Add Spice to Taste

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I agree to my wife’s plan to add spice to our sex life.
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I was having second thoughts about agreeing to my wife's plan for spicing up our marriage. A month ago, when Candy first raised the issue, I acknowledged that our relationship, especially our sex life, had gotten a bit stale. But this evening as I watched her dance with Paul, her new "friend," I realized it was one thing to support her scheme in the abstract, but another matter entirely to watch it unfold in real life.

Candy introduced me to Paul before they hit the dance floor. They'd been texting each other for the past two weeks. She and I are in our late thirties while he looked to be a bit younger. His face called to mind the actor Jon Hamm.

The way they danced, you'd think they were already lovers. His hands rested familiarly on her butt cheeks, her arms draped around his neck as they slow danced to "Hello Young Lovers." Most of the other dancers were doing the foxtrot. I was starting to do a slow burn.

We had a live band and they were pretty good. Candy and I had been coming to this dance club for six months, but tonight was the first time for "adding some spice."

My wife fidgeted with a spaghetti strap on her black dress. It had a hemline that came to mid-thigh. The dress clung to her petite figure, the neckline framing her small, teardrop-shaped breasts.

Most of the dancers remained on the floor for the next number, "Tea for Two," which the band played in a Latin style. Paul had her twirling enough that you could see most of her thighs.

A young woman's voice from behind me interrupted my ruminating. "Wanna dance?"

I turned around to face the speaker. Her dark brown eyes and full lips triggered the part of my brain responsible for rushing blood to my cock. Just what I needed, I told myself. A sexy distraction to give my mind a break from obsessing my wife.

"Sure," I said, taking her extended hand and leading her onto the dance floor.

She was shorter than my wife, just under five-feet, petite, dark complexioned, with hair that fell to the middle of her back. I knew she had to be at least twenty-one since the club served alcohol, but she looked barely eighteen.

We did the cha-cha.

Her tight-fitting skirt was about as short as Candy's dress, and her blouse had a scooped neckline which showed a good amount of her large boobs.

I stand six-feet-two, so I looked down at her from a height and right into that scooped neckline.

She met my eyes as they gazed at her chest. She smiled. "I'm Suzi."


"You're a pretty good dancer, Walter."

I nodded, keeping a neutral face. Most of the ladies I dance with at the club gave me high praise.

Suzi was more than a 'pretty good dancer,' and soon I was putting her through steps that challenged my wife.

By the time the song ended, I was enjoying myself so much that I'd forgotten about Candy and what's-his-face.

"How about the next one?" Suzi said, before the band had even started playing.


We did the swing to "Don't Get Around Much Anymore."

Suzi followed my lead nicely. It was a pleasure to have such a talented partner who looked so sexy.

"You're good," Suzi said.

"Thank you. So are you."

I noted she'd upgraded her initial assessment of my dancing.

We slow-danced to the next number. Suzi leaned into me and I savored the excitement of feeling my erection pressed against the soft flesh of a woman who was not my wife.

She gave me a wicked grin. "You must really like me."

I pretended to feign ignorance. "Why do you say--"

"--I can feel how hard you are."

"What can I say? I bet you do that to a lot of guys."

"Where's the woman you were dancing with when I first came in?" Suzi said.

"She's with someone else."

"Isn't she your wife?"


"You two have a fight or something?"

I shook my head. "It's something we do."

"She's wearing the black dress, right?"

I nodded.

"She's pretty."

Suzi pressed herself even closer. "In fact, I think she's sexy."

"I do too."

Suzi kissed my neck. "Do you think I'm sexy?"

"I find you very attractive."

"But am I sexy?"

The tune ended and the MC announced the band's first break.

"Well," I said, "I enjoyed--"

"--you didn't say if you think I'm sexy."

"I think you're very sexy."

She hugged me again, then lifted her face as if wanting to kiss. My eyes brushed past her face to gawk at her breasts.

"I'm glad you like my boobs."

"They're lovely."

Suzi followed me to our table where Candy was sitting alone.

"Who's your new friend?" my wife said with a sly grin.

Suzi sat next to Candy, taking her hand. "Hi! I'm Suzi. I gotta tell you. That is such a sexy dress you're wearing."

Candy gave Suzi a once over. "Thank you."

"And your husband is a terrific dancer."

"He is."

I grabbed a chair on the other side of Candy.

Suzi stood up. "Could I get you guys a drink? It's on me."

"You don't have to," Candy said.

"I know, but I'd like to."

