Alice in Chains Pt. 01


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I hear a click then then pressure on my ankles. I am forced to move my feet slightly wider. The rubber dress clings on for a moment then slowly slips upwards exposing more of my rear.

These also can be attached to the upright of the stocks." Natasha instructs, and I hear a metallic clink. "Alice is now completely locked in place and cannot move at all."

I attempt to move, wondering if she is correct in her words. A moment of panic fills me as I realise Natasha is very correct and the only part of my body that can move is my bottom, and that is only by a few inches in every direction. I take a breath and let the panic subside, trusting that I am in safe hands.

"Now let's get to that clean slate?" Natasha announced. "Does this dress hold any importance to any of you?"

"It's mine." Diana's voice replied. "It didn't suit me, so I thought it would be fun to dress Alice in it."

"Yes, I can understand why it didn't suit you my dear." Natasha told her. "We can address that later when Alice is comfortable."

There is a moments silence and I try to get a view of what is happening, but once again everything is going on outside of my view.

"These are what ambulance crews use to cut away clothing." Natasha says. "See how the ends are shaped so the can slip under clothing."

I feel a firm hand on my bottom then a slight tug on the dress. Something metal and cold touches the skin in between the cheeks of my behind and I try and flinch, but I am held too firmly.

The metal of the shears run from my behind, to the middle of my shoulders. The feeling is out of this world as they entice shivers from my spine. As they travel, the dress slackens and falls away from my body.

I manage a breath then I am not only unable to move, but I am naked again. My bottom is swaying back and forth as I hope vainly to entice a little satisfaction out of my position. I begin to moan in to my gag over and over.

"And now we have our clean slate." Natasha's voice manages to filter in to my brain. "Shall we introduce Alice to one of our new wonder toys?"

"Wonder toys?" ~Janet asks curiously.

"Yes, these are such fun. Can you pass me one of those Diana my dear?" The sales person voice came in to play again as there was a rustle of packaging. "The Ultimate Edger." Natasha announces. "Especially designed to keep your submissive right on the edge of climax for as long as you wish. Each one comes with a set of our patented underwear."

"Wow." Janet comments.

The frustration at not knowing what was going on was almost as bad as the frustration of desperately needing to climax. I dip my head a little and catch a glimpse of a pair of panties made of soft looking red leather and shiny chrome rings. The next thing I know is a firm hand is cupping my mound as the leather brushes against my very wet opening.

"Normally, we would have dressed her in these before the leg restraints went on, but it is easy to unclip and clip the sides together, so you can dress her at any time."

I feel the panties tighten up around my hips. They feel surprisingly comfortable. There are no words, but I hear two more clicks and I realise they have been locked in place. My brain joins up the dots of what has been said by Natasha, and I squirm feebly unable to prevent what is about to happen.

The crotch of the panties part a little, and a cylinder slips inside me smoothly. I feel it nestle against my g-spot and with it is in place the panties tighten up once more followed by another click.

"There we are." Natasha says a little breathlessly. "You have lovely Alice wrapped in leather and bound with steel. These are normal padlocks, but we do supply timed locks, so you can safely leave her in these for a set amount of time."

"Does the toy have a remote?" Janet asks, her voice unsteady and maybe a little agitated.

"That is the beauty of this toy." Natasha the sales person chuckles. "It runs off body heat, so no batteries are required. When it reaches a set temprature, it self-activates, sensing the arousal of its host by temprature and the external pressure of the virginal wall. It will vibrate taking the host to pre-climax then cut out until the muscles relax and body temperature drops, at which point it will begin again."

"Awesome." Diana's slightly over exuberant voice cuts in above the blood rushing in my ears. "How long will it run for?"

"Under simulated conditions..." There is a pause from Natasha no doubt to ensure she had everyone's attention. Which she did.

"Until the host body drops below twenty-five degrees Celsius."

My Corps survival training jolted me to remember that to hit a body temprature that low, I would need to be dying of hyperthermia.

I really want to comprehend what Natasha has just said further, but the Ultimate Edger decides to kick in at that point and I go from very aroused to about to climax in a Nano second. Which of course just makes it cut out. The situation was worse than it had been this morning when I had been strapped to my own kitchen table.

I make a wail of anguish in to my gag.

