Affairs to Remember Pt. 04


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I didn't respond. She didn't rush and took her time, exploring every inch of my body with her gentle touch. Her fingers danced across my skin, igniting a fire within me. I surrendered myself completely to her, lost in a sea of ecstasy. With each enticing movement, she drew me nearer to the brink, until, at last, I could not restrain myself any further, and I yielded to the overpowering pleasure and encouraged her to finger me. As her fingers slipped inside me, I felt a surge of pleasure ripple through my body. The sensation was electrifying, and I arched my back in response. With each skilled movement, she expertly stroked my most sensitive spots, driving me to the brink of ecstasy. Waves of pleasure washed over me as I moaned, "Lalita...", losing myself in the intensity of the moment.

She muttered, "तुम तैयार हो ना? किशोर भाई की रखेल बनने के लिए?" "You are ready, right? To become Kishore bhai's mistress?"

It didn't seem like I had any choice; it was my destiny. If only Lalita knew that the pride owner, Lion, had mounted the young lioness as soon as she joined the pride. And just as the young lioness was understanding the true nature of her role in the pride, I too was understanding my role but perhaps struggling to come to terms with it. It was the pride owner's prerogative to breed the young lioness of the pride and not the other young lions of the pride, and hence he would court the young lionesses when in heat. But a human lioness is in heat 365 days of the year! That would mean constant courtship and breeding attempts from the pride owner. Where would that leave the husband, her human partner? Would he be able to handle the constant presence of the pride owner, vying for the lioness's attention? Would he be compelled to witness these breedings, aware that he would never truly satisfy her needs? Would their relationship be strained by the constant courtship and breeding by the pride owner? Would he be resigned to the sidelines, feeling inadequate and forgotten in their relationship? The dynamics of her relationship with Sanjay was suddenly thrown into question, as the true implications of her role and her husband's role in the pride became clearer. Would love and understanding be enough to navigate the complexities of her dual existence as both a human and a lioness?

My mind was preoccupied with such thoughts, but her fingers started massaging my g-spot, and I snapped out of that intense monologue. Confused by her sudden change in tone, I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. But the pleasure coursing through my body was hard to ignore, and I found myself unable to resist. With a breathless whisper, I uttered, "हाँ!" "Yes!"

As the words left my lips, a sense of anticipation and excitement mingled with the pleasure, intensifying the experience beyond what I had ever imagined. I could not resist being amazed by the power she had over me, as her touch continued to excite me. It was as if she had awakened a primal instinct within me. The pleasure surged through my veins, blurring the line between human and animalistic pleasure. In that moment, I surrendered to ecstasy, fully embracing the duality of my existence as both a human and a lioness.

Hearing that, she increased the tempo, and within a few moments, I shuddered with my climax. My body convulsed with pleasure, and a primal roar escaped my lips as I reached the peak of ecstasy. As I came down from the high, I realized this encounter had transformed me in ways I never thought possible. I had tapped into a side of myself that was both fierce and vulnerable, a side that craved freedom and raw passion.

Lalita's approach to life was that of reckless abandon and taking things in stride as they came instead of pausing to introspect and reflect. She was, in some sense, the antithesis of both Sanjay and me. Both of us were deep, analytical thinkers who thought a thousand times and never dove headfirst into new adventures before embracing the unknown with open arms. Lalita, on the other hand, was impulsive and spontaneous, always ready to take risks and live in the moment.

Even though my quandaries hadn't changed, I had won the inner battle that night. I was no longer bound by societal expectations or my self-imposed limitations; I could now harness the untamed power that coursed through my veins. Lalita had taught me that embracing my wild instincts was not a weakness but a strength that had the potential to set me free. I thought she taught me enough already but little did I know that there was still so much more to learn from her.

We both freshened up, and despite the exhaustion, Lalita and I were eager to continue our conversation and explore the common topic of our interest, Kishore bhai. We found solace in discussing our shared experiences and revelations regarding Kishore bhai's magnetic presence. Lalita's story was unlike mine, where he threatened her with disclosing her affairs to her elder cousin. This was after all the drama of her pregnancy with her servant had already happened. She, being a nymph, refused to mend her ways and found opportunities to explore her sexuality with other suitable candidates. Kishore bhai, the constant prowler, was always there, waiting for the perfect moment to make his move, and one day he cornered her. Lalita had no option but to show up at a pre-agreed time and location and let him have his way with her.

Lalita was disgusted and couldn't enjoy the session with him, but she vividly remembered how intense his fucking was and how full she felt because of his large member and how it left her sore for days afterwards, not to mention the intense orgasm that she had perhaps only experienced very early in her life, and that too with her own fingers when she accidentally found the so-called g-spot. She was disgusted with everything about him but his large organ; an experienced Lalita knew it was extraordinary, and even more extraordinary was how he used it. It was a conflicting mix of emotions, as she craved his touch yet being repulsed by his personality. It was her introduction to true alpha males, who knew that their power was intoxicating and used it to exert control over others.

