Achara's Redemption

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Voy's teacher joins the fray with a friend.
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Inspired by the writings of Justtheone.

Standard disclaimer: All human characters involved in sexual activity are 18 years of age or



-An Old Flame Burns Bright-

She'd lost her sandals running. With her axe and swift feet she ran like the wind as taskseers ran for their horses. With her a mile ahead she stopped and found a hole by a river and hid there. As the sweeping hunters continued to search, she emerged satisfied and sure they'd be long gone. She turned with sudden horror to see a mounted elve still. She weighed her was out of range...and bolted for the river. A branch tripped her. She recovered quickly and was about to leap when she sensed an object enter her back. A searing pain lanced into her as she fell to the earth.

Achara jolted awake from the nightmare screaming only to find the ass of another tied slave right near her face. She had startled the elve guarding them and wakened some of the others around the campfire. They sat up from sleep annoyed and all turned toward her as one voiced what they all thought, "What the fuck, Achara?"

Another mocked with a sleepy murmur, "The little Shonjeth girl had a bad dream?"

Her only friend was Lojah Orvae, a Rhitt shrine priestess. Her skin marble pale and fair, with deep set green eyes, her hair green as devotees dye parts in reverence, she retained her tattered burgundy robe embroidered with patterns of the seasons and the stars. As a morpher she could take on the appearance of another person for a time if she drank a bit of their fluid, but unique to her she took in their thoughts as well. The problem was she had a muzzle on and no way to access her mouth.

The elve assigned to watch them, groggy and now also angry, walked up and kicked Achara in the rear, hard. "Ouch!"

She rubbed it as Lojah took a handful of mossy soil in hand, breathed deeply, and whispered, "Sacred Mother is angry. She sends a herald."

Achara blankly looked back at Lojah and said, "My weapon is my Goddess. They can take it, but I will fight on."

= = = = =

The sound of thumping and crashing in the dark drew closer. The elves woke from their tents and sounded the alarm, drawn up in a line of spears and blades. A taskseer whipped Achara and the other slaves into a wagon, clamped it shut and rejoined her comrades. In the dark with but a few holes for air, Achara looked through one. Torch light illuminated the clashing of metal and stone.

From outside the wagon they heard a cacophony of urgent shouted voices: "Aim for its head!" "Agh, don't let go!" "It's too thick!"

Just then a force hit the wall Achara was looking through and she staggered back into the others. It went quiet as the screams and yelling stopped.

As the light faded, she felt a person grab her ass and she yelled, "You pervert!" Turning to confront her molester she felt her hair being pulled back and heavy breathing.

Suddenly the wagon jolted upward and shook. "Raaarrra!" The beast lifted the wagon clear off the ground, causing everyone to be tossed into the wall, then ceiling, then floor.

Lojah's eyes glowed. She screamed in Rhish, "Sacred Mother's Child go in peace. These beings' hearts are one with hers!" The shaking of the wagon lessened, and slowly stopped. The wheels touched ground again and they heard the beast's large steps move away from the clearing.

They hurled themselves at the barred wagon door till it groaned, and a final rush broke it.

Achara fell face first into a puddle below and the rest ended up piled on top of her. "Get off me, you pricks." As the writhing mass of slaves untangled themselves they ran over her and began looting the camp. She lifted herself to be greeted by an elve bisected at the waist, her entrails on the ground nearby. Achara vomited up what little she'd eaten, and watched the free for all melee playing out for the best gear. Someone claimed a war hammer and pack roll before clubbing another in the face and disappearing into the woods. A she orc was skewered and left to die with an axe in her back. All around her they killed each other, knowing they had to, or risk them being captured or ratted out.

Achara turned and seeing Lojah in the wagon's shadow placed her hand on her shoulder and pointed to the elve corpse gripping a sheathed khopesh and muzzle keys. "Those are what we need, please get them." Lojah got up, creeped over and stripped the items.

A horn sounded in the distance. More elves were coming. Achara turned to find a four-armed Carian, standing in her path.

"Puny girl, give me that blade and..." It didn't live to finish those words having taken a stray spear in its throat.

Achara unlocked Lojah's mask and they slipped into the night.

