All Because of a Rusted Swing Set


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"Bye Tara," Ashley said as she got into her car.

She waved to her friend as she drove off.

"How hot is my new neighbor? That girl is impossible," She thought but then caught herself thinking about her new neighbor's smile when he opened his door to find her there on his porch.

"Don't let Tara get to you," She told herself as she shook her head then after a second added, "It is a nice smile."


"So let me get this right," The foreman stated for the third time. "You want us to set up a tarp for you to work on this thing in private?"

"Whoever said, Money can't buy happiness was right," Rory thought to himself as he stood with the man in his backyard. "I want to surprise my neighbor and I can't do that if they can look out of their back deck and see it," He answered him.

He gave a shrug of his shoulders that Rory took to be his weird rich people shrug. It took him longer to question Rory than it took for his crew to set the tarp up.

"Now are you sure that you don't want my guys to throw that together for you?" the foreman asked. "It would only take my guys an hour tops."

"No thanks, I've got it," Rory answered him. "Working with my hands helps me think."

Another shrug and he and his crew were off, leaving Rory to his project.


Ashley arrived at her work at Victoria's Secret a few minutes before her shift was set to begin.

"Running late today, Miss Perfect?" Janice Simmons, her younger coworker smirked as Ashley hurried into the back room.

"You know I hate when you call me that, Janice," Ashley sighed.

"Why do you think I do it?" Janice laughed as she headed out to the sales floor.

Ashley shook her head and vowed that she would not let Janice get to her today. She made herself a cup of coffee in the break room before she headed out onto the sales floor. She sipped from her cup and managed not to glare as Janice set herself up behind the counter.

"Claiming her spot for the day," Ashley muttered knowing that meant that she would be on the floor and thus on her feet all day. "Great, that's all I needed today."


Rory was a few hours into his project when he heard a car pull into his driveway. He cursed and hurried to the front hoping that Mrs. Spencer hadn't come by to apologize again. He rounded the corner and sighed with relief when he recognized the silver Mercedes SLC Roadster gleaming in his driveway.

"I had to come and see this with my own eyes," Reg called out as he saw Rory round the corner of the house.

"See what," Rory asked playing dumb.

"I think it's so sweet that you think you can make a large purchase without me getting an alert on it," Reg chuckled.

"I sometimes hate that you're my agent," Rory sighed.

"Nah, you love it." He smirked as he followed him into the backyard.

He stopped when he saw the large tarp erected back there.

"I was worried when I saw you rented this thing. I almost called that hot real estate agent to bless her out for selling you a house with a leaky roof."

"The roof is fine," Rory assured him.

"I can see that. So explain the tarp and this... thing. Do I need to get someone to run a DNA test?" Reg asked him.

"So that's the real reason you drove all the way up here?" Rory asked him. "Jesus, Reg, you know that's something I'd have already told you about!"

"You have this stubborn streak of trying to handle things on your own, Rory," He pointed out. "As for the drive, it's only a few hours on the road and I've been meaning to visit my mom anyway. So you're sure that I don't need to arrange for any type of test?"

"Only on my sanity for hiring you in the first place," Rory joked then told him about his project.

"She must be awfully cute," Reg said once Rory was done with his explanation.

"She's the cutest little girl I've ever seen aside from Chloe," Rory shared.

"I meant the mom you jackass," Reg chuckled.

"She's married," Rory pointed out but avoided letting on that he did find Ashley attractive. "Besides, I feel kind of bad that she lost her swing set."

He pondered that for a moment and Rory could hear the monkey that controls the gears in Reg's brain go into overdrive.

"No," Rory said before Reg got his idea out of his mouth.

"I didn't even say anything yet," Reg argued.

"You were about to and the answer is no," Rory told him.

"But the publicity...," Reg started to argue.

"No publicity," Rory interrupted him. "This is not author R. H. Decker builds a park for needy children. This is Rory Harrison is a good neighbor and no one needs to know anything about that."

"The public begs to differ," He argued.

"They can beg all they want but this stays between us. Don't make me call your mom... or worse, your sister," Rory joked.

Reg sighed and raised his hands in defeat.

"That's low man, threatening me with my own sister," He laughed.

"Yeah, that was always your thing when we were younger and if you'd just listen to me, I wouldn't have to resort to threats." Rory pointed out. "How is Cheryl by the way?"

