Alex's Gifts Ch. 15


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"Yeah, I had to get some clothes for work," he said, hoping that answer would suffice.

"I saw some interesting names on those bags. Care to explain yourself?" she asked. Alex flapped his mouth, unsure how to start his next sentence. "Come on, out with it," Carrie prodded.

"I met someone, okay!" he blurted "And I wanted to buy her some nice things." Carrie's eyes opened wide and she grinned at him, the first genuine smile she'd shown since he got home.

"You have a girlfriend now too?!" Lily exclaimed, again showing excitement on his behalf that he'd sorely missed in recent times.

"I don't know if I can call her that yet, but it's going really well. She helped plan Casey's party and did all the decorations. She owns a couple of stores in town," Alex said.

"I want to meet her!" Lily said emphatically and walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around her little brother and hugged him. "I'm so happy for you," she said while rubbing his back.

Alex couldn't take it anymore. "Who are you and what you have done to my sister?" he said with a chuckle.

Lily pulled back. "Oh, Alex, I'm so sorry about the way I've been acting. Sam and Carrie helped me work through a lot this weekend."

It was Alex's turn to hug his big sister. "I'm very glad to hear that, sis," he said softly into her ear.

Lily was drop-dead gorgeous: long platinum blonde hair, high cheekbones, piercing blue eyes, the kind of symmetry that immediately made you take a second look. Not to mention her perfect body. The only unattractive part about her was her attitude, and Alex was so happy to see her becoming the person he used to know.

"Sounds like a lot has changed in a week," Carrie said.

"Wait until you talk to Casey. She has a new job too," Alex said.

Lily pulled back and frowned, her sorest point now was not having a plan for the summer. She wanted to work but had no idea what to do. "What's wrong?" Alex asked, seeing her face scrunch into a visage of its former ugliness. "Oh, I understand," he said, not needing an answer. "I have something for you that might help. But I need a while to get it ready."

His sister smiled at his thoughtfulness and her beautiful face softened. "That's sweet of you."

"Back in a bit," he said and bolted for the front door. Two large and identical boxes were stacked on the doorstep. He hefted one and brought it up to his room, then returned for the second. He smiled after opening the first box on the floor by his bed. Perfect, he thought as he lifted a heavy wooden chest and freed it from its styrofoam sarcophagus. He unpacked the second and put the two side by side. They were identical in every way except for the patterns in the wood grain. Heavy wrought iron straps shaped thick oak slabs into what could easily pass for a pirate's treasure chest.

He opened one of the chests, the lid caught by a chain to keep it from flopping open, and found a packet containing a single metal key. The old-timey kind, heavy with broad teeth and spiraling ornate metalwork decorations. A pair of sliding wooden racks and several dividers were housed inside the box to organize its contents. He reached into the Victoria's Secrets bag on his bed and pulled out the job application Lynn gave him. He sat for ten minutes and filled it out for Lily, citing all of the positive information he knew about his sister. All that was left was for her to sign on the dotted line.

To the chest, he added the soft pink crushed velvet pajama set he bought at Forever 21. The matching white one he planned to give to Casey. Following Lynn's suggestion, he added several pairs of panties, a pink g-string to replace the one that Carrie had given him, and a pair of lace boy short panties Lynn had picked out. To top it all off he included the red satin babydoll and matching string panties which were easily among his favorite purchases of the day.

Alex sat and thought about what else could he add to the chest. Then it came to him. Reaching into his closet he pulled out a small box containing a variety of massage oils he'd ordered. He also found a container of strawberry-scented skin lotion that Carrie used. Alex found out about it by snooping through her things and thought it would be a good gesture of reconciliation. If Carrie's scent affected his sister half as much as him, he knew she'd love it. He placed the oils and lotion on one of the sliding shelves.

To top off his treasure chest, he sat back down at his desk and penned a short letter offering a final apology for betraying her trust, and told his sister in few words how much she meant to him. Satisfied, he set the application on top of the lingerie and closed the lid. He quickly tested the lock and left the key inside. He put his letter on top and carried the box outside his room. He opened Lily's bedroom and slid the heavy wooden chest just far enough inside he could close the door.

Returning downstairs, he found Lily and Carrie sitting at the table eating a dinner of reheated pasta. "Smells good," he said.

