Adjusting To Normal Ch. 03


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"You ok?" he asked, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"Yeah I guess I'm just..." What? Tired? Nervous? Sure but did she want to tell him that? "It's been an eventful day. Where are we going?" she asked as they passed the stores. When they approached the gated entrance Michael turned right and continued driving on a street parallel with the property's wrought iron fence.

"Wishing you had some bread crumbs?" he asked as he saw her looking out the window. "Eliza we're just going to the residential side of the property. Some of the staff has apartments in the main building but most of them are first responders. Others live in the apartments or condos nearby so they can walk to work."

"And you? You obviously don't live in the main building or walk to work."

"I have a cottage on the beach."

"A cottage? Sounds a little understated."

"It is understated but it's quiet so I can work without interruption and Joe can play without interrupting anyone else."

"That's right," she murmured. "I forgot he'll be there."

"Of course he will."

"You have a nanny."

"I have someone who stays with him when I'm not home," he corrected. "Relax."

"Relax. Right," she repeated, twisting in her seat to face him. "Michael, are you sure about this? I mean do you think it's a good idea for me to go home with you where you son will see me? My mom would bring guys home and she'd think I was asleep but I knew. I heard everything they said and everything they did..."

"I know. It's never happened before but I promise that protecting you is only second to protecting my son."

Eliza nodded but remained silent. He had refused to offer anything after Tuesday but until then he would take care of her and maybe she would have more than just a few good memories to take home with her.

When the car turned into a residential area she watched, waiting for him to stop at one of the homes. As they continued to move through the streets Eliza noticed that the farther they moved from the office the more luxurious the homes became. Finally they progressed into an area with larger yards and much larger homes. She was certain that Michael, as a co-chairman of the company, lived here. But he continued driving.

"Jonathan lives there," Michael explained, pointing to one grand home. "And Thomas lives across the street. Right here," he added when they passed a large stone house.

"Why don't you live here?"

"I used to. Thomas now lives in my old house."

"And you have a home at the beach?"

"I have a cottage. And it's a very basic house that suits our needs. Does that disappoint you?"

"Ha!" she answered with a sarcastic laugh. "When I was a kid I envied anyone with a doublewide. We actually didn't mind the floods too much because FEMA would trade out one piece of trash for a new one."

"Was everyone as unhappy as you?"

"Oh no. They wouldn't trade their white trash hedonistic life for anything. My mom included."

"She told you that?" he asked, looking at her. "Did she actually tell you that she wouldn't choose another life? Seriously Eliza how old was she when you were born?"


"Jesus. So she's what, thirty eight? She's only seven years older than me. Could you imagine being a kid and having a kid? I have unlimited resources at my disposal and still think I'm losing my mind with Joseph."

"So now you're defending my mother? She didn't have to keep me."

"Did she tell you that she ran away?" he asked and waited for Eliza's nod. "Did you ever think that maybe she really didn't have a choice? And you're right. She didn't have to keep you but then she would have been alone."

"Why wouldn't she tell me that? Too proud?"

Michael remained silent for so long that Eliza decided he would avoid answering her question. When he slowed the car and turned onto an unlit driveway he said, "Sometimes the truth is not a matter of pride. It's a source of pain. And while it's impossible to hide forever it's still not easy to share." He opened his door allowing the dome light to illuminate the small space. He paused and added, "Even with the people you love."

Eliza watched as he stepped out and walked to her side of the car. She accepted his assistance as she climbed from the car and walked through the dark yard. Slowly walking up the stairs, she jumped when the porch light suddenly came on and the front door opened. Blinking from the bright light, she saw a smiling woman step out of the house.

"Good evening," the soft voice greeted them. "I heard you had a scare tonight. Are you hurt?"

"Uh, no," Eliza responded. "I guess I was more stunned than injured."

"Well that's good. It would have been a tragic way to end a wonderful night. Ok, Michael, my baby boy is asleep. He's been fed, bathed and played until he dropped."

"And just a little more spoiled," Michael added escorting Eliza into the house. "Of course that is a grandmother's prerogative."

"Grand...grandmother?" Eliza stammered.

"I'm Joyce," the smiling woman said as she offered her hand. "Relax, Eliza. You'll be safe here."

In a daze, Eliza shook the woman's hand. Too stunned to be embarrassed, she murmured, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Why was this woman smiling? Did she know why Eliza was here with her dead daughter's husband?

When Joyce asked Michael to get her sweater from the living room, she turned to Eliza and nearly whispered, "When I was young I never participated in the Westwright games but I'm not completely ignorant of what's happening here. You should know that I care for Michael as if he were my son but you need to be careful. Have your fun. Then leave." As the sound of Michael's footstep drew near, she added, "I had hoped everything would be different."

