After the Second Fall Pt. 03.3


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"Oh, Lord," Rachel said, sagging against a nearby wall. "Jill."

"I'm so sorry," Esther said, the guilt still lurking close to the surface. "I didn't know how to help her."

"The baby?"

"Fine," Esther replied through watery eyes. "Named after her mother. She's with my friend, back at the Crannert farm."

"You met the Crannerts?" Rachel asked disbelievingly.

"Focus!" commanded Fatina. "What about this baby you say you delivered?"

"She was coming out the wrong way. I had to turn her around to get her out, but I... didn't do it right." Esther glanced ashamedly to Rachel, who looked more stunned with each revelation. "I'm so sorry, Rachel."

"Never mind that," Fatina snapped, grabbing Esther's hand. "You will tell the doctor what you did so that he can save this child, too."


"No!" stated Fatina definitively, still dragging Esther forward. "Now is not the time for stubbornness or self-doubt. You will tell him what you learned and he will use it."

Rachel watched the entire exchange, feeling more overwhelmed than at any point since the day she met Pip, and allowed herself to slowly slide down the wall, a blank gaze firmly fixed.

She was nudged awake by a gentle voice. "Rachel, wake up. It turned out okay."

Blinking her eyes to get them to clear, Rachel was surprised to see her friend Esther; recent events jumped back to mind and she sat up straight. "Oh."

Esther laughed and pulled her former mentor gently to her feet. "You missed the excitement."

With a sardonic grin, Rachel nodded her head. "I guess it was all too much at once. You said everybody is fine?"

"Well, the baby is fine. She's with Pip right now. The mother is still in surgery being sewn up, but one of the nurses said she'll be okay."

"Were you right?" Rachel asked. "Was the baby breach?"

"No, but something I said to the doctor seemed to give him an idea and he rushed back in. A couple hundred beats later I heard the little girl crying. I, uh, didn't watch."

Rachel hugged the bigger woman fondly. "I don't blame you, not after what you've apparently been through." She stepped back. "It's not a huge surprise that you're here, given the way you feel about Pip, but the timing is just... impeccable."

"I don't know about that. It seems like I've been nine months behind you and Pip for a long time."

"How many more are there?" Rachel asked breathlessly.

"Seven, but I told Fatina five. I didn't want her to know about the two Pip had with the Eves from Marbelo."

"Eves? Ebba and Alexis both had children?"

Esther nodded, but her eyes had taken on a melancholy look. "Alexis and baby Monica are with the Crannerts, too, but Ebba died during labor. Her daughter is being raised with the other mods. I'm sorry."

Nodding, Rachel patted Esther's hand. "It's sad, but as long as the baby was healthy, Ebba would have been satisfied -- it's what she wanted. Was it a boy?"

"They're all girls."

"All of them?"

"Yep, with red hair and curls, just like little Phoebe in the other room." Esther smirked. "I told Fatina, but she didn't believe me."

"It's so much to take in," Rachel said, shaking her head wearily, "but we've got plenty of tales to tell as well, I guess."

"Maybe," Esther replied, "but I have a feeling I already know a lot of them."

Rachel looked back curiously, then smiled. "Maybe you do. Have you seen Pip yet?"

Esther's smirk turned into a very self-satisfied smile. "I did, across the room."


Instead of answering, Esther shook her head while her smile remained in-place. Rachel chuckled, then took Esther's nearest hand and led her off toward the viewing gallery to figure out what was going on.

Standing alone at the window to the delivery room, Fatina was the only person still there. Hearing footsteps, she turned. "So you are finally awake, witch."

Rachel walked over to the smaller woman and hugged her from behind. "How are you?"

"Fine," Fatina answered tiredly with a sigh, leaning back into the brunette. "Like you, I am overwhelmed by the day's events. It did not help that your mutant happened to arrive at the same time."

Esther's mouth opened for a moment in surprise, then closed, her eyes simultaneously narrowing.

"Don't mind her, Esther," Rachel soothed. "It's when she uses nice words that you need to be worried."

"She's just mad that I got the better of her earlier," Esther replied smugly, "and that I was right about the baby."

"You were right about the child," Fatina acknowledged. She turned to face the tall blonde, her voice taking on an official tone. "Thank you for advising the doctor. You will have a place here as long as you desire. I promise this."