"Nothing beats Gene's lasagna," Lily said matter of factly.

Alex helped himself to a portion and popped it in the microwave. Before the chime had rung he heard a commotion coming from the garage. A giggling duo entered and calmed as soon as they saw Lily and Carrie.

"Hi," Casey said. "Welcome back."

"Thanks, pull up a chair," Lily said.

"I have to get home, just dropping Case off. I'll be back later tonight," Megan said. "Bye Alex, thanks again for a wonderful weekend," she said, waving and grinning while wiggling her hips.

"Bye Meg, see you soon," he said, then glanced at Carrie as Megan left. She was giving him another of her sideways looks. This time Alex stared her down and smiled, nodding his head almost imperceptibly. Carrie grinned and returned her focus to her dinner. Alex liked their silent communication, there was a certain thrill to the clandestine discussions.

Casey dropped her bag and fixed a plate. She sat down with her siblings and began eating.

"Alex said you got a new job today," Lily mentioned.

Casey gave him a glance and he nodded reassuringly. "Yeah, at Jenny's store. Alex hooked me up," she said.

"Jenny?" Lily asked.

"His girlfriend," Carrie answered, having put two and two together.

Casey giggled and said, "That's right, our brother landed himself a keeper."

Lily leaned over and held Casey's forearm. Locking eyes, she said, "You have to tell me everything about her."

Casey started at the unexpected contact and her sister's excitable tone. "Uh, ok," she said after swallowing a mouthful of lasagna, eyeing her brother. He nodded again as if to say, 'Yep, that happened.'

"I'm going to head upstairs and take care of some things. Lily, I left a present in your room. And no, I didn't go inside," Alex said with a wink.

"Ok, thanks. I'll check it out in a bit," she said with a kind smile.

Alex cleaned up his dishes and then went upstairs to sort through the afternoon's haul. He quickly dealt with the clothes he bought for himself and then emptied the two bags of lingerie onto his bed. He sorted everything by size, meticulously removing tags and separating what he planned to give to Megan and his sister from what he wanted Jenny to have. All told he had nearly fifty pairs of panties and a half dozen other pieces of lingerie. He set the gifts for Carrie and Sam aside and then collected the two larger piles, storing each on separate shelves in his large closet for later disbursal.

Turning his attention to his own treasure chest, he first placed the bag of sex toys and lube he'd picked up at Jenny's new store at the bottom. Then he fetched his shoebox and emptied his collection of trophies onto the ground. He added his latest conquests to the pile, fetching Emily's suit, the white g-string Jenny had given him, and the pair of red satin panties he'd dedicated to Lynn just hours ago.

In chronological order of when he received them, he neatly folded and placed each pair in the bottom of the chest, mentally reciting the names of their former owners as he went along: Becky, Fiona, Megan, Casey, Lily, Carrie, Casey again, Sam, Casey a third time, Megan again, Sonya, Brittany, Megan a third time, Jenny, Emily, Jenny again, and finally, Lynn.

Alex shook his head in disbelief and closed the box. He locked it, hiding the key in his dresser and sliding the heavy box to the foot of his bed. For the next half hour he did chores, picking up his room, starting a load of laundry, and taking a shower. Dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt, he moved into his office and reviewed the lifeguarding training materials. He filled out the application and tax forms and reviewed the instructions for starting the online training that would consume most of his day tomorrow. A faint girlish squeal suddenly stole his attention. Lily had found his present.

Satisfied that he was ready for the next day, he returned to his room and sat, waiting patiently for what he knew would come next. Five minutes later came a knock on his door. "Yes?" he said and stood. The door swung open and his beautiful blonde sister filled the frame. She was wearing the pink crushed velvet PJs he'd given her. His eyes grew wide as she bounded across the floor. The shimmering set fit her a little too well, pulling tight across her chest and around her wide hips. She looked good, really good. And it wasn't her body he admired most, it was her face. She was happy, happier than he remembered her being for a very long time.

Lily wrapped her arms around him tightly, burying her head in his shoulder. He returned the embrace, running his hands over the delicate material, feeling her soft breasts press against his chest, and smelling Carrie's strawberry scent. The siblings stayed locked in each other's arms for half a minute before Lily leaned her head back and pecked him lightly on his lips. Just enough to send a shock down Alex's body and cause his sweatpants to twitch. Her smell was driving him crazy, for so long he'd associated it with the red-headed object of his desires.

