Adam and Steve Ch. 06


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Steve placed his hands on both sides of Adam's face and Adam opened his eyes. "We also have the kids to thank it seems, because it looks like they had this planned way before I decided to send you flowers. Adam, I was breaking, I'm sure they could see it, but I'm not sure why I didn't try contacting you before." Steve tried to stress his point so Adam didn't feel it was only he who didn't communicate. "Adam, I'm sorry I didn't try to get ahold of you sooner and I'm truly sorry I treated you like a child, that was wrong of me."

"It's okay Steve, I deserved it for what I did to you, for hiding information. I wanted but didn't want to tell you. I didn't expect Ben would want me to actually leave my life for him."

"And I should've been glad you didn't choose him, that you did choose me. But I was scared you could've, angry you hid it and hurt that you did it to me." Steve responded.

"Again Steve, I'm so sorry. I know I can't turn back time and I wish I could. I've been wishing this since I saw the hurt in your eyes. I'm sorry." Adam went to get up but again Steve didn't allow him.

"How many months do you have left on the lease?"

"Four, I wasn't going to sub-lease it for that little of time. I was actually contemplating moving back in because of how badly I was treating Matt and Sarah."

Steve made a one-eighty in the conversation "Would you like to start dating again?"

"Steve, I would love to. I do love you." Steve could hear and feel Adam's heart pounding harder now.

Since Steve still had his hands on each side of Adam's face and was staring into his eyes, he lean down and kissed him. Both of their cocks hardened instantly and they started to grind them together. Again they both knew they shouldn't start this weekend having sex but they couldn't stop themselves.

Adam was pulling up on Steve's t-shirt as he pull it over Steve's head they rolled over and Steve pulled Adam's off. Then it was a fight for who was going to be the dominant one. They ended up in a sixty-nine position with Steve on top fucking Adam's mouth and he was doing a good job on deep throating Adam.

The next thing he knew Adam came off his cock and begged Steve to fuck him, Steve was happy to oblige. It didn't take long to flip Adam over, find the lube and bury his cock deep in Adam's ass. Steve didn't last long once he started fucking Adam. Adam didn't help things because as soon as Steve hit his prostate, it was all over for him, he was moaning Steve's name.

After Steve withdrew from Adam, he turned over and laid on Steve's chest. Like Steve had been doing to him earlier. Adam kissed Steve on the neck and they fell asleep. Steve was the first to wake, Adam had rolled away so Steve could get up easily.

Steve picked up the envelope and letter, and went downstairs he remembered seeing his suitcase next to the door. He sat the envelope on the coffee table and grabbed up his suitcase hoping Teddy pack something comfortable. He pulled out a pair of jeans, t-shirt and boxers and went to the bathroom for a shower.

Steve was amazed Adam was still sleeping when he came out and he poured the contents of the envelope onto the table and sat the letter aside. There were keys, he assumed they went to the rooms on the first floor. There was a cell phone with an activation card attached, with a note stating if they needed to make a phone call, if it works and there was a smiley face.

And then there was the envelope, Steve had seen last night and quickly pushed under some other things. He opened it and there were a small envelope of pills and a note from Sarah and Matt.



We pushed Adam to the doctor a while ago, because of all of the irritability. I went with him, to make sure he went. His blood pressure was so high, the doctor was concerned. He placed Adam on blood pressure medication and has been making him come into the office to monitor it twice a week. It hasn't gone down much. He has been taking his pills, Sarah or I watch him. He's supposed to take one in the morning, and one at night. Please make sure he takes them.

Also Steve there are just in case, which he has never and the doctor says he probably will never need them. But just in case, in the side of Adams bag there is a little bottle of nitroglycerin sublingual tablets. The doctor prescribed them because Adam said yes to a few symptoms not realizing why the doctor was asking. With the high blood pressure and everything the doctor decided it was a good idea for Adam to carry them, of course he refuses.

We hope everything is going well, Matt and Sarah


Steve was surprised by this information. He went over to Adam's bag and found the bottle of nitro and he picked up the little envelope of pills. He went upstairs with a bottle of water.

Adam looked so peaceful sleeping, Steve didn't want to wake him but he wanted Adam to take his medicine. Steve walked over to the bed and sat next to Adam and lightly brushed his forehead, Adam started to stir. "Mmmmm good morning, again."

"Good morning Babe. Well, I've got some good and bad news for you."

Adam took a deep breath and blew it out. "Ok, hit me with the bad, first."

"Well in the envelope was another one addressed to me."


"Matt, told me about you going to the doctors and being placed on pills."

"And where is there any good news in this? Because you now know I'm fucked up."

"Well, because now you have your meds." Steve produced the little envelope of his one prescription and the little vile of nitro.

Adam reached over the side of the bed, retrieved his pants and pulled out of his pocket another vile of the nitro and from the other pocket pulled out a pill container. "Matt thinks I don't carry them, but I do. I did take my pill last night, so don't worry." Steve hands over the pills and Adam added them to his container.

