Affair of the Heart Becomes More

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Lies do not end a relationship; usually, the truth does.
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It was another beautiful summer day, I had just completed cutting the front lawn. Entering the house to get a cool drink from the refrigerator, I had to move beer cans out of the way. Taking bottled water, I poured myself a glass. I could hear the television echoing from the living room broadcasting another Saturday golf game. Putting my glass in the sink I peeked my head around the corner and told my husband I am going to take a quick shower.

"What I cannot hear you over the television."

I said, "I am going to take a quick shower."

"Why would you take a shower in the middle of the day?"

"I'm hot John, I was out cutting the grass remember the grass that I asked you to cut last week and again this week."

"I told you I would do it, I'm watching my game right now. Why are you always busting my balls! Before you take that shower, will you grab me another beer?"

I returned to the fridge and grabbed a beer and brought it to him as I set it on the coffee table in front of him. John was looking around me because I was blocking his view of the television. Then I felt his hand slapped me on the ass.

"If your lucky Jess, maybe I'll join you in the shower."

"Don't bother, I am getting tired John. I've tried taking to you so many time."

"Yah, yah, oh well your loss."

Looking at myself in the master bathroom mirror, I could see little crow's feet in the corner of my eyes. Talking to my reflection, "Jessica, you just turned thirty, are you actually starting to get wrinkles?"

Stripping away my denim shorts and throwing my T-shirt and bra on the floor beside them. I pinned my ponytail up into a messy bun on top of my head and stepped into the shower. Adjusting the lukewarm water onto my overheated body felt so good.

As the water cascaded over me, I thought to myself John really pisses me off. I can't believe that I ended up cutting the grass myself. It seems like I am doing everything around here sometimes. I just wish he would take an interest in coming out and giving me a hand in the garden. Something we could do together, or sharing some common interests with me. If he is not playing golf he's watching it, or some other sporting event on television. I remember when we used to do things together. I know we married young but we've only been married for seven years!

After my shower I slipped on a fresh pair of panties and my yellow sundress. Deciding to leave my hair up in a bun and touch up my makeup in the mirror. A little mascara, some lip gloss, then slipping my sandals on. I grabbed my wet towel and laundry and decided to empty the rest of the hamper. I took it down to the basement and threw it in the washing machine and started a load. Coming back upstairs. I went into the living room again.

"John, I put a little laundry on when the machine beeps could you please put it in the dryer?...... I am going out to the garden centre to get some flowers for the front yard, I don't suppose you want to come along?"

He looked up then back at the TV without responding. "That's what I thought, don't forget the laundry. I'll be back later."

Grabbing my car keys, cell phone and purse, I headed out. Backing out of the driveway I put the car in gear. Putting on my favourite music I began to sing along.

When I arrived at the garden centre I grabbed myself a cart and went inside. It was reasonably busy, but I took my time, smelling the flowers and taking in their beauty. It just put me in a good mood, leaning over and taking a whiff of lavender. Seeing one I liked, a basket full of flowers to put by the front door. I grabbed one of the hanging baskets then proceeded to look for some hydrangeas. When out of nowhere this cute little girl with braided blonde hair, walked up to me. And said,

"I love these flowers they are my favourite colour, are they your favourite?"

"Well yes, they are and who might you be?"

"My name's Audrey? I'm shopping with my Daddy. We just came from playing kickball in the town park."

"I see, is that why there a five on your shirt, or are you five?"

"No I am foe years old."

"Where is your daddy, Audrey?"

"Come on honey don't bother the nice lady."

"No, no she is not a bother at all. We were just talking about flowers. Hi, I am Jessica."

He reached out his hand, "Pleased to meet you Jessica. I am Travis, and this is my daughter..."

Taking a hold of his strong yet gentle hand, I interrupted him." Audrey, yes, we have met she just was telling me about playing kickball in the town park and being here shopping with her dad."

"Daddy, Jessca and I like the same colour flowers, can she come watch me play kickball next weekend?"

