All American Man


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I couldn't function without her, yet I had to let her go. My soul was crushed, and then it hit me like a brick; KenBaller's comments about knowing I took numbing shots to my knees. She betrayed me before.

I walked into my office and grabbed my checkbook. I hastily scribbled out a check for a full year of her salary and sat to try to calm down. It didn't work. I got angrier and angrier. I decided to tear the check up and then I thought I would hurt her more by doing it in front of her. How could she betray me?

I heard my front door open, and she walked into the office on full offense, "Johnny, I'm sorry. I knew that dumb bitch would try to make you out to be the bad guy. I couldn't let her get away with it."

I shook my head. I knew she was doing what she thought was right, but she broke my most important rules, my private life stayed private and no recordings.

I shouted, "You've broken my most sacred rules, damn it! I can't have my personal assistant recording people in my home without my permission, nor can I have them posting it on social media. You've opened me up to a lawsuit, Kendall. Anya didn't consent to be recorded."

She couldn't look me in the eyes, "Johnny, I don't know what to say to make it right. You're correct, of course. I'm sorry."

I looked away as I felt my eyes water, "Kendall, I have to let you go. I'm sorry." I reached out to show her the check and saw the tears falling down her cheeks. I chickened out and instead of tearing it up, I handed it to her.

She began to sob. "No, Johnny, please. I love...I loved working for you."

I walked around the desk and put my hand on her shoulder. "I'll give you time to take whatever is yours. I'm sorrier than you will ever know, but you broke my heart, KenBaller."

She gasped, looked up at me, and said, "Johnny, no, I didn't mean..."

I didn't hear the rest of it. I closed the door and retreated to my bedroom. A few minutes later, from my window I watched Kendall walk to her car. She was sobbing and leaned forward onto the roof to support herself as her body shook.

As if she felt me watching, she turned and looked at directly at me. I closed the drapes and walked away. What a fucking mess.


The next morning my mother visited. She read me the riot act after I told her what happened.

"What the hell were you thinking? That woman loves you and now that you're finally away from that stupid slut, you can be with her."

"What are you talking about, Mom?"

"Kendall loves you, dumb ass."

"Get out of here. She doesn't love me. She's just..."

"Johnny, I know she does. I can see it in the way she looks at you."

"Then how could she do it? How could she betray me so badly, Mom?"

"Oh, sweetie, when did she betray you? She thought she was helping you."

"She told them about my knees, damn it," I slammed my hand into the table for some sort of forced emphasis.

She laughed. My mother laughed at me, and I was more pissed.

"Everyone already knew about your knee injuries. Do you think it was a stretch for them to know you had to take those awful pain shots?" she asked turning serious.

"Who knows what else she told people?" I countered.


I heard her, but she couldn't be there. I spun around and there she was. Standing in my kitchen as if nothing happened.

"I forgot to leave your keys," Kendall continued as her tears fell.

My mother pulled her into a hug. I stood and asked, "How could you do that to me? How could you tell them about my knee shots? How could you record me without me knowing? How could you..."

She rushed to me and hugged me. Before I could say anything she raised her head and kissed me. The last thing I expected was to return the kiss, yet I did. I couldn't stop. Her lips were soft like clouds; I felt as if I was lost in them.

She pulled away slowly and whispered, "I love you so much, Johnny. I would never try to hurt you."

"But the KenBaller stuff, Kendall? Why say those horrible things about me?"

"I was a woman hiding in a man's world. I had to look like I belonged. I swear, once I lost the bet and knew it was you, I stopped talking about you. You have to remember that."

I shook my head. "The damage was already done."

My mom interrupted and said, "I'm gonna go. You guys need to talk." She hugged me and whispered, "You need her. Find a way to forgive her."

She kissed my cheek then moved on to Kendall. I saw Kendall smile and nod as Mom hugged her and whispered something to her. I imagine it was similar to what she said to me.

Before my mother was out of the kitchen, Kendall's lips were on mine again. She was desperate to kiss me, which I didn't mind at all. I was surprised at her passionate declaration of love, but I owed her my passion in return.

She broke the kiss and lay her head on my chest, "Please love me back, Johnny."

"I do love you, Ken doll. That's why what you did hurt so much."

I felt her shake in my embrace. She cried and I simply held her. I realized I called her Ken doll and told her I loved her, yet she didn't react. She wasn't reacting to anything at that point.

The truth was, I did love her. She was my rock. It was true when I said she broke my heart.

As I held her, I felt waves of different emotions hitting me constantly. Love, grief, anger, disappointment--all added up to pain. It was punch in the gut I couldn't dodge. The pain in my heart was worse than any hit from any player on the football field.

When I played football, I was in a different battle every week. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for every team against whom I played. I was the embodiment of preparation. I watched countless hours of film, studied every opponent's game plans, knew our team's plan backward and forward. I was a leader of men going to war.

Standing there in my kitchen, with Kendall's tears drenching my shirt, I felt helpless. She asked me to love her back, and I confessed my love to her. It was the most vulnerable thing I'd ever done. I never told a woman I loved them. Certainly, I never felt that strongly for Anya. Maybe, it was that love for Kendall that saved me from falling head over heals for Anya? Maybe, my feelings for Kendall prevented me from getting too close and opening my heart for the slut.

