AH Fantasies Ch. 04


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"What's going on, Abs?" asked Zade after about half a minute had passed. "Vana's looking ghost-white, you hardly set foot out of the house, everyone in town hates you... What are you doing in a place like this?"

Abstruse leaned back in her chair, a picture of icy sophistication. There was a cigar smouldering between her fingertips, and she was in the process of exhaling a slow stream of smoke into the air. She smiled at Zade, before reaching onto the floor and lifting a small silver chest onto her lap.

"The castle, the grounds, the title -- they were all part of an inheritance -- just like this box. I'm simply enjoying what's been given to me on a plate."

Zade eyed it suspiciously, but didn't move.

"Come and see."

Abstruse opened the chest and held it towards Zade. In it was a collection of knives. They appeared to be antique and each of the handles was encrusted with jewels. But one glance at their blades was enough to convince anyone that they weren't purely for show. These were weapons, not ornaments. Pretty as they were, they'd been designed with one purpose in mind -- and it certainly wasn't being kept in a box. As if to illustrate the point, one of the rests, Zade noticed, was empty.

"Very nice," she said, a distinct lack of enthusiasm in her voice. "And what's this got to do with you guys never leaving the area these days? I mean, when was the last time you took a holiday?"

There was no response. Zade continued regardless -- "And what's with the all the snapping? We used to get on really well, but these days... I don't know -- I'm starting to feel uneasy when I'm in the same room as you, because I never know when you're going to go off on one - and I've noticed Frankie's just the same. It's almost like you've crossed the boundary from kookiness to creepiness, and I don't like it... I want the old Abs back. You were more fun when you didn't have a title and loads of money."

Abs snorted. "And you think that's what's changed me?"

"Totally." Zade was beginning to lose her nerve a bit. Although Abs was listening, her responses were few and far between. Out of desperation, Zade decided to use her final silver bullet -- "I'm thinking it would be better if Fem and I got an earlier flight back to London... like tomorrow..."

Abs paused and took another long drag of her cigar. "Do as you please - there are always plenty of women in the village who are more than happy to get our company."

Slowly, Zade began piecing the jigsaw puzzle together. "...so you and Vana are screwing all the local women, and at the same time wondering why the locals have launched a full-on hate campaign against you?"

Abs started to laugh. "Zade, dear -- you shouldn't pass judgement on what you don't yet understand. It would be premature. Several hours premature, as a matter of fact."

Zade stared at her in confusion, and decided to leave the room before she said something she'd really regret.

Chapter 4

As if to prove a point, Abstruse suggested that they went out for dinner that evening. Femininity and Nirvana had spent a considerable amount of time down in the cellar, and by the way Fem collapsed into bed a couple of hours later it was obvious that something energetic had taken place.

Aroused by the direction her imagination was leading her, Zade had spent the afternoon writing her story. It hadn't been easy. Each word had come with a million and one associations, and the best part of her time had been spent daydreaming. These sounds and visions drifted in from both the past and what was yet to be. As far as solving the riddle of Abstruse and Nirvana went, she was floundering. But it still didn't stop her from planning out the day of role-playing she hoped to spend with her girlfriend.

As they walked down the gloomy tree-lined path, Zade suddenly realised that the lightning had stopped, only to be replaced by a strong breeze. It was still bitterly cold, but at least things had more of an air of normality about them now.

"Is it far?" she asked, pulling the hood of her jacket up.

"No, darling," replied Vana. "Ten minutes at the most, and you'll get to see the new orphanage Abs is building."

"Abs is building an orphanage?"

"Yes -- right over the brow of that hill." Vana pointed to a shadowy construction site, and then put her arm proudly around Abstruse's shoulders.

Zade tried desperately to catch Femininity's eye, but she was in a world of her own.

"Fem!" she whispered once Abs and Vana were several metres in front of them.

Femininity looked at her, a blank expression on her face.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"About the orphanage!"

"Oh, that," replied Femininity flatly.

"Well, don't you think that's weird?"

"I suppose."

It was as much as Zade could do not to tear her hair out with frustration. What exactly had Vana been doing to her girlfriend down in that cellar? As a rule, something like this would have set both their alarm bells ringing, triggering a wave of excited discussion and ridiculous speculation. But this time Zade was on her own. Fem seemed to have gone into herself, and probably wouldn't have stirred had a nuclear warhead landed in front of her.