-The Midnight Escape-

Shovon took half the potion and gave the other to Voy. In seconds she watched her legs, torso, arms and head disappear as did Voy's. The potions strength was split between them and the time it would last only half as long, ten minutes and no more. Sneaking out through the cellar window they quickly found a tall wood fence with a twin gate barred from the outside. The cloudy night sky concealed the moon and the gleam of the village torches burned.

Voy whispered, "How do we open it?"

Shovon noticed a gap between the wood gate and dirt ground, and after a few moments of thoughtful consideration, she took her used potion bottle out and chucked it hard, getting a solid hit at the side of the neighboring hut's window on the other side of the fence.

A little elve boy came out carrying a bucket and knife and muttered, "Stupid chores, call me useless." His brown hair was cut short and he wore a sewn patchwork jerkin and a cloth strip to cover his privates.

Walking with the bucket near to them, Shovon called in a hushed tone, "Hey kid. Here, come here."

He stopped and set the bucket down. Then he drew the blade while looking for the sound by the gate curiously. Voy got ready to grab him through the gap.

Shovon soothed him gently saying, "I belong to the Wisps. If you climb under the fence, I'll give you a wish."

It worked. He peered into the gap and Voy quickly pulled him under and cupped his mouth, but Shovon pitied the little one and forbade Voy from snapping his neck. Instead they used his clothes to bind his hands and feet, knocking him out.

Voy used the blade to jack the bolts holding the hinges to the gate, which then swung open as the forest called to them.

Along the stone walking path they traveled silent as mice. Here and there a sentry was posted, their patterns seemed random. Shovon nearly bumped into one rounding a corner. It's feet made little sound and she ducked away just in time, holding hers as its warm breath brushed her bare chest.

They continued past the river to the treasure piles, stopping to grab a sword. Then on down to the vine entwined arches bordering the village, they made for the tree line and suddenly Shovon saw Voy appear. No sooner than that her own hands became visible again, the two of them butt naked in the woods with virtually no gear or map.

"What now, Shovon?" Voy asked dryly as she scratched a sore on her rump. Still relieved at the near chance she bent down to massage her still shackled ankles.

-Romp in a Swamp-

Esmera was less than pleased at the arrangement, slung over the saddle like game, as Meyone prodded the horse with her heels to go faster. They should've come by a guard fire or something along the trail cut through the forest, when she'd mind raped that elve its memory gave directions to the place.

"Stop, Stop!" she grunted to Meyone.

The horse pulled up and slowed. Meyone asked, "Why, did you see something?"

"I need a breather. Tie the horse." Esmera saw a stream and suddenly felt the accumulated dirt and grime of their recent adventures, and decided after she washed and cleaned up her clothes she would summon a mind sync. She slipped down off the horse, undid her cloak, and pulled her dress over her head. Her lack of panties combined with easily removed boots and stockings let her jump into the water and stirred a longing to feel the embrace of Felicia, her old girlfriend (was that the proper label? Perhaps not quite).

Meanwhile Meyone had tied up the beast and set her boots on a rock, keeping the spear in reach. She lowered her legs into the water, swirling her feet and watched the witchling disappear under and surface, now with weeds in her hair.

Only once she looked around to make sure they weren't being spied on did she allow herself to relax the smallest bit, and suddenly felt a fleshy texture around her toes. She lifted her foot up to reveal Esmera suckling them. Her auburn, weed tangled hair was plastered around her face while the sensitive touch of her tongue graced every inch of her toes, squeezing them. Meyone arched her back in acquiescence as Esmera's mouth moved to the other foot, while her hands began climbing up Meyone's thighs in eagerness.

Soon Esmera came up out of the water and moved her head in between the ecstatic elve's legs and started to say, "I'm sure you'd want to..." only to be cut off when Mayone pushed Esmera's head into her vale. Esmera licked it with unbridled passion, the labia and canal to her womb, she swabbed and sucked until the pressure built up.

Squirming with ecstasy Meyone said, "I'm coming, Esmy!"

As she expelled her juices onto Esmera's lips and chin, the younger girl licked them and replied, "mmhhm. Elve eggs," before wading out and dipping back under the water.

Meyone laid back and sighed.

-A Wenchy Encounter-

Lojah made stops to sense if they were alone.

Achara still wanted some clothes as the night chill was creeping up her spine. She'd been sold to those pricks for wine and weapons. Voy was still her friend, even if she wasn't a Shonjeth anymore, and broke so easily to the wanton desires of her mind. With Lojah's help she would free her and together they would burn this place down.

