Ahead of Time

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His wife teases him, before locking him up in chastity.
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"You're going to be locked up for a long time," she said casually.

She was laying against my side, her fingernails tracing lines up my thighs, stomach, and chest. We had just made love, and were basking in the afterglow. Well, at least she was basking; I hadn't come — nor had I for the past couple of weeks — and was still aroused.

"I know you don't like to know ahead of time when I'm going to let you out, but I just wanted you know that it's going to be, well, a long time. We haven't played at a really long term in a while, and I was thinking that I wanted to try it again."

I failed to suppress a whimper, and she looked up at me. "I hope you're not complaining," she admonished. "I mean, I unlocked you at the end of the summer, and you spent all autumn free as a bird. Winter's almost half over; in fact. I can't remember when you've had so much free time."

It was true; I'd been unlocked for months, but it wasn't exactly a Roman orgy around here.

"Yeah, but what with both of us getting the flu, plus the holidays, work, and all that, we barely had any sex at all, so it's not like I've been running wild," I explained. "I mean, for a couple of months, we even thought there was something in our water, since we just couldn't get excited."

She shrugged, and lay her head back down on my chest. "Anyway, since I'm going to lock you up tonight, I wanted to spend some quality time with you; it's going to be the last time that your cock is going to be free for quite a while, and I had to get enough of it to keep me motivated."

I whimpered again. Despite not having as much sex as I would have liked, I had certainly gotten used to touching myself whenever I felt like it, and feeling her warm ass as we lay spooning, and of course, being allowed to come pretty much every time we did have sex — as infrequently as it had been. And although we keep talking about long term denial as a fantasy — a really hot fantasy for both of us — the fact is that it's been quite a while since we played at that, and I wasn't totally looking forward to actually doing it. Sure, I knew it was only a matter of time before she would want me back in the chastity device, but as the weeks seemed to slip by, I just fell out of the groove.

Until tonight.

"No wonder you were so aroused earlier," I said. "You must have been thinking about this all week."

Our lovemaking earlier had started gently, but her passion had increased until she was raking my back and bucking her hips. I had to pull myself back from the edge of my own orgasm a dozen times, until finally she was sated. She hadn't given me permission to come, and I was hoping that she would let me finish inside her. Instead, she asked me to wait just a little longer, and then did something she hadn't done in a few years — which is how I ended up with my arms restrained to the headboard while she relaxed against me.

She nodded, and then stretched. "I'm getting too relaxed," she told me. "I'd better get moving, or else I'll fall asleep."

"Please don't do that," I said.

She propped herself up onto her elbow, and wrapped her hand around my cock; even though we had been lying here almost a half hour, it was still firm. She squeezed it, and my hips bucked involuntarily; my hands shot down a couple of inches before they were arrested by the velcro restraints. She smiled, then put her head down to tease me with her tongue. I moaned lightly, and pushed up hips up to meet her. She took my cock into her mouth and ran her tongue up and down the underside until I begged her to stop.

"No, please," I gasped, "I don't want to come just yet. Please!"

She sat up and smiled wickedly. "I told you that I'm going to lock you up tonight, when I'm done. And I'm going to do it right after you come, because I know that you lose that horny edge. I like making you do something right then, because I know you don't want to."

I nodded slowly, remembering how she finds it amusing.

"But you know what amazes me?" she asked. "That you always look back on it a few days later, and then tell me that making you do whatever it was, was the hottest thing ever. Why do you think that happens?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. The more I think back on it, the hotter is seems. Maybe it's because although I didn't want to at the time, when I think about it later, I'm thinking about it with my horny brain cells."

She snorted, then slipped off the bed and walked over to my dresser. She fished around in the back of the underwear drawer and pulled out my modified CB3000. The lock that I use when I'm testing some change that I've made was still attached. She undid the key and put it on the nightstand. Then she opened her jewelry box and pulled out her own lock, the one that I don't have the key for. Since I was already wearing the cuff ring around my cock and balls, she had all the pieces at her disposal. She put her lock on the nightstand, and rubbed the cage around my cock.

"Hard to believe that all that meat fits in there," she smiled. She put the cage down next to her lock and began to stroke me very lightly. I squirmed and made yummy noises..

"You know, I was thinking about that lately — how you get all hot and excited when you haven't come, and then right afterward you're not interested anymore. At least, not for a few days." She continued stroking my shaft lightly, and then looked up at me. "I think that's enough," she said, and sat back.

"Please," I begged, "You are going to let me come, aren't you?"

Once again, the wicked grin. "You know, I really was thinking about stroking you for a long time, and then stopping just as you came. You know, to ruin it for you."

I groaned, imagining the frustration.

