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The snorkeling was superb. The water was clear as glass and a pleasant temperature. There was plenty of colorful coral and equally colorful fish to keep us spellbound. I saw a few little sea snakes but they didn't bother us and we didn't bother them. There was one incident however. Jenn, who was quite a way ahead of me, suddenly shot up out of the water and clambered onto the coral, scraping her knees in the process. I swam rapidly to where she had been in time to see a small reef shark swimming away, minding its own business. It was less than four feet long and it was on its own, not a threat and hardly a remake of Jaws.

I surfaced, treading water and looked up at Jenn.

"Is the big bwave diver lady fwightened of the widdle shark?"

"Not funny. That was a real shark."

"It's OK babe. It's only a little one and not a dangerous species. Quite timid in fact. How are your knees?" One of Jenn's knees was bleeding a bit. The other was red but not as bad. Jenn hadn't even noticed them.

"A bit sore. Are you sure it's safe?"

"I'm sure. And I'll stay close to protect you."

Darlene clearly found the whole episode very funny but she dressed Jenn's scrapes gently and carefully using the first aid kit in the Wanker.

After lunch we met Glen and Keith at the bike hire house. Rusty and crewman Jones were busy on the cat. We hired four bikes, Suzuki 250s, undoubtedly one of the most boring motorbikes on the planet but it was still fun to be riding again. I had six different bikes as a young man and it's an addiction you never quite lose, even if your back, your bum and your older, wiser head tell you to get over it.

It was a pleasant ride round the island to Togo Chasm and if you're at all interested in geology it's well worth a look. You walk down to the chasm through a startling, jagged, alien rockscape, then clamber down a long ladder, which would give our NZ safety inspectors apoplexy. There wasn't a lot to see in the chasm itself, a distinct absence of swirling mists and dragons, so after exploring for half an hour we toiled our way back up the ladder and the rocky path to our bikes.

Here we met with a problem. Keith's bike had quietly died and nothing we could do would get it started again. Understandably Keith didn't want to wait on his own in the middle of nowhere while we rode back to get help so he suggested that he hitch a ride with Jenn. He pointed out that he was the biggest/heaviest and Jenn the lightest/smallest, so it made sense for them to share. "Less weight, more room. Don't want another bike quittin' on us. And she smells a whole heap nicer than you fellers."

I didn't like his cheesy grin and I didn't trust his motives but he had a point. Two big men on one of these under-powered bikes would be a strain and a squeeze. Jenn seemed OK with the idea and climbed back on her bike. I thought Keith might offer to drive but instead he eagerly mounted the bike behind Jenn and clasped her tightly round her waist.

Naturally Jenn's double loaded bike was now slower and they quickly fell behind. For a while I didn't see them and I was getting a bit worried until we came to a long straight bit of road and there they were, well behind but coming along. I didn't see them again for about fifteen minutes when Jenn came racing past us, exceeding the low speed limit. Keith was no longer on the back. As she passed Glen she pointed back the way we'd come. Glen nodded, turned slowly and headed back to pick up his crewman Keith who had obviously been marooned.

By the time I caught up with Jenn she was pulling into the bike hire house. I could tell from her body language she was royally pissed. We returned the keys and told the owner, a Danish guy, about the breakdown. (Most of the enterprises in Niue were owned and run by foreigners. It seems that all the Niueans with any get up and go have got up and gone, mostly to New Zealand. There were only about twelve hundred people left on the island.)

As Jenn and I walked back to the motel I apologized. "I'm sorry Jenn. I should have taken you on the back of my bike and made him ride yours... I just didn't think fast enough."

Jenn interrupted. "I'm not mad at you.. you dumb ass! I should have thought of that too."

Suddenly she grinned. "I did get him pretty well though."

"Tell me all..." I demanded as we reached our cabin. Jenn sprawled on the couch while I grabbed us a couple of cold drinks from our little fridge.

"Keith didn't start groping me right away. He waited till you guys were far enough ahead and then his hands crept up to my boobs. I kept pushing them down and he'd keep bringing them back. It's not easy to defend your tits when you're riding a motorbike. Eventually I gave up and concentrated on getting back safely while he concentrated on getting his hand up under my shirt. My bra got in his way so he decided to grope my pussy instead. Again a girl's at a big disadvantage riding a bike. You can't exactly close your legs. I'm just glad I was wearing shorts and not a skirt."