"Start a fire, I need to get warm."

The Rhitt replied, "Light catches unwanted eyes. Come and wrap up in my robe." She was unargumentative, scraping a shallow den in the dirt where Lojah lay her arms open. Achara lay next to Lojah who enclosed the folds of her shabby robe around the wary woman, her body longing to be caressed.

A soft feeling burned in her bosom as the green-eyed being withdrew her arms from the sleeves and rubbed Achara's tummy. She quietly asked, "Did I tell you about my ending up here?"

Achara's head was spinning. "No, what are..." she started to reply but couldn't find the words.

"Getting you warmed up. I lived in a hamlet in Verdeknol, a province of Manerhein. My mom never could keep a job, had us littluns to take care of. So this customer, he ain't satisfied with rough play. He wants his money back. She refused. He came back with some friends. I was out getting water." She paused.

"They barred the door and burned our house with my family in it. I tried to put out the flames but they held me down. The man said he would take what my mother wouldn't give him. I tore out his throat and ran till I couldn't run anymore. My legs gave out as I reached a monastery...worshipers of the nature goddess Sacred Mother. I prayed and offered my eternal service. She gave me my ability, my agility, and connection to her, always. I was walking to ponder a vision of great distress when they bagged me and shut my mouth. Rhitts are valued for potency in healing."

Achara had listened and felt pity for the girl but completely surrendered to the urge to moan from her manual ministrations. She wanted to feel Lojah's tongue. In a moment she found Lojah's mouth joined to hers. Reaching under the Rhitt's skirt, Achara grabbed her pussy and kneaded it as the warmth radiated from her.

Suddenly a voice shattered the night, "Let me out, dammit. I said I'd play nice!"

Achara was up and in fighting stance with the blade half out of its sheath.

"Well shit, at least handle me gently!"

She dropped the sword and stepped back.

"Ouch! I have feelings, too."

It talked. Lojah stepped forward and drew the blade out fully, the phallic hilt of blackwood, the silvery metal shaped in a curve back on itself. "You're alive? How is it so?" she inquired.

It replied, "My, what a looker you are. What's your name, wench?"

Achara grabbed it and said, "You're a talking sword. She asked what's keeping you alive?"

"Magic, you idiotic tavern servants. I am Knight Aleer Oswell, of The Order Templaris, from Ylati, Emor City. What be thy names, faire wenches?"

Lojah answered, "Lojah Orvae, Priestess of Sacred Mother. So you're a weapon now?"

Achara did so as well, "Achara Avarad, Princess of Steel."

Lojah implored, "How'd you become this? Somebody bind you with it?"

"Tis a long story..."

"We've got time. Let's hear it then," they both replied.

-New Moon-

Shovon got up from the ground, shackle free, and with half seriousness remarked, "You look like shit, Voy. What'd they do to you?"

Voy had only just gotten the first iron cuff off her wrist using the dagger she'd grabbed. She couldn't forget the days of sexual degradation and servile humiliation. "I did what I had to to survive. While you got fancy clothes, food, and a bed, I laid bare-assed on the floor of that elve slut's hut, starving!"

Shovon's less than sorry expression made Voy's blood boil.

"I had a future. Shonjeth warriors' lives are not for wanton desires, but honor and glory and battle." She began working on the second cuff.

Shovon took a jab at her again, "They force you to enchant their cocks to shoot tubs of seed? Like I had to?"

Angry now to the point of murderous intent, Voy shot back, " going to skin you alive...and use your hide as a cloak!"

Shovon wasn't too sure Voy was serious but she needed a release. She knew something of swordplay, raised her weapon, and said, "I'm open, just for settling an old grudge."

Voy broke the final cuff and cracked the widest grin as she brought the dagger in front, reverse gripping the elven knive. "For Achara's honor and mine, I will disarm you and cut your hair off as penance."

There stood witch and warrior. Each began circling the other as the moon bore light on the rocky ground.

Suddenly Shovon lunged inward at Voy's leg with a stroke. Voy leaped back and spun around whirling with finesse, and with a shout brought two blades to bear. Shovon caught them full on her short sword, and kicked up into Voy's bare cunt. Seething with adrenaline and rage Voy howled in pain and dropped to one knee. Shovon had the chance to end it, but withheld.

