All Comments on 'Agency'

by Griscom

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MarkT63MarkT6310 months ago

She has the right to say NO, and keep her legs closed. Abortion is NOT birth control!!!

nestorb30nestorb309 months ago

It seems most commentators are hung up on the abortion and miss the point. The genius of this story is that it is a trope for the cheating wife saying "it's my body and I can have sex with anyone I wish". But obviously instead of sex, it was an abortion.

Well done @GRISCOM

THANKS for writing

lc69hunterlc69hunter9 months ago

Two stupid people

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Agency? Just another feminist euphemism for murder.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Abortion is birth control. It is not murder no matter how the political landscape has changed since the 1970s.

But, and this is the genius of the story, the wife didn't discuss with the husband. That was her fuck-up.

And, he didn't understand that post-partum depression is a real thing. That was his fuck-up.

This is a genuinely interesting and well written story which is saying a whole lot more than just the obvious.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To the person who said woman's choice, no, it's not, the father deserves a right to his child. It takes two to get pregnant, she needed to discuss it with him. Her going behind his back, even though she did not have an affair, destroyed that trust he had in her. So her mentioning the depression, he cannot trust her anymore, so of course, he's not going to believe her

jflindersjflinders9 months ago

Excellent, thought provoking piece of work. Of course the wife was right that she had the legal right to abort without the husband's consent-and of course he was right that her hiding it from him and lying about it meant she had taken it upon herself not to share a life with him in the way most married couples expect to share. The problem wasn't that she didn't have the right to abort, it was what kind of life the couple had where she would lie to him about such an important decision.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I disagree with a few anons below, shocker I know. He totally understood about post partum depression being a real thing, but he doesn't care. And neither do the courts apparently, so he's in good company. What she did is enough to kill a marriage. Period. No cheating involved. Her being snappy and withholding sex certainly didn't help. But that was never his issue with her, he made his issue very clear. Even after spelling it out for her, she dismissed his feelings. We didn't get any real apologies from her. That's very telling.

And abortion is both murder AND birth control to the anon below. You pretend to not be political. So let me break it down for you...when you take away a life we consider that murder. This is regardless of legal definitions. There is the deeper and older definition of what life is and is not. And what is required to take that life. That's why I can also say that it is birth control. You controlled a birth from happening. The definition is loose enough to describe both pre-emptive and post-emptive methods. I wont bother getting into the agency argument, because of how slimy and manipulated it is. But he did exorcise a type of agency people rarely consider...and that is divorcing partners that don't respect them. Too many women and men stay in toxic marriages when they don't have to.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The bitch is now a free agent to do whatever the fuck she wants!!

Calico75Calico758 months ago

Excellent story about difficult issues. Very well written!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I love how libtards can never live up to their creed. You support infanticide, scooter, DEAL WITH IT!

rbloch66rbloch666 months ago

Abortion aside, this story boils down to a marriage destroyed by one partner making unilateral decisions. That will always be a recipe for failure. - Personally, I think she was a c-unt for getting it done behind his back, which only proves that she knew it was the wrong way to go about it, if not the wrong choice all together. You don't just make a baby, and then say "oopsie, changed my mind," and abort it. That behaviour does not occur in a mentally stable individual. She shouldn't have care of the existing child.

pjpbpjpb6 months ago


Wife hiding and terminating pregnancy behind husband back destroyed trust... with no trust question what other things she kept to herself (affair) followed and divorce should not be a surprise to her. She could have tried to save her marriage if she understood it was lying (by omission), not the final decision that was the core issue. Maintaining 'MY' aspect and negating 'OURS' she killed it when confronted

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Bigger dick? For exercising his own agency and dissociating from someone who killed his child? Patently ridiculous. As far as the depression goes, how many inmates do you think have mental issues, are we all absolved? I think the answer is found to be, no. We aren’t.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I am unsure on this one, but, do abortion centres ask both parents if they agree to the abortion? If so, how did she get away with it? Do they have to answer for any mistakes they may have made? I speed read some of it, so I may have missed this part, but, did it say how the husband found out about the abortion? Even if she did have mental health issues shame on her and shame on the clinic for not picking it up.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

@anon - no, baby murder factories only ask one question, "do you wish to pay us to murder your baby in cash, checl or credit card?". And no, with Democrats basically belonging to a church of pro-abortion, they don't get to answer even for killing mothers for botched procedures, never mind for the atrocities they perpetrator on the babies. And as I said, the "clinic" didn't give a single fuck about her mental health issue, just her financial solvency up to the amount billed.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

@angelrider - why do you bother reading this author's stories in the first place? You hate every one of them and whine. Go read your preferred cuck shit and leave decent people alone, both writers and readers.

HighBrowHighBrow5 months ago

I was into it, until the movie quotes began. Dear author, I don’t care what movies you like. No offense.

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA5 months ago

Her arguments would play well in the Femdom world of today. Now before anyone jumps on me I support choice however not when a wife gets pregnant on purpose and then unilaterally decides to end it. The story was basically well told however some background about the M/C's would have made it better.