"She wishes that you would stop by more often. She doesn't think that she's thanked you enough for setting up that college fund for Brady." Reg shared.

"She's thanked me plenty," Rory commented.

"I don't want to hear about you and my sister, jerk," Reg stated as he shook his head as if to try and clear an image from his head.

"Cheryl's not like that, asshole," Rory said as he gave him a playful shove. "She made me dinner and that was all the thanks I need."

"It figures that you set my nephew up to have his whole college education paid for and take a chicken dinner for payment," Reg chuckled.

"Hey, there were potatoes," Rory pointed out with a laugh.

He sighed then gestured towards Rory's project.

"Are you doing any writing while you work on this... side project of yours?" He asked going back into agent mode.

"A little," Rory lied but knew that it was for the best.

Reg freaked out if Rory wasn't writing something. He learned that a long time ago and lying about it was easy at this point.

"Good," He smiled. "The public is clamoring for a new book and the studios are giving them a serious look now that we're back on the market."

"I'm still a little gun shy when it comes to the studios right now," Rory said then knelt down to get back to his project.

"Don't let one bad experience taint everything else, Rory," Reg told him.

"I'm trying not to," Rory said then nodded toward his project. "This is helping."

"Send me some new pages to look over. Next week, Rory. You hear me?" Reg asked him.

"Next week," Rory said and gave a mock salute. "Aye aye, Captain."

Reg gave Rory one last look then glanced at what he was working on and mumbled again,

"She must be really cute," before heading back to his car.


"So how hot is this lady," Rory's sister Ellie asked.

Rory sighed into his phone. He wished he had known what a mistake this call was going to be.

"Have you been talking to Reg?" He deflected.

"No, why," Ellie asked.

"He said the same thing and I'll tell you what I told him. She's a married woman," Rory stated.

"A hot married woman," Ellie prodded.

"I didn't notice," Rory lied.

"Liar," She called him out immediately.

Just like when they were growing up, she could always tell when he was lying. Rory chalked it up to some weird sibling vibe that she could feel even over the phone.

"Well if you aren't into messing around with married women then you should look into the singles scene around here. I happen to know that there are some girls we went to school with that are on the market. Well, back on the market," Ellie told him.

"Are these the ones that ignored me or the ones that made fun of me?" Rory asked with a shake of his head.

"Probably both but that doesn't matter now that Chloe needs a playmate," Ellie plowed ahead.

She loved to dangle her daughter's supposed needs in front of Rory because she knew that he'd do all he could to make her smile.

"Speaking of a playmate for Chloe," He stated as he ignored his sister's attempt at matchmaking, "that's kind of why I called you. What are you doing on Saturday?"


Two days later, Rory's project was finished and he had not seen Emily once while he had been working. He was relieved and a little sad not seeing her but in the end, he hoped it would be worth it. Rory considered just heading out through the woods but figured that wouldn't look great so he hopped into his car instead. A few minutes later, he stepped up to the door and rang the bell. He only had to wait a couple of moments before Ashley opened the door.

"Mr. Harrison," She stated with a slight frown on her pretty face. "Is there a problem?"

"No... Yes... well, sort of..." Rory stammered. "Mrs. Spencer, I think I was kind of... abrupt with you and your daughter the other day and I would like to make up for that."

She eyed him warily from behind her glass storm door then shook her head.

"That's not necessary Mr. Harrison. You had every right to..." She started to say.

"No, I really didn't," Rory interrupted her. "I'm new to the neighborhood and I'm afraid I left a bad impression so I'd like to invite you and your family over for dinner tonight. I promise I'm a decent cook."

"It's okay, really," She assured him. "Emily coming over uninvited was enough of a bother to you. We wouldn't want to become even more of one."

"You won't be a bother. My sister is coming over to see the new place with my niece. She's nine and I thought that she and Emily might get along. What do you say," Rory was practically begging.

Ashley seemed to sense this and enjoyed letting him twist for a couple of moments before she finally nodded.

"What time are we expected?" She asked with a put upon sigh.

She tried her best to look bemused but her mouth curved up into an involuntary smile. Rory caught the slight movement of her lips and smiled himself.

"Uh, around five," He answered as he nervously brushed his hand over his thick, brown hair. "I figure that would give the girls a little while to get to know each other before we eat. Is that good for you?"

"I can make that work," She answered as she smiled up at him.

Ashley found his nervousness charming and she did like his smile.


