Alf X-Rated


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Eagerly, Alf engulfed one of her nipples in his snout, his lips had locked around her aureola and he had begun eagerly sucking on her tit. Lynne had squirmed in pleasure at the sensation of milk streaming through her nipple into Alf's mouth and down his gullet. She had continued squeezing her other tit, watching the spray of milk, and giggling at the perverse pleasure this gave her.

From then on it was a nightly ritual for Alf to milk Lynne. Sometimes he would wrap his lips and tongue around her firm long nipples and suck her mammary juice straight from the tit. Other nights he truly milked her. Lynne would kneel on all fours above a pan and Alf would grasp her nipples like the udders of a cow and he would milk her, spraying her milk onto the shallow pan and later pouring it carefully into cups. Alf would take a cup and Lynne would take a cup and they would slowly sip her milk.

At other times, Alf would save up a few days milk in a container which he kept in the fridge, telling the family to keep away from it. Lynne got a depraved tingle deep in her soul when Alf would pour himself a cup of milk - her milk - from his container, and drink it with dinner in front of the whole family.

And she loved her new tits - firm, vibrant. When she would lay on her back, with Alf between her thighs ramming Herbert deep inside of her, her tits did not flatten out from gravity. They still pointed high at the ceiling, her long nipples rigid, eager for the strumming of her fingers.

Very early on, her pubic hair had begun to grow more rapidly until she had a thick bush above her cunnie - a thick bush of long hair the same colour as Alf's fur. She didn't mind, so long as Alf didn't mind.

And her long brown hair had been growing in thicker as well - with orange roots. She had had to go to a hair dresser once a week to have it dyed and cut, just so that her folks wouldn't notice, but now it was becoming harder and harder to hide from her mom!

Part III - Lynne serves Kate a delicious milkshake!

Morning. Lynne stood in front of the bathroom mirror, naked from the waist up. Her high firm tits looked even bigger today. She rubbed her fingers over her nipples which quickly became erect. Her fingers squeezed gently and a fine mist of milk coated the mirror.

Then she let her fingers stray down to her pussy.What was she going to do about all this orange hair, she wondered, a worried look on her face. Am I turning into a Melmakian? Am I going to look like Alf soon - with that ugly snout and everything? Oh god, I wish I had someone to talk to, she thought! But oh, how good this feels, she also thought, as she continued to slowly roll a nipple between the fingers of one hand while she felt her clitty enlarging and a drop of pussy juice sliding out of her cunnie to be absorbed by her panties.

Suddenly the door of the bathroom swung open (she had forgotten to lock it!!) and Kate stood there, a stunned expression on her face as she stared at her daughter, her hands clasped tightly to her large bosom.

"Wha -? Lynne honey, what are you doing?"

"Mom! N - nothing. Just rubbing a bit of skin lotion ...."

"My god! You're breasts have gotten so large! It seems like yesterday you were just my sweet baby, and now .... It's been awhile since I've seen you without a top. Here, let me look at how you're filling out ...."

Kate grasped Lynne's arms and pulled them away from her bosom. For the first time, Kate realized that there was a fine coating of orange hair on Lynne's breasts!

"Oh honey. You have such beautiful breasts," said Kate as she reached up both hands and stroked her daughter's breasts. She squeezed them and patted them. "Such wonderful soft flesh ..." Kate was lost in thought for a moment.

Lynne couldn't help but moan softly as her mother handled her tits. God she loved having her jugs stroked. And then Kate's fingers brushed across one of her nipples, and Lynne shivered. Her nipples sprang to full erection. Kate jumped in surprise, but ran her fingers across both nipples. Lynne shuddered again as Kate said "Yes, I always liked having my nipples stroked too!"

"Oh, yes Mom. That feels so good!" moaned Lynne. But then Kate's gaze strayed downward and she caught sight of her daughter's orange bush.

"What is .... I don't understand .... Oh, Lynne. What's happened to you! How did this ..."

"Mom, really - it's nothing to worry about ..."

Kate let go of her daughter's large breast and ran her fingers through Lynne's thick bush. Her fingers accidentally touched Lynne's enlarged clit and Lynne shivered uncontrollably; it was the first time another woman had ever touched her love button! Kate pushed Lynne back against the sink and squatted down. She parted her buxom daughter's pussy hair and was amazed at the sight of her fleshy pussy lips and her large clit.

"Lynne, this isn't natural! You shouldn't have all this hair, this ORANGE hair. And your genitals shouldn't be so... so... so INFLAMED, I guess. I would have thought you'd know that and have told me so that we can take you to the doctor."

"Mom. I can handle this myself. Trust me!"

"I'm going to call Dr. Patterson right now and set up an appointment for this afternoon. I want you to stay home from school and we'll have a mother and daughter talk. It just isn't natural, I tell you! All that orange hair. Why I'd almost think Alf had something to do with this."

The last few sentences were muttered as Kate made her way to the living room to phone the doctor. Lynne tried to stop her but her efforts were wasted. She went back to her room, closed and locked her door and flopped onto the bed.

"Troubles, Lynne?"