After Suzi left, I put my arm on Candy's shoulder. "Having fun?"

Candy gave me a shit-eating grin. "Paul's coming over tomorrow afternoon."

"He had his hands all over you."

"It felt good having his hands all over me. Are you jealous?"

"Maybe," I said. "A little bit."

"What's with this Suzi person?"

"She literally appeared from nowhere. I was watching you and--Paul, and the next thing I knew she asked me to dance."

"She seems young."

"She seems very young. My first thought was she's not even eighteen. But they wouldn't let her in here unless she was at least twenty-one, right?"

Candy nodded. "From the looks of things I'd say she wants you to fuck her."

"In her dreams!"

"Why do you say that?"

"She probably got in here on a fake ID and--"

"--Walter! Don't do that!"


"Put on your stodgy face and pretend you don't have feelings for her!"

"What do you want me to do?"

She put her hand on my thigh. "I saw little Walter wagging his tail as you walked over here."

She moved her hand to my cock, still semi-tumescent. "I don't know about you, but I certainly know what little Walter would like."

I couldn't believe how my wife was talking. But then I remembered that tomorrow she and Paul would be upstairs in our bedroom fucking.

"So it's okay with--"

"--Walter. That's the whole purpose of our little experiment. To add some spice to our marriage and especially to our sex life."

I shook my head, still trying to wrap my head around this new way my wife was acting.

Candy smoothed her dress over her thighs. "She has nice tits."

Using the back of my hand, I caressed her inner thigh. "Yes she does."

She kissed me. "I feel naked without a bra or panties."

"You look delicious. Where's Paul?"

"He had to leave."

"Did you tell him you weren't wearing panties or a bra?"

"I think he could tell."

"He was feeling you up pretty good at that."


"So tomorrow's Saturday."

"All day."

"What time is he coming over?"

"He said he'd call."

"So, remind me of the plan."

Candy rolled her eyes. "The plan is that he and I are going to fuck."

"Do I get to watch?"

"If you want. I do want you at least to be in the house."

"Goes without saying."

Candy put her hand on my arm. "Are you okay with this? I mean you sound a little...I don't know...not as excited as when we first discussed it."

"Part of me is nervous, maybe a little jealous, wondering why we need someone else to spice up what's going on between us. Another part of me is excited. Maybe curious is a better word. I'm curious how I will feel watching you two."

Candy put her hand on my thigh. "Thanks for being honest. I'm a little nervous too. But I'm also excited. From talking to a few people and from what I've read, this usually strengthens a relationship and improves a couple's sex life."

"Why do you suppose that is?"

Suzi returned with three glasses of white wine. "Here you go. What did you mean when you said Why do you suppose that is?"

I glanced at Candy. "My wife and I are conducting a little experiment to see if we can improve our relationship."

"You mean like fucking that guy she was dancing with?"

Candy blushed for a second. "You're quite the astute observer."

"My boyfriend and I tried to have an open relationship. We could fuck anybody we wanted as long as we told each other beforehand."

"How did that work out for you?" Candy said.

"Not very well. He got jealous when I told him I wanted to go out with a former boyfriend. I wasn't even sure I wanted to fuck him, you know? I just wanted to have the option."

"So what happened?"

"We got into a big fight. Turns out, it's okay for him to fuck whoever he wants. In fact I'm pretty sure he was carrying on even before we talked about an open relationship."

Candy sipped her wine. "I see. By the way, thank you for the wine. That was nice of you."

"Your husband says he thinks I'm very sexy."

Candy grinned as she looked at me. "That was nice of him to say so."

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

Candy gave me a puzzled glance before looking at Suzi.

I put an arm around Candy. "My wife told me she thinks you have nice tits."

Suzi smiled, scooted closer to Candy. "That was nice of you to say."

"Are you here by yourself?" Candy said.

Suzi nodded. "My boyfriend and I got into a fight."

Candy put her arm around Suzi's shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that. How long have you two--"

"--he started yelling and then he threw a beer bottle at me. It barely missed my head."

Candy covered her mouth with her hand.

I leaned forward in my chair. "Do you live with him?"

Suzi nodded.

"I don't know quite what to say. It's horrible that--"

"--do you think you could let me stay at your place tonight? I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Of course," Candy said. "Have you called the police?"

"He'd just finish what he started. I'm not sure what to do."

"You shouldn't be living with him," Candy said.

"I know. I just don't know how to leave."

"Well, staying with us tonight is a start," I said.

The band returned from their break and began with a waltz. I wasn't familiar with the tune, but I liked it.