"Adam, I'm going to worry, your blood pressure is high and you're now carrying nitro. Honey, I love you, please. What can we do to get it lowered?"

"I'm hoping having you back will help and." Adam hated having to admit the next thing to Steve.

"And Adam?"

"I was told, I need to start eating a little better than what I do." Steve had gotten onto Adam and Teddy about how they ate earlier in the year. Steve just started to laugh. "What?"

"Well it goes to show, that you can have a great body, in shape and everything. But if you don't eat right, you're still going to fuck it up." Adam reached up and grabbed Steve around the neck and pulled him down into a kiss. Steve resisted going completely down into a lying position. "Adam." He would say between kisses. "Adam, let's get up before we can't."

Adam's stomach was going to win out anyways, because he was hungry, he didn't eat dinner and he knew it had to be late morning, so he gave in to Steve. "Yeah, I know we have more talking to do and food would be great."

They walked down and Adam headed straight to the bathroom, Steve went to the kitchen and smiled when he opened the fridge. He started pulling out ingredients to make a very healthy omelet, starting with a carton of egg whites.

When Adam came in, leaned over and saw Steve chopping fresh mushroom, he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and kissed him on the neck. "I see Sarah did the shopping."

"Remind me, I have to hug her." As Steve reached around expecting to cup Adam pants covered ass and found him just wearing a towel, he smiled when Adam started kissing again on his neck. "I miss this Adam."

The two ended up vegging mainly on the couch all day. They were either laying on top of one another or had their heads in each others lap. They did talk a lot, there were also silent moments and times when they were kissing one another to the point that they almost ended back upstairs.

A question had been nagging Steve all day, so he finally brought back up the subject. He knew it wouldn't going to go over well, at least he thought. "Babe."

"Mmmm." Adam had his head in Steve lap with his eyes closed, enjoying Steve stroking his hair. Steve's other hand was resting on his chest where he could feel Adam's heartbeat.

"How were you prescribed nitro, when it's generally prescribed to people who have had or are at a seriously risk of having a heart attack?" Steve felt Adams heart rate and breathing increase, which now concerned Steve. "Babe, please tell me what's going on?"

Adam sat up and took a few deep breaths and blew them out, to try to calm himself. "Sarah took me to the ER one Friday night, Matt doesn't know. I was having chest pains, they kept me over the weekend, ran some tests, along with a stress test. Results came back as stress related angina or it's also called Stable Angina, but no blockages. They did state my cholesterol was a little high." Steve looked at him. "Ok, very high but they want to see if I can lower it first without medication. My blood pressure was extremely high which I needed to find ways to lower both."

"When did this happen?" Steve was now very concerned.

"Steve it's okay, I've been managing my stress, somedays are better than others on my blood pressure and Sarah monitors what I eat like a hawk."

"When Adam?"

Adam took a couple more deep breaths and closed his eyes. "The night I walked out, when you said you got up to go to the bathroom and I was gone." Adam turned to look at Steve. "By time I made it home, my chest felt like a vise, I couldn't get a full breath, started to sweat like a pig and was dizzy as hell. I just thought I was having a full out panic attack. I walked in and Sarah took one look at me and said we were going to the hospital."

"Why didn't you call me, why didn't you have Sarah or Matt?" Steve reached for Adams hand.

"Honestly, I was so pissed at how you were treating me Steve, I begged Sarah not to tell anyone. Matt was out of town, which is how he didn't know. He went with me to the doctor's later, and he heard my doctor talking about high blood pressure and he knows about the nitro, but I'm not sure if he realizes or if Sarah told him."

Adam had adjusted how he was seated on the couch, he had turned sideways to look at Steve and held his hand. "And Steve, I didn't want you back for the wrong reasons. Because you were scared about my health, about stressing me out, that you wouldn't bring up certain things or argue with me."

"How many attacks have you had? Have you ever had to use the nitro?" Steve was so worried, he wanted to take Adam to his doctor and have him checked from head to toe.

Adam squeezed Steve's hand, "I would be lying if I said no and it's no joke when they say it will give you one hell of a headache."

"How many times Adam?"

"I only took the nitro once."

"Adam, you're avoiding my question."

Adam smiled, "I know I am." He looked down, took in a few breaths and looked back up. "I only tend to have them on the weekends, so I dread the weekends. I think it's when my stress is the highest." Steve looked at him inquisitively. "I'm alone, I didn't have you anymore, but I been working on managing my stress level."

"But you said you only took the nitro once, why?

"Because of how it made me feel afterwards, it was Sarah that made me take it. I was going to ride out the pain like I had before, but she forced my hand by saying she would call an ambulance and tell Matt."

"How did she know?"

"She said she needed something out of my room, and forgot I was there, according to her. I just think she was checking up on me. Sarah said she knew something wasn't right because my face was white, I don't know I've never looked at myself in the mirror when I was in pain. I was just trying to calm myself." Adam frowned, "Steve, I hate to ask this, but can we please talk about something else?" Steve nodded and Adam thanked him.


