Akila and Leya

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A futanari Empress and a Elfish peasent are stuck together.
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*All characters are 18 years or older*

This is my first piece of erotic fiction I would really appreciate feedback or comments of any kind. Feel free to contact me through my profile with any questions or comments. Thank you for reading!


Deep in the woods outside the village of Til'Amin Akila Solamin crouches silently. Every step she takes is as silent as a cats paw walking across a satin floor. Her breathing is controlled and deliberate, long and slow. Designed to slow her heart rate and increase her focus and calm. Her eyes narrow, darting at every bit of movement in the otherwise still forest. Every leaf floating down from the canopy, every bird preening its feathers, every sajab scurrying up a tree. She is hunting, stalking her prey.

She is the Heir apparent to the throne of the Empire of Sumanita. Tasked with the honour of ruling by Emperor Asair Mumahete in recognition of her prowess in battle, bravery and legendary feats during the twenty year conflict between Sumanita and Caelyrion She is what her people call a Sewseti, a person born female in all but genitalia. one in every thousand or so baby girls are born like this. It is considered a great blessing among the Sumanitian people. So it is no surprise to her countryfolk that she has achieved so much and is set to achieve even more.

The woods are still and silent, only the occasional chirping of a blue tipped indivar can be heard. From the distance the twang of a bow release breaks the silence and a whistling arrow pierces through the air. Akila deftly leans to the side and the arrow sings past her ear and sticks into a tree behind her. She quickly shifts her weight to her back foot like a sprinter and then takes off as another arrow sails through the air far behind her. She dashes through the woods like a panther, hurdling over fallen logs and slaloming between trees without breaking her stride once. The arrows cannot find their target, she is too agile, too fast. She slams her back against a tree and sticks her hand out to the left from behind it, plainly in the open. She hears another bow twang and spins around to the right of the tree as the arrow flies past the left of it. She throws an axe that spins through the air until it cuts through some thick brush and disappears. A dull thud reverberates through the woods followed moments later by another as an arm flops out onto the ground from behind the bush, lifeless and bloody.

Akila never sought after the throne, she never wanted it or even considered it. She's a hero among her people but for being a warrior not a leader. She's led men and women - sure - but into battle. And now with the conflict between Sumanita and Caelyrion ended, her most powerful asset (her knowledge and skill as a fighter) will not help her guide her people through this new era of peace and diplomacy. But it was too lofty an honour to turn down, it would be a great insult, not just to Emperor Asair but to her people. She is their champion, they treat her like an idol. To say no to the crown would be like turning her back to all of them, like they weren't worthy of her leadership. She worries it's her who's unworthy of leading them. Killing for them however....

Akila darts from one tree to another, inching closer and closer to her next target. Her attackers bow nocked and ready to fire, he scans the forest for any sign of her. He hears a rustling in the canopy above him but before he has a chance to look up Akila drops down onto his neck like a guillotine.

Despite the peace accord between the two nations there are still a smattering of skirmishes and conflicts between them. Separatist groups, loyalist factions, old grudges still held, old wounds still aching. After twenty years of war it is to be expected. The path from war to peace is never smooth and so far things are progressing much more agreeably than expected. She should be at the capital Armath in the Silver Palace preparing to take the crown. Reading, listening, memorizing but when the kings aid A'peris informed her a group of Caelyrion separatist terrorists escaped captivity while being transported near Til'Amin and requested she assemble a task force of trusted soldiers to deal with it. She decided to meet the challenge herself. It's where she felt she belonged in that moment.

From her peripheral vision she sees movement to the left. She spins to face her third and final assailant. Arrow nocked and bow drawn, his fingers release and the arrow travels through the air, aimed straight for her chest. She slices diagonally up and to the left, spinning on her heel as she does, leaning in the opposite direction. The arrow deflects off the flat edge of her sword just enough so that it grazes past her ribs as she leans away from it. Her prey throws his bow down and unsheathes his sword as she charges at him. Their weapons clash against each other. The sound of steel striking steel rings out into the forest for a time... and then, it is quiet again.