"But then I decided that it would be too cruel. No, you're not going to come for a long time, and I want you to remember it." She shifted her body over to straddle my hips. The cuff ring around my cock and balls felt tighter; I looked down and saw it was purple and veiny, just the way she likes it. She rubbed a little lube on the tip of my engorged head, and lowered herself slowly onto me, pressing her hips down onto mine. I let out a low moan, and looked up at her, pleading.

She adopted a serious look, although she continued her slow grind. "I know you like to be surprised, but right now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. You know why?"

I shook my head, trying to concentrate on not getting too close to coming.

"Because I like the idea of telling you ahead of time, knowing that you can't do anything about it." She reached forward to take my nipples between her fingers. I drew a breath as she squeezed. "I told you that you're going in the cage right after you come," she continued, "because I know that you don't actually enjoy going into the cage unless you're already a little aroused." She smiled. "That's kind of funny, when you think about it."

She raised her hips, and I strained upward to meet her. She carefully lowered herself until just the head was inside her. Frantically, I tried to push deeper, not wanting to lose contact. I was still filled with desire from our earlier lovemaking — I wanted to be buried deep inside her, but I didn't want to come... not yet, not yet.

"But before I put the cage back on you, there's one other thing you're going to — that I'm going to do." She slid her hips down, and once again I was buried inside her.

I reveled in the warmth, until I suddenly understood what she was saying. "What's that?" I asked.

Still grinding slowly into me she explained. "I haven't allowed you to come for the last couple of weeks; I know you've got a lot saved up for me, haven't you?"

I nodded.

"And since you're going to be locked up for a long time, I'll bet you'd like to come really hard to release everything that you've been saving up, right?"

I moaned inwardly.

"And I want you to come really hard for me. I want you to remember this for a long time."

"Oooh," I moaned aloud.

"That's why I'm going to make you eat my pussy right after you come."

I gasped. It was like an electric shock to my groin. I've long had this fantasy, but could never bring myself to do it. The idea of being forced to clean her, to lick my still-hot come from her, to hear her demanding that I make her clean, to make her come with my tongue... I've only mentioned to her a handful of times over the years, but I've never been able to ask for this, let alone to try it. She was right, there's something about the first ten or fifteen minutes after coming that puts all that desire right out of my head.I was excited, but at the same time a bit fearful. I knew that I wouldn't want to do it afterward... and so did she.

She sensed my hesitation. "I know the idea turns you on," she said.

Thinking fast, I said "But, I, um, thought that you were satisfied. You told me that you had come enough for tonight."

"Oh, you're not going to do it for my pleasure," she said, "at least, not for my sexual pleasure. You're going to do it because in a few days, you're going to think about it, and you're going to remember this evening as the hottest thing we've ever done."

She lightly raked her nails over my chest. "I know how you are. The longer you're locked up, the more you're going to think about the last orgasm that I allowed you, that you had to eat your hot come out of me, that I made you do something you didn't want to do... and that's going to make you totally, crazy horny every time you think about it." She leaned forward, and I could feel her breasts heavy against my chest. "And since you're locked up, you're going to stay totally, crazy horny for as long as I want."

She hadn't stopped her slow grinding; between that and her talking, it was bringing me past the point where I had control over being able to hold back. After not coming for the last two weeks, I knew that once I passed a certain point, it would be a slow, but inevitable ride. I squeezed my Kegels, tensed my thighs and abs, but I could feel it building deep inside me. I looked up at her, mentally praying that she would drag it out as long as possible.

"Yes, you want it, don't you?" she said. "Want me to go faster?"

I shook my head. "No, slower, please, slower." I heard myself panting, and I could feel the muscles tensing up.

She continued her steady pace. "Yes, I'm going to make this memorable for you." She leaned forward to kiss me, and I was surprised at her hunger. I felt her teeth bite into my lower lip, and her fingers found my nipples. She squeezed hard enough to make me gasp... and suddenly I knew I was not going to hold on any longer. I wanted to pull her hips closer, but the restraints kept my arms up at the top of the bed. I opened my eyes to look at her sitting astride me, and then the inner muscles , the ones deep inside me began twitching.

I knew my hips were bucking, and I remember asking "Please, please," as I moved to keep time with her, at once trying to slow down, and to bury my cock into her warm, snug... no, I thought, I must remember my promise... "Please, can I come?" I asked thickly.

"Yes, come for me. I want you to come for me," she responded.

I pressed up into her and felt the contractions start. I felt, rather than heard myself moaning, and several weeks of self-control erupted like a volcano. Spasm after spasm wracked my body, until finally, I finished, feeling empty and not unpleasantly sore. I took a deep breath and settled back into the bed. After a few moments, I managed, with some effort, to open my eyes. "Oh my God, that was... that was... I can't even think of any words to describe how good that was."

