Ain't Talkin' Bout Love


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"Why the hell didn't you at least have the courtesy to tell me you had canceled the counseling sessions?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were getting a court order to move back in and disrupt our lives?" he asked. "I was acting in good faith. I went to counseling with you and participated even though I didn't want the counseling to begin with. We were talking Valerie. Maybe things weren't going the way you wanted quickly enough, but we were beginning to have a dialogue that could have eventually ended up with a peaceful agreement. But when you went behind my back, you declared war. And it's a war that I'm going to win."

For the next week that was how things went. I had clearly taken a step backwards. Josh woke up every morning, made breakfast for the kids, and dropped them off. Then he went to work. Sylina picked them up and took them to her home. Josh met them there and they had dinner and played with the kids until Josh brought them home.

I analyzed their pattern and used it against them. Every night that week when Josh got done putting the kids to bed I found reasons to walk around the house where Josh had to see me. I was always either partially or completely naked.

Josh and Sylina were spending all of their time with the kids, that didn't leave them much time to be alone together. I was sure that Josh was horny as hell.

I caught him staring at me one night and just told him. "Josh, if you want me, you can have me. Sylina doesn't have to know. Besides, there's no law against you making love with your own wife."

"You make love with someone you love and who loves you," said Josh. "You don't love me, remember. If we did anything it would just be me fucking you like some slut. And I would never cheat on Sylina."

"Whatever," I said. "I was just trying to be nice. I was offering you something you like doing. Remember how you used to like it when I wrapped these thick legs around you? Remember how you used to like filling my pussy with your sperm? I know you liked getting me pregnant. Shit, you did it three times. Are you sure you don't wanna?" I spread my legs and rubbed a finger along my slit as I asked him.

The next day things escalated. But not the way I intended. I was sure that since Josh wasn't fucking Sylina he would sooner or later start fucking me. Boy was I shocked when Sylina picked the kids up after school and brought them to the house.

I was even more shocked when a teen aged girl arrived shortly thereafter.

"You aren't supposed to be here," I said. She just smiled at me.

"Our lawyers found a loophole," she smiled. "I can't stay overnight. But I can visit as often as I please. And we're working on something that might force you to leave."

The kids were smiling and talking to her like she was something special to them as well as to my husband. I watched her with them. She acted as if they were the most important things in the world. I didn't get it. They weren't even her kids.

After she finished making cookies, she started making sure that the teenaged girl knew where everything in the house was and what the kids could and could not have. I suddenly realized that the girl was some sort of babysitter.

Sylina left the house before I could ask her about it. She gave both of the kids giant hugs and kisses and told them that she would see them in person the next day and via Skype that evening. She reminded them that they would be back at her house the next evening and that if they were good, they would all go to the zoo on the weekend. And then she was gone.

After she left I watched as the zit faced teenaged girl led them out into the backyard and watched them play on their swings.

It was insulting to have someone there to watch my fucking kids while I was in the house.

"You can go home now," I told her. "I'll watch them."

"Mr. Beckett said I have to watch them," she said. "No one else." She made it clear that there was no way she was leaving.

Josh arrived back at the house at eight. He was grinning from ear to ear. I recognized the look on his face and the way he seemed to be both exhausted and floating on air at the same time. I was livid.

I waited for the kids to go to bed as usual before speaking to him.

"So you went over and fucked her huh?" I asked. "Why go all that way when you could have had me right here at home?" He just laughed and walked away.

* * * * * *


The baby sitter idea was a stroke of genius. We did it maybe three times before something changed. We went back to bringing the kids to my house and the four of us having dinner together.

Not that I minded having the kids with us but, I noticed a change in Josh. With my heart on the line, I had to know what the fuck was going on. I mean the change was so abrupt that something had to have happened and he wasn't letting me in.

It wasn't that I didn't trust Josh, but I had to know. I hired a top PI agency. I got them to put cameras all over the house.

I was sure that Josh loved me enough that if he found out, he would forgive me. If he didn't love me enough to forgive me then he didn't matter. I could get over him before I got in any deeper.