"And with Alice occupied, we can look in to getting the two of you set up in to your new roles." Natasha says. I can just about see the three of them as they walk away leaving me to my torture.

The Edger starts up again and I bite down on my gag as I try to squeeze a climax out, only to be denied once more.

Every now and then Natasha wanders past carrying an outfit or something and she checks I am okay. Even going as far as placing a padded bench under my abdomen as my legs are losing the ability to support my weight.

I have no understanding of time or anything beyond the need to climax.

My world has shrunk to the anticipation of the Edger starting up again with the hope it will somehow malfunction and send me over the edge.

I try counting the times it starts but lose track around thirty.

The Edger begins it cycle once more, and once again the rolling swell lifts me up, higher and higher. I am sure this time it actually will get me there.

It stops.

Tears of frustration sting my eyes.

I black out.

The black void I am in is pierced by something sharp and light floods in.

Natasha is waving smelling salts under my nose, a look of concern on her face.

"You're a stubborn one aren't you." She rebukes me mildly. "You passed out rather than admit you had hit your limit."

I manage to get my slack mouth in to a smile of defiance. I still hadn't climaxed, but I hadn't called red. The bleeper Natasha had given me must have fallen out of my hand when I blacked out.

I am now sitting on the floor, my back against the solid upright of the stocks. I get the first look at the special underwear Natasha had dressed me in. The red leather is soft, supple and laced together with a fine chain that runs through eyelets to terminate in a padlock at my waist. They look beautifully tortuous when they hold the devious Edger in place. My hand immediately goes to the chain.

"I locked it again after I removed the Edger." Natasha tells me. "It will be up to Janet and Diana when you get to climax. I pointed them towards some new outfits to help them get in to their role." Natasha tells me. "Go easy on them, they are very devoted to you and you will be able to take far more than they will be able to give. We may need to coax them to the level of your needs."

The sun broke through the clouds and shone brightly on my future as a submissive to Janet and Diana. Natasha was going to be a very good source of information for them to give me what I needed. I manage to a grin again, nodding my thanks.

"You're a tough bitch Alice. I wish I had half of your resilience." Natasha brushes the sweat soaked hair from my forehead. "Can you manage to sit in a chair?"

My legs are still like rubber, but I managed to sit on a hard, straight backed wooden chair. It feels odd sitting in the chain laced panties. Not uncomfortable, just slightly sensual and arousing. A bottle of chilled water is pressed in to my hand.

"Are you ready for them?" Natasha asks.

I take a long pull on the water. I hadn't realised just how dehydrated I had got, and the cool liquid does a lot to bring my mind back to the present.

"Can you chain me to the chair first?" I ask. "I need to be vulnerable."

Natasha gives a small laugh as she quickly and efficiently snaps a set of cuffs around my wrists. "Semper Fi." She reads off the tattoo at the nape of my neck. "Semper Fidelis. Always loyal." She moves around in front of me again, arms folded across her chest. "You take things seriously, don't you?"

"Marines are tough." I tell her like my Drill Sergeant used to drum in to me while I was running naked laps, a rifle held in my raised arms and my pussy leaking like a sieve.

"Mad as well as tough." Natasha comments. "Just so you know, I gave them a few tips on how to handle you. They may be a little nervous to begin but be patient."

"Ooh rah." I reply, keeping my face straight.

There is a sigh as Natasha walks away. I watch her behind wiggle under the tight skirt. She reminds me a little of a more loving version of Tina."

When she returns, she is walking arm in arm with Janet and Diana. Only a very different looking Janet and Diana to what I am used to seeing.

Janet looks stunning. She was wearing stylish suit trousers with a black waist cincher that lifts her breasts under a crisp white blouse. A black bra shows through the white material making the outfit business like but still very sexy.

Diana had been transformed from her normal floaty summer dresses to a silken fitted dress that emphasised her slight figure and black leather fingerless gloves reach nearly to her elbows.

They look every inch a pair of strict dominants.

Meanwhile I was a sticky, sweaty mess. Handcuffed to a chair in such a way my breasts stuck out as far as they could, and every movement rubbed the chain lacing against my swollen pussy.

"We had a nice time shopping Alice." Miss Janet tells me. "Do you like our new look?"

I smile happily. "You both look amazing Miss Janet."