Jenn was telling her story with more detail and relish than someone traumatized by sexual assault should have managed. In fact she seemed to be distinctly turned on.

"Keith gave my thighs a few strokes before he went straight for my pussy. He's clearly not into foreplay...probably doesn't buy his dates breakfast either. So there he was rubbing his fingers hard, right on my button. I couldn't take that for long so I pulled over. He didn't stop. Now he had one hand in my crotch and the other on my boobs. I pretended to be into it. I told him to find us a private place in the trees. He jumped off and raced into the bush. Immediately I rode away and here I am. I hope he gets eaten by an anaconda"

"No anacondas here."


"Nope." I cuddled my wife.

"What do they have?"

"Ah... rats... pigs maybe."

"Well he's a pig and a rat so that's appropriate."

"You seem to be handling this very well... my brave girl."

"I'm OK. He didn't really get anywhere. And he looked so funny, running out of the bush shouting as I rode off. I think he might have actually been shaking his fist or giving me the finger.. what do Americans call it...?"

"Flipping the bird. Don't ask me why. But it strikes me, dear wife and forgive for saying this, I'm not trying to play down what you've just been through... but Keith seems to have made you more horny than angry."

"Well... really! How rude!" Jenn playfully attacked me. A few minutes later we came up for air. "You're not wrong. You know me too well. But what do you expect, after having my boobs and my pussy groped for half an hour... Oops here comes bloody Bazza."

"The foundation member of your Niue fan club."

"Gidday folks." Bazza leaned on our doorway, grinning at our disheveled state. "I'm firing up the barbie tonight. How about you two come over, grab some tucker, a few tinnies (cans of beer) and we can watch a video."

"That's very kind Bazza." I answered trying to sound more keen than I felt. "But it's been a big day. We're a bit wiped out."

"Aw come on, be a sport. I got a video I thought you'd go for Jenn. Hired it special"

As usual Jenn's kind nature got the better of her. "We'd love to come Bazza... thank you so much."

"No worries. See you in about half an hour."

I looked incredulously at my wife. "We'd love to come? Really?"

"Come on sport... he was being nice. He's actually been a generous host. And he did hire it special."

"Hmm. It's probably porn." (I wasn't altogether wrong.) "Anyway I was hoping to finish what Keith started..."

"Speak of the devil!"

There were Keith and Glen approaching our cabin. Keith was holding a box of chocolates.

Glen addressed us while Keith looked at the floor.

"Hi folks. We just came to apologize for this afternoon. Isn't that right Keith."

Keith shuffled forward and presented Jenn with the chocolates. "Yeah, sorry Jenn. I guess I got a bit carried away."

"A bit?!?"

Glen confidently took over with his charming smile and glib diplomacy. "You know how it is... sailors at sea for a long time with no female company. And sitting behind a woman as beautiful as you are Jenn... I would have been tempted as well."

"It won't happen again Jenn, I promise." Keith looked quite sincere even if he didn't mean it.

Jenn relented. "I suppose there was no real harm done."

"That's great." I suspected that the apology and the chocolates were Glen's idea. He continued smoothly.

"We'd like to make it up to you folks. We're taking the Condor out for a sail on Tuesday. Got a new rig we need to test. We'd like to take you along. Sailing the pacific, the best gourmet lunch you can find in a can. What do you say?"

Did I mention that I hate sailing? I love the sea but there's something wrong with my inner ear. With very little excuse I get horribly seasick, carsick and if there's turbulence, airsick, I've even felt sick on a playground swing. For me the prospect of hours on a yacht, lifting and plunging over big greasy swells, is absolute hell. I politely excused myself.

"Sorry to be a wuss Glen, but the sea and my stomach don't get along."

"Hey I hear you buddy. Seasickness is a bitch. But what about you Jenn? Come sailing with us. We'll be on our best behavior I promise. And if Keith gets out of line you can make him walk the plank."

Jenn looked at me questioningly and I shrugged. After the biking incident I didn't think she would accept but Jenn loves sailing. Her parents had a yacht and she sailed a lot as a teen. It was one of the few passions we didn't share.

"I'd love to go, if Alex is OK with it." Surprised, I just nodded.