I didn't have to wait long at all. I found my answer the first night that the cameras were up. As soon as I told Yvette her story over Skype, I checked the cameras. What I saw made me want to cry. It also made me really angry.

Josh was taking care of the kids, as usual. But Valerie started parading around the house next to naked as soon as the kids were in their rooms.

"So why haven't you gone over to screw your little friend?" she asked him.

He didn't react at first and she repeated the question. "It's none of your business," he told her.

"She's not any good is she?" smirked Val.

Again he didn't react he just moved into another room, but she followed him.

"You know, if your ass is on your shoulders because you aren't getting any, from what's her name, I might just give you some," she said.

"In the first place, I love Sylina," he said. "In the second place, I would never cheat on her. So in the third place can you please just leave me alone?"

"I'm just trying to help you," she whined. "It's not my fault that your girlfriend is frigid."

"She's not frigid," he screamed.

"Then why aren't you two, tearing up the sheets?" she asked. "When you and I first got together, we were at it every night."

"One of her neighbors is a nosy old bitty," he said. "She made a comment the other night about Sylina spending time with a married man and how it wasn't right. I don't want anyone to have a bad opinion of..."

Valerie started laughing. "So it's okay for people to call me names. It's okay for you to just kick me to the curb. You can refuse to sleep with me, divorce me without ever trying to even see if we could get past our problems, but no one can talk about Saint Sylina."

"That's right," said Josh. "So if you could just sign the papers and set me free, then I could marry Sylina and everyone would be happy."

"Everyone except me," she spat. "You can forget about the divorce. It's going to be a cold day in hell before I sign those papers. And right now things are looking better. All I have to do is wait; sooner or later you'll be so horny you'll come begging for it."

That was all I could take. The bitch was torturing Josh every night. The next day I redirected the PIs. I had to find out what Valerie had done while she was away. It didn't take them very long. There are always people who are willing to talk in any group. Some of them, especially the least popular ones who are usually in the background will often spill their guts just to have someone listen to them for a change.

Within two days I knew everything there was to know about Valerie's time with Steve and his band on the road. I knew that Valerie had lied to Josh about having sex with Steve. I knew that Steve had only brought her on the tour as a drug mule. And worst of all I knew that Steve's trailer was wired for both sound and video because Steve liked to see videos of himself fucking some of his groupies. There were lots of videos of Steve and Valerie if someone had the right amount of financing. I of course had the right amount of cash.

I decided that it was time for me to flex my money.

I waited a couple of days to get my pitch just right. And then I invited Valerie to lunch.

"Why do you want to have lunch with me?" she asked.

"I think we should talk," I said.

"I don't like you," she said.

"That's even more of a reason for us to talk," I said.

"If you're thinking that this is going to be one of those sisterhood, or empowerment of women things, you're out of your fucking mind," she said.

"Nope, I don't but I think that you're too smart to pass up the chance to hear what I have to say," I told her. "And I guarantee you that by the end of our talk, things will have changed."

"Where and when?" she asked.

"Today, twelve-thirty," I said. "At Vandyke Place."

"Ooh that's kind of ritzy," she said.

"Since I'm paying, that shouldn't matter," I said. "And one more thing, no matter what we decide, Josh is never to know of this meeting."

"I'm more intrigued," she said as she hung up.

Three hours later I met the monster on neutral ground. She wore a long skirt that was far too tight considering how big her ass was. I guess she considered it dressy, but it was just too much for a lunch meeting.

She sat down with no form of greeting and immediately snatched the menu from the table. When the waiter came over she ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. I was sure that she had no idea what it was since the menus were in French only.

I ordered a burger, which caused her to lift an eyebrow. "That's not very classy," she laughed. "It's not even French."

"There's no need for us to make small talk or chat," I said flatly. "You've already told me that you don't like me so let's get down to business. What do you want the carrot or the stick?"