"Audrey, I am sure that Jessica has a family of her own and she has things to do, honey."

Just hearing the words, family of my own put a pang of pain in my heart. I love children so much and so desperately wanted to have a baby for so many years now. "Travis, Audrey let us just say we will see how things play out next week. It was a pleasure to meet you, Audrey, you are such a sweet little girl."

Travis reached out and took my hand again, only this time just the tips of my fingers with a gentle squeeze. He said, "Thank you for your kindness, do not feel any obligation, by next week she will have forgotten all about it. A pleasure to meet you, Jessica. You have a wonderful day enjoying the sunshine."

By the time I put my flowers on the cart and wheeled them to the cashier they were out of sight. Loading my car and heading back home. This time instead of playing music I was lost in my thoughts thinking about Travis and Audrey. It's been over a year now since I put any thought whatsoever into getting pregnant. My husband John and I tried for several years to have a baby with any luck. It got to the point that I decided to see a gynecologist to check if the problem was me. After multiple tests she suggested that my husband make an appointment with his doctor. She informed me that I was healthy and young and seeing no noticeable reason I would not be able to become pregnant.

I remember that evening was one of the biggest fights of our marriage. When I talked to John about making a doctor's appointment, he insisted that there was no problem with his sperm and that there was no fucking way he was going to see a doctor. So, after that I just gave up and decided that we were not going to have children and decided to not get my hopes up.

At that point in time my love life with my husband took a turn as well. It almost seemed like from that day forward that we virtually never made love any longer, it was always about sex. Mainly to his satisfaction, my orgasms were few and far between from that time forward. I tried talking to John once again about slowing down and making love one night he got so angry that he got out of bed and slept in the guest room for three nights. I do not understand what changed, we used to be able to talk about anything. Now I felt as though everything that I tried to discuss with him made him angry.

I decided to pull over in the plaza ahead and give John a call, let him know that I would pick up something for dinner. I was not in the mood to cook. I still must deal with laundry and probably put some of these flowers in the ground tomorrow. As I let the phone ring several times John did not answer so I parked the car and decided to go inside and order a pizza. I had put in my order while sitting on the bench waiting flipping through my phone playing Candy Crush. When I got a call back from my husband, I informed him that I tried to reach him earlier to decide what we were having for dinner but when I did not reach him, I just ordered pizza. He informed me that would be fine with him.

Upon arriving home, I parked the car in the drive and pushed the remote garage. Taking the plants from the trunk I put them in the garage till morning. Then I went back grabbed the pizza pushed the remote and entered the house through the garage door into the kitchen and called out to John, "I'm home."

Setting the pizza on the kitchen table I decided to go looking for him. He was sitting in our home office space playing some game on Xbox with a set of headphones on. John did not even hear me come into the room, I just shook my head and went downstairs to check to see if the dryer had stopped. Of course! The clothes were still sitting in the washing machine. Swapping the laundry over to the dryer, I then went upstairs. I grabbed a couple of slices of pizza, put them on a plate, grabbed a napkin and poured myself a glass of wine. Went upstairs to our bedroom putting on a prerecorded episode of Sweet Magnolia on T V.

Approximately an hour later John came into the room, complaining that I did not tell him that I was home and the pizza was cold. I got up grabbed my plate and said, "I'm sorry, John, I thought you were busy playing your game. Anyways I will heat some up for you as soon as I get the laundry out of the dryer."

I wasn't certain if he knew I was being sarcastic, I was not sorry.

"That's okay I ate it cold I don't care one way or another. Oh yeah by the way I guess I forgot to put the laundry into the dryer, sorry about that."

I just gave him a half-heart smile and walked past him heading for the kitchen. As he followed behind me, putting my plate in the sink, I saw the pizza box sitting on the counter. I got out some Saran wrap wrapped up the last few slices, put them in the refrigerator and then threw the cardboard box in the recycle bin as he watched me.

"So, what did you get up to today where did you go earlier."