For a moment, Esther looked unsure, then she relaxed and bowed her head slightly. "I sincerely wish that I would not have had the experience to draw upon, but I am glad that it was useful." She looked through the window to where Pip was holding the infant, the size difference shocking. "The girl, Phoebe, is obviously his daughter. Who is the mother?"

"A surrogate," Fatina replied, fatigue once again evident in her voice. "She was selected for her size, to try to ease the birth. It seems that we still have much to learn with hybrid children."

"So they're not..."

Rachel shook her head. "Fertilization was done in a laboratory, just like with Pip or any of the other Adams." Esther tried to remain passive, but an obvious ripple of relief passed across her features.

The three women continued to watch father and daughter for some time, until eventually Rachel disengaged from Fatina and led the other two back toward the building's entrance. With firm instructions to rest, the city's top Administrator was sent to her house while Rachel led Esther the opposite direction.

"I can tell you have questions -- go ahead and ask," Rachel offered.

"There are so many," Esther responded with a chuckle, "that it's hard to know where to start. Like, why do they want Pip to have a child. Children? And why go to so much effort when he could have just gone about it, uh, manually?"

Laughing good-naturedly, Rachel answered, "Because they didn't believe that it was really possible for someone Pip's size to conceive with someone my size. There's also a... I'd call it a mental barrier, between the Arenagods and Gracian citizens."

"Like in Marbelo."

"Yes, but in reverse. Arenagods here are revered, not reluctantly accepted as a necessary evil like in Marbelo."

Esther nodded. "It is changing, though, in Marbelo. At least a little bit."

Stopping, Rachel looked up at her friend. "Your doing?"

"Some," Esther allowed. "I guess you could say I helped things along a little, but it will be years before mods are fully accepted in the city, if they ever are."

"Even so, any progress is still progress. What did you do?"

A smirk formed on Esther's face. "I may have... fucked the Mayor into the hospital."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. "And that worked?" Esther shrugged and started walking again. "Well, that wouldn't have been my first choice, but as I said, progress is progress."

"It wasn't so bad. Carlos isn't entirely without charm, and I will admit that I enjoyed making him beg."

"Too much information," Rachel replied with a laugh. "And yet, I can't help wanting to know the details." She thought for a moment. "Actually, I don't think I want the details after all. Maybe you can just give me the highlights."

"Anytime. But until then, I want to know about what you've been up to. I spent quite a while with the Crannerts, so I know most of that story, but tell me about Administrator Fatina," she said, finishing with a reasonable impression of the dour woman.

"We're kindred spirits, I would say," Rachel replied, smiling. "Fatina and I are remarkably similar, although you might not know it from her demeanor. We had a... tussle... a while ago, and once we both recovered from nearly drowning we became friends of a sort. When I think about her, it's like she's my sister -- a contrary, easy to anger, antagonistic, undeniably brilliant sister. Other than Pip, it's definitely her that I'm closest to here in the city."

Nodding, Esther was silent for some time as they turned down one alleyway and then another. "Are you happy here, Rachel?"

After a sigh, Rachel responded. "In a way. What Pip is trying to do is critically important, not just to Gracia, but to all of the cities." She shook her head. "It may sound like I'm being melodramatic, but that doesn't make it less true." Rachel took hold of Esther's hand and pulled her to a stop. "Tell me, how are the Crannerts doing?" There was no mistaking the trepidation in her voice as she asked.

Esther smiled warmly and squeezed her friend's hand. "Well. Very well, actually, from what I could see. They told me the farm has grown since you were last there, and of course there are little red headed girls all over the place. They seemed happy and the farm has been productive."

"And Lucille?"

"Married to a good man -- certainly one of the best I met during my time on the road." Rachel's answering smile was wistful and she nodded. "She's also still very much in love with you."

"Really?" Rachel asked, her voice uncharacteristically small.

With a laugh, Esther nodded. "She asked me to give you her love when I caught up. She, ah, also asked me to pass along a personal message."

A bright smile bloomed on Rachel's face as she blinked her suddenly watery eyes. "Can I have it now?"

"Here in the middle of the the street?"

Rachel nodded vigorously and Esther laughed again, then scooped up the smaller woman and pulled her close, kissing her passionately just as Lucille had insisted.