"Would you dance with me?" Suzi said.

Candy nodded when I glanced at her. "Sure."

As soon as we started dancing, Suzi pressed herself against me. We did a slow dance to the waltz.

"I like how hard your cock gets when we dance close together," she said.

"You're a very attractive woman."

"And I'm sexy too."

"You are."

"And you like my boobs."

"I like all of you."

"But you especially like my boobs, right?"

I nodded.

"You have a nice wife," Suzi said. "I like her."

"She's a very nice person."

"I think both of you are very sexy, if you want to know the truth."

Candy and I danced the final two numbers of the evening and then took Suzi home with us.

We lived in a small one-bedroom apartment so we made up the couch for Suzi.

"I've got a pair of pajamas that might fit you," Candy said.

"Thanks, but I'll sleep in my underwear," said Suzi unbuttoning her blouse. "Do you happen to have a hangar?"

"I'll be right back," Candy said as we left the room.


My wife and I went to bed excited by how the evening has unexpectedly unfolded. We tossed and turned. Neither of us seemed able to unwind enough to get to sleep. Finally, Candy cuddled next to me. "I don't know about you, but I could use a little tension reliever."

Next thing I knew, she trailed kisses down my chest and stomach on her way to my cock. She sucked me until I got hard, then climbed on top.

"What do you make of her?" Candy said, whispering.

We both knew that only a few feet away, on the other side of the wall, Suzi lay on our couch.

I whispered my reply. "I think she'd like to have sex with both of us."

"I think you're right. How do you feel about that?"

I couldn't help but grin. "It would definitely add spice to our sex life."

"And to our relationship. Paul told me about a fantasy he'd like to act out with me. Do you want to hear it?"

"Go on."

"He said he wants to suck my pussy after he comes in me. I don't suppose that's something that would interest you."

"You mean coming in your pussy and then sucking out my spunk?"

Candy nodded. The wicked look on her face told me how appealing she found Paul's idea, so a flat-out refusal didn't seem wise. Yet both of us had committed to being honest with each other.

I thought hard and fast to find words for an honest response. "That might be an acquired taste for me."

She laughed. "I want you to come in me tonight."

"Do I have to suck it out?"

"Only if you want to. And tonight you don't need to be a gentleman."

"How so?"

"You don't need to wait for me to have an orgasm. I think I drank too much at the dance."

I rolled us over to get on top of her and then resumed fucking.

Candy wrapped her legs around my waist. "Would you like to fuck Suzi?"

"She's very sexy."

"I bet if you asked, she'd let you."

"That would be okay with you?"

Candy nodded.

I smiled.

"But I get to watch," she said.

"So you'd what? Lay next to us while we fucked?"

"And masturbate while you fucked."

I groaned as I approached the edge of a release. Except I was enjoying myself too much and didn't want it to end quite yet.

"Why did you stop?" Candy's voice conveyed frustration.

"I didn't want to come yet."

"I was just starting to build."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

I resumed fucking her. Candy squeezed her legs around my waist. "After you come in Suzi's pussy I'll suck out your spunk."

"You'd do that?"

"I would. I'd wait until it started dripping out of her first so you could see what a mess you made."

"I've never heard you talk like this."

"You've never turned me on like this before, mister! And after I lick up every last drop of your semen I want to suck on her clit until she comes all over my face."

"Fuck, Candy! I'm going to come!"

I forgot all about Suzi as I raced toward sexual bliss. We were fucking like we used to when we first started dating.

Candy's legs shook as her pussy spasmed on my cock. "Walter!"

Raising her hips from the bed, she wailed. "Don't stop! Don't you dare stop fucking me!"

She ground her hips into me with a fury, her whole body trembling.

Her cry propelled me over the edge. My vision dimmed as a rush of pleasure massaged every nerve ending in my body. And then the delicious release, each ejaculation making my orgasm that much more intense.

Candy hugged me as I released the last remnants of my stress into her warm, slippery chamber.

I rolled onto my back. She cuddled next to me, a thigh pressed into my crotch.

She smothered me with kisses. "Wow!"

"Amen and Hallelujah!"

But before we had a chance to enjoy a moment of afterglow, there was a knock at our door and then in walked Suzi.

"Hey" she said, stopping to slip out of her panties which she let fall to the carpet. The area above her swollen slit was completely bald. Then she undid her bra which joined the panties on the floor. Although her breasts were large, they hardly bounced as she sauntered toward the bed and leaned over Candy.