Orion623Orion6235 months ago

No cheating wife but she came up with the highest level of dishonesty and ruined her marriage. 5*,

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

STUPID women when will you all learn to actually talk to us guys We are not all idiots (jaybee186)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Excellent story. Make a decision ALONE, without even an ATTEMPT at communication, and you're not committed to a marriage. I've been married over 3 decades, and I've have dumped her too.

Side note to answer the anon who asked: I can say there was not one mention of the sperm donor at a "Planned Parenthood" clinic I visited: I took a young friend to a Planned Parenthood clinic some years back. I've no idea if the situation generalizes or not, but after Project Veritas' video and the movie "Unplanned" I really think it might.

She wasn't having MY baby, so other than being her friend in time of need I really had no dog in the hunt. I did ask her if she had spoken to the sperm donor, he had severed their relationship and made it entirely her problem. Under those circumstances, I agree it was entirely her decision.

I had supported legal abortion. I'd even been a donor to Planned Parenthood. My friend hadn't decided on an abortion of not. So off to PP we went so she could explore her options.

The entire experience was frankly upsetting: It was like buying a car from a high-pressure salesman. PP did everything to talk her into an abortion short of actually strapping her to the table. I held her hand several times, but said nothing: Not my circus, not my monkeys.

The outcome of this encounter was the exact opposite of that PP pushed for: She was so revolted by the staff's attempts to get her to commit to an abortion that she carried the baby to term and put her up for adoption.

We were both totally freaked out by the experience, and after that I stopped contributing to PP. Once I found out many years later that PP is actually paid for parts of fetuses, I realized why they tried to sell my friend that "car." My ongoing revulsion is specifically for PP, not abortion per se. I came away from that experience with the opinion PP are ghouls. Probably unfairly painting them all with the same brush, but that's how I feel now.

RiptidestoneRiptidestone5 months ago

Sauce that is good for both the googe and the gander.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundown5 months ago

An interesting and unique story on here (a low bar to clear I realize.) And it brings up quite the dilemma on a very touchy subject.

Peapod41Peapod415 months ago

One of the truly honest expositions of the humsn condition I have read in this forum.


OOAAOOAA5 months ago

GREAT STORY!!! 5 stars!

c24jc24j5 months ago

The husband in this one struck me as a hypocritical asshole. Yes, she should have discussed it with him, but it was still her decision . . . and his not caring about the depression diagnosis was the icing on the cake. How her mother and mother-in-law could have been on his side is beyond me.

Part of me hopes that he gets married again, and his new wife (Miss Julie?) actually does cheat on him . . . somewhat frequently. The main character got help for her problem, and grew emotionally and to some extent in empathy for her ex. There's no indication that he grew or dealt with his problems at all.

I'd like to think she marries again, and with a clearer mind, does have additional children, providing her daughter with a brother and sister. Her daughter, as she grows older, should become disgusted with her original Dad's chauvinistic and hypocritical attitudes . . . always loving him but never really listening to him, and would come to love her step-father, a good and decent person, strongly.

But who knows what could happen? Really good story . . . it got me quite riled up, and until I really thought about it, I wasn't sure if I liked any of the characters.

TheMTOneTheMTOne4 months ago

c24j, relationships are about working together and making decisions to do things. It isn't just that she didn't talk about it, but that she unilaterally decided and acted as well as never told him. There are a whole host of problems leading up to that point, not just them not talking.

She 1. Didn't mention she was pregnant. 2. Decided she didn't want more children or to be a parent at all seemingly. 3. Had an abortion. 4. To not discuss the abortion first. 5. To hide the abortion in the end and never mention it. and 6. is the potential affair/fling with Rick Margolis.

6 is the only maybe, based on the story, of the things she did wrong. The husband divorced her wisely as well as forced her to take responsibility for their other child. Not to mention the things she did wrong after that in handling it and the rest. She certainly did need therapy, and if all things were resolved by this in the end, then that would explain everything that happened, certainly.

However explanations for things does not absolve her of the actions she took. Nor does it for anyone. How you see this any differently is beyond me.

Are you ok?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well wrtten. Well plotted. Story shows marriage is two people made into one. It's not two people side by side.

LanmandragonLanmandragon4 months ago

Brilliant! A hoodwinkt husband capable of taking care of himself (and capable of biting but relevant dialogue) and a self-centered, blind wife, incapable of communication.

Almost like real life.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

@cj24, your comment presents a very strong argument for retroactive abortion. Please share it with your parents as soon as possible. If they are not available, just take up Russian roulette as a daily hobby. Things will work themselves out soon enough.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

"from now on that agency is going to be free agency" Great line! Still a sad story, though...

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Was disappointed greatly with this story. Unfortunate as seems an otherwise talented author.