"We thought it was only fair that you should have some new things as well." Diana says. I can tell she is trying to sound aloof and my heart breaks a little that they are both doing this for me.

"I will wear what ever you want me to Miss Diana." I answer, trying to bolster her confidence.

Miss Janet unlocks the handcuffs and placed a kiss on the nape of my neck. "Your choice, do you really want to belong to us Alice?"

I nod. "More than anything. But only if you get enjoyment out of it."

"Oh, I am sure you will be able to please me in many ways Alice honey." Janet giggles. "You will be amazed at the toys Natasha has shown us."

Miss Diana shows me a shiny red leather armbinder. "This is part of your outfit." She says, her eyes showing her hope that I will approve.

I grin in anticipation, giving her the approval, she is looking for.

Miss Janet urges me to stand. My legs are still a little weak, but I do succeed on keeping upright. My arms are placed behind me and I feel a soft sleeve slip over them, holding them in place. They are slowly pressed together as Miss Janet pulls the lacing tighter and secures it. As before, my breasts are pushed outwards as my shoulders are pulled back.

Miss Diana unlaces my underwear and I feel objects slip in to both my cavities. I grunt a little as she pushes them in fully. I feel the chain that binds the leather underwear tighten up as it is fastened to the binder. I am helpless from the waist upwards, with who knows what, buried inside me.

"How dressed do you feel?" Miss Janet asks a smirk pasted on her lips.

"Not dressed Miss Janet." I answer trying to keep an air of desperation in my tone.

"I agree. Miss Diana what can we add?"

"Leg cuffs." Diana blurts out, holding out matching red leather cuffs joined by a chain.

It takes them a less than a minute to fasten them on my legs just above my boots. Now my walking is reduced to a shuffle. It dawns on me that I may be walking back to the car like this.

"Will I have to walk far Miss Janet?" I ask tentatively.

"We haven't decided yet." Miss Janet tells me with a wink. "We need to test the leash mode now."

Miss Diana produces a small fob and I clench my muscles expecting vibrations from the device inside me.

Nothing happens, and I relax a little wondering what is going on.

Miss Diana walks slowly away, her eyes fixated on me.

A double jolt slams in to my insides and I yelp, understanding what leash mode is. Awkwardly I shuffle forwards towards Miss Diana, who thankfully stopped moving as soon as I cried out.

"And that ladies is a good demonstration of Mistress Sparky in full Leash Mode." Natasha say. "No need to occupy your hands with a physical leash, when you lovely sub will fully you dutifully in fear of a double electric shock right where she doesn't want it."

I was seriously in a tricky situation now. I wondered if my stubborn streak had got me in to deep trouble. If Janet and Diana decided to walk back to the car, I would have zero choice but to follow them.

"Well Natasha." Miss Janet beams. "Thank you for your assistance. I think it is time we got Alice home, so she can demonstrate how much she wants to please us."

Natasha hugs both women. "Anytime you need advice, or something new, or just want to bring Alice here to play, feel free." She throws me a wink as she walks past me and something heavy is attached to the armbinder. "Alice has your bag of goodies."

Miss Janet and Miss Diana loop their arms and head to the nearest door, and I shuffle after them as fast as my shackled legs will let me.

Diana holds the door for me and I step through expecting to be back in the shop and shortly back on the busy road, but I am amazed to find myself in a corridor leading to a fire exit.

Miss Jane opens the second door and I hobble outside to the rear of the shop. Miss Janet's car is waiting for us and I breath a sigh of relief.

"We wouldn't make you walk through town like this Alice." Janet tells me affectionately. "We'll save that for another day." She giggles.

I take a step forwards to the car then stop as I feel a tingle start inside my loins.

"Do you remember how you got Diana to cover me with a blanket while I was chained up?" Miss Janet asks.

I nod wondering what Janet has in mind.

"Well we thought it would be fun for you to ride home laying down, so I folded the rear seats down." Miss Janet tells me as she opens the hatchback of her car.

I have to practically fall to get in Miss Janet's car, but finally manage to get in. I have wriggle and bend my legs at the knee to fit them in.

"Oh, good idea." Miss Diana exclaims. "Hogtie."

I feel the chain between my legs pull tight against the armbinder, and I am left immobile.

Miss Janet gets in the front seat and looks back at me.