She slowly sat back. "It was good, wasn't it? I thought you'd never stop coming!" She reached her hand down between her legs, and I felt her place her fingers on either side of my cock. Her eyes never left mine as she raised herself up. I looked down as I slipped out of her, and saw that she was holding herself closed, to keep everything inside.

I was still partially dazed as she inched her knees alongside my body. When she finally rested her legs over my arms and braced her other hand against the headboard, though, things... changed somehow. Her pussy, which just minutes ago was a beautiful, warm cave, suddenly now seemed like a hairy tube of flesh that was filled with something that I didn't want. Ugh, how could I ever have asked for this? I pursed my lips, but it was too late — I felt the drips onto my cheeks and chin. Seconds later, her slick lips were pressed tightly against my mouth, and I could hear her encouraging me to clean her, to keep sucking and licking until everything was gone.

Although I started off tentatively, I realized that the sooner I got it over with, the sooner she would be off my face, and the sooner this crazy fantasy would be over with. I sucked at her lips, and ran my tongue around her mound, darting inside to tease, and then making wide, slow licks.

After a minute of this, I could sense that she was no longer holding up her weight on the headboard, that her thighs were tensing around my ears. I could no longer hear her, but I felt her rocking back and forth on her thighs, pressing herself into me. I couldn't move my head, but she kept re-positioning herself so that my tongue could get to different spots. When I felt a hand grab onto my hair and pull, I knew that she was coming. Fighting the post-orgasm lethargy, I strained my neck to a better angle. She pressed down hard on my mouth for a few moments, and suddenly sat back.

"Whew," she said, "I really didn't expect that." She looked down at me and stroked my hair. "I guess I got more excited about this whole idea than I expected I would. Or maybe it's because I was thinking about you thinking about this for the next six months."

"What?! Six months?" I exclaimed.

"Well, I did tell you ahead of time that it was going to be quite a while, right? I mean, a month or two is nothing for you anymore, so when I'm thinking long term, well..." She paused. "Anyway, let's just see what happens, shall we?"

She swung her leg over me and slid off the bed. Grabbing a towel from the nightstand, she wiped my face, and then wiped my cock and balls. She picked up the CB3000 cage and after some lube, a bit of wrangling, and several sharp pinches of tender flesh, managed to finagle it onto me. She passed her lock through the center pin and looked up at me.

"This is my favorite part," she said, as she clicked it shut. Then she crawled back up onto the bed and undid the restraints. We lay there snuggling for a few moments, my arms around her. "I know that you don't like to know ahead of time," she said, "but I think that when I finally unlock you, that you can expect to be doing this again."

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Dr_James_Davies_DFDr_James_Davies_DFover 1 year ago

The Games People Play

The greatest sex organ is the brain. That's what creates the excitement created by a mystique which keeps a relationship alive through a tease.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 1 year ago

Saving it up

The theory of the chastity game is that by saving it up the eclat will be that much greater. Delay to an extent may increase longing. However like all muscular structures the male apparatus left unexercised in restraint may atrophy like an arm left in a cast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How TF are there so many triggered guys on here?? If the story isn't your cup of tea don't read it to begin with!!! Take your judgemental cry baby opinions back to church and stay off the internet!!! I mean seriously do y'all think all these stories are real??? WTF is wrong with y'all??? As for the story itself it's pretty good decently written only complaint would be that it's short. Ignore the people that obviously don't have the mental capability to read stories like this to begin with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The cage is a toy. Easily removed without the key. Better yet, call the police and have the wife arrested for assault, battery, illegal restraint and spousal abuse, just the name a few. Divorce her while she sits in jail being used as Big Bertha's Bitch. Stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story. Some of the men who reviewed before me seem frightened. It's hilarious!

mactsomactsoalmost 3 years ago

Chastity play can put you right back into high school mode (horny, emotionally available, eager to please).

Some people think it's sick and prefer the old fashioned way of a lot of "non-sick" people of having a secret affair and lying to your partner about it and then they know for a while feeling miserable before they confront you. But that's "healthy" and preferred by lots of religious folks. They also cuckold a fair amount... DNA studies show between 2% and 10% (depend mostly in economic status) of children don't match the "birth" father's DNA but it's done in a secretive "healthy" way.

There are some chastity stories that are outright abusive-- she basically takes everything and dumps the guy. And that happens outside of chastity play in real life too.

And then there is old fashioned teasing.. where the guy isn't into it and the female gets them stirred up while having no intention of satisfying them.