The husband is a complete ass and coward. His epiphany about wife's selfishness allowing him to then embrace it too is bs. He was completely wrapped up in his own from start. She's absolutely better off without this guy who does nothing to honor his vows and runs out on his family at first problem. Yes it would be best if she'd turned to her husband even before getting pregnant but rather than showing any understanding, competition, honoring or cherishing his wife he confronts her in front of family already having packed and condemned. His paranoia maybe from too many LW stories and misogyny had him hurling infidelity accusations at her, which author implies she's to blame for for having not been 100% honest at all times with husband. While worthy aspiration we all fall short. He dismisses her depression and gives a string of bs false equivalencies in decision making consultation and clever twisted bs about agency. Yes in healthy relationship they would have communicated more and it is understandable he'd be hurt by her acting on her own, button chooses to through a tantrum and leave, ever threatening physical violence on her (after being outrage at mere idea she might not feel safe with him when he's angry). Where is any of his love concern and empathy for her? Yes it wasn't the best for her to throw the agency argument and reality in his face, though he did setup confrontation not discussion and communication. The fact is fair or not the one with the womb bears the greater burden in pregnancy by far and often into child rearing as well. Men can complain however historically in our culture and physiologically this is so. Want more input, be a better father and husband and take on more of the burden child rearing and taking care of household duties, social and school matters etc ... don't just think you're there for your wife. Communicate listen and see if she finds you are. Actually man up not just because only you feel or you and your similar buddies feel you are, but because you can see and feel it in your wife's eyes and actions.

And any taking the religious tack on abortion that has become so tangled and corrupted with political objectives ... the Bible is rife with infanticide. Jesus was sacrificed/aborted by his father ... Numbers contains specific direction on aborting fetus from infidelity and so on. Those using moral or religious grounds against abortion are usually doing so to control women, for personal power/control and or to deceive groups of people and galvanize support for unrelated political agendas that are otherwise unpopular on there own (typically economic).

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wife was a selfish bitch. At least the husband didn't waste time in divorcing her. She must be happy with her agency now

AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

Husband was a giant asswipe... What she did may not have been great but his reaction was over the top. And sorry, but insisting she's cheating with no proof... And when she isn't... In front of both their parents is a scum move. Using the kids as he did in the divorce when he clearly didn't want custody... Another. He sends like he was using this because he didn't want to be married. Can't imagine cutting off all communication over showing like this... What a complete dick.

And the blaming.... She's to blame for him thinking she's cheating, nothing wrong with him. His explosions and derogatory comments are get fault, he's perfection event as he threatened to punch her.... Yeah, real winner. Why would she even want him around. Hell, she could have used his that to get limited access to the kids....

Sorry, but this is just a sad story and points to the low opinion the author has of women in general. I mean really, she's not a fit mother because she has a job (#2 reason listed!), Doesn't want another child, and had since depression. He had a job, lots of guys don't want more kids, and depression happens to everyone at some time. And listing being employed as the#1 reason. We'll grwat, that's your opinion sorry get and your child with her as primary care giver so she doesn't have to work and get depressed... Solution complete.


DickSnugfitDickSnugfit2 months ago

Loved it! Yes, a trifle OTT, so what, so are a great many stories on this site, ESPECIALLY of the Wimp/Cuck/Fag genre! Goes some small way to redress the balance of sanity! Thanks!


AA82ndAAAA82ndAA2 months ago

The second greatest betrayal happened in this story. An affair is the worst betrayal by either spouse, She got pregnant on purpose and forget the bull shit about being married but it's my body. That is not what pro-choice is about. Hopefully she doesn't likely move to that next unsuspecting sucker before she gains some perspective and humility.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Typical of the entitled female mind. (Not all are like this) Fails to recognize that choices have consequences, and she doesn't have agency over those consequences. Ah well, just another single mother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Dad should have pushed for full custody.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A unique twist on the LW genre. DMW aka Sumnut96

desecrationdesecration26 days ago

I recognize how people see abortion is murder, but the more I experience humanity, the more I am sure that most people should have been aborted.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

There's a story on literotica where a wife (who has a condition that makes getting pregnant difficult) gets an abortion because she is going to donate a kidney to her sister, she makes this decision with her mother guilting or badgering her into it with no input from her husband. The husband was Stupid enough to stay with her through the whole ordeal and then divorce her, in the end he completely committed suicide. when what he should have done is immediately separate their finances, walk away from her, file for divorce and leave her to her own devises and NEVER see or talk to her ever again. I can't find the title to this story, I really Hate this story and would love to read a better version where the bitch and her mother suffer horribly.

OlefishermanOlefisherman6 days ago

People talk all the time about a woman's right to have an abortion. Where in the constitution is it it written? The courts are not supposed to make laws they are only are there to interpret them. Somehow that whole process ended up with people thinking that the law said a woman woman had a right to an abortion. Granted there are several reasons for abortion and most reasonable minded people know what they are, however the father of a child should also have the right to say if his child can be killed. If he is willing to accept all the responsibility for raising the child. Now the woman well I guess it guess it's just the price she pays for some sex,good or bad. As long as having a baby is not a threat to her life. It's not going to kill her. It might piss her off. Take a year of her life but that would set an example to other. Oh well don't worry I am not the morality police. This was just a story and I am just one old man.

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