With a large sniff, Kendall backed away from me, and asked, "Can I come back and work for you?"

I took a deep breath and answered, "No, Ken doll. You can't ever be my employee again." She spun away and I put my hands on her trembling shoulders. "Don't cry, my love. Come back to me as my wife."

"Don't tease me," she whispered.

I kissed her neck and felt the goosebumps rise on her skin.

"I'm not teasing. Be my wife."

She turned and said, "But you just broke up with, Anya?"

"Thank God, I did. It would be pretty awkward to marry you while being with her."

She sighed and hugged me. "Your shirt's ruined from my mascara."

"I'll buy a hundred more, if you'll never leave my arms."

She lifted her head and we kissed again. Softly, though. It wasn't a kiss of passion; it was a kiss of promise.

"Make love to me, Johnny. I've wanted you for so long."

I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. "Butkus, out," she barked at my dog, who slept on the edge of the bed. He snorted his disapproval before hopping down and trotting out of the room.

Kendall lifted my t-shirt and kissed my chest. She rubbed my abs and whispered, "You don't know how badly I've wanted to touch your body like this."

She kissed her way down my stomach, before kneeling and unbuckling my shorts. She followed my shorts and boxers down with licks ever so slowly leading to my rock-hard cock.

"Fuck," I moaned when she took me in her hand and swirled her tongue around my balls. "I love what you're doing, Love."

She winked at me and sucked one into her mouth. My knees went weak from the incredible sensation she created by licking and sucking softly at the same time. No one ever worshipped me as she was. I'd had plenty of blowjobs from all kinds of different beautiful women, but none came close to showing me as much love as Kendall.

She let me fall from her mouth with a slight pop and licked up my shaft until she found my frenulum. "Oh, Kendall," I groaned as I rubbed my hand through her hair. It only seemed to egg her on, as she licked around the glans and sucked me into her warmth.

She only bobbed for a moment before standing. "Johnny, I love you so much, and want to do that as often as you'll let me, but I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel your love."

I kissed her and unzipped her sun dress, letting it fall to the floor. Her braless cone-shaped breasts looked too good to ignore and I took the tip of her puffy areola into my mouth. I felt her nipple get harder as she moaned and grabbed my head.

I inhaled the combined scents of her perfume and arousal, and growled when I pushed her back onto my bed. I couldn't wait any longer. I was going to take her and give her what she demanded.

"Ooh," she sighed when I slid my length along her slit. I was going to tease her only a second longer, but she grabbed my shaft and pressed it to her entrance. "Now, Baby."

I pressed gently forward and felt her tightness envelop me. I felt the stiff ring of her entrance impede my sliding in and had to ease back and forth until I felt her fully accept me to her limit.

"Mm," she moaned, "be gentle, Big guy."

I kissed her and circled my hips, grinding my pelvis into her clit. She moaned approval as our tangled tongues tangoed in her mouth.

I stopped circling and thrust deeply into her, and her eyes flew open. "Oh, yeah!"

I smiled and lifted her legs to my shoulders giving me a different angle of attack. I said, "You fit like a glove, Ken doll. I feel like you were made for me."

Her eyes rolled back, and I continued my assault on her body.

The sounds of smacking flesh, coupled with the chorus of moans, filled the air as her body trembled through an orgasm. Her breasts slid with each thrust, the headboard banged into the wall, and I felt my orgasm rise through my body.

"Are you..."

"Cum inside me, Baby. Fill me and make me yours. Give me your child.'

I was never turned on more by a series of words. At that moment I let go and grunted my load into her unprotected womb. I wanted her to have my child, all of my children, and begged the stars for it to happen that time.

My arms went weak, and I crashed down onto her trembling body. It felt like she was sucking the life essence out of me, milking me as I stayed hard inside her.

I rolled and pulled her sweaty body over with me and I pumped into her slowly as we embraced.

"You're as light as a feather, Ken doll."

"You're as hard as iron, still. What did you have for breakfast?" she giggled as she slid along my torso, slamming back when she reached the tip.

"It's you, Honey. I haven't stayed hard like this since I was in college."

She lifted herself back and ground herself into my pelvis. "I told you, you weren't little."

Suddenly she slammed down harder and faster. "Oh, Johnny. Oh, God!"

I couldn't believe she was in control of her body. Her long hair was flying through the air. Her hands pressed into my chest so hard, I thought she was going to push me through the mattress. Fluids gushed from her and drenched my balls and sheets. I was in Heaven.

Moments later, she repeated my weakness and crashed into my chest. I laughed and asked, "Are you okay?"

She rolled off to my side and rested her head into my chest, "Mm, hm. Never better."

As if she forgot and suddenly remembered I hadn't cum, she grabbed my shaft and stroked me gently. I kissed the top of her head and asked, "It's been bothering me, Sweetie, how did you know I wasn't little?"