"Excellent, that's settled then. We'll pick you up from the ramp at 0800 hours Tuesday."

"Anything I should bring?"

"Just your sexy smile."

Glen and Keith wandered off, mission accomplished. I felt uneasy but Jenn looked thrilled at the prospect of some ocean sailing and I didn't want to put a dampener on her excitement. We were going whale watching on Monday but we didn't have anything planned for the rest of our week, except for our date with Bazza that night.

His "barbie" was actually very good. We contributed some beer,(which he enjoyed) wine and salad (which he didn't.) Darlene wasn't around. I wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

After the meal Bazza made us large rum and cokes and we all sat on one couch, Jenn in the middle, watching the smallish TV. The movie was called Wild Orchid, a soft core flick made about twenty years ago, starring a sensuous babe called Carrie Otis and Mickey Rourke back when he was handsome in a sleazy sort of a way. In its day it was a sexy film and Bazza must have figured that it would get Jenn's motor running without grossing her out.

Unfortunately for Bazza's master plan, Jenn and I were genuinely exhausted. The effects of snorkeling, biking, walking and eating a big meal, plus a strong rum and coke on top of the drinks at dinner, got to us both. Jenn dozed off after only ten minutes of the movie. I lasted a bit longer but found myself waking up just as the movie ended. I thanked Bazza, apologized for our sleepy state and half carried Jenn back to our cabin.

What Bazza got up to during all that time we'll never know. Jenn's a very sound sleeper and wouldn't have been disturbed even by an audacious amount of intimate exploration. I have a vague recollection of seeing Bazza hastily closing Jenn's legs and straightening her skirt as I came to, but my brain was so fuzzy I can't be sure.

The next day, Monday, was our whale watching trip, the highlight of our holiday and something I will remember for the rest of my life. The trip was well run by an Aussie couple. They equipped us with flotation wet suits, plus top of the line snorkeling gear, then it was off in a large inflatable. It took us a while to find the whales, but eventually we were lucky. Whales don't hang around in one place and some days the trip doesn't manage to find any. We caught up with three humpbacks, a mother, a baby and a nanny whale who remained down deep where we could barely see her.

We received strict instructions about staying together and keeping a safe distance so we didn't threaten or disturb the whales; then we were into the ocean with these gentle, gigantic mammals. Watching whales from a boat may be exciting but it can't possibly rival being in the water with them. The mother who was the size of a big streamlined bus, was hanging vertically. I didn't know whales did this, assuming they were always horizontal. The little calf (I say little but he was about the size of a compact car) was bobbing up to the surface and back down. Clearly he couldn't hold his breath as long as the adults and like all kids he had more energy. At one stage he was swimming upwards, close to his mom and she enfolded him with her long flukes, in a whale hug. It was one of the most special things I've ever seen and moved me deeply. They seemed to be such peaceful, wonderful creatures, so at home in their environment and so deserving of our protection.

We were out there for several hours but I won't bore you with more detail. There was one more little thrill for me. On the way back several flying fish arrowed by. I had always imagined that flying fish just jumped between waves but these guys were really flying. They were sleek, fast and seemed capable of being airborne for an amazing distance.

Jenn and I enjoyed an evening meal at a place called Crazy Uga. The food was good, the service slow and the view excellent. By the time we got back to our motel it was quite late, time for a shower and maybe some lovemaking before sleep. Once again I let Jenn shower first. After ten minutes or so I went to join her. She emerged from the shower block as I arrived. She saw me, wiped her mouth and grinned.

"That was delicious, thank you."

I looked puzzled. "What was delicious?"

"Your cum silly. It tasted extra good tonight."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Instead of going into the shower room I followed Jenn back to our cabin.

"Jenn what just happened?"

"You know what happened... you stuck your cock through the hole in the shower wall and I sucked you off. Brilliant idea by the way."

"Jenn... " There was a look of horror on my face. "That wasn't me!"

"You mean...??? That randy old bastard!!"

Jenn looked appalled, disgusted, outraged, it was a stellar performance but finally my gobsmacked expression was too much for her and she fell on the bed laughing uncontrollably.

"Hahahahahaha... Gotcha! Gotcha so good! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Your face... it's priceless."

"You bitch! You mean you just made all that up." Relief, annoyance and admiration of Jenn's skills battled for supremacy.