Chapter 25

"I'm not sure where to start."

"I've found that the beginning is as good a place as any."

"Smartass," Esther admonished with a hip bump. "I've missed you, Pip."

He nodded and reached over, pulling her into a half hug as they walked. "I would say that I can't believe you came all this way on your own, but I know you, and I'm not actually that surprised."

"Because I'm stubborn?" Esther asked with a laugh.

"Because you're incredible and can do anything you set your mind to."

Esther was silent for a dozen beats. "Thanks, Pip."

"It's only the truth," he answered easily. "But tell me, why did you come all this way?"

"To find you, of course," Esther answered, but even she knew it was a hollow answer. She took a deep breath and let it go, using the pause to marshal her thoughts, then recounted her time on the road. When she finally ended her story more than two bells later, Pip pulled her tightly to his chest.

He had been enthralled by the tale, following its ups and downs as if he had been there, mostly because he had. Esther's story was largely one of cleaning up his messes, and as he held her close, he whispered 'Thank you' to her several times before finally letting her go. "How did you know? To come after us, I mean."

"I didn't," Esther replied. "I just..." She took a deep breath, this time for courage. "I just realized I was meant to be with you."

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Pip teased lightly, looking deeply into her eyes.

"I should have been willing to accept your friendship without condition," she replied seriously, holding the contact. "I wasn't mature enough to see that before, so I ran away, too focused on what I wanted to consider you or anybody else. At some point I grew up." She pulled more tightly to him. "Now I'm here."

They eventually broke apart, but Pip held onto her hand as they walked in silence. It was more than a bell before he spoke again. "What do you want now, Esther -- from me? Or maybe I mean for us."

She squeezed his hand tightly and sidled closer. "I don't know, Pip, but I'm sure we'll figure it out."

They spent the rest of the afternoon together, mostly in a comfortable, companionable silence, walking through various parks or moving between them, content to be together but not ready to confront whatever they would become. It was a day full of strong emotions for them both, and Esther especially was happy to turn off her mind and just enjoy seeing the strange city by the sea.

The following morning they met for a more formal tour, with Pip acting as guide so that Esther could learn her way around the complicated layout of the city. "It was designed to be confusing," he explained, "to make it hard for an invading army. There isn't a single road in all of Gracia that runs straight for more than a hundred paces, and at every turn on the main roads is a half wall, behind which two or three soldiers can hide."

"Why worry about armies when we have the Arena?"

Pip had shrugged, but the question stuck with Esther for the rest of the morning. After lunch at one of the many small markets, she asked about the city's soldiers.

"Everyone here is a soldier to some extent. The men especially, but the women train, too, just not so much. Their discipline and self control -- all of them, I mean -- is remarkable."

"So it's built into their culture?"

"Yes. The children start very young, first with their hands, then wooden weapons, and eventually with the long pikes the soldiers carry."

Esther nodded. "I can see the benefit, I guess, but I still don't understand why a city needs a standing army. It isn't like Gracia is expecting to be attacked at any moment. Wait," she exclaimed suddenly, her eyes opening wide, "are they going to start attacking the other cities? Is that what Rachel was talking about when she said you being here was so important?"

He nodded and looked away, out over the city wall to the ocean. "We're trying to restore balance to the Arena. If we can do that, there won't ever be a reason for Gracia to go to war in the old way."

There was another long period of silence as Esther thought through what Pip had told her, and she finally nodded. "In a way, it all makes sense. As long as no city is too much stronger than the rest, the system can continue. What about the smaller cities?"

"Eventually, they'll be consumed, or annexed, or whatever word you like. That's what Rachel thinks."

"Then I'm sure that's what will happen," agreed Esther. She sighed. "So you're training their Adams?"

"Arenagods, and yes."

"Will it work? Are they good enough to do what they need to do?"

Nodding again, Pip continued to look deeply conflicted. "Better than that. They're disciplined and diligent, and fanatic about winning, even more so than we ever were. There are four right now that would have given Mars a lot of trouble, and Mars is dead now. Gracia will win many Arena matches in the next several years."

Esther took hold of his hand once again and pulled close. "It's clear, Pip. You're doing what needs to be done."

"I know, but that doesn't make me like it any more." He sighed heavily. "Lilith was good to me, and to John. I hate that I've put her into this position."