"Just go with it, Zade," she murmured. "It's a lot easier that way."

But when they caught up with Abs and Vana, the questions were overflowing.

"Why do you need an orphanage in a place like this?" asked Zade. "It's tiny. There can't be more than about six hundred people living here, and it's not as though we're near any big towns or cities."

There was a long silence before Nirvana chose to answer her -- "Things are different here. People aren't so ready to take in relatives' children. It's a superstitious thing."

"How do you mean, 'superstitious'?"

"Superstitious as in they believe it's bad luck to adopt the child of a deceased family member."


"They believe that the connection will attract bad spirits to their house," replied Vana in a matter-of-fact tone.

Zade shook her head in disbelief. "And you're trying to tell me you think that's normal?"

"I'm not trying to tell you anything at all, Darling. It's just the way things are around here."

"Wouldn't it be cheaper and better in the long-run to fund some kind of advertising campaign to make people see sense?"


Zade closed her mouth and fell silent. Where was Fem when she needed her? Desperately, she decided to approach things from a different angle -- "So how come so many parents are dying?"

"ENOUGH!" snapped Abstruse, her dark overcoat sweeping around her as she spun round with a glare across her face. "Sometimes, Zade," she observed. "You ask way too many questions."

It was probably the worst thing she could have said to Zade, because as they entered the village about half a dozen more sprang to mind. The streets were quaint and probably hadn't changed much since medieval times. Hanging baskets were outside most of the buildings, but what was in them, had been all but swept away by the rain. Windows were boarded, in some places with shutters, but in others by crude wood planks. There wasn't a soul in sight, and as the women passed through their voices echoed.

"So where is everyone?" asked Zade, unable to contain herself any longer.

"They're a bunch of superstitious lunatics," replied Abstruse.

"Great. That explains it. In fact that seems to be the standard explanation for most things around here."

"But don't you know what day it is?" cut in Vana.

"22nd April."

"But do you know what day it is?"

Zade shrugged and shook her head.

Vana smiled and suddenly her voice became warm and engaging - "It is the eve of St George's Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? It's a passage from Bram Stoker's Dracula, Sweet."

"So we should bargain on a lot of garlic on the menu tonight then?"

"Not if you're planning on sharing a bed with me," commented Femininity, and slowly the ice melted.

Chapter 5

When they got to the restaurant, Zade noticed how her girlfriend's eyes were a lot brighter than usual. She gave her hand a quick squeeze, and was shocked at how cold it was.

"Babe, you're not coming down with something, are you?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

Fem shook her head.

"Good, cos I wouldn't want to imagine what kind of witch doctor cures they prescribe around here. You'd probably end up having leaches put on your nipples or something!"

Zade waited for a giggle, or at least a razor-edged comeback, but there was nothing.

Abs put her hand on the door handle and led them all inside. It was an old-fashioned place with a roaring log fire and stuffed animal heads mounted on the walls. Like the rest of the village, it was completely empty, apart from a bearded middle-aged man who was in the process of polishing some silverware.

Upon noticing the four women, he leapt back and an expression bordering on fear and rage crossed his face.

"No!" he roared. "You are not welcome here!"

Abs didn't move a muscle. She was smiling, yet her eyes were burning into the proprietor.

"Now, now, Emile," she chided in a smooth voice. "That's hardly the way to treat your only customers of the evening is it?"

"You!" he spluttered as he jabbed a trembling finger in Abs' direction. "You keep away from my daughter! I am warning you!"

The American woman laughed and swatted the finger away from her as though it were a fly. "Just give us some menus, please, Emile. And try and remember that your daughter is a living person, not a commodity. You can't keep her locked up forever, you know. Sooner or later she's going to discover that there's a lot more to life than following a man's orders..."

The kitchen door opened a fraction, and out stepped Marianne, her skin ashen at the unexpected appearance of her ex-employer.

"Marianne! "Reviens à l'intérieur immédiatement!" shouted Emile, but Marianne was too busy gazing at Vana.

"Marianne, je suis ton père! "Écoutes-moi.""

