Adonis in the Flesh Ch. 03


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"I've tried everything Toni, she's slammed the door in my face at every attempt! " Gabe yelled while slamming his hand down on the desk in front of him. "The woman is absolutely immovable; it must be so tiring to live like that every bloody day!"

"Gabriel," Toni sighed, looking over at his brother, his hands touching at the fingertips and lightly tapping his mouth, "just be patient, she has a lot of barriers put up, seven years of them, and you cannot just ask her to drop them like that," he said snapping his fingers.

Gabriel was standing over the desk, pacing back and forth, clearly agitated, and letting out a groan at his brother's words. It took all of Toni's willpower not to tell his brother everything, to betray Ellena's trust, in order for her to be happy. A small bad deed for the greater good, he thought. However, he knew by doing so, he would lose his friend and she would never trust him with another word. He would have to let her open up to Gabriel on her own, as she had done with him so many years ago.

He knew how frustrated Gabriel was, because he had been there. He wouldn't be a man if he hadn't tried to bed Ellena during their friendship, she was a beautiful woman. It was before he knew much about her, simply thinking with his cock rather than his head. He had used all his charm to get her where he wanted when she broke down and said she couldn't do what he was asking of her. She told him about Jared, what he had done, the guilt she suffered everyday and Toni immediately felt ashamed for putting her in that position. It was that night he went from pursuer to protector. He loved Ellena, but as a much younger sister. Once she opened up, there was an entirely different woman on the other side; one he knew would match his brother's character perfectly. If he couldn't tell his brother, he would have to at least give him a head start, so to speak.

"Perhaps, if you go see her?" Toni suggested innocently.

"You do realize that's what I've been doing for the past month?" Gabe replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I don't mean at social events, I mean in her domain where you won't be interrupted by others. She feels the most comfortable at home."

"Toni, if you're suggesting I just show up on her doorstep and –"

"That's precisely what I'm suggesting, my dear brother. That is the only way, to get her alone just the two of you, and press her. I've seen how she looks at you Gabriel, she seems to like you, but she holds herself back. Trust me, go there, and talk to her."

"Toni, its one thing to pretend to coincidentally be at all the same parties and galas as she is, it's quite another to just show up unannounced on her doorstep. I can't do that, it's almost creepy."

"Suit yourself, brother," Toni stood to leave, pausing at the desk and scrawling out her address on a paper and tossing it innocently in front of Gabe. "In case you change your mind." He turned and left the room, smiling to himself.

Gabe stopped pacing and stared at the paper for a long time. It would be wrong to barge into her home unannounced. It would also make him look like an obsessed, needy man. He laughed to himself, he already look desperate, how much worse could it get? He was practically stalking her. I won't use it, he thought, she will give in soon, there's no need for it. He began to walk out of the room, before pausing and turning back to the table and pocketing her address. It can't hurt to keep it in hand, he thought.

After a week of continuous calls, and flowers, he gave in. He searched through his pants and found the small slip of paper and made his way to her apartment, not having a care in the world what she thought of him anymore. She was driving him mad, each refusal only making him more determined to change her mind. To his surprise, his brother had been right, and here he was picking her up for their first date.

He made his way up the two flights of stairs to her door and took a deep breath before he knocked. He heard the light tapping of heels, the bolt on the door being unlocked and then the door swung open. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of the woman who had denied him repeatedly for over a month. It took all his will power not to take her right then and there on the floor of her apartment. She had her hair styled in loose waves around her face, it shone like silk. Her beautiful chocolate eyes were highlighted by her perfectly applied makeup. Her lips looked deliciously plump and pink; he wanted to taste them again. Her body was draped in a silk forest green one shoulder, mid thigh length dress which hugged her curves in all the right places; the colour offset her skin beautifully. Her feet were clad in the sexiest black strappy stilettos.

"Hey," she smiled shyly, clearly aware of his obvious appraisal of her body.

Her smile almost knocked him off his feet. Dear God, this woman was gorgeous! He wanted to leap in the air with joy at finally having her to himself for the night.

"You look absolutely stunning Ellena," he breathed.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, "Thank you Gabriel, you don't look too bad yourself," she smiled.

He had worn a grey suit, minus the tie, and a black button up shirt. He'd left the first few buttons undone, allowing his tanned skin to peak out. He leaned forward and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, her scent intoxicating him, a mix of jasmine and lilies filling his nostrils.

"Shall we?" he asked, holding his arm out as she linked her arm around his.

It was a quiet walk to the car, as he helped her in, trying to keep it together as his gaze fell on her gorgeous bronze legs as she maneuvered her way into the passenger seat. He had to mentally shake himself, he felt like a confused teenager. He was always so confident around women, and yet this one simply had to put on a nice dress and smile at him and he could barely think or move.