"I told you, John, I was heading out to the garden centre to get some flowers. Anyways I met this lovely little girl there she was just four years old, so adorable she had blonde hair and a ponytail..."

"I do not understand why there are little kids hanging out at a garden centre?"

"She was not hanging out,John, she was there with her parent I am just telling you...."

"Oh, before I forget I am thinking about taking the car to get the oil changed tomorrow I will do mine and then I will come back and take yours."

I just stood there and stared at him. I cannot believe that he interrupted me in the middle of a conversation. He definitely was not winning any brownie points with me today, maybe I was just being oversensitive. I just excused myself, going to grab the laundry and fold it and continued past him. Down to the basement, then went back upstairs I noticed that John had put the plates from the sink into the dishwasher and took the recycling box outside to the garage. I carried the laundry up to the master bedroom. Thought I would watch the rest of my show while I folded. I could hear the shower running, taking a minute I stripped off my clothes from today and put them in the hamper. I put on a robe thinking I will jump in the shower after John's finished. I sat down on the bed and started my television series back up and folded laundry.

A little while later John came out of the bathroom completely naked with a big grin on his face.

"Hey babe, are you ready for a little loving?" as he came over and tried to kiss me.

"John, please not right now I am trying to finish folding this laundry and I have not even taken a shower."

"What is this all about are you still pissed because I did not do what you asked me to do earlier? Hey, I cleaned up the kitchen, didn't I?"

Thinking to myself, oh my God. I cannot believe it instead of doing a task and sharing some of the workload around here everything he does he expects a sexual favour in return. "John I am tired, tonight's not a good night."

"Fine fuck it then, I will sleep in the other room."

"Why do you have to be like that can't you just snuggle and hold me once in a while?"

I decided to call it a night prepared for bed took a shower and turned out the lights. At some point in time John crawled back into bed with me but kept to his own side. Around 10:00 o'clock on Sunday morning I woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. My husband was obviously making breakfast like he usually did on Sundays. Upon reaching the kitchen John said good morning and so did I poured myself a cup of coffee and he put a plate in front of me we both sat down and had breakfast together as if nothing had happened the day before after some small talk John told me that he was going to clean the cars out before taking them for their oil changes and I informed him I was going to continue planting flowers in the front yard he gave me a quick Peck on the lips and then headed out to the garage I cleaned up the kitchen.

By Sunday afternoon I thought I had done a fabulous job of putting flowers in and beautifying the front yard I was sitting back on the front porch with a cup of tea admiring my work. Shortly after John returned with my car, he came up on the porch and asked me if there was any tea left. I informed him there was a fresh pot in the kitchen. "Thanks for looking after my car I appreciate that. So, John what do you think?"

"What do I think about what?" He inquired.

"The flowers John, I put a lot of work into this don't they look beautiful!"

"Oh yes of course they do Jessica flowers are your thing." He then proceeded into the house I assumed to get a cup of tea. After a while I realized he was not coming back out to join me, so I went inside to get second cup and see what he was up to I found him sitting in the living room watching a soccer game on TV and drinking a beer obviously change his mind about the cup of tea! I used to play soccer in school and enjoyed it quite immensely, so I decided to sit down and watch the game with him for a little while. When I asked him who was winning. He gave me a look of irritation, so I dropped the subject and decided to do some baking.

I had not baked cookies in a while and when I did, I generally took some to work at the animal rescue centre. I have been working there for years now and greatly enjoyed it and found it rewarding and the ladies there are like friends rather than just coworkers. One woman in particular Jennifer I would say she's more than just a coworker, I see her more like my best friend. We socialize outside of work, usually I go to her house and share a glass of wine, or a cup of tea. Sometimes we do our shopping together at the mall.

John obviously smelt the cookies when I brought them out of the oven, because he was right there to grab one while they were still hot. He put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear.

"Why don't we take a shower together after dinner, call it an early night?"