Akila wipes the blood from her blade and sheaths it, then raises her arm to inspect the wound the arrow cut into her side. Nothing serious, only a grazing injury. She checks the sky for the position of the sun. She won't get back before nightfall so she'll have to find a place to make camp within the next couple of hours. She hikes in the direction of Til'Amin for a short time before finding a place to make camp. She builds a fire and places her sleeping mat on the ground next to it. While stoking the fire she notices an odd tingling sensation radiating out from her wound and up into her shoulder. She inspects the wound again but it doesn't look infected, it's clean and dry.

'Dammit!' She realizes. 'I didn't check the arrow! How could I be so stupid!' The tingling sensation begins to radiate down her arm and a cold sweat forms on her brow. She considers the situation.

'I'm alone. That arrow was likely poisoned. I don't know the poison so I can't make a remedy. I can't get back to town before night.' Her situation seems to be dire.

'options, option, options.' She considers her options.

'Those prisoners might have had a remedy. If get back there I may find it in time.' She stands up but her left leg nearly gives out from under her and she wobbles in place, barely able to hold up her own weight.

That option seems to be off the table. Staying calm, she slows her breathing and thinks about the next step.

'I'll throw some green brush onto the fire to make smoke, keep it stoked as long as I can and hope I survive long enough for somebody to find me.' She begins to work. Gathering green bushes and branches and throwing them onto the fire. Her mobility reduces at a steady pace. Soon she is crawling across the woodland floor grabbing what she can and dragging herself back to the fire. When she knows she can do no more she flips herself onto her back. her body is numb and nearly paralyzed and her breathing is becoming more laboured.

She tries to stay calm and keep her breaths slow and even. The slower her heart rate the slower the poisons effects will take hold. She begins to meditate, focusing on a mantra;

'Yital'lamil' It means to breath in and breathe out. What seem like hours go by, her breathing is shallow and weak. She can faintly hear a rustling in the distance getting close and closer until a silhouetted figure is standing over her. Her vision is faded and dark, she can't make them out in dim dusk light. Her body is too numb to feel it but the figure touches her neck and her wrist, feeling for a pulse. They put their ear close to her mouth. With what little vision she has left she sees that the shape of their ear is slightly pointed.

'It's a Caelyrion! There were only meant to be three escaped prisoners!'

Momentarily furious at the shoddy information she was given she calms herself down and prepares for death. To her total shock her lungs fill with air. Starved for breath, the feeling is like quenching the most desperate thirst imaginable. Then they inflate again, and again. For hours she is left completely baffled by the situation. Laying in the cold dark, paralyzed, blind, helpless and seemingly beset by an enemy. She should be dead but through some miraculous force breath continues to fill her lungs and she remains alive. As the night goes on she regains some feeling in her body. Her lips are the first to recover any sensation and she comes to understand what's going on. With every breath that fills her lungs she feels a pair of soft, delicate lips press against hers. The Caelyrion is literally breathing life into her and has been doing so for hours without pause. Soon, the sun rises and she traces it's path across the sky.

'God.' She thinks. 'Twelve hours must have passed. This Caelyrion hasn't stopped for more than a moment.'

The Caelyrion takes another deep breath in and leans over to exhale it into Akilas lungs but is stopped short by the feeling of Akilas hand weakly grasping their wrist. They are taken aback but then notices her chest rising and falling very gently.

"C-can you breathe?" Akila answers them by squeezing their wrist as tightly as she can manage.

"Is that a yes?" She squeezes again.

"Oh! Tha-thats great! Um, I-I wanted to move you onto your, um, your bed roll but I was afraid if I stopped- you know, you'd, well... I'm really glad that you're better."

Akila is undoubtedly relieved at the outcome of events but her confusion only grows greater when she hears them speak. This Caelyrion has no Caelyrion accent, it sounds more like a western Sumanitian accent.

"Is there anything I can do?" Akila is frustrated by the question she couldn't possibly answer, so she doesn't. The Caelyrion looks at her expectancy and then realizes.

"Of course! I'm sorry, I just- I'm a little, uh, unnerved. This whole....situation is- I've never had to do something like this before. I-I don't really know what to do."

Akila let's go of their wrist and moves her hand away. It's her attempt to tell them that they don't need to do anything. The Caelyrion looks down at her hand and understands but decides to move her onto her bedroll regardless. An act that Akila will appreciate once she regains feeling in her back.