"Not altogether." Jenn explained between bouts of laughter. "Someone did poke his cock through the hole. It didn't have a label but I assume it belonged to our ever hopeful host but I certainly didn't suck him off."

"You didn't?"

"Of course not you dork." (Jenn probably used some other insulting term but as the word dork is sometimes used for a whale penis, I thought it appropriate.)

Jenn reached towards me and started rubbing my dork through my shorts.

"Do you think that after twenty years of being married to you, my darling husband, I don't know what your penis looks like, feels like... tastes like. It's a bit dark in there but I could still tell straight away it wasn't you. I mean it was at least twice your size!" Jenn cracked up. "Nah! Don't worry it was only a little bit longer and much skinnier."

"So what did you do?"

"What do you think? I didn't have a knife and I wasn't about to bite it off... so I just kicked it as hard as I could. I think I broke it."

I must have looked shocked and Jenn once again dissolved into giggles.

"Gotcha again! You are so easy! I just left him dangling there and came out. That's when I ran into you. He might still be there if you hurry. Or maybe you could push your cock out of the hole and see if Darlene comes along..."

That was enough. I wrestled with my wonderfully wicked wife until I had her over my knee with her pants pulled down. Retribution! I progressed from spanking her superb ass, to stroking it, to fingering her very wet pussy until she shuddered with the first of many orgasms. It was a great night.

Tuesday morning I saw Jenn off at the boat ramp. She waved to me gaily from the inflatable and Glen called back "We'll take real good care of her, buddy."

I felt anything but happy as I turned and trudged away. I was alone, with nothing to do all day while my beloved wife was off on a yacht with four randy Americans.

Back at the cabin Darlene was cleaning again. She could see I was upset and put her finger straight on the cause.

"Hey Alex... where's Jenn?"

"She's gone off sailing with the Americans."

"Wow. That's bad. Don't tell Dad.. he'll freak out. My mom went off on a boat with Americans when I was five."

"I know, he told me. But Jenn's not like that."

"Hope you're right. So watcha doing today?"

"No plans. I'll probably just chill out around here."

"No way. You should come snorkeling again. I know a better place than last time. It's further away. More private."

I should have listened to the alarm bells going off in my head but I didn't. I was facing a boring day on my own and to be honest I was a bit pissed off at Jenn going off with Glen and co. I couldn't help feeling that this was all part of Glen's strategy to seduce my wife. Keith had nearly blown it, being so crudely uncontrolled but Glen had roped him in and now everything was back on track. Maybe I was being paranoid or maybe Glen was in fact an apex predator.

"So do you want to go?" Darlene's question snapped me back from my unhealthy speculations.

"Yes I do. That would be great. What time?"

"We can go as soon as you're ready."

"Great. Give me ten minutes and we're off."

Bazza was using his Wanker that morning so we drove the Limo up to northern coast and a large, magical lagoon which connected with the open sea through a rocky archway. The best snorkeling I've ever enjoyed was on the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia but this place came a close second. It was like swimming in God's aquarium with complete with coral, fish, plants and instead of a castle or an old time diver, a nearly naked island girl.

There were no cars where we parked and we saw no other people as we made our way though the bush and down to the lagoon. When we arrived Darlene stripped off her jeans and her shirt. She had a reasonably modest, turquoise bikini underneath. She looked around carefully then took off her bikini top. I've seen a lot of breasts in my time and Darlene's were possibly the most beautiful I've ever seen. They were full and shapely with no sag whatsoever, just an enticing bounce. Her skin was a flawless light brown with darker, pinky brown nipples. Google the word perfection and you'll find a picture of Darlene's young breasts.

Darlene brought her hands to her sides but decided against removing her bikini bottoms. There was no way my board shorts were coming off. We snorkeled together for nearly an hour. It was a stunningly beautiful spot but I was seriously distracted. Darlene stayed close to me, sometimes too close, brushing up against me. I had to concentrate hard to stay soft, if you catch my meaning.

After leaving the water we sat in the sun for a while and chatted. Darlene questioned me about life in New Zealand and my life in particular. Her questions became more personal especially regarding my relationship with Jenn. I assured her our relationship was in great shape.

"Then how come she's off with those American guys?"

"Jenn loves sailing, I don't. I'd be hanging over the side feeding the fish my breakfast."

"You must trust her heaps..."