Voy dropped flat and swung her leg under Shovon's, sending her on her back into a rock. Getting a hold on her sweaty breasts Voy squeezed and pulled until the witch was writhing and crying in pain from the branding wound that hadn't yet healed. Voy mounted her stomach and took a swath of her black silk, cut down as Shovon brought a rock across her face, knocking her clean out and giving a lump to her temple.

With the femme fatale prone on her chest, Shovon smooched her and rolled her snoring ass gently to the ground. Checking her own head revealed the right side was now hairless, cut to the root.

Suddenly she heard "Ahhhoooooooaaah" somewhere off in the night.

Oh shit, what now? she thought. As she struggled to rise a shadow with red eyes glared at her from the trees. She saw another come behind it. Different from the first it was more slender and had golden eyes. And a third (okay, now the odds were fucked), smaller than the others and had a green eye. The silhouette resembled that of a human, with the top more animalistic... a satyr? They often lived with Elven folk...

Oh no, Shovon thought as it growled and walked into the moonlight. Covered with grey brown fur all over, a Werewolf... This one appeared to be the leader, and had on his neck a lace of elven ears. Instantly her eyes settled on the warhammer he had on his hip. His slender friend wore a leather breastplate with a mail skirt and carried a crossbow, it's smaller partner sported an eyepatch and a bandolier of what appeared varied hair tufts, at the top a serrated dirk.

She had nowhere to hide, her back felt funny after that fall, and Voy was still out cold. She could beg, ask to be ransomed... No. She would speak to the leader, for her freedom.

"I'm not a threat, just a lost soul with my traveler friend. We mean you no harm." Their eyes focused on her naked body and Voy's limp form.

"Come closer lost I can better smell your sweet odor." It moved toward her with the others circling round to the sides.

Shovon knew she might be killed, but was certain she would be forced to fuck these stinking beasts. She thought of the Mortis Immolatius spell conjured as a desperate last act. Another possible path would be, she thought, the rock she'd hit Voy with, something about its color and texture-Yes! She subtly hid it and the sword under her.

"I'm Shovon Noonstar. If you let me write a letter, my Order would pay ransom for me." He stood over her and the other two began to move toward Voy's body. His tail twitched and tongue salivated as Shovon lay half terrified at his looming mass.

Then he lunged and had twisted her arms around her sides roughly before turning to the others and telling them, "Do what you want to her then slit her throat. This one we take." From his crotch fur rose an enormous grey organ, it was at least 7 inches. She shuddered as he wagged it over her head. "Ever had Wolf cock, witch?" She shook her head and without warning he rammed it in her cunt. She squirmed at the intrusion and tried to fight, but he held fast and thrust with spastic moves.

She looked over to Voy and found her propped up on a boulder with the She Wolf licking her cunny as the little one jerked off onto her breasts. With the present situation they were fucked, literally and figuratively. But she had a sword.

She set the sword against the rock along with some dry grass, arched her back, and as discreetly as she could sharply scraped the blade edge against the rock. The grass didn't light.

The wolf showed signs of tiring as it pumped her with decreasing speed. Timing with the noise of its grunts, Shovon again struck the blade against the rock, and some of the grass lit...and fizzled out. The wolf noticed her hands gone. Realizing she was out of time, she drew several inches of the blade edge against the stone creating a strong shower of sparks, and this time the grass caught. She rolled and shoved the burning grass into the fur of the bewildered Werewolf. She'd burned her own back, but hardly noticed it as the walking inferno howled in agonizing pain. It pulled out of Shovon as it backed away from her, flailing its limbs in a futile attempt to extinguish itself.

As the other two turned to observe their leader, Voy woke up, took stock of the situation, grabbed the dirk from the small one and jabbed it through his one eye. The female recovered and pulled Voy up by the neck, then suddenly fell to her knees and slumped dead against the boulder, a sword in her back.

Voy stumbled over to Shovon, and fell next to her. ""

-Two Chicks Chat-

Esmera finished eating Meyone's catch of fish with a smile massaging her feet. Now dressed and clean, the first thing was now to locate the Elve village. She began, "Hey Meyone..."

She looked up from her task, "Huh, what is it, Esmy?"

Meyone's use of a shortened name was yet another reminder to Esmera of someone she'd known and been close to before becoming Shovon's student. This close friend, Felicia, often referred to Esmera as "Twinkle Fairy".