A little after five Rory's doorbell rang and he hurried to answer it but Ellie intercepted him.

"Back to the kitchen with you," She told him as she pointed. "I'll greet your guests, bro."

"Ellie," He started to protest but Chloe grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the kitchen.

"Come on Uncle Rory," She urged in a voice he couldn't resist. "We got work to do."

"That we do, squirt," Rory smiled at her then pointed at his sister and wagged it. "You play nice, Ellie."

"I always play nice," Ellie called back then stuck her tongue out at him.

Ellie opened the door and a big smile appeared on her face when she saw how pretty Ashley was.

"Hi, you must be Ashley and Emily. Come on in," She stated. "Your husband couldn't make it tonight?"

"No, he's not... I mean," Ashley stammered for a second. "I'm sorry are... are you Mr. Harrison's sister?"

"Oh my gosh, where are my manners," Ellie said. "Yes, I'm Rory's sister Eleanor but please call me Ellie."

"It's nice to meet you, Ellie," Ashley said as she extended her hand.

Ellie shook it and smiled down at Emily who was trying her best to hide in her mom's legs.

"It's my pleasure, Ashley," Ellie said then addressed Emily. "Hello there, Emily, how are you?"

"Good," Emily answered shyly.

"That's very good! You are just the cutest," Ellie smiled at her. "Let me take you to Rory and my little girl Chloe. She is so excited to meet you, Emily."

Ashley and Emily had no choice but to follow Ellie as she headed towards the living room. Emily had a death grip on her mom's pants leg making it difficult for Ashley to keep up with the tall brunette. Ellie led them to the kitchen where Rory and Chloe were working on cookies.

"Hi, Mrs. Spencer, I'm glad you and Emily made it," Rory stated as he handed Chloe a handful of sprinkles to add to the cookies.

"We appreciate you inviting us, Mr. Harrison," Ashley responded.

"Please call him, Rory," Ellie said. "The Mr. Harrison talk goes right to his head and puffs up his ego."

"El, remember when I asked you to play nice," Rory sighed.

"I remembered I just chose to ignore it," Ellie answered with a laugh as Chloe hopped down off the counter and went over to Emily.

"Hi, wanna make cookies with me and my uncle?" Chloe asked her. Emily looked from the chestnut brown haired girl to her mom, to Rory then back to her mom.

"Can I," She asked her mom shyly.

"Sure you can," Chloe answered for Ashley then took her hand and pulled Emily over to where Rory stood. "Up Uncle Rory!" Chloe ordered precociously as she raised her arms towards him.

Rory reached down and scooped her up then deposited her onto the tall stool she had just vacated. He turned back to Emily but Ashley had already placed her onto the stool beside Chloe.

"Make sure you listen to Mr. Harrison, Em," Ashley told her as she rubbed her back.

"Do you want to do the red sprinkles or the blue ones?" Chloe asked Emily.

"Come on Ashley," Ellis stated as she took her by the arm, "let me show you the rest of this house my very single brother thinks he needs."

Rory gave his sister a glare at her choice of words but she just winked at him when Ashley wasn't looking at her.

"I should probably stay with Em," Ashley said worriedly.

"She's in good hands, Ashley," Ellie assured her.

"You're really good at this," Chloe complimented a smiling Emily as she carefully placed sprinkles on the warm from the oven cookies.

Ashley allowed Ellie to lead her along but she was tentative about leaving Emily alone.

"She'll be fine, really," Ellie assured her once she noticed Ashley continuing to look towards the kitchen.

"Em gets nervous around people she doesn't know," Ashley explained. "If she looks around and I'm not there I'm afraid that she'll freak out."

"It won't be a problem, trust me," Ellie told her. "Now come on and let me give you the five-cent tour."

Ashley was surprised when she finished the tour and hadn't heard Emily cry out for her. Ellie led her back to the kitchen and heard Ashley's slight gasp when she saw Emily seated on the counter top giggling with Chloe while Rory made faces at them.

"Kids love him," Ellie pointed out quietly from their vantage point at the kitchen door. "It's his superpower."

"I can see that," Ashley answered as she walked over to the group and rubbed Emily's back. "Having fun Em?"

"Uh huh, he's silly," Emily answered then giggled again.

"Silly... silly am I," Rory asked seriously. "You know what happens when you make fun of me don't you?"

Emily shook her head while Chloe giggled. She had played this game before.