Lalita's affair with him was perhaps 6 years old, and she was surprised that her elder cousin didn't object to it. His elder cousin managed the family-owned business and lived away, so Lalita never really understood what was happening. Kishore bhai was an astute businessman and knew how to manage money. That's how he was staying at home all the time and still being able to lead a comfortable life. It is not for the faint of heart and definitely not for people with a middle-class mentality who are happy to do a 9-to-5 job and work in a bank or some government job. His enterprising nature allowed him to earn plenty of money, which he would often gamble away just as easily. Lalita's cousin was indebted to him during one of those gambling sessions and also owed him a significant amount of money for other help he provided for his business. That's what forced him to keep his mouth shut. Either he asked his wife to spread legs for Kishore bhai or let him seduce his cousins Lalita and Mamta.

While all this was happening and Lalita continued to fornicate with Kishore bhai, a different drama was unfolding in her elder sister's life. It had been 5 years since her marriage, but they didn't have an issue. As usual, only she was taken to the doctor to find out what was wrong with her, not her husband. The doctor deemed, as usual, that she was still quite young and quite weak. She was only 21 at the time and perhaps married for 4 years. The three sisters were quite close, and the elder sister was fully aware of Lalita's errant tendencies. She even understood some women were gifted with such a libido, and refraining from sex was simply not an option for them. Lalita used her guile and slowly planted the thought of having Kishore bhai impregnate the elder sister to avoid the ignominy of being childless. It wasn't easy, but eventually it happened, and during the very first time she fucked Kishore bhai, she got pregnant with his seed. Lalita felt a mix of relief and satisfaction, knowing that her plan had succeeded.

Even though her elder sister had succumbed to the aura of Kishore bhai, Mamta still hadn't. She was only 16 so it would have been difficult for her to fall under his spell. Mamta had a few boyfriends over the years with whom she got physical, but it wasn't clear if she had lost her virginity or not. Lalita and Mamta were close, but Mamta was astute and kept her guard up in matters of the heart and sex. She wouldn't belittle the significance of her love or sex interests by talking about them. In addition, she had no confidence in Lalita, since she had a habit of impulsively disclosing information without thinking about the consequences.

Lalita knew it wasn't possible for a pretty woman like Mamta to evade Kishore bhai's clutches, and just as she started exploring her relationship with Sanjay, she fell into Kishore bhai's trap and lost her virginity. Lalita wasn't entirely sure, but she suspected Mamta was a virgin. Lalita had always been the epitome of sophistication and sensuality, effortlessly captivating every man who crossed her path. Mamta, on the other hand, struggled to match Lalita's allure, constantly feeling inadequate in her presence. It was this insecurity that fueled Mamta's desperate attempt to prove herself as sexually experienced, even resorting to lying about her past. As she watched Lalita effortlessly command the attention of men, Mamta couldn't help but wonder if she would ever escape the shadow of her older sister and embrace her own unique identity.

I was surprised to hear that Mamta and Sanjay's plans to get together were disrupted by Kishore bhai's unwanted intrusion. This must have happened a couple of years ago, according to her narration; maybe it was even more recent. Mamta indulged him a few times but didn't pursue the relationship or even encourage him. In fact, she often visited Sanjay's place but stopped suddenly. It sort of made sense to me, as even Sanjay's mother alluded to it, and it seemed like it was an unmistakable pattern. Where women like Lalita, myself, and other women fell under his spell, how did Mamta escape it? It fascinated me, and I couldn't stop myself from questioning what made Mamta distinct from everyone else.

Women knew he was charming and charismatic, but under that superficial veneer, he was simply a fucking machine devoid of any emotions. It was this raw, primal energy that drew Lalita, me, and perhaps umpteen other women to him, and despite all of his shortcomings, we could get into an unconventional and intense relationship with him, fueled by our own desires and lust, breaking all the societal norms. His manipulative nature, disgust for his personal hygiene, or domineering demeanor alone couldn't explain why Mamta didn't fully give in to him. Over the several months as I introspected, I realized it must have been Mamta's love for Sanjay. She had difficulty accepting that she would ultimately betray the person she loved so deeply. The quandary that bothered me immensely must have weighed too heavily on her mind, or perhaps she realized that Sanjay indeed was a cuckold and she didn't want a cuckold as her husband. Unfortunately, it will remain a mystery now, but it intrigued me, and I had ruminated over it for a while.

I thought that was enough excitement, but Lalita then told me that before Mamta, there was another girl who was older than Sanjay, perhaps Lalita's age or a little younger than her. She, too, befriended him and often visited Sanjay's house on some pretext or another, and Kishore bhai didn't let go of her either. No one knew the full story, but she became pregnant, and her father, in a fit of rage, slapped Sanjay. She got married away soon after that in a haste. I learned some details later on from Sanjay, but again, that's better told at the right juncture.