He settled into the driver's seat and started the car, weaving his way through traffic. He glanced over at Ellena every now and then, wondering if he was dreaming. She seemed a little tense, and she wasn't speaking. It wasn't a heavy silence, but he wanted to hear her voice. He glanced over again and caught her looking at him, then looking away smiling shyly. He chuckled lightly.

"So, I have to ask," he began, looking over at her briefly, "what exactly was it you threw at the door the other night?"

Her cheeks flushed lightly as she mumbled, "A book."

"It sounded like a heavy book," he said chuckling.

"It was Gone with the Wind," she said with a sheepish grin.

"Ouch. I feel sorry for the door." They both burst out laughing, Ellena's eyes tearing up a bit. It had been the closest book to her at the time, and also the thickest. Once their laughter died down again, they drove in silence for a while longer.

"You haven't asked where we're going yet."

She smiled, her face brightening, causing his heart to jump, "Where are we going?" He noticed her voice was a little shaky. She must be as nervous as me, he thought.

"It's a surprise, although I have a feeling you'll love it."

That seemed to pique her interest, as she turned to him a questioning look in her eyes. He simply grinned at her and focused on the road. They drove in silence until he heard a light gasp as he turned onto a side street and Mayana came into view. It was one of the best Salsa and Dance clubs in the city. Toni assured him that it would be perfect, that Ellena loved to dance, and that she had attended a dance academy when she was younger.

"I was told that you're quite the dancer Miss Cavalieri, care to prove me right?" he had a wide grin on his face, and a playful look in his eyes.

A loud laugh escaped her, a genuine laugh; her eyes were shining in amusement. She had not felt like this in a long time. She was excited and dare she say, looking forward to the night.

"Let's just see if you can keep up," she teased.

They parked and made their way inside the club. The large room was filled with dancers, moving to the rhythm of the music. The high ceilings gave the area a feeling of openness. Surrounding the main room were smaller areas separated by partitions, each area set with plush white couches and large pillows. Glass tables were placed in the center with flowers set in large vases. Bottles of liquor were placed in large tin containers filled with ice. The lights were dimmed, and set in warm colours of gold, dark purples and reds. The room looked rich and most definitely a place where people enjoyed themselves. He took off his blazer, grabbed her purse and set them behind the bar, exchanging a few words with the bartender, before making his way back.

"Let's go twinkle toes," he grinned, holding out his hand.

She let out a loud candid laugh and took his hand and they made their way through the crowd. He grasped her hands and began taking a few steps. She was a little nervous, and it took them both a while to get used to each other as partners, to trust each other. Gabe felt her resisting a little. He suddenly pulled her close so she was pressed up against the length of his body and whispered in her ear, "Stop resisting Ellena, just let go, enjoy yourself."

Ellena's breath hitched in her throat as his hot breath whispered in her ear. He released her again and began leading them; all the while his eyes were locked on hers. She let the music fill her, let the beat of the drums reverberate through her body and the rhythm to wash over. She felt laughter bubble up from her, she felt like she had come home. His arms were strong as they held her; she could feel his power as they danced. She was astonished at how skilled he was. Soon they were dancing like one; she was surprised at how naturally they fell into it once she loosened up a bit. He had her twirling and sliding, moving swiftly across the dance floor.

He raised her arm and she twisted in a double pirouette before he tugged her towards him, her back thumping against his chest as his hand fanned out to rest on her abdomen, as they swayed their hips to the rhythm, their bodies practically glued together. He twirled her again, before pulling her back towards him, this time she let her leg wrap around his waist as she tilted away from him in a backwards dip, as he turned them in a semi circle. Just as suddenly he shifted them so that she was almost lying horizontally in his arms, the only thing keeping her from hitting the floor were his arms. Her toes were barely holding her weight as her legs extended as far out as she could push them. He held her, one hand running up her back, sending shivers down her spine. Damn he's good, she thought. She felt her body react, moistening at his touch.

"Did I mention you look ravishing tonight?"

"You may have mentioned it once," she practically gasped, as his hand made its way down her hip to her leg, as he hooked it over his waist, bringing their bodies closer together. Ever nerve ending in her body seemed to wake up at that moment, tingling with anticipation. He was looking at her with such a passionate gaze; she thought he might take her there on the dance floor. A part of her almost wished he would.

Before she could think further on what she wanted him to do however, another couple bumped into them and he lost his grip on her, both of them falling to the ground. He landed on top of her barely having enough time to keep his weight from crushing her. The passionate moment gone, yet they were both laughing boisterously at each other. He pulled her back up, both a little embarrassed at having fallen, but they were dancing again, with only their hands touching. She smiled to hide her confusion. One moment they were practically fucking on the dance floor, next they were back to normal. She needed a drink, their dance and look in his eyes were a little too passionate for her, after years of holding back. She told him she was going to the ladies room, and began making her way through the crowd.