"Here you go Joyce," Michael said as he walked in. "Is that everything? Then I'll walk you to your car. Eliza, I'll be right back. Make yourself at home."

Eliza was in a daze not realizing that she moved until she stood in front of the balcony doors. The darkness outside created the backdrop against her reflection. She recognized the face but questioned if she really knew the person.

After the attack and Joyce's warning, Eliza eagerly waited for Michael. She had considered evaluating the changes in her behavior once she returned to school but quickly dismissed the idea. When she returned, she would return to the old Eliza. Glancing in the reflection of the glass, she found his dark silhouette standing in the doorway, watching her.

"Hey," she said as she turned to face him.


"Your mother in law seems to be a nice lady."

"She is. She's been a mother to us since we were kids," he answered as he walked into the room. "But that's not what we need to discuss."

"I didn't think we came here to discuss anything." She slowly moved closer to him, stopping when he placed his hand on her waist.

"Eliza, I owe you an apology."

"For what?"

"Last night."

"No you don't," she offered and quickly added, "Ok, apology accepted. Can we move on?" She tried to step forward but his arm was locked, keeping a distance between them.

"I told you this morning that we needed to talk. I made an assumption about you that was wrong and I acted on it."

"In your defense I gave you every reason to reach that conclusion."

"No. I knew the truth but wanted something else." Pulling her close, he kissed her cheek and added, "But I like that you defend me."

"It's a saying. I'm sure you can defend yourself."

"Honestly? That's not the truth. I'm counting on you to defend me."


"Find the truth," he answered simply. "During the next three days, find the truth."

"I, uh, I thought when you brought me here that I was finished working."

Michael slipped his arm around her waist placing his hand at the small of her back. With a laugh he said, "We'll find a few hours to get some work done."

"If I'm going back to the office, why did I pack my suitcase?"

"Because you're not going back. Everything is here."


"For tomorrow."

"Ah. And tonight?"

"Ladies' choice."

Eliza bit her lip and dropped her gaze before confessing, "What if the lady can't read the menu?"

"Then it would be my pleasure to make some recommendations."

"Actually, I'd like to start with a shower," she admitted. "I think I danced with almost every man employed at Arliss-Randall."

"You certainly did," he agreed as he led her into the bedroom. "And some received twice the attention."

Eliza followed him, impressed with the understated luxury of his home. It was nice, no doubt better than anything she would ever possess, but it was hardly the home indicative of his wealth. She paused at the door to the bath.

"I think my suitcase is still in your car."

"We'll get it tomorrow," he answered, motioning to a closet in the bedroom. "Hopefully you'll like something in there."

She walked across the room, opened the door and waited. Inside the cedar paneled room she discovered two sets of clothing. One, obviously Michael's wardrobe, had been forced to the side to make room for the second.

Gently touching the sleeve of the black, silk robe, Eliza asked, "Are these...were these your, uh, did these belong to Annie?"

She heard Michael chuckle as he moved behind her. Seeing his hand reach around, she gasped when he lifted a tag still attached to the garment.

"They're yours. I was a bit impulsive, and hopeful, this morning so I instructed Margaret to send some things here." He dropped the tag and turned her to face him adding, "Annie never lived here. As a matter of fact, I've never brought a woman here. Well, before tonight."

"That's a lot of clothes for one night."

"Well, through Tuesday morning," he explained. Eliza watched as his expression changed and tiny stress lines suddenly appeared around his eyes. "I can't promise more."

"Neither can I," she offered. "Obviously I can't match your offer but I do need to return home. And back to my normal life. So, until then..."

"Until then," he agreed with a nod. Placing a quick kiss to her lips he pulled away and said, "Ok, the dress is great, you are gorgeous, how do I get you out of this thing?"

"The zipper is on the side," she explained, playfully batting away his hands. "And I will do it."

As Eliza slowly unzipped her dress and looked up to find him staring at her. Just when she started to regret boasting about the cute thong, she felt his fingers trace gently up her arm.

"Don't stop."

Nodding slowly she continued until the garment hung loosely from her shoulders. She remained quiet as she watched him move closer and reach for the straps that would expose her body to his gaze. When his warm fingers touched her skin, she inhaled quickly. Once again, she was submitting herself to the consuming passion that had claimed her last night.

Their day, full of kisses and sexual innuendos, would conclude as it had last night except they would stay together. And wake up together. Before her panic could surface, Michael bent forward and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as he continued kissing and moving his hands over her body until the dress fell in folds to the floor. When she heard his muttered curse, she opened her eyes to find him staring her body.