"It gets you... a pre-dinner cookie," Rory smiled and handed her a fresh cookie. "Careful, it's warm."

Emily took it but before she took a bite she looked at her mom for permission.

"His house, his rules," Ashley answered her with a smile. "Just don't get used to it."

"That goes double for you Chloe," Ellie stated as Rory handed his niece her own cookie. "Uncle Rory is spoiling you."

"It's what Uncle Rory's for mama," Chloe pointed out. Ashley laughed at how Chloe made it sound like a fact of life.

"He doesn't need any encouragement from you, Ashley. It took days to get Chloe to calm down after a visit to Uncle Rory's but now that he's back home I can see it getting so much worse," Ellie sighed exaggeratedly.

"Home? You're from here?" Ashley asked surprised.

"The celebrated son returns home," Ellie teased Rory.

"Ellie," Rory warned futility. Ellie had rarely heeded his warnings growing up and that was not likely to change.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand," Ashley said.

"Sorry Ashley, but I think my little bro might toss me out if I say anything more." Ellie apologized.

"She's going to find out sooner or later, it might as well be from your big mouth," Rory told her calmly as he handed Chloe and Emily another cookie.

Both giggled as they bit into the treat. Ashley shook her head and Ellie sighed but launched into her explanation.

"We grew up just outside of town. Chloe and I moved back into our old house when I got divorced. Our parents decided to tour the country in an RV so it works out. He spends... well, he spent his time in Los Angeles fixing scripts." Ellie shared.

"Ellie, that's not exactly..." Rory started to correct her but Ashley interrupted.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"When someone writes a script for a movie, TV show or even a commercial the director usually has their own vision of what it should be, so my job was to attempt to achieve a happy medium for both parties. That's what I started out doing out there anyway," Rory explained.

"Oh wow," Ashley expressed. "Did you work on anything I might have seen?"

"She doesn't know?" Ellie gave her a shocked look.

Rory ignored his sister and answered Ashley.

"A couple of TV shows, a half dozen commercials and one movie that's stuck in development but that's all I can legally tell you. Hollywood is weird when it comes to non-disclosure clauses and it's one of the reasons I left," He explained.

"That isn't the main reason you left. It was that bi..." Ellie started to say but stopped when Rory nodded towards the girls.

"Who's ready for dinner?" He called out.

"Me!" Chloe shouted and her new friend Emily echoed her.

"Good because I have another little surprise outside," Rory shared.

"More surprises, great." Ashley sighed quietly. "Not sure I can withstand many more surprises tonight."


"For me," Chloe shouted excitedly while she looked back at the three adults who were following in her and Emily's wake.

"For you and Emily to share," Rory corrected her.

"Me," Emily asked astonished.

"Your last one was gone so I had to replace it," Rory smiled at her.

"Oh my," Ashley exclaimed as she looked out at the new swing set.

It was easily twice the size of the old one and had a slide, a see-saw and was even topped off with a plastic tree house.

"Spoiled rotten I tell you," Ellie said as she playfully punched his shoulder.

"It's what Uncle Rory does," Rory mimicked his niece then turned to Ashley. "I hope you and Emily will come over and make use of it whenever she wants."

"I... we..." She stammered unable to think of a reply as she looked at the white structure with pink accents.

"Think on it, I need to get the hot dogs before they burn," He stated as he headed towards the grill. "I hope hot dogs are okay, it's about all I can get Chloe to eat."

"It's... they're fine," She answered him while still looking at the new swing set.

Ellie put an arm around Ashley and handed her a half-full wine glass.

"You looked like you needed this." Ellie giggled. "My brother has a tendency to go overboard at times. Might as well get used to it Ashley, he's not going to change."

Ashley shook her head and took a sip while watching Emily and Chloe playing on the swing set.

"I've never seen one made up like this. They're usually wooden looking aren't they?" Ashley asked.

"I was just thinking the same thing and I've got an idea about that. Come with me," Ellie answered with a smile.

Ashley followed her over to the garage then looked to the back corner where Ellie had pointed.

"He didn't," Ashley asked as she looked at the white and pink paint cans that sat on a drop cloth.

"Of course he did," Ellie sighed then giggled. "This is him in a nutshell, Ashley. When a regular swing set would have been plenty he goes and makes it a princess set just because he knows the girls would love it even more. This kind of thing has gotten him in trouble in the past but he persists. Please tell your husband that he means well and isn't showing off."