"Don't be mad, but for the last couple of years, you got into the habit of using the sauna after practices. Sometimes, you used the one you have here. Well, there was that time that you needed to go over your travel schedule on a trip to New York and made me join you."

"I wore a towel the entire time," I said.

"Yes, you did. The towel didn't hide the erection you got when I walked in."

"You looked amazing. I wanted to take you right there," I confessed. "I didn't want you to sue me for harassment, so I tried to hide it."

"I wish you would have taken me, but that would have just been sex. I hadn't fallen in love with you yet," she laughed and continued, "and after that sauna, I jilled off in your guest bedroom with you on my mind."

She looked down and asked, "Are you close yet?"

"Not even."

"Jeez," she sighed, and I laughed.

"I always last longer the second time," I said and kissed her again.

"Good to know," she smirked. "How about the third time?"

"Don't know. I don't think I've ever tried for three."

"Oh, darling am I going to have fun trying."

We laughed and she climbed back on top of me straddling my hips. As I entered her, she sighed, "Yes, by the way."

"Yes what?"

"I'll marry you. I don't think I answered when you asked."

I rolled her over, then once more and started thrusting into her from behind, "What if I rescinded the offer because of your lack of commitment?"

She slammed back, meeting my thrusts, and groaned, "Then I'll just live in sin with you and have all of the babies you can put in me."

I must have had a pregnancy fetish I didn't know about, because within moments I was blasting my seed deep in her tunnel.

She realized it, and giggled, "I never knew someone could get so excited about making me pregnant."

We lay in each other's arms once more and I sighed, "I guess my biological clock is ticking."

She slapped my chest and said, "I'm supposed to say that."

"You're younger than I am, though," I countered.

"Yes, but..." she paused as she played with my soft penis, "...are you too old to try for round three?"

"I'll never be to old for that, my love."

We kissed, and she said, "I never liked for you to call me 'Ken doll' because it hurt to have a pet name and not be able to be with you. You can call me that all you like, now."

I smiled and said, "As you wish." Moments later, I heard the sound of heavy breathing, then snoring.

I shook my head and sighed, "Maybe you're the one too old for three rounds, my love."

I let her sleep and lay content. I almost lost her because of my stupidity. Thank God, she came back to me.

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SorchakSorchak5 months ago

Pretty typical short romance story. Not worth a lot of praise OR disparagement. It got a "Meh." It could have been better, but it could have been worse. It wasn't, so it was meh.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That read just like the Hallmark movies my wife watches. I had to laugh.

PurplefizzPurplefizz8 months ago

The story progression seems off in this, he’s got a blonde bunny gf, but at no point are they in bed together or out socially? He’s retired, but as a retiring professional sportsman would have to be very careful in watching what he eats and drinks, as his fitness regime comes down slowly from “match fit” to a more sustainable weight and BMI for his body size & type - eating wings and drinking beer doesn’t sound right.

The other anomaly is the automatic Non Disclosure agreement Kendal would have had to have signed in her contract of employment, his attorney would surely have been chasing her for breach of confidentiality.

Whilst I enjoyed the story, there were way too many inconsistencies for me, 4⭐️

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNoover 1 year ago

2nd time around and just as much fun.

drycreeksdrycreeksover 1 year ago

I live the idiot comments from those who live in a fantasy world. 5 stars great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was a stupid MC. He was a wimpy loser to be in a relationship with Anya!! Kendall was a bitch with the games.

Ge was just a weak wimp who couldn't function on his own

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang1955over 1 year ago

You are right about his stupidity. All your Male characters suffer from it. I did give it z5☆ I enjoy your stories tremendously.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"How could you, how could you, how could you"? This wet noodle was not a football player. You basically wrote him as hypersensitive Tom Brady, sorry mate that doesn't fit. He gets dumped by a girl he didn't respect and gets sappy about it then later "my rage flew to the forefront". I was laughing picturing it. I love most your stories and your characters but this MC is a pass.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This MC is a dumb clueless cuck!!

All the Fantasy Football took up the story- fucking ridiculous

Bh76Bh76almost 2 years agoAuthor

That might be the best comment I’ve ever received. Thanks and check out some of those others.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The greatest strength of a good writer is a great imagination backed by a multiplicity of experiences. This to me was about as close to a real life experience that a writer can provide to me. As I read it was I was watching a movie, but not of actors, but of real people. The hero did not realise that the brightest diamond was the one being polished right in front of him as she got to know the real man. It was not sudden love, but the sudden realisation of the love that had been growing on an exponential curve. BH76 writes many stories I will not read because they are not the reason I come to this site. But this story is a combination of a Greek tragedy and a beautiful romance. Often women say in stories why are men so thick about women. I must say, my wife could see through any other woman with startling clarity, both good and bad. BH76 used the mother to clarify what he son didn't see. Almost like a chorus in a Greek play.

Ginger630Ginger630almost 2 years ago

That was too quick of a resolution! How does he just decide that he loves her? There was no flirty banter or even pervy thoughts on his end.

JacktacularJacktacularalmost 2 years ago

I agree with the one anon who said it was resolved to quickly, other than that it was great 👍

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 2 years ago

I think golfers used to have spikes on their shoes...................

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