"What the fuck the fuck are you talking about you silly bitch?" she hissed. "I don't know shit about carrots or sticks. Unless you're talking about me beating your head in with a stick after I jam a carrot up your ass for fucking around with my husband."

"When I met him, he was fair game," I said. "You told him that you didn't love him and you left him for another man. Then when you found out that the other man didn't want you and had no interest in you, you want Josh back. Well you can't have him, he's mine now."

"Maybe, but by the time the two of you get together, Josh will be retired," she laughed. "I have no intention of giving him up and I have an advantage over you. Those brats of his were pulled out of my pussy, not yours. So I'm always going to have a way into his life."

"Maybe you're right," I said. "And maybe you'll see, the divorce between you two has been just simmering along. Josh has been playing fair and going by the rules. He even went to those silly counseling session of yours. He only stopped going when you filed that stupid order to get you back into the house. I wonder what would happen if some concerned citizen were to point out to Josh's lawyer about how you were ready to attack your own son after his childish outburst. Weird isn't it that a child can have an outburst like that without repercussions but a grown ass woman having one as a reaction can be considered child abuse.

Now, I'm not a lawyer mind you, but I'm pretty sure that we could get a PPO against you that would not only move your ass out of the house, but would make the divorce a lead pipe synch." She looked at me suddenly.

"I guess that was what you call the stick," she said.

"No, Honey, that was just to get your attention," I said. "The stick works better when you know that you're about to be hit with it. Here's the stick."

I dropped my phone on the table in front of her. I pushed the play button and a video began playing. "I'm really not into porn," I said. "But most of us will take a look when a famous rock star is in a sex tape, just out of idle curiosity. Remember the Tommy Lee tape with Pamela Anderson? I wonder how Josh will react to this one. Especially since you told him that you never had sex with baldy ... I mean Steve."

She stared at my phone and watched the scene of herself being plowed by the now balding rock star.

"Whoa, there," I said. "His dick is really not impressive. It's a bit on the small side. But it looks really big when it's jammed that far up your asshole. Are you squealing in pain or pleasure? I can't tell, but it looks like old Steve doesn't give a fuck whether you're enjoying it or not. Excuse the pun, but ... what an asshole."

Her eyes were glued to the screen. Even she couldn't help but be shocked by the brutality of the way Steve used her. I think that she was shocked that she had allowed it. She looked like the cheapest of whores.

"This video and the child abuse complaint are only the hook at the tip of my stick," I laughed. "I have several more things to drop on you including your suspended sentence on the drugs charges. You were supposed to keep your nose clean or take your rotten ass directly to jail, right?" I asked.

"Okay, okay, what do you want?" she asked. "Do you want me to watch the brats while the two of you boink? You want to do him in our bed, fine."

I couldn't believe she was offering to let me have sex with him. I realized then that Valerie simply couldn't love Josh. If she did the thought of him being with someone else would have made her as sick and jealous as it had me.

"You have the wrong idea, Valerie," I said. "This isn't about me. This is about you. What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" she asked suspiciously. "I want my God damned life back."

"Forget about Josh, forget about the kids," I said. "What is the thing you want most in life, regardless of time, cost, or what anyone else would think about it. What is your fondest wish?"

She looked at me and her face softened. "I wish I could have the body I had before the kids ... No I wish I was slimmer and didn't have these hips and these giant thighs. And I wish I had lighter hair and a thinner waist," she said. "If I had the body I want, I wouldn't need Josh. I could have any guy I want."

"Deal," I said. "Let's shake on it."

"What the hell are you talking about?" she said.

"I've done my research on you." I told her. "I have a few friends who are much older than you are who use this place." I handed her a brochure for a plastic surgery and body shaping clinic in Sweden.

"How much is all of that going to cost me?" she asked.

"I spoke to one of their representatives in the phone yesterday," I told her. "For a combination hip and thigh reduction they want four hundred thousand dollars. That includes the actual surgery and the lipo to remove excess fat. If they have to shave down and rebuild your pelvis, it's another hundred thousand; plus the cost of the hospital recovery. While you're there if you want anything else done, you get a huge discount."