Abs suddenly leaned forward to whisper something in Emile's ear. As she did so, she drew a long, scarlet fingernail across the skin on his neck, leaving an angry mark. Emile became quiet, and his eyes widened.

Zade struggled to hear what was being said, but was soon distracted by what was taking place between the maid and Nirvana. There was no misinterpreting the sparkle in her friend's eye. She'd seen it dozens of times before - the blonde seductress was drawing the young woman in, undressing her with her eyes and breathing wordless promises of sexual ecstasy with her lips. Marianne didn't stand a chance.

Emile shook his head in confusion, and started backing out of the room. When he reached the door, though, he stopped and turned round one final time. "If she is harmed..." he began, a tremor of hysteria in his voice, "Then... may God help you!"

"No disrespect, Emile, but I think God gave up on us a long time ago," replied Abstruse.

Emile thumped his fist against the wood of the door. "It is not just me!" he snarled, flecks of spit flying from the corners of his mouth. "There are others, and if you do not leave our women alone, we will all see to it that your castle is your coffin!"

He did his best to maintain eye-contact with Abstruse, but her gaze was too intense. It was a matter of seconds before he made his hasty departure, leaving the door rattling in its hinges, and an uneasy quiet filling the room.

"Well, in all fairness to him I don't remember seeing any rainbow flag outside..." ventured Zade, but no one responded.

They were taken to a table by Marianne, whose eyes still hadn't quite left Vana, and given some menus. Zade waited until she'd left before taking her chances with Abs again.

"Out of interest... how many of the locals have you girls pulled since you've been here?"

Abs and Vana exchanged smiles.

"Enough," replied Abs. "Never against anyone's will, though. It hasn't been necessary."

Deep in thought and a little disturbed by what she'd just witnessed, Zade absorbed herself in the menu. When Marianne returned, Vana ordered two bottles of red wine.

"Is everyone ready to order?" she asked, scrutinising the label on one of the bottles.

They all were, but when it came to Femininity's turn, there was a surprise in store.

"I'll have the steak -- rare, please."

Zade's jaw dropped in astonishment. "But honey! You can't eat that! You're a vegetarian!

"I can eat whatever I want."

"But it's going to be oozing with blood if you have it rare!"

"That will be all, thank you, Marianne," said Abs, her eyes blazing into the waitress once again. Marianne froze for a second, and so did Zade. Abs' lips were redder than normal, and her breathing had become slow and shallow. Zade turned to Femininity to see if she'd noticed, but she was busy straightening the cutlery on the table and was still in a world of her own.

The food was good, and after a glass of wine Zade decided it was the best she'd ever had. In a way it was comforting when she felt Fem's hand stroking her thigh under the table, and even more so when she felt her panties being pulled teasingly to one side. At least Fem's sex drive hadn't undergone any change, although to Zade's disappointment this was as far as things got.

When Marianne returned at the end of the meal to take the plates, Abstruse's hand came to rest directly on her ass. The waitress looked terrified, but offered no resistance, and it wasn't long before the fingers of that hand were moving inwards, squeezing and caressing and measuring her reactions. Marianne's cheeks grew red and she made a hurried exit towards the kitchen. When she came back, however, Nirvana was waiting for her in the passageway.

Zade watched in fascination as Vana did what she was best at. It was a casual pose -- her arm against the wall, her body leaning in towards the waitress, a quiet and disarming smile on her lips... She'd done it dozens of times before, and it showed. This was a woman who knew what she wanted, and defeat didn't cross her mind for a single second.

Marianne shook her head, but Vana's smile was contagious. More significantly, the waitress was beginning to relax. Eventually, she looked up at Vana, nodded, and then walked back into the dining area.

Without looking at the others, she headed straight towards Abstruse and began kissing her on the lips. Zade and Femininity looked on in wonder. It was a needy kiss that screamed out for so much more. Her tongue snaked into Abstruse's mouth, and was taken in readily. Through the heat and the passion, Zade could have sworn she saw a smile at the corner of Abstruse's lips, and when the waitress disappeared under the table, she realised why.

Abs closed her eyes and allowed the tongue of this inexperienced French girl to whip her senses into a frenzy. Although powerful, her orgasm was controlled, and if she lost composure it was only for a fraction of a second.

