waist and hips, enhancing my hourglass figure.

"You don't look okay, girl. You look gorgeous. You're a goddess, and some guy is about to be the luckiest motherfucker on this entire planet. You hear me?"

I laugh and nod, and Gemma beams, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me toward the house.

Inside, Gemma pulls me through the rooms, weaving through the pockets of people, looking for Steve. We find him in the kitchen, and he greets Gemma with a kiss way too graphic for public viewing. I stand awkwardly as they make out, before Gemma pulls away and breathlessly introduces me.

Steve and I say our hellos, and then he offers us both drinks. Gemma heads straight for the spirits, while I opt for a beer.

The first half of the party goes smoothly. Mainly, Gemma and I mingle with the other guests -- who are mostly university students -- or I act kind of like a third wheel when Steve and Gemma decide to stage the first act of a porno in front of everybody.

Later in the night, I'm wordlessly handed a small piece of folded paper with a single red circle drawn on it. Gemma shoots me an excited look.

"This is it!" She squeals.

"Wait, this is what?"

Gemma looks to Steve to explain, and he smiles at me kindly. "Here's how it works. The interested folks contact me or one of the other guys before the party starts. Those who wanna get it on have their names written down and tossed into a bowl, and in another bowl there are just colours. Before everybody arrives, we pull out names, and we pull out colours. Each couple is assigned one colour, indicating one room. You," he says, nodding to my paper. "Got the red room. Whatever you get up to in there, that's your business."

"And I'm guessing Gemma told you to throw my name in?" I throw her a look.

"Pleeease don't hate me, Scar!" She smiles cutely. "You can totally pull out if you don't feel comfortable. It's your call."

I think to myself for a moment. Truthfully, I feel good tonight. The party has been fun, and while I haven't drunk enough to get wasted, I'm definitely the happy side of tipsy. The tipsy that makes me feel more confident without impairing my critical thinking capabilities.

"Fuck it, I'll do it," I tell Gemma, who practically bounces with excitement.

"You're gonna do great! I'll be right down here, okay?"

"Okay," I nod, my heart beating erratically. Snatching my hand out, I take the glass from Gemma's hand, and chug whatever she had left in it. The liquor burns my throat and a cough a little, but keep it down, earning me a cheer from Gemma. Before I can overthink it and back out, I give Gemma a quick hug, then make my way upstairs.

It's a lot quieter than downstairs, but the music still thumps loudly, and a few people linger in the mostly empty hallway. I pass several doors as I look for my own. One has a blue circle, one has green, one pink and one black. I also notice someone standing outside each door, as if they're guarding it. Finally, I come to the door with the red circle on it. Sure enough, there is someone standing outside. He looks at me, lifting an eyebrow. Wordlessly, I hand him my piece of paper. Satisfied, he gives me a nod and opens the door to the bedroom for me.

I start to walk inside, then hesitate. "Are you... Are you going to stand out there the entire time?"

The guy lets out a small laugh then shakes his head. "Only until your partner comes."

I nod and turn, crossing the threshold of the room. The extra level of security actually makes me feel a little better, knowing not just anybody could come inside the room. Still, as the door shuts behind me and I'm left in darkness, my mouth dries and my palms becoming clammy, anticipating who could walk through the door at any moment.


Imogen West bobs up and down on my hard cock once, then twice, when the annoying sound of my phone rings. Imogen stops for a moment, before continuing to take my cock in her mouth. We both ignore my phone as it continues to ring, until it finally stops. I grab a fistful of Imogen's blonde hair as she sucks, revelling in the way she rolls her tongue around the head of my penis.

When my phone starts to ring again, I let out a frustrated groan. Not many people bother with phone calls these days, and even less continue to ring me when I've missed one call. I already know who it is blowing up my phone.

"Hang on," I mutter, pulling away from her.

Imogen sits up, frowning. "Can't you just turn it off?"

Picking up my phone, my suspicions are confirmed when I see my mum's name. "Let me just get rid of her," I tell Imogen, pressing the green button.

"Mum, what is it?" I ask, unable to keep a hint of annoyance out of my voice.

"Hey Alex," she says cheerily, not sensing my tone. "Just wanted to check in."

"Now isn't the best time," I tell her, reaching out and stroking Imogen's plump lips.

"I won't keep you long, sweetie. Have you spoken to your sister lately?"

"I was texted her a while ago, why?"

"I'm worried about her, Alex. I feel like I never see her any more."

"Well she is eighteen now, mum. She wants to do her own thing."

"Yes but she's forever spending time with that Gemma Taylor. I know you must have heard the rumours about that girl."

I hadn't, but I could only imagine what kind of a reputation Gemma could have to get in my mother's bad books. I choose not to mention that Scarlett told me Gemma is exactly who she's with tonight.

"Scar's a good kid, mum, you know that."

"I know," she sighs. "But even though she may be an adult now, she's still my baby."

Understanding her concern, but needing to get her off the phone, I decide to placate her. "I'll keep an eye out on her, okay? If I think there is anything you should be concerned about, I'll let you know."

"Thanks honey. You know I just worry about you kids."

"I know, mum. I'll talk to you later, alright?"

Hanging up, I turn back to Imogen, but to my dismay, she's up and throwing on a shirt.

"Sorry, Alex, I have work in thirty minutes."

Sighing, I lean back in bed, watching as she dresses. When she's finished, she reaches down and presses a long kiss to my lips. "Call me tomorrow," she murmurs against my lips, before darting out the door.