"You were right," he said quietly. "But here's the dilemma. As great as you look, there's no way I would let anyone else see you like this. But when we're alone...well, they're in my way."

Eliza felt drugged as she watched him trace the lace band of her thong. His fingers moved over her abdomen, circling her navel, and finally cupping her breasts still hidden beneath the lace bra. She felt the moment he unhooked the confining garment as her breasts were quickly freed and then captured again by the warmth of his hands.

Unlike last night, she was not offered the privacy of looking away from him. She felt the heat of his gaze on her skin and knew that he could see her blush spreading across her body. Wearing only a tiny scrap of lace and stilettos, she closed her eyes searching for her former confidence.

"Look at me," he whispered against her ear.

She slowly lifted her gaze as she felt him pull away, removing his jacket and tie. When he pulled her into his arms her body reacted to the heat escaping beneath his shirt. The kiss started slowly and gradually grew until he was all she could feel and taste.

When he finally broke the kiss Eliza gasped for air as he moved down her body. She held onto his shoulders as he reached for her final garment. He moved the cloth quickly over her hips and thighs. She moaned when his warm breath and soft lips grazed her hip. He kissed a trail down her body until he reached her knees.

Following his direction, she lifted her feet until the small black cloth was tossed across the room. He stood again and held her gaze with his own for a few seconds. She felt strong and confident as his gaze began to roam over her body.

"Shower," he said with some difficulty.

She could only nod and accepted his offered hand as he led them into the smaller room. Moving his hand to the wall, he found the switch that dimmed the lights to a dull setting.

"Better?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes," she whispered. "Thank you."

She continued holding his hand as he turned on the water, grateful that he was granting her the contact she needed. When he asked if she was ready, Eliza hesitated for only a moment before nodding. He moved her hand under the warm water and waited for her nod before leading her under the spray of the shower.

Eliza moaned as the warm water massaged her head, back and legs. The size of Michael's home might have been understated for his income level but the conveniences were luxury on any level. As she leaned into the muscle relaxing spray, she felt his fingers move over her scalp and realized that he was washing her hair.

Taking a deep breath, she was happy to find a clean generic scent and not a strong masculine musk for shampoo. With her eyes closed she followed his silent directions, turning and leaning into the water. She remained under the cascade as he quickly washed his own hair and reached for the body wash.

He spread the soap across her back with his hands in small circular motions. When he turned her to face him he paused, waiting for her to adjust. She smiled at his consideration and reached for the soap dispenser attached to the stone wall. Pumping a small portion into her hand she lathered the soap until foamy and placed her hands on his chest.

At his nod she lathered his chest and shoulders, moving slowly along his rib cage before moving lower. Eliza knew that he could sense her hesitation and was thankful when he resumed washing her. With no words spoken, each moved at the other's silent direction. When Eliza traced her fingers down his abdomen she wondered how his touch could give her so much courage.

Gently sliding the back of her fingers over the length of his hardening flesh, she wished he would guide her through the next move. Disappointing him or inflicting injury was not her desire and yet very probable. She grinned when he turned her hand and guided her fingers around his flesh.

With the assistance of the soap, she slid her hand slowly down and then back up. Michael tightened his grip around her hand and quickened her pace. Just when she felt comfortable touching him, he stopped her movements and held her still.

"Uh," he said with a laugh, "stop."

"What did I do?"

"Nothing. Give me a minute," he explained as he removed her hand from his body. With a gentle touch he turned her around and pulled her back against him. Resuming his earlier ministrations, Michael began slowing washing the front of her body. Confused and slightly hurt Eliza remained still as he moved his hands over her arms.

When he moved up her shoulders she felt her heartbeat increase with anticipation. He continued to spread the lather, pausing at her breasts. His touch was gentle but ignited a fire in her belly. As he drew tiny circles on her skin Eliza felt her breaths increase to match the tempo of her heart.

She leaned against his body for support, moaning as he continued teasing one breast and moved a hand between her legs. The simple contact of his hand against her body escalated the building wave of desire. When his finger brushed against the sensitive flesh of her clit Eliza surrendered to the strange rush that had claimed her the previous night. Pushing her hips back, she realized that her petite height was a disadvantage in this position. So she bent forward placing her hands against the smooth stone wall and tilted her hips towards him.

It was at this point last night she had crudely begged him to take her. Here she was, less than twenty-four hours later needing it again. No, she told herself. Last night she needed it. Right now she needed him. Looking over her shoulder she found him standing there waiting for her next move.