"So I could have the body I want for about three quarters of a million dollars give or take," she laughed. "You're funny. Where would I get that kind of money?"

I looked straight into her eyes seriously. "My parents were killed in an accident a few years ago. I got a nice settlement," I said.

"So you're going to give me seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars?" she asked. "What's the catch?"

"No catch," I said. "Just walk away, sign Josh's divorce papers and the money is yours." She was thinking about it. I could see the wheels spinning in her head.

"What about alimony? What about child support?" she asked.

"No alimony, no child support," I said. "It balances out."

"But if Josh doesn't pay me alimony, how am I supposed to live?" she asked. "I want a million dollars." I drew in a breath as if the number she asked for was outrageous. I paused as if thinking about it. I pulled out my checkbook.

"Of course the bank will call me to verify a check this large, so if you don't sign the divorce papers, you won't get a cent," I said. Before I put the pen down she grabbed my checkbook.

"Wait a minute," she said. "You're getting my whole life here. I think I'm getting ripped off. What if I sign over my parental rights to the bra ... I mean the kids too. That should be worth something, right?" I nodded.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Like I said, you're getting my whole life. You're getting everything I have. I think it's only fair that I get everything you have," she smiled.

"Bullshit," I spat. "I can have everything you have for free. I already have it. I just have to wait for the divorce to become final. I can make the divorce happen faster just by showing Josh and his lawyer this video. I could release it to the Internet and make money off of it. Of course that would wreck your reputation forever."

"And I could demand partial custody of my kids and have visitation rights and spend the rest of my life making you, Josh and the kids miserable," she said. "Look I saw your bank balance. You have two million dollars. You won't need it. Josh makes good money. What would you rather have; the man you love and his kids, or some stupid money?"

"Okay," I said sadly. I wanted her to think that she had beaten me. I wrote a check that was pre-dated by two days. "Josh is never to know about this."

"Since I'm not going to ever see him again, he won't hear it from me," she said. "I'll be on a plane the second the check clears. I'll probably see Josh this evening in his lawyer's office. You can say goodbye to the kids for me." She snatched the check off of the table just as the waiter came by with the bill for our lunch.

Instead of going back to my place I went to visit Josh at his office. I knew that it was going to be a very hard conversation to have. Josh had never asked how much money I got in the settlement for my parents' death. When I told him he was shocked.

Then I told him about my luncheon with Valerie.

"Why would you do that?" he asked. "I had it all under control. It was going fine. It's just going to take time."

"Josh, do you love me?" I asked him.

"With every beat of my heart," he said.

"Then you have to understand something. There are three reasons why this couldn't wait. Number one, I love you and being away from you is torturing me. Number two, I love Robbie, and Yvette and I want to be there at night to put them to bed in person, not over the internet. And number three time matters because you got me pregnant and I want us to be married when the baby is born," I said.

Josh just looked shocked. Someone knocked on the door to Josh's office. His secretary came in and told Josh that Valerie was on the phone. I got a chance to see what a mean streak Josh had.

"Yeah, Val, what do you want?" he asked. He listened for a few minutes and then spoke again. "I've been thinking that maybe you were right Valerie. Maybe we shouldn't get a divorce. Our kids need two parents."

I could hear her screaming at him over the phone. He looked at me and just winked. He put the phone on speaker.

"But Josh, I don't love you," she whined. "I never did. I don't want the kids either. They're awful grubby little monsters who constantly need attention and destroyed my body. I'll sign my parental rights away so you can let your girlfriend adopt them."

"Nah," said Josh. "You're their mother. You'll get used to being with them."

"Josh, I'm just not the kind of woman who should have that kind of responsibility. I'd end up choking those little bastards to death in their sleep," she said. "Selena should be their mother."

"It's Sylina," said Josh.

"Whatever," said Valerie. "Just meet me at your lawyer's office so we can sign the papers. Have him draw up the papers for the kids too."