Chastity play done right has a lot of emotional connection and the woman or man being denied feels happier being denied. It usually but not always comes with more time spent on sex and aroused.

A lot of "normal" relationships kill their mutual sex drive as a couple simply by random rejection until neither party wants to risk asking and being rejected again.

Tom AllenTom Allenalmost 3 years agoAuthor

To the guys that complain about a character in a fictional sex story: what kinds of situations do you find "realistic"?

I happen to like this one because it's based on a real-life episode between my wife and I. We have played with long term "enforced" chastity for over 20 years. Yes, it's an odd kink, but then, if a kink were very common, then it wouldn't be a kink.

justincbenedictjustincbenedictover 3 years ago
I keep reading and re-reading this story!

The other one that's good is when he's been locked for a time and she says she is going to have two people with sexually ambigous names play with him when she's gone, and it turns out they are guys.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 4 years ago
Sick people

There are sick people in the world. This story is about 2 of them: her, because she does these things and him because he lets her. I think it is all very very sick. Why can't they just love each other or use another way. Locking is insane.

Dazzle1Dazzle1over 4 years ago

I know it's fiction, but why would anyone allow this? Male or female


all around great, you should keep going evolve there dynamic. thx for sharing this with us

onall4s2112onall4s2112about 8 years ago
Why read it...

I thought the story was ok. My girl friend and I play with creampies and orgasm denial often. What I don't understand is the negative comments to this story and others like this. This is a big site, why are you reading a story with these type of key words associated with it? And even more, why did you even bother to give your opinion? Nobody cares what you thought or cares to hear your negative comments. It's just fantasy, I'm sure some of yours are just as stupid to others as these are to you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
God I hate stories like this.

I don't think a single author has actually seen a cock cage up close. They are toys and easy dismantled without the key. So even for a fictional story this made no sense whatsoever. She couldn't hold him in the cage for 10 seconds let alone several months.And the only thing she could expect was to be divorced and outed to everyone she knew. I can hear the conversation now - "Mom I'm getting divorced". "Why on earth is that happening dear"? "Well I tried to lock up my husbands penis in a ........". "You stupid cow! I'd divorce you too! Get the hell out of my house!" Epically stupid story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A dead bitch she would be!!

Any man that would allow that shit is fucking insane and probably deserves that bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
LOL @ "Who writes"

No real man has or wants these fantasies. This, of course, is a fictional story. Why people get so excited about this crap is beyond me. This writer could write that the moon is made of green cheese. That doesn't make it true. And for the previous commentator to suggest that any man would want to suffer his wife torturing him is simply ridiculous. Really? You found a wife that enjoys demeaning, degrading and humiliating her husband? And a husband that would want any part of it? I'm STILL laughing at how stupid it sounds. That said, this was a truly horrible story about a woman hurting her husband. She demonstrates by her actions that she has no love or respect for him. Why would he stay around her? She'd be out of the house and divorced so fast it would make her head spin. And if he couldn't remove the cage himself (a simple task) go to a locksmith. Get a little embarrassing but then he'd have an addition witness for Court. Why anyone would think this story is in any way erotic, interesting or entertaining is beyond me. What a pile of crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Who writes these comments

LOL @ all the people saying his wife must not really love him, how she's a terrible person, etc. You realize that this is an extremely common MALE fantasy, right? That many men dream of being treated this way, and that a lot of people who are chaste in long-term relationships like this consider their chastity play to be more intimate than anything else they've ever done? I don't know how people who are so closed-minded ever come upon a story like this in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
What a joke!

The cage is a toy. An idiot with a simple tool found in any house removes it in seconds. Why would he put up with her behavior? Why would he take the chance of being found out with the thing on outside the house? His wife is a manipulative bitch. Why would he do anything but pack up and leave her? When you write about characters that are dumber than rocks, your story becomes dumb as a rock and not worth the time spent reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Constructive criticism

I found the story too short and perfunctory to engage my interest and not up to the quality of TA's (much) earlier submission. He needed to explore our victim's mind set more.

However, I don't understand the blanket negative comments. The story is far from extreme and many of us like realistic chastity tales. Six months is NOT unrealistic and although the cage should be removed for cleaning every couple of weeks, this only takes minutes and if iced before removal there is no relief of relief of tension whatsoever. People who just don't like chastity stories should simply not read tgem.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wow - this was bad

Even for fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What about damage to his cock?

Six months in one of those plastic cages? That is plain unhealthy - and in more ways than one. No woman who truly cared for a man would do that to him.

I sure as shooting (pun intended!) wouldn't allow anyone to do that to my dick!

The six months thing at the end really detracted from the enjoyment I felt while reading the story.

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