The waitress re-emerged, her face glistening with wetness, and Abs gave a contented sigh. "I'll meet you back at the castle, ladies -- Nirvana and I have some business to attend to."

Nirvana, who'd taken a front row seat to watch the show, winked.

Chapter 6

Femininity and Zade took a slightly different route back to the castle. The wine and the unexpected porn show had gone to Zade's head, and it was decided that the longer she spent out in the fresh air, the better.

On their travels, they walked past a church. It was small and probably older than the village itself. There were no stained glass windows, but it compensated for this with ornate flying buttresses and stone gargoyles that seemed to leer at them from the brickwork. The two women had paused to admire them, but it wasn't long before they noticed that they weren't alone.

A grave digger was at work, just outside the church wall, and by the appearance of things he'd been labouring for the best part of the night. Four deep trenches had been dug into the ground, the earth piled up around them as they awaited new inhabitants.

It was clear that he had spotted the women long before they saw him. He was leaning on his spade, his breath smoky in the cool air as he glowered in their direction.

"Hey..." said Zade, at a loss what else to say.

The man rubbed the stubble on his chin roughly, but made no response.

"Come on, Zade," said Femininity. "His English is probably about as good as your French, and it's starting to rain."

Zade shrugged and pulled a hat out of her pocket. She smiled at Fem, her gaze slightly unfocussed. "Do you still get the urge to fuck whenever you see me in this hat?"

Femininity smiled back -- "Let's find out when we get back."

Chapter 7

By the time they reached the heavy oak door of the castle, the rain was becoming torrential. They were both soaked to the skin and more than willing to share a hot shower. Through the steam and the pounding water, they began to kiss, gently at first but growing in hunger by the second.

Zade's soapy hands were sliding over her lover's body, feeling and appreciating every curve. Hook, line and sinker, she mused to herself as Femininity's kissing grew wilder and her hands also began to roam. She took hold of Zade's breasts, and in doing so pushed the younger woman firmly against the wall.

It was a game that they often liked to play -- who would submit to the other one first -- and as Zade felt two fingers enter her, she realised that her confidence had been ill-founded. Femininity was fucking her hard inside the confines of the shower. Zade gasped as the fingers pounded into her again and again. It was a forceful intrusion, but her body was reacting with each powerful stroke that reached deeper inside her than she'd imagined possible.

"Does that feel good, baby?" asked Femininity, leaning forward to nip the skin on Zade's neck.

Zade moaned in approval. She was way beyond the point of being able to form words. Fem had curled her fingers upward, pushing at a point that made Zade's sex gush with wetness. She could feel a colossal orgasm building up inside her, and the prospect of releasing it frightened her.

"Come for me, Zade," murmured Fem beneath the roar of the water. Her lips were right up against Zade's hear, and each syllable made Zade's skin tingle. She was beginning to see stars, her legs growing unsteady underneath her.

Femininity's thrusts were growing more uneven as Zade's muscles began to spasm. She came hard around her lover's fingers, losing her strength and falling forward into Fem's arms. They embraced for a few minutes without saying a word. Zade reached up and kissed Fem's lips.

It was moments after this kiss that Zade noticed a red mark on her lover's neck. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed. "Did Vana do that?"

Femininity smiled, but said nothing.

"Didn't that hurt?"

"Truthfully? It pushed me over the edge and took me to a completely different place..."

Zade shook her head in disbelief. "You crazy bitches!" Her tone suddenly changed -- "Do you think Vana and Abs are going to be out long?"

"Probably. Vana can keep going all night, and I can't imagine Abs being much different."

A dangerous gleam appeared in Zade's eyes. "Let's get dry... and then let's get wet again."

Within minutes a new scene was unfolding in the castle, this time in a small stone-floored room with a baby grand in the centre. Femininity was leaning over it, her hands resting on the dark mahogany in front of her, bound together with restraints. Her eyes were blindfolded, and Zade was standing behind her, arms wrapped around her waist and fingers wandering, as she fucked her with a strap-on.

Femininity's clit was already swollen when Zade's finger found it. It was a slow, deliberate fuck. Zade was building up a steady rhythm as she whispered obscenities in her girlfriend's ear.