Lynne almost jumped through the ceiling. When her heart settled down she realized that Alf was sitting in her closet, smelling her soiled panties. "What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"I thought you'd have left for school by now. Well you caught me. I have a confession. Sometimes, I come in here and smell your panties and socks, just to hold me over until you get home and we can have a bit of - you know - fun!"

"Well, Alf. We're in big trouble now. Mom wants to take me to the doctor and get me checked out. She's going to find out about us!"

Alf quivered in fear. His snout turned under and the fur on his head stood on end. "But she can't!!! Kate'll KILL me when she finds out I've been diddling you! Jeez, Lynne, you've gotta figure something out!"

"But what Alf?" she said as Alf sat beside her. Almost unconciously she reached into his lap and started playing with Herbert who's head was just peaking out of Alf's fur. "How can I stop Mom and keep getting a taste of this little guy! Christ he tastes great!!" Lynne lay alongside Alf and placed her lips around Herbert's head. She sucked him into her mouth and Alf increased Herbert's size.

"Oh God, Lynne. You've become an expert at sucking Herbie. I'm going to miss you."

"Maybe not, Alf. Maybe not. I just had a thought! What if we told Mom - you know confessed to her. Maybe she'd understand."

"Are you kidding Lynne! Geezus! She'd come at me with a butcher knife!" cried Alf. Herbert suddenly shrank completely up and disappeared under his fur.

"Not if she got a taste of Herbert first! Then it'd be in her own best interest to keep quiet! You see what I mean!"

"You mean, turn your Mom into a jiz junky too! Hey, Lynne babe, you've got quite a head on your shoulders - to go along with those great tits! Let's get to work!"

Herbert reappeared from under Alf's fur and Lynne eagerly renewed sucking on his rigid length. In no time, Herbert began spurting hot thick gew into Lynne's mouth. Lynne eagerly drank down a few delicious mouthfuls, but retained the last mouthful. Carefully wiping her chin clean, she put on a top and then she and Alf went out to the kitchen. Lynne got the blender and spit her mouthful of Melmakian cream into the blender. She opened the freezer and put two scoops of ice cream into the blender and then added some milk.

Almost as an afterthought she grabbed Alf's milk container and poured some of her own preserved breast milk in with the other ingredients before turning on the blender. She whipped it all up until she had a frosty milkshake which she poured into a tall glass.

Kate was nervously pacing in the livingroom. "Lynne honey, we really have to talk."

"Yeah, mom, I understand, I guess. But look, I made you a milkshake."

"It's a little early for that isn't it? I just had breakfast!"

"Call it a peace offering, okay Mom?" said Lynne.

"Well, alright. After all, it is already made, and it is looks to be my favourite flavour - vanilla cream."

"If it isn't your favourite flavour now," said Alf, "it soon will be!"

"Alf, do you mind! This is between Lynne and I. Would you leave us alone for awhile. Please?"

"Sure thing Kate. But holler when you need me. And I think it'll be real soon!"

Lynne and Kate sat across the table from each other as Kate drank the shake. After the third sip she said "This is delicious! I've never had anything like this before!" She quickly downed the rest and lapped up as much of the residue from the sides of the glass as she could. She began to feel hot and flushed. "Is there any more of this in the kitchen? I really would like some more!" Kate asked. With a start she realized that she had been slowing rubbing one of her breasts through her sweater. She stopped, but her nipple ached.

"Sorry mom. That's all the flavouring we had. But I can get some more right away if you want."

"Yes. Yes. Why don't you do that. And I think I'll go lie down for a bit while you're gone. Call me when you're back, won't you!"

Kate hurried to her bedroom. Her tits and pussy felt like they were on fire by the time she had closed the bedroom door. God, what had come over her. She had actually been rubbing her tit in front of her daughter!

Kate unfastened the front of her slacks and pushed her hand inside of her panties. Good heavens, they were sopping wet! Her fingers reached her pussy as she fell onto the bed. She sank a finger inside her cunt and slowly began to frig herself. At the same time, she managed to get her other hand under her bra and began to clutch at her breast. What's happening to me, she wondered. Why this sudden sexual frenzy???

Lynne? Lynne, have you got it yet? Kate called out as her finger worked a feverish pace against her tiny but erect clitoris. Hurry please dear!

What next, Alf? asked Lynne from the other side of the closed door.

Here, take just a couple of drops on your finger, said Alf as Herbert protruded from beneath his fur. Lynne grasped Herbert and gave him a squeeze. A couple of drops of the creamy liquid dripped onto Lynne's eager finger. But the odour of Alf's jizz was too much for Lynne and she quickly licked up the cum.

Ohhhh, that taste s so good! she cooed!

Not now Lynne! You can have all you want in a couple of minutes. First we ve got to get your mom taken care of!

Alright, Alf, alright! said Lynne as she squeezed out a couple more drops. She then knocked on her mother's bedroom door.

Have you got it Lynne? Bring it in here!

As Lynne pushed the door open, she was incredibly turned on by the sight of her own mother, writhing on the bed in a sexual frenzy. Kate's blouse was torn open, her bra pulled down as one hand tweaked and pulled at her nipples. Lynne had never really noticed how large her mom s breasts were!