"I read your note," Lily said, finally releasing her younger brother. "And what you wrote on the application." She looked down at the carpeted floor. "Thank you, Alex. I don't think I deserve what you said, but it made me very happy."

"Nonsense," he said. "I meant every word and it's all true. Ask Carrie or Sam and see if they disagree." She hugged him again and when she pulled back he saw wetness welling in her bright blue eyes. "Oh, Lil," he said and kissed her cheek lightly, tasting a salty tear. "We all love you and just want you to be happy."

"I know. I'm finally figuring that out," she said with a smile, sniffling and wiping moisture from her rosy cheeks.

Alex handed her a tissue and said, "Sit, I have some things to tell you." The two sat in a pair of armchairs facing each other and he continued, "I met Lynn this afternoon."


"Well, as I said, I went shopping for Jenny. Lynn was at Victoria's Secret, it kind of surprised me, to be honest. I was nervous enough being there." Lily smiled, still the same little brother, she thought.

"Anyway, I saw the help wanted sign and asked her about it. I guess she just started her job a couple days ago and didn't know you were looking for work. She gave me the application and said she thought you'd be perfect there. And I figured you'd be excited about having a friend to work with."

Lily beamed. "I can't believe you thought of me," she said. "And yes, I am very excited about it. I'm going there tomorrow morning to drop off the application."

"Perfect," he said. "And about those other things I gave you..."

"So pretty!" she said. "I love all of it. And the lotion, I can't get enough of that stuff. And that box is huge!"

"Lynn helped me pick out the clothes for you," he said, aware she might think it odd her brother was buying her lingerie. "Except that..." he said, pointing at her pink pajamas, "...was from me. I got a set for Casey too. And the chest is to say I'm sorry again. There's only one key, so there's no way your pervy brother can get into your stuff again," he said with a sheepish smile.

Lily ran her hands over the soft fabric covering her abdomen. "I really like this. Carrie did too," she said. "And don't worry about it, I've forgiven you. I know you'll stay out unless I say it's ok."

"Tell me about Jenny," she said after a moment's pause.

"We met Friday. I went to her store looking for supplies for the party and ended up hiring her to organize and set up everything. We hit it off the next day when she was here helping get ready. I took her out to dinner last night, then we saw each other today after I finished tryouts."

"I am so happy for you, you deserve someone special," she said. "How does the lifeguard job sound?"

Alex was surprised that she was so interested in what he was doing. It was a good sign. "The job sounds great. I'm excited about it," then he chuckled. "I ran into another of your friends today, too."

"Natalie," she guessed, knowing her excuse for missing the weekend cabin trip.

Alex nodded, "She got the job too, so it looks like we'll be working together."

"That's great!" she said excitedly. "Natalie is so amazing. Carrie and I were thinking of setting the two of you up, you're a lot alike."

"Really? She seems pretty far out of my league," Alex said in disbelief.

"No way, bro. She's a lot more down to earth than she looks. And besides, you're quite the catch too. But I guess that doesn't matter now, does it?"

Alex blushed at her compliment and shrugged, "Jenny and I are leaving things open for now. Not that we aren't serious about each other. We talked and felt it was more important to be honest than exclusive."

Lily arched her eyebrows. "So you're seeing other people? Or she is?"

"Well, not exactly, at least not romantically. It's hard to explain and I don't really want to talk about it yet," he said, visibly squirming in his chair. He didn't mean to lie to Lily. His relationship with Casey was certainly romantic, but it was different, too. He thought Jenny understood but knew Lily wouldn't. At least not yet.

"Ok, I guess I understand. Let me know if you want to talk about it."

"I will, thanks. And you too. If you ever need a break from Carrie, you know where to find me," he said and grinned.

Lily laughed and stood. Alex did the same and the siblings embraced one last time. "I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Lily," he said. "I'm so happy that you're feeling better. I really missed this." Then he reached in and kissed her lips, lingering a little longer than what might be considered appropriate. He heard Lily emit a small moan from her throat and pulled back. She blushed and then turned for the door.

"Good night," she said, and Alex watched her flawless crushed-velvet-wrapped butt shimmy out of his room.