As she wrapped up the topic about this other girl, who perhaps was impregnated by Kishore bhai, I muttered, "तुम इसीलिये कह रही थी की शादी के बाद किशोर भाई मुझ पर ज़रूर चढेनगे?" "That's why you said that after my marriage Kishore bhai would surely mount me?"

I had suspected for a while that Kishore bhai had a reputation for being involved with Sanjay's girlfriends, but hearing it confirmed by Lalita was still shocking. It was as if history was destined to repeat itself, with Kishore bhai inevitably pursuing me, Sanjay's future wife. I couldn't help but wonder how Sanjay and his mother would overlook this unsettling pattern, but I understood that expressing my concerns would only complicate an already delicate situation. Still, I thought of exploring it with Lalita and asked, "पर ललिता इतना सब हो गया। संजय और संजय की मां क्यों चुप हैं?" "Wonder why Sanjay and his mother are keeping quiet on this?"

"पता नहीं," she quipped unusually, leaving me with a sense of unease and curiosity. "Don't know."

I waited for Lalita to say something, perhaps even collect her thoughts, and she said, "यार ये सब बातें मुझे भी समझ नहीं आती। पर इसके कही कारण हो सकते हैं। शायद संजय के पिता के देहांत के बाद सिर्फ किशोर भाई ने ही उनको संभाला हैं। तभी तो वो उनके घर के आदमी जैसा ही हैं। और फिर घर के आदमी के खिलाफ क्या कर सकते हैं?" "These things are difficult to understand. There could be several reasons for it. Perhaps they are obliged to Kishore bhai as he took care of them after Sanjay's father passed away. That's why he is treated like a family member and its difficult to take such issues with your own family member."

"मगर घर के आदमी गलती करते हैं तो उनको सुधारना होता हैं, गलती को बढ़ावा देना नहीं," I reasoned. "But when members of family err, we need to correct them, not encourage their mistakes, right?"

Lalita looked at me with an intense gaze, as if she were studying my reaction to her words. "पर कुछ आदमी को बदला नहीं जा सकता," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of bitterness. "It's hard to change some people."

It was as if Lalita's words held a deeper meaning, hinting at a dark secret that only she knew. I could not resist feeling an even stronger sense of unease, as though I had unintentionally discovered a concealed world that existed within the walls of their ordinary house.

Looking at my unease, she said, "यार साफ साफ कहुँ क्या?" "Should I speak clearly?"

"बिलकुल ललिता, ये मेरी जिंदगी का सवाल हैं," I pleaded. "Yes of course. It's a question of my life."

"देख किशोर भाई जैसे मर्द सिर्फ एक ही काम जानते हैं। सुबह शाम औरतों पे चढना। वैसे मर्दो को ज्यादा देर तक ख़ूबसूरत औरतों से दूर नहीं रखा जा सकता। तुम शायद कोशिश करके दूरी भी बनाए रखो पर आज नहीं तो कल तुम्हें जिज्ञासा जरूर होगी और फिर वो चढ़ ही जाएगा। संजय की मां इस बात को अच्छी तरह से समझती हैं शायद इसलिये ऐतराज नहीं करती; आखिर कार वो भी एक औरत हैं और इन बातों से ज्यादा वाकिफ हैं," she said. "Look men like Kishore bhai know only one type of work- that's mounting women day and night. It's difficult to keep such men away from beautiful women. Even if you try to keep that distance, eventually you would be curious and sensing that he would surely mount you. Sanjay's mother understands such things, after all she is a woman, and hence doesn't object to his lecherous tendencies."

"Hmm..." I nodded, urging her to continue.

"तो जो होने ही वाला हैं उससे क्या ऐतराज करना? शायद यही सोच कर संजय की मम्मी नज़रंदाज़ करती हैं।" "That which is surely going to happen, why worry about that? That's why she may be turning a blind eye to his sexual advances."

"संजय का क्या?" "What about Sanjay?"

"संजय को खुद भी पता होगा की जो यौन सुख किशोर भाई तुम्हें दे सकता हैं वो कोई और नहीं दे सकता। और कुछ मर्दो को पसंद होता हैं अपनी औरतों पे दूसरों से चढ़वाना।" "Sanjay too knows that the sexual pleasure that Kishore bhai can give you, no one else can. And some men like watching their women mate with other men."

"और तुम्हें लगता हैं संजय उन मर्दो में से हैं?" I asked. "And you think Sanjay is one of them?"

"ये कहना बहुत ही मुश्किल हैं," she said. "पर चूरी कद्दू पर गिरे या फिर कद्दू चूरी पर गिरे कटना तो कद्दू को ही हैं ना?" "That's difficult to say. But whether knife falls on a pumpkin or pumpkin falls on a knife, it is the pumpkin that gets cut."