"You will be covered to begin with, but you do know how naughty Miss Diana is. She may just uncover you as we drive along." She says as Diana throws a rough blanket over my hogtied body leaving my head poking out.

"Do you remember how I got teased all the way to your house?" Miss Diana asks as she gets in to the passenger seat. "How about we play 'lets see how many times Alice can cum before we arrive home'. We can guess and the closest can choose what new toys Alice has to use first when we get there."

"Good idea." Miss Janet agrees. "I guess at least three."

"I think more, but then again I have the remote." Miss Diana giggles.

I wriggle around as much as I can, but I am totally helpless and all I do is drag the cover off me, now anyone who looks in to the car can see how they have me.

A jolt tweaks my g-spot and I give a small scream.

"Oopsie." Miss Diana apologises. "Wrong button."

My very sensitive clit starts to tremble and before the car is rolling I surrender to the climax I have wanted since before we left the house.

"That's one." Miss Diana squeals in enjoyment as I writhe about like a landed fish.

I have no idea what 'toys' they have purchased, but I have a good idea Diana will be choosing the most interesting one to begin with as I feel a second climax building fast on the heels of the first as the mischievous minx torments me endlessly.

I thank the gods of bondage for granting my prayers.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LittleTeaCupLittleTeaCupalmost 2 years ago

I have always loved this story. Alice reminds me of me a little too much, and Janet and Diana are just to die for characters.

I openly admit, the shop in chapter 2 of Roxx's Role is totally based on the shop in this story, and i slipped a few little Easter eggs in as a tribute to this which my favourite story by TrueMort.

Bell'angelo <3

maddictmaddictover 4 years ago

What do I think.

I think Alice is in serious trouble, she has awakened to very demanding masters.

I wonder if any husband's might be pressed into service

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 5 years ago

Amazing writing. Awesome characters. Sexy AF. More please, Alex. You write brilliantly! So horny right now my pussy is in overdrive. I am a puddle.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicabout 5 years ago
I may have some new favorite characters...

As much as I enjoy "moose and squirrel" and their napkin-clad romps, I have to admit that these three are quickly becoming my favorites. I love how they take care of each other when they are "taking care of each other." And who could say no to a woman in a pencil skirt and seamed stockings? Thank you for another five star tale.

LilyVonSchtuppLilyVonSchtuppabout 5 years ago

It's nice when you can see the characters evolve and grow in stories. These three are certainly doing that. And in a very fun way. Who knows where your imagination will take these ladies next. Wherever it is, I'm sure we will be in for one heck of a story about it. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

FetishhandFetishhandabout 5 years ago
Ramping things up!

A great story once again!

Turning things up to 11 with all the toys. I look forward to seeing where it all ends up going. :D

Maddie624Maddie624about 5 years ago

I didn't know how I would react to this piece as I normally don't go for BDSM stuff...That said, I know that you are a fantastic author so I decided to give it a go, as they say. I am so glad that I read this and cannot wait for more! You made the characters so incredibly real and likable that I enjoyed every part of their experience(s) during their shopping trip. So good!

Ps. I literally laughed out loud at the choice that Alice was facing when they arrived at the parking garage. The ill-fitting latex dress was highly amusing!

reddbunnzreddbunnzabout 5 years ago
Fantastic Sequel!

I thought Earth Wind and Fire was an extremely erotic series. This is an even better one. Great sequel. Keep up the great work.

MaonaighMaonaighabout 5 years ago
What an imagination

The only thing missing from this chapter was a visit from the Spanish Inquisition. Your imagination was certainly working overtime on this one, Alex. I loved the line about "...a fight between rival bee-keepers in a BDSM club..."---made me chuckle aloud. All I can think of to add at the moment is the old theatrical cry of: "Follow that!" (With five stars added.)

stroudlestroudleabout 5 years ago
My favourite trio , brilliant

I just love how the dynamics are changing for our three lovely ladies, and the way in which it is happening. I do love how Alice is written as still a strong character although submissive, that's most important to me, and Janet and Diana care enough to let Alice feel safe but sexy too.

Janet's calming strength compliments Diana's enthusiasm, I am sure Alice will have lots more fun.

The shopping trip was absolutely wonderful, such a sexy scene.

Thank you for posting such an excellent story, I loved it.


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