Alex sat for several moments thinking about Lily. Did he dare go as far as he had with Casey? Would she be accepting of what they'd done? Before he had time to consider another knock sounded from his door. "Come in," he said. It was Casey. Alex stood as she closed the door and walked towards him.

"I just wanted to say thanks again. Seems like I've been doing that a lot lately," she said smiling sheepishly.

"Aww, sweetness. You know how much you mean to me."

She nodded and bit her lip. "I saw what you gave Lily. That was very nice of you."

Alex smiled and said, "It looks like we might be getting our big sister back."

"Really? That's so great. She was different earlier, in a good way. I miss the way she was."

"Me too," he said, nodding his head. "I have something for you, too." Alex walked to his closet and pulled out the matching cream-colored pajama set. "I thought you'd like this color better. I know pink isn't your thing," he said and handed her the crushed velvet sleepwear.

Casey smiled and shook her head. "What did I do to deserve you? I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done the past week."

Alex walked up to his little sister and put his palms on either side of her pretty face and lifted her big brown eyes to meet his intent gaze. "You never, ever, have to repay me for anything. Understand? Making you happy is all I care about." He kissed her softly and then stepped back. "Besides, I'm selfish, I do these things because I like it, too." To illustrate his point he grinned and said, "Now, put that on. I really want to know what it feels like."

Casey giggled and kissed him quickly. "I love you, too."

"I know," he said. "And that's all the repayment I'll ever need."

"There are other things I can do for you. And to you," she said with a salacious smirk. She set the pajamas down and pulled up on the hem of her loose t-shirt, lifting it over her head and revealing two perky breasts topped with cute button nipples. Alex reached up and cupped her plump softness, caressing her creamy flesh as Casey purred and untied the string around her thin cotton pants. They fell to the floor, leaving her completely naked. She took the velvet shorts from Alex and stepped into them, then pulled on the strappy top.

"Mmm, I like this a lot," Casey said, rubbing her hands up and down her chest, then circling around to her backside.

"Looks like it fits perfect," Alex said, stepping back to admire his choice while Casey spun around for him.

"I really like these shorts, they're almost like a skirt," she said, pulling out the loose fabric, then lifting it to show how much room there was. "So comfy."

Alex stepped forward and wrapped his long arms around her, itching to feel every inch of the crushed velvet suit. Their lips met, tongues circling immediately while he cupped her firm cheeks. He slid his hands up her back and then around front, pressing into her sweetly curved mounds and feeling two stiff points harden beneath his palms.

Casey moaned through her nose, lips still locked to her brother's, and ran her hands over his broad shoulders and strong back. She tugged at his clothes impatiently, then slid two hands under the band of his sweatsuits and explored his taut bare backside. She felt him pressing into her abdomen and groaned. She pushed down on his pants and slid her thumbs around the stretchy elastic band to the front and flipped it over his growing arousal. With two small hands, she lovingly cradled his heavy manhood, sensing it rise and stiffen to its full potential.

Alex's excitement grew as he felt her warm hands wrap around his shaft. He reached his long arms down her velvet thighs and then back up, following her smooth skin underneath the baggy PJs. The loose shorts offered more than enough room for him to cup her soft round globes and knead their firm flesh. He shifted one hand to her front and slid a hand down her belly, palming her mound and tucking into her hot velvet center.

Casey moaned again and pulled her mouth away. She lifted his shirt and Alex helped her remove it while stepping out of his sweatpants that laid bunched around his ankles. She pressed her body against his, guiding Alex's stiffness up her belly, letting him feel the soft velvet against his most sensitive area.

Alex groaned, and pushed against her, rocking his hips slightly and sliding his tip and shaft along her velvet pajama top. He reached down and pulled the hem of her shirt out and up, then tucked himself underneath and pulled the plush material back down. He felt his sister shudder as she giggled lightly, and felt her two hands press against the creamy white fabric covering him, pulling him tighter into her belly. Bobbing his knees, he rubbed himself between her soft skin and velvety pajamas.

"See, I told you. I didn't just buy this for you," he said.

"I can tell you like it," Casey purred, gently squeezing his shaft. Alex pulled back, freeing his hardness from Casey's velvet confines. "Aww," Casey pouted.