She located it and stood in front of the mirror, gripping at the sink with both hands, staring at herself, as flocks of women stumbled in. Her skin was glowing, flushed from the dancing. Her eyes were wide; as if her own body was shocked she was actually out dancing tonight. As much as she missed it, dancing with Gabe was a little overwhelming for her. She knew she should expect it, at a salsa club, but she wasn't prepared for the fact that she would want him so much. The second he touched her, she threw out every reason or excuse as to why he shouldn't. Was it just because she had been alone for so long, or did she genuinely see something in Gabe that she hadn't seen in other men? She puffed out a long sigh.

"You need to loosen up Ellena," she told her reflection in the mirror.

"Girl, ask Georgie at the bar for anAdios, that'll loosen you right up!" the girl next to her said.

She blushed, realizing she had actually spoken out loud. She looked up at the girl next to her and smiled. She was fussing over herself but looked at Ellena through her reflection in the mirror. She was gorgeous. She had light brown hair with golden highlights expertly put in. It was long, wavy and cascaded down her flawless back, which was exposed in a backless dress. She had almond shaped green eyes and lips most women tried to achieve using Botox, or whatever it was women injected themselves with these days. She was dancing in her spot, the music penetrating through the walls. She looked like she was having a good time herself.

"Thanks," she laughed, remembering the drink's name as she turned to leave. Before she left though, she paused at the door and blurted out, "I'm actually headed there now; can I buy you a drink?" she asked, surprised at herself. The woman seemed like fun, and she wanted to thank her for the suggestion. She didn't over think it; Jenna said to have fun, so she was going to do just that. Wasn't meeting new people a part of that process? She had recognized the wild streak in this woman immediately.

"Well, I never say no to a free drink! I'm Keira by the way," she smiled, turning to face Ellena, extending her hand.

"Ellena," she smiled back, shaking her hand.

They made their way from the ladies room to the bar, Ellena ordering the drinks. They watched the bartender mixing their beverage. Whatever theAdioswas, it definitely wasn't meant for lightweights. Ellena saw vodka, rum, tequila, gin, Curacao, some sort of mix and a splash of sweet soda go into two glasses. The bartender set the two glasses in front of them and Keira took hers holding it out, gesturing Ellena should do the same.

"I said loosen up, not come apart Keira," she said eyeing the drink skeptically.

"Trust me, you'll thank me once you've tasted it," she replied eyeing the drink eagerly before chugging it down. Not to be outdone, Ellena began drinking hers down. It burned her throat, but warmed her from the inside out as it made its way down. Definitely loosens you up, she thought. The both slapped their glasses down on the bar at the same time.

"So what are you doing here? And what do you need loosening up for?" she asked conversationally, gesturing to the bartender for another round.

"Oh, I'm on a date," she replied, remembering she had left Gabe out on the dance floor.

"What are you doing here then?"

"I just...needed a break. Got tired, too much dancing," she replied, gazing around the room for him.

The look Keira gave her, told her she wasn't buying it.

"Is he hot?"

"Smoking," she replied with a wide smile, turning her attention back to the stunning woman before her.

"Well what are you doing here buying me a drink girlie? Go seduce your man and get your freak on!"

"I needed some liquid courage, before I get to that point," she replied drolly.

Their drinks were served again and they held them up clinking glasses.

"To getting laid tonight!" Keira practically yelled over the music.

She snorted, before taking a long sip of her drink. She's definitely not boring, Ellena thought. She was about to thank Keira for the drinks as well as the company , so she could take her advice and excuse herself to go find Gabe, when she heard a shocked and angry voice to her right.


Both women turned to find Gabe staring in surprise, looking back and forth between Ellena and his ex.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Fun story!

I love the way it's going I hope that you'll finish it! Thank you so much for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Are you ever going to finish this?

trubblemakurtrubblemakurover 11 years ago
Very enjoyable!

hope you keep writing both of your stories they are both very good. Just found you when you posted the 3rd part Dawn of Wynter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
loved it

found this story by spinning so glad I did! loved the idea to the story and so far nice follow though. My favourite part of romance stories is the flirting so I hope to see that in the next chapter. I also enjoy hearing from both male and female characters which you did really well. I hope that you will write the end of this story as I really want to find out what happens to theses two characters. Plus my other two favourite writers Mugsyb and pennlady haven't written for a while so I need some romance ASAP lol.

jlly16jlly16over 12 years ago
Please do continue

Just came across this story, it's starting to get good. Please continue it, I would love to see where your imagination will take these characters.

GimletEdgeGimletEdgealmost 13 years ago
He's shown us that Gabe is pretty good through the chase...

Now we wait to discover if he can close the deal, especially with his ex muddying the waters.

ambush184ambush184almost 13 years ago
Okay, so quit with the teasing!

Pretty good story so far, I'm VERY curious why you haven't given any background on Ellena yet.

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