My wife jerked away with a start when Suzi tried to kiss her on the lips, but, seconds later, when Suzi tried a second time, Candy opened her mouth and shared a long tongue-swirling kiss.

"Listening to you guys fuck got me wet like you wouldn't believe!"

Candy giggled. "Our version of relaxing with a little nightcap."

"Well, you look pretty relaxed now." Suzi trailed a hand down Candy's stomach, brushing her matted pubic hair and continuing down her thigh to her knee. "I could use one of your nightcaps."

Candy gave me a wicked grin.

Neither one of us had made any effort to cover ourselves and now Suzi's hungry eyes roved over our bodies. "Walter has a very large cock."

Candy smiled. "He does."

"Did he come in you?"

My wife nodded.

Suzi ran her hand up Candy's thigh, stopping next to her opening. "Can I see?"

Candy spread her legs.

Suzi hopped onto the bed, knelt between my wife's legs and spread her labia.

"Oh yeah!" said Suzi. "It's still dripping! Okay if I taste?"

Candy nodded, then shivered as Suzi inserted two fingers into my wife's opening. When she pulled them out, they glistened with creamy residue.

I surprised myself when I let out a loud moan.

Suzi laughed. "I might be wrong, but I think Walter would like a taste."

"Until now he's never expressed an interest in that," Candy said, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"You mean eating his spunk?"

Candy nodded.

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

Suzi put her two cream-filled fingers into her mouth, then inserted them again into Candy's opening.

Candy lifted her hips from the bed. "You're getting me turned on."

Instead of putting her fingers into her mouth, Suzi inserted them into her pussy. Fingering herself produced a sloshing noise.

She smiled. "No doubt you can hear I'm pretty wet."

She dangled her messy fingers in front of my face. "Here you go, Walter. Have a taste of my juice casserole--yours, hers and mine!"

Before I could open my mouth completely she rubbed her fingers over my face. "Oops! I'm sorry."

She again inserted her fingers into her pussy and again rubbed them over my face. "Oops! I guess not so sorry, actually."

Then she licked at my wife's opening. When Suzi moved her face near mine, I opened my mouth. After I swallowed the last of her offering, she gave me a sloppy kiss. She laughed. "Walter, you're such a good sport."

She grabbed my cock and took its entire length down her throat.

"I need to suck your wife's pussy some more," Suzi said after she'd gotten me so hard I literally trembled. "Would you fuck me from behind while I do that?"

Another involuntary moan escaped my throat as I got on my knees.

My wife giggled. "Honey, you're living a real wet dream tonight, aren't you?"

Suzi's pussy accepted my cock like a custom made glove, her chamber walls massaging me to new heights of arousal. I began to fuck her. "You can do me a little harder if you'd like," she said.

Candy looked up at me, Suzi's head grasped in both hands. "I can feel your thrusts coming from Suzi's mouth."

I grunted in reply.

"Is her pussy tight?" said Candy.

"Tight enough."

"After you come in her, I want you to help me eat her pussy. Will you do that?"

"Fuck, Candy!" I said. "I feel like I'm about to come!"

"Keep fucking her, Walter."

Candy sobbed a long orgasm as I held out as long as I could. Then moans coming from deep in Suzi's throat sent me over the edge. For a second, I lost my sense of self. I like how the French put it, a 'small death,' and then wave after wave of release washed over me as I ejaculated into Suzi.

I kept fucking her even after she collapsed on top of my wife. Finally sated, I rolled onto my back.

"No rest for the wicked! Remember?" my wife said.

"What are you talking about?"

Suzi held her legs wide apart, knees bent. "Time for your Boston Cream Pie!"

I sat crosslegged on the bed. My wife knelt between Suzi legs and dipped three fingers into Suzi's pussy. They came out a dripping creamy mess.

"Open wide, my love," said Candy. "Lick my fingers clean."

And so it went--a helping for me, one for my wife.

Finally, my wife said "You can get the rest directly from her."

Once I got used to the funky aroma, licking Suzi turned out not to be as distasteful as I'd anticipated.

All three of us seemed pleasantly sated. It was nearly midnight when I drifted off to sleep.

The nightstand clock read a little after three when I awoke. Except for the glow of the time display, the room was dark. I let out a loud sigh as I repositioned myself on my back from my left side.

Candy cuddled next to me, her face buried between my head and shoulder. I absentmindedly stroked her hair. She responded with cooing sounds. I was still in a twilight zone but quickly waking as we began kissing, her tongue growing more insistent as it explored my mouth.