A while passes and she can hear the Caelyrion rustling and fiddling with something near the fire. Eventually she gains the strength to roll into her side and lift herself up onto her elbow. This is the first time she has really gotten a good look at her saviour. Squatting next to the fire pit clumsily rubbing two sticks together, thin and petite Akila wonders how they managed the strength to move her onto her bedroll at all. Their long hair is wild and unkempt, dirt and ash cover their face and they are wearing rags, frayed and filthy.

"What are you doing?" Akila asks weakly. The Caelyrion looks up in surprise.

"You can speak! a-and move."

"You're never going to start a fire like that." She informs the Caelyrion so they can stop their wasting energy. And so she doesn't have to continue to witness their feeble attempt at bushcraft.

"Oh..." They drop the sticks on the ground and look into the cold fire pit, fidgeting with their fingers.

"...I don't really know what I'm doing..."

"I can see that." Akila responds sarcastically

"Is there anything I can do? You could just tell me and I'll try." The Caelyrions voice has a delicate quality to it. It's soft and there's a melodic, lilting tone that comes through when it isn't shaky and nervous.

"If you want to be helpful you can grab my canteen next to the fire and bring it to me."

The Caelyrion obliges and brings the canteen over to her. They uncork the top and tilt it towards her lips. Pouring slowly and with great care until she has had her fill and moves her mouth away from it. She 'Aaaahs' in satisfaction.

"Thanks." she says amiably.

"You're welcome... Um... can I- that is, would it be okay if, well... may I have some too, please?"

Akila lets out a confused chuckle. "Of course you can."

"Thank you!" The frail Caelyrion greedily swallows several gulps of water then puts the cap back on the canteen and wipes their mouth with their forearm.

Akila stares at the Caelyrion curiously.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Leya. What's yours?"


"It's nice to meet you Akila."

'Hah' Akila chuckles. "Nice is an understatement. I'd be a cold corpse hours ago if you hadn't come by."

"Well, I just wanted to help... Anybody would have done the same thing."

Akila whistles incredulously. "And that is an overstatement. You have a talent for exaggeration." She jokes. Leya laughs brightly, the sound of it warms the mood of the camp.

"Are you going to be okay, Akila?" Concern apparent in Leyas voice.

"I'll be fine, I just need to rest. When I'm strong enough we can start heading to the village."

"V-village? Y-you mean...Til'Amin?"

"Yes, that's right. What is a young Caelyrion like yourself doing out here anyways, Leya?" Akila asks curiously.

"I, uh- I just, I... I got lost...w-walking. Taking a walk, I mean... What are you doing?"

Leyas tone is nervous, eyes are shifty and considering how eager they are to flip the question back on her it's obvious to Akila they are hiding something but she chooses not to press the issue. This Caelyrion has clearly been through some trauma and there's no reason to poke that wound at the moment.

"I was hunting -" She stops herself from saying 'Caelyrion fugitives' considering the circumstances it's probably better not to reveal that to this one.

"- game. Shival stags and kalain mostly. I got bit by something, I don't know what. How did you find me anyways, Leya?"

"I saw all that black smoke in the sky and started running towards it."

Akila rolls onto her back once more and lets out an exhausted sigh.

"Lucky for me you did."

"Me too. I don't think I would have ever made it out of these woods if you hadn't made that fire. I guess that makes us even."

Akila laughs heartily "That's generous of you."

They sit in silence for a long while until Akila suddenly sits upright.

"Alright!" She exclaims "That's enough lying around for me."

"Are you sure?" Leya asks worryingly.

She pushes herself up with her hand and stands upright. Towering over Leya at well over six feet tall. Sumanitians are a unique race and Akila is unique even among them. The Sumanitian skin tone varies from a deep chocolate to a light tan. They have a great deal of genetic diversity which they embrace with enthusiasm, the Sewseti are a prime example of that. They are known to be wonderful philosophers and poets. Female Sumanitians tend to be the more physically imposing of the genders, making up a majority of their military force while the men drift towards more clerical duties. They are a physically imposing race, tall and broad. Akila shines as a outstanding example of the ideal Sumanitian.