That sounds lovely John maybe you can help me make dinner we haven't done that together in a long time!"

"Yeah, sure we could do that if you need my help just give me a call if there is something you need."

He then grabbed a second cookie and went back to the other room. I thought to myself, I don't need your help I want you to want to help me like you used to. After the cookies had cooled I boxed them up and put them on the table to take to work with me in the morning and then started putting together dinner on my own.

During dinner John talked a lot about his work, He was the manager of a car manufacturing facility in the city. He has been working there for years and made decent money. I thought we should buy a house, but for whatever reason John always said this isn't a good market for buying right now. That is why we ended up renting the house we are in rather than buying one. We always kept three bank accounts, mine his and a joint account for household expenses. He never asked how much money I had, and I never knew about what was in his bank. I had put together a fair chunk of change over the years, and I assumed that he had saved the same amount and was certain that we had enough for down payment on a home. We said that we would definitely buy one when we were ready to start a family.

After dinner John did assist me in cleaning up the kitchen and seemed excited about us taking a shower together. That evening as we took a shower together we kissed passionately a couple of times and John was eager to help me wash my private bits After drying off we did not even bother putting on anything and just jumped into bed I laid down beside my husband my arms around him as we kissed and I caressed his back he began to fondle my breasts and I was getting excited it had been a while for both of us since we had made love I was hoping that John would start kissing my neck that really turned me on but he went right to my breasts and began to kiss and lick my erect areolas. I was aroused as his fingers trailed down to my Vajajay. He rolled me onto my back, started to move my legs apart, I could feel his excitement trying to enter me. I whispered into his ears, "slow down John be gentle."

His manhood as he easily slipped into my waiting love. I reached my hands back and clutched onto his cheeks trying to adjust the tempo of his thrust as I can feel my climax building but just as I thought I might be nearing my orgasm John stiffened and his body shook, and I could feel his warmth inside of me. We laid there together breathing heavily for a few moments and then he rolled off leaving me hanging. I was so close. I snuggled up next to him Telling him that I loved him so and he whispered back I love you too.

Soon after I could hear him breathing heavily he was drifting into slumber, so I quietly got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned up and took a pee.

I decided to slip downstairs and grab myself a drink of water. I was feeling slightly frustrated and decided to grab a towel from the hall closet and put it on the sofa and sat back and played with myself I remember at first lying there thinking about what my husband and I had done earlier when all of a sudden I started picturing Travis the man I met earlier at the garden centre. I do not know why he came into my mind he was a good looking man.

I pictured what it would be like to have him hold me in his arms and kiss my neck then in my imagination he whispered in my ear that he wanted to please me. Slowly unbuttoning my blouse kissing his way across My shoulder as he moved my bra strap away then he gently cupped my breast and kissed my nipple.

Meanwhile back in real time, a thunderous orgasm shot through my body. Quivering and shaking, I sat there for a moment breathing deeply thinking to myself WOW, what brought that on? Then I got up cleaned myself again, pulled back the sheets and climbed in bed beside my husband. I laid there thinking to myself I wonder what Travis's wife looks like. Audrey is such an adorable child, what a lucky woman she must be. As I yawned and slowly drifted off to sleep.

My week passed by like any other work sleep eat repeat but on a positive note we matched up a lot of animals with new permanent families this week and that always made me really happy. On the home front it was a typical week with John's moods up and down depending on his day. I asked him once again if you would like to go for walks after dinner get some fresh air share some time together He said he was tired from working all day it wasn't something that he was particularly interested in. Having parked himself in front of the television set most evenings. By midweek he was in an amorous mood again and I performed my wifely duties not putting much effort into it because he didn't seem to be particularly concerned about my pleasure I was really starting to become concerned about our marriage. Friday night he informed me that he was getting together with one of his buddies from work and was going golfing on Saturday which really irritated me I thought we would do something together

Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast together and John was in a really good mood as he got his golf bag and everything together he gave me a kiss and a hug I said, "have a good day John love you."