"मतलब?" "What do you mean?"

"अरे मतलब किशोर भाई तो तुम पर चढ़ने ही वाला हैं फिर संजय चाहे या ना चाहे," she said. "I mean Kishore bhai will mount whether Sanjay likes it or not."

"Hmm..." I muttered, soaking it all in.

"तुम्हें क्या लगता हैं?" she asked me after giving me some time to soak it all in. "What do you think?"

"किशोर भाई के लक्षण तो ठीक नहीं हैं," I replied. "वो तो साफ दिख रहा हैं पर मुझे समाज नहीं आ रहा था की संजय की मां और संजय क्यों खामोश हैं।" "Kishore bhai's intentions don't seem right; that's obvious. What is not clear why Sanjay and his mother are quiet."

"तुम्हें संजय से सच में प्यार हैं?" she asked. "मतलब तुम शादी उससे ही करो गी ना?" "Do you really love Sanjay? I mean you want to marry him, right?"

"हाँ सोच तो वही रहे हैं," I muttered. "Yes that's what we are thinking."

"फिर तुम लोग कही और क्यो नहीं शिफ्ट हो जाते?" "They why don't you folks move out from here?"

"अभी अभी तो काई संजय सेटल हो रहा हैं। दूसरे घर के लिए पैसे कहां से लाएंगे?" I said. "Just now Sanjay has found his footing and finally settling in. Where would he bring the money to move to another place?"

"तो तुम तयार हो?" "That means you are ready?"

"वो पता नहीं," I whispered. "That I am not sure about."

"मेरी जान तब तो तुम किशोर भाई की रखेल बने के लिए तैयार हो," she added excitedly. "My dear that means that you are ready to become his mistress!"

"छी..." "Disgusting."

"हा हा सब ऐसा ही बोल्ते हैं," she persisted, her voice filled with mischief. "फिर सर्फ आह... आह... आह..." she teased, emphasizing each syllable. "Yes. Yes, that's what everyone says. And then this it's just Ugh... Ugh... Ugh..."

I couldn't help but laugh. The thought of becoming someone's mistress was both intriguing and terrifying.

"क्या हुआ? डर गई?" she teased, sensing my hesitation. "What happened? Are you scared?"

"अजीब हैं," I replied, trying to mask my unease. "वो संजय क्या सोचे गा?" "It's strange. Still worry what Sanjay would think."

"उसे सोचने का मौका कहा मिलेगा?" she said. "वो तुम्हारी आवाजें सुनकर मूठ मारे गा।" "He won't even have time to tink. He would be busy masturbating, right?"

"छी! कुछ भी बोलती हैं," I frowned. "What nonsense."

"मेरी जान तुम अभी काफी छोटी और अनुभवहीन हो। हम को हाली में पता चला हैं की मेरे जीजा जी जानते हैं की वो बच्चे उनके नही हैं," she said. "My dear, you are still quite young and inexperienced. We just learned that our brother-in-law knows that his children were fathered by Kishore bhai."

"और उन्हें कोई ऐतराज नहीं हैं? जब की वो तीसरी बार पेट से हैं," I asked, shocked. "And he okay with that? Given that your elder sister is pregnant with the third one?"

"इतना ही नहीं अब तो वो सेक्स भी ज्यादा करते हैं। खास कर जब दीदी यहाँ होती हैं और किशोर भाई से चूदवाकर लौटती हैं," she added, slowly, and a mischievous smile played on her lips. "और तो और वो सीधे आ कर उनके मुहँ पर बैट कर उन्हें किशोर भाई का वीर्य पिलाती हैं।" "Not just that but now they have a lot more sex. It's more intense when my sister visits us and especially more so when she returns after having sex with Kishore bhai."

"क्या कह रही हो?" I asked, my voice trembling with disbelief. "What are you saying, Lalita?"

"और मेरे चचेरा भैया की पत्नी भी धीरे धीरे उनके झाँसे में आ गई," she continued. "शायद मेरे भैया भी उसी टाइप के मर्द हैं। ऊपर ऊपर से दिखाते हैं पर अंदर से काफी कमजोर हैं।" "I think even my cousin's wife is finally falling for him. Perhaps my cousin is that type of men who superficially look strong but inside they are weak."

I was taken aback by her shocking revelations, and my mind was struggling to process the information she was sharing. I had met Lalita's cousin's wife, who I had always seen as reserved and innocent, engaging in such scandalous behavior. She even wore a parda (veil) in front of men. And her own brother, who appeared to be a strong and confident man, tried to control his errant sister's behavior at first but could no longer control his own wife's transgressions. It was all too much to comprehend. Was he the fourth type of person who Mamta described? I felt a mixture of disbelief, anger, and confusion swirling inside me.