Leya is slender and short, at just over five feet tall. Most Caelyrions are typically slender and tall. Leya is an exception to the norm in that regard. Caelyrions skin tone varies from a pale white to a deep grey-blue, they have slightly pointed ears and fine features. Known to be great intellectuals and agile warriors, particularly with bows and on horseback.

"I'm sure." Akila replies imposingly. "There is a shallow river not too far from here and it looks like you could use a wash." Leya falls silent, embarrassed less by the comment than by the truth of it.

"It passes near Til'Amin. We'll hike there and make camp by the river then follow it up to the village in the morning."

Leya nods in agreement and sets off following Akila as they begin their trek to the river bed. Akila is constantly looking back to check on Leya, frequently tripping on roots and stumbling over rocks trying to keep up with her. Leya is clearly not cut out for this and Akila reluctantly slows her pace to a leisurely stroll so that Leya doesn't hurt or exhaust themselves trying to keep up. Huffing and puffing Leya thanks Akila for slowing down and apologies for holding her back.

They reach the river bank as the last of the setting suns light peeks over the horizon. Akila instructs Leya to wash up in the river as she sets up camp, clothes and all.

"You want me to.... take my clothes off?"

"You can't really bathe with your clothes on, can you? Besides, you're not exactly the first girl I've seen naked, Leya." There's a long pause that hangs in the air before Leya replies.

".....I'm a boy....." Akila quickly looks up at Leya, she is genuinely stunned by the comment.

"But Leya is a feminine Caelyrion name, not a masculine one."

"It is?" Leya asks "...Yes." She answers in a pitying tone. Akila begins to put the pieces together regarding this mysterious Caelyrion.

Masters of guerrilla warfare and experts at living off off land, when Caelyrion forces first invaded Sumanita they were able to entrench themselves firmly in the country, splintering its borders terribly. It took years of brutal battle to evict the invaders from even the deepest parts of Sumanita. Many Caelyrion offspring were left behind when they did. These children bore no guilt for being born in stolen land and then abandoned so they were sent to orphanages to be raised Sumanitian. It's never been entirely uncommon to see a Caelyrion living among Sumanitian. Although it's not a life anybody would wish to have.

"Don't worry, We've got the same parts down there, nothing I haven't seen before. It's dark out and I'll be occupied putting the camp together."

"You're a.... Sewseti?"


"I've never met one before."

"Well, now you have." Akila says absently as she focuses on setting up camp.

Leya turns around and tip toes out into the shallow river and begins to undress and wash himself in the cold water. Akila sets up a small canvas tent, hammering stakes into the ground, tying support ropes to nearby trees and draping a heavy waterproof animal skin over the top to provide protection from the rain. After placing her bedroll inside she stands up and wipes the sweat from her brow and surveys her handiwork. Right in her line of sight she sees Leya, no longer filthy and frail looking, bathing in the pale light of the moon. Akila is instantly transfixed.

His body lacks any trace of masculinity. Delicate and petite, he may not resemble the voluptuous visage of Aphrodite but there is nothing androgynous in the graceful, feminine curves of his naked figure. Even his breast seems to have a subtle plumpness to it. His wet hair shines in the moonlight like threads of golden silk. Flowing down his neck and spilling off his shoulders as amber waterfalls down his chest and back. his skin looks as soft as down and as smooth as porcelain. His, nose, cheeks, knees and buttocks faintly glow with a soft pink hue, contrasting against his otherwise pale complexion, made whiter by the glow of the moonlight bouncing off his skin. If it wasn't for his... modest penis - almost feminine in its own, delicate, manner - there would be no mistaking him for a man at all. And even still, there lingers a doubt in one's mind.

Akila decides she has worked up enough of a sweat setting up camp to merit washing it off in the river. Leya can hear the splashing as Akila wades into the gentle stream and he turns around to see her walking slowly towards him.

"A-Akila!" He exclaims.

"I figured I'd join you, the water looks so clear and clean. It's very good for the skin."

Always having been embarrassed, even ashamed, of his diminutive stature - and more so still by his diminutive manhood - Leya covers himself with his arms as best he can. One hand clasped over his groin, easily covering his penis and testicles, the other held across his bare chest. He crosses his legs, hiding one behind the other, as if that makes him somehow less nude.