Kate's other hand was moving frantically in her panties which were extremely wet. From six feet away, Lynne could smell the heady odour of her mom's pussy! Wow, was that a turn on, or what, she thought!

Kate was beyond caring about what her daughter was seeing. All she wanted was some more of that delicious milk shake!

Where is it? Where is that wonderful flavouring? cried Kate.

This is all I could find Mom. I scooped this little bit out of the, uh, can, and brought it for you.

As Lynne sat on the edge of the bed, she held out her finger towards her mother. Kate's nose picked up the heavenly scent and she grasped her daughter's hand. For a brief second she looked at the creamy substance on the tip of Lynne's finger and then she engulfed Lynne's finger in her mouth. She just about died as the rich flavour hit her tongue!

Kate's entire body spasmed and her hand gripped her pussy tightly as an enormous orgasm swept her body. For her part, Lynne slowly moved her finger in and out of her mother's mouth. Kate eagerly sucked on it and ran her tongue around it as if it were a small cock!

During this excitement, Alf crept into the room and made his way to the other side of the bed. One of his large furry hands reached out and tentatively stroked one of Kate's large sagging breasts (hey, it you d had two kids, your boobs would have begun to wilt too!). Kate did not notice his presence.

That was so good, Lynne. But I need more. You must have brought me some more. I can smell it. It smells so great! Give it to me Lynne, honey. Oh please, let me have more! cried Kate. Lynne couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her mother was almost uncontrollable. Had she been just as bad, when she first got a taste of that spiked chip dip?

You re right, mom, there is more. But you have to promise me that you won't get mad at me.

I don't know what I would be mad about, but I promise Lynne. I ll promise you anything. I just need MORE! . As Kate pleaded with Lynne, Alf crept up onto his side of the bed and slowly let Herbert out from hiding. Herbert grew bigger and fatter, and a couple of drops of precum oozed out of his piss slit.

Now, Mom, I want you to turn slowly around and face the other side of the bed, said Lynne.

Oh yes, I can smell it. I need it. Oh please, baby, let me have it! cried Kate as she turned. Alf was so close, that all that Kate saw at first was a large purplish object with a couple of drops of creamy stuff dripping off of the end. With a little mew, she stuck out her tongue and licked up the cream. She barely paused as she engulfed the tip of Herbert in her mouth and began to suck at him eagerly! Her hand came up and grasped Herbert tightly as she began to pump her mouth up and down Herbert's shaft!

Kate eagerly sucked and slurped at Herbert as little cries of pleasure escaped from her lips. But as her hands moved further along Herbert, they encountered Alf's fur. Kate opened her eyes wide in surprise and she practically spat Herbert out as she cried, "ALF!"

"What... what's the meaning of this? What's going on here? How dare you come anywhere near me with that... that THING of yours! And how dare you stick it in my MOUTH! I'm going to KILL you Alf!!! I'm going to .... oh, that smell! It's driving me crazy! Is that coming from you Alf? Is that coming from your .... your PENIS?"

"Calm down, Kate! Let me explain. Or rather, let me show you." Herbert had shrunk underneath Alf's fur as Kate had screamed at him, but now Alf let Herbert free again. "Kate, meet Herbert!" said Alf as Herbert began to grow, and grow. Shortly, Herbert was a good ten inches long and two inches in diameter.

"I... I don't know what to say Alf. Well, actually I do! I'm going to murder you, but not quite yet. I... I don't know why but I have this uncontrollable urge to... to ...." and with that, Kate leaned over and kissed the tip of Alf's Herbert. She pried at the piss slit with the tip of her tongue. "Oh, Alf! This tastes marvellous! I... I can't control myself", she cried as she opened her mouth wide and tried to engulf Herbert's massive glans. It was just a bit too large, but Alf was very accomodating and Herbert shrank just enough to pass between Kate's teeth and then to the back of her throat!

Meanwhile, though she had by now sucked Herbert hundreds of times already, Lynne was finding it hard to contain her own sexual frenzy as the odour of Herbert's delicious cream filled the room. As Kate's hands moved to caress Herbert, Lynne's ran her own hands down her own body, stopping briefly at her own pussy to press hard against her clitty. Then, she quickly threw off her clothes and spread out on the bed beside her half-disrobed mother.

Lynne was hungry for her own taste of Herbert. She leaned her head in close to her mother's, hoping for a brief suck, but Kate gave no sign of stopping her vacuum pumping of Alf's long member. Lynne was ravenous for Herbert and suddenly had an inspiration. She grasped hold of one of her mother's large nipples and gave it a squeeze. Kate moaned lustily and involuntarily pushed her breast harder against her daughter's hand. Lynne tweaked the nipple harder still - enough to cause real pain. Kate's mouth dropped open wide and her body shuddered.

That's so good, she said as her first orgasm shook her - one that was caused by her very own daughter!

And Herbert popped out of her mouth. Lynne eagerly slurped Herbert's tip between her own teen lips and began to suck eagerly.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Great story. Ever any plans to continue? Would love to see Lynne turn more Melmakian

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

ALF is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 22, 1986 to March 24, 1990. It was the first television series to be presented in Dolby Surround.

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