"She knows then?"

"She does. We sent word of what we were doing twice, but haven't heard back."

Stopping, Esther's face took on a suspicious countenance. "Are you sure the messages were actually sent? My experience with politicians has been... uneven. Is it possible they're lying?"

Chuckling, Pip squeezed her had reassuringly. "They were sent through the Arena Council to make sure that they were received."

Nodding, Esther pulled Pip's hand and they resumed their tour. "Why did they want you to have a child? Rachel said they didn't believe it could be done, but surely..." Her voice trailed off as realization settled into her mind. "They want people my size for their army, don't they?"

He nodded, but didn't otherwise respond; logic and a sharp mind allowed Esther to figure out the rest.

"Not just an army then -- they're going to replace their entire populace. How long will it take -- fifty years?"

"More like twenty-five," Pip answered hoarsely. "They're very disciplined."

"My Lord," Esther breathed, having a hard time comprehending the situation. "So no more children in the, uh, natural way? No more Gracians that are Rachel's size?"

"Not if they can help it. You probably weren't aware, but the proclamation went out yesterday, as soon as they confirmed that Phoebe was healthy. There isn't an outright ban on natural pregnancy, but there was a lot of words about duty and honor and pride."

"And every generation will get bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, as Arenagod genes are mixed with the latest hybrid genes." The scope of the plan -- and its sheer audacity -- was staggering. "I don't mean to be coarse, Pip, but is this really better than the alternative?"

Pip nodded and looked down at her. "They have a weapon, something terrible, and it's almost finished. When it is, they'll be ready to threaten the other cities. Unless there's no reason for them to do so."

"Unbelievable," responded Esther with a shake of her head. "Rachel wasn't exaggerating at all."

"Afraid not," Pip confirmed. "So we'll be here, doing what we can. Now that you know, will you stay with us?"

Esther looked up at him quizzically, then smirked. "Was that a question or a request?"

"Both?" he responded, not entirely sure himself.

Esther laughed, her voice lightly echoing off the alley's walls. "Of course I'll stay, Pip. I told you that I'm meant to be with you, any way you'll have me."

Stopping, Pip turned to look down at Esther, his eyes intense. "You also told me yesterday that you were a fool." Suddenly unsure, she nodded, but he shook his head. "Not nearly as much as I was. I was an idiot to push you away. Will you forgive me?"

Liq quivering, Esther found herself unable to reply aloud, so she simply nodded, big droplets falling freely from her eyes. They came together in an embrace, letting their bodies express feelings that words could not. There, in a dimly lit back alley in the dimming light, they shared their first kiss, tentative at first and then increasingly passionate.

It was Pip that finally lost control, roughly pulling Esther's riding leathers from her body and then pinning her against the damp wall, kissing her roughly and repeatedly while alternately caressing and mauling her almost impossibly large breasts. Esther fought to remain coherent under Pip's passionate onslaught, and only just noticed when his hardness pressed against her leg.

"Stop," she groaned, pushing his face away. "Pip, wait."

The head of his penis was already teasing her opening, and Esther had to work very hard to keep from moaning at the sensation. To his credit, lost in passion as he was, Pip froze. "What... what's wrong?" he managed, his voice thick.

Esther took a deep breath and reached between her legs, and taking hold, she began to rub the head around and across her clit, murmuring softly. "I've been waiting years for you to make love to me, Pip, and I'm not going to do it in some nasty alley. You're going to take me back to wherever you live, and then you're going to beg."

Pip set her down, then shook his head to clear it; Esther kept a firm hold on his cock. "Did you say beg?"

"Yes, Pip. You're going to beg to fuck me, and when you finally do, it will be on my terms."

Before he could answer, she squatted and engulfed his penis with her mouth, sucking and licking, while Pip tried to remain upright, his hands braced against the wall. With a final, almost painful burst of suction, she released him and he staggered back, pants around his ankles. Just in front of him, standing in the waning light with her beautiful tits and glistening pussy exposed to the evening air, Pip realized he had never seen a more wanton, attractive sight in his entire life.

"On your terms," he conceded, and started to re-dress himself.

For her part, Esther was less than pleased that her jacket zipper had been torn from the leather, leaving it quite impossible to recover her large bust. So it was that they walked into Pip's house, just three down from Fatina.