Adam and Steve woke Sunday morning, again Steve woke with his head on Adam's chest. Steve loved hearing Adams' heartbeat, it was loud. They had decided last night not to have sex again to just enjoy one another's company.

Steve was really worried about Adam, but Adam tried to reassure him that he was okay. Adam stated as long as he got his stress and cholesterol under control he will be better. Steve smiled and asked if it wouldn't stress Adam out too much, he would be more than happy to help with his cholesterol. Adam laugh and said he knew Steve would.


Matt and Sarah pulled up to the cabin, they could see both Adam and Steve's suitcases on the porch and along with the little duffle bag Marc had the things in for the room. "Do you think they talked?" Sarah asked.

"Sarah, did you forget the forest of flowers we left at the house? Along with the bears?" Then Matt laughed.


"I wonder if Steve told Adam about all the flowers and bears. And seriously Sarah did you have to bring one with us?" Matt was laughing as he looked at Sarah holding the Bear holding a football.

"Well, I figured if Adam heart didn't melt seeing Steve Friday, then maybe seeing one of the many bears he sent might."

Matt and Sarah got out of the car and walked up to the cabin, they didn't hear anything coming from inside and the door was open. They walked onto the porch and into the cabin, no sign of Adam and Steve, but they could see the doors to the downstairs bedrooms were open. They both were hoping they didn't sleep in separate bedrooms all weekend. They peered into the first and the bed was made. Then they peered into the next and found the pair sleeping on the bed, both fully clothed.

Steve was spooning Adam, the two always fit perfectly either way they spooned. Matt pull Sarah back out of the room. "Do we wake them or what?"

"Put the bags in the car, I'll wake Steve." Sarah responded.

Sarah tapped Steve lightly on his shoulder, Steve looked up at Sarah and smiled. "Hi, sorry we didn't mean to fall to sleep. We will be out there in a minute okay." Steve whispered. Sarah just nodded her head and handed Steve the bear, she was smiling as she left the room.

Steve sat the bear behind him, tighten his hold on Adam and kissed the back of his neck, which caused Adam to stir from his slumber. Adam took a deep breath, stretched and blew it out. "Mmmm, is it close to time?"

"Actually, they're here." Steve said as he kissed Adam's neck again and pulled the bear around to the front so Adam could see and Adam chuckled.

"You know I'm never going to live this one down." As Adam turned over and they kissed.

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kmillerk1kmillerk1almost 3 years agoAuthor

Yes, this story is not finished. I have chapter 7 in the works. 23 (word) pages are written. I normal average about 25 per chapter for Adam and Steve. I will see if I can get Adam to come out to play this weekend. Right now Seb is up to bat and everyone is like 'Who is Seb?' You will find out one of these YEARS. I have found out it is easier to just finish a story and place it on here then write it as it comes to me. Like (Adam and Steve, Dave and Leroy, and Jake and Toby). The Fireman and The Librarian was changed to Chris and Jasper to finish the series. I have more I am just trying to figure out how to bring them up into chapters. Then some short stories. I know I have been away for a while, but I never stopped writing.

Lonelymale61Lonelymale61almost 3 years ago

Great Great Story, but you must finish it. This is not the way to end a story. They both are very stubborn, Adam more so than Steve. Please finish the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
zz😍Mixed tenses

I enjoyed your story and very glad that those two “idiots” finally had some sense hammered into them. However, I can’t forgive the way that you mix up the tenses. It sometimes is very difficult to read your stories with past and present tenses mixed up. I noted at the top of one of the chapters that someone was concerned about this problem. Please take notice of what this person says - it would make for a more enjoyable read if you could take a little more advice from this person. Regards - a concerned reader

Tink22004Tink22004about 6 years ago

What a lovely story... I hope that Steve and Adam work everything out and get their happily ever after. Can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What’s next?

This story has been one of my favorites to date! There is just the right amount of drama, and love and turmoil, I am so glad to see the guys have made up! Now we just need to see Adam get healthy!! PLEASE don’t leave us hanging!!! I need more Adam and Steve. And maybe Jeff and Teddy :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Aww A&S again...

I’ve been away from literotica for a while, grew bored of not finding any more good stories and missing my favorite authors who just keep silent. To my surprise, just happened to check it out today and see Adam and Steve. I almost couldn’t believe it. I had to see your name on it in case someone stole the title LOL. Thank you for gifting us with a great chapter. I missed these two. I hope you regal us with one more chapter soon. Hope life is good for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
If only

Love the story and what a great group of friends. I wish I had been that fortune when my partner and I split that was 10 years ago and there isn't a day goes by when I don't regret it. I have moved on but have been single (but not Celibate) since no one will ever take his place. I still love you M. R.J. XX

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love 💗 💗 💗

Love your story but do not feel you have to rush take your time and the story will be complete when it is. Thank you for the submission.

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