"Michael," she whispered. "Please."

He moved forward pressing her against the stone wall and pressed his lips hard against hers. When he broke away he simply said, "Not here. Not this time."

Consumed with anticipation Eliza allowed him to quickly rinse and dry their bodies. She followed him to the bedroom practically dazed with passion. When they reached the bed she smiled.

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"I hope we'll actually be in bed this time."

"We were in a bed last night."

"Your feet were on the floor," she explained with a laugh. "Just sayin." Her giggles turned to shrieks when she felt his arm move around her waist and lift her from the floor. Suddenly airborne, Eliza's shrieks grew louder until she landed in the center of his bed.

"Just to confirm that no feet will be near the floor," Michael explained with feigned innocence as he crawled across the bed. "Happy now?"

"Yes, very much," she said trying to pull him closer. When he locked his arms resisting her advance she realized that something had caught his attention. Following his gaze, she saw the small black box with blinking red lights resting on the night stand.

The sound of a slight movement lit another red light followed by another after the sound of a whimper. Then a row of red lights stayed on as the sounds of a child's cries echoed from the small speaker. Michael leaped from the bed and grabbed a pair of jeans.

"Give me a minute," he explained. "He should go back to sleep." He leaned over the bed, kissed her lips and left the room.

Alone in the bed, Eliza tugged the comforter away from it and slid beneath the warm blanket. Realizing that her shrieks had wakened the poor child, she cringed and groaned aloud. She listened to Joseph's sobs until another voice entered the room.

"Hey little man," Michael whispered. "Was Daddy and his friend just a little too loud? Come here. Want some music?"

Eliza turned toward the sound of Michael's voice and smiled at the questions that would receive no answers. When the music started playing, she was surprised to hear popular ballads instead of electronic tones from a wind-up toy. The sound of his voice singing lyrics with the band made her reach for the small speaker and hold it close to her ear.

Settling deeper in the pillows she pulled the blanket over her shoulders. She closed her eyes imagining him in a dark room holding his small son in his arms. She could almost see him moving around the room as he rocked the child to sleep.

Unfortunately she did not see him ten minutes later when he stood over her sleeping body cradling his son's monitor in her hands.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Of course...

....this intriguing story ends here. This is literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Also Sad

This really needs to be finished, it is well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I am sad this well written series is completely unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Need a conclusion

In the next few chters, my only hope is that you actually finish a good story. So many authors leave one hanging, just as you have done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
good female lead

She has a complicated life and character. She's an adult with adult strength. She is spectacular. Smart. I would say determined but, when she said she thought they would no longer be working once she moved to his place for the weekend, I wasn't sure. It's like she has not only accepted what was thrown at her she sees it through the eyes of experience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
plz finish

very wonderfully written. hope u will continue posting and finish the series at the earliest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pls finish this story!

Love this series and hope you eventually finish, perhaps in 2013?

plan4itplan4itover 11 years ago
Please finish this!

This is a fantastic and engaging story. Please come back and finish it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Just another unfinished story.

Think I will stop torturing myself and find my reading elsewhere. This site is too frustrating.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Next Chapter

I really enjoyed the story. Was not overjoyed when I found that this was written in 2011 and non since. Will this story continue?

-- Valarie, Dallas Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Next chapter ?

Is there a chapter 4 ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I'm really enjoying your new story, and I'm surprised by that since I don't normally read in this category. The sappy romantic in me hopes to see a happy ending and not just a passionate romp while it lasts, but I can't wait to see where you take it. Eagerly anticipating your next installment!

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

I just read chapters 1-3 and am now caught up, but I want more. I really like this new story. Your are slowly revealing more history about both Michael and Eliza. And as we learn about their pasts, we learn how they became the persons they are now. I like the pace of the story. While Eliza wants to do things "strictly by the book", Michael seems to live in the more "here and now". And the fact that Eliza is the only one who Micael believes can find the truth only adds great background to the love story unfolding in front of me.

Do I want more, do you even have to ask? Thank You for sharing your new story!!!!!

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago

When Michael said.....If she hadn't screwed around on her husband I wouldn't have been born."

I noticed he didn't say screwed around on my father, so I'm thinking that it was her husband that killed her at the start of your story. Although that would leave the question of how his father got him. LOL

Ah well will just have to wait and see where this story goes.

I also think that the blonde bitch might be an undercover cop or something. I get a new theory every chapter. LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I really find this story gripping and want to know more. I am very intrigued. I only gave this chapter three stars, though, because it felt rushed and a bit choatic. I liked the ending, though. I look forward to reading more! Keep up the good work.

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