Picking up my phone again, I shoot a quick text to my sister, asking to meet her for lunch tomorrow. Mum may be overreacting since Scarlett is eighteen and finally finding her freedom, but that doesn't mean I don't worry about my little sister too. She's always been slightly more reserved, a little more innocent and naive. Even though she's a young woman now, I still feel a protective instinct toward her.

When I don't receive a response from Scarlett after a few minutes, I jump out of bed and wander into the kitchen I share with my friends.

Ben is leaning against the counter, shovelling leftover pizza into his mouth.

"Saw Imogen leave. Looking fuckin' hot as fuck. Please tell me she fucks as good as she looks."

"Try her for yourself and find out," I mutter, lifting a brow.


I smirk, opening the fridge and grabbing a can of Coke. Imogen and I aren't exclusive by any means, but she has made it more than clear that exclusivity is exactly what she'd like. Ben had his sights on her first, but it's me she's been after for the better part of five months. For my part, I'm happy to have fun with her, but I've been upfront about the fact that I don't want anything serious right now.

"You out tonight?"

I shrug. "Not sure. You have something going on?"

"Steve Bennet is having a party. Could be a laugh."

I think about this. I have been known to have plenty of fun at Steve's parties before. And since Imogen left without finishing me off, I have balls bluer than the sea. If anything, it could be a good opportunity to have a drink and socialise.

"Let's do it," I say to Ben, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I send a quick text to Steve as I head back into my room to shower and change, hoping it's not too late to be paired up.

When Ben and I arrive at the party, it's already well underway. I don't see Steve anywhere, so instead I help myself to a beer and find Ian, one of Steve's housemates who also deals with the kinkier activities that go on at these parties. Saying a quick hello, Ian hands me me my paper.

Downing the rest of my beer, I waste no time heading upstairs and down the familiar hallway. It's the only room where a doorman still stands outside. Without waiting for instruction, I hand him my paper and he waves me inside.

The light from the hallway illuminates the dark room, and I get my first look at her. Her back is facing me, showing off the back of her tight fitting black dress. Her ass is firm and round, her waist trim, hair a shiny blonde that falls to her shoulders. My eyes travel all over her body before coming to rest once more on her delectable behind, and my cock jumps. The door is closed behind me, encasing us in almost total darkness before she turns and I can get a good look at her face.

No problem, I can work with this.

I sense her nervousness as I stride toward her. Her mouth opens and she let's out a stammering "H-Hel-" Before I bring my mouth down to hers, cutting her off. I'm horny and impatient to get her naked, with no time for introductions or formalities.

Her lips are so fucking soft, her tongue sweet as I work my own inside her mouth to stroke against it. Despite her obvious shock at my forwardness, she soon responds eagerly, wrapping her arms around my neck and hungrily kissing me back.

I run my hands over her body. She's slim, but curvy in all the right places. Her breasts overspill in my hands as I cup them through her dress, her nipples hardening instantly as she gasps in my mouth. Spurred on by her responsive body, I trace my thumb over her hard tips, back and forth as she squirms from the attention.

Her hands gingerly run down my chest to the hem of my shirt, where she places her hands underneath and begins to lift it gradually. Pulling away from her, I peel the shirt entirely off. Her hands immediately return to my chest, caressing the skin of my abs and pecs. Despite her confidence, I can tell she's still a little nervous, as her hands shake slightly while she touches me. It's endearing. I lean down and kiss her from her jaw to her throat, making her shiver. I don't stop until I'm kissing the tops of her breasts; they heave under my mouth as she takes breath after deep breath. Reaching up, and going slow, so she can stop me if she wants to, I clasp the tiny straps that hold her dress up. Carefully, I peel them down her shoulders and arms until they fall to her elbows. Her tits spill out, large and perky, with those hard little nipples tight and almost waiting for me.

Unable to resist, I bring my mouth down over one of those hard peaks. I suck her nipple into my mouth, tugging and pulling with my lips and teeth. She cries out, a sweet sound that makes my balls ache with desire. When I turn my attention to her other nipple, she threads her fingers into my hair, grabbing fistfuls of it as the pleasure flows through her. When I'm done, I kiss my way back up to her juicy mouth, pulling her to me. The feeling of her tits, now wet from my attention, pressed to my bare chest is an arousing feeling.

My hands travel down to her thighs, but then she pulls away.

"Wait," she tells me in a breathless whisper. The first word I'm hearing her say. She bends down to take off the heels she's wearing, discarding them to the side of the room. She's lost a bit of height, being around the same size as my sister Scarlett now. She immediately goes back to kissing me, her hands around my neck.

Grasping her thighs, I lift her up against my body. She wraps her legs around my waist and I carry us over to the large bed, placing her gently on her back. The only sliver of moonlight that comes through the curtains lands directly on her perfect tits. I'm practically drooling with want right now. Sitting back on my knees, I roughly shove her dress up to her waist and dive in between her legs. Pressing my nose against her underwear, I inhale deeply through my nose. I can smell how aroused she is, which only makes my dick strain harder against my jeans.

I hook my hands around her underwear, yanking them over her ass and down her legs, impatient to get a taste of her. I don't remember ever being this hungry for pussy before, but something about her begs me to taste.

Her underwear is thrown somewhere in the room, and I waste no more time. I take one, delicious swipe of her slick pussy. She cries out above me. My mouth waters at the taste of her. I lick her more, over and over again, my tongue running around her swollen clit. She was wet before, but as I eat her, her pussy produces more juices for me to lap up, which I do happily. I moan as I kiss and lick her. She's easily the most delectable thing I've ever tasted.