All Because of a Rusted Swing Set


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"The only mystery is why you think that you have to repay me for any of this," Rory stated.

"Let's see. Because you always tell me yes when I call you up at the last minute, to take Em, then act like I'm the one doing you a favor for bringing her over," Ashley started listing.

"How would our detective agency survive if you didn't, Ashley?" Rory chuckled.

"The Em and H Agency," Emily announced proudly.

"It's H and Em, little lady. Age before beauty and all that," he playfully argued with her.

"Then there's that," Ashley sighed. "We run into you at the grocery store and you turn it into some grand adventure for Em so now we have to drag you along every time we go back!"

"It's not like I don't have to buy groceries Ashley and if Miss Em and I get to have an adventure while shopping that's just a bonus," Rory told her.

"It takes you twice as long to get your shopping done," She argued.

"As long as Reg doesn't find out that I'm wasting valuable writing time, I'm fine. He joked.

"Yeah, I can see myself trying to explain it to him." She laughed then mimed talking into her phone. "Reg, he puts my little girl into his cart and they walk around the store analyzing what's in people's carts while they make up stories about what their lives are like. It's so their detective agency can thrive. No, I'm not on any medication. Why do you ask? Hello?"


As Rory started to clean up the table, Emily pulled her mom back to the couch to continue telling her of today's adventure. He was storing the leftovers when he felt a tug on his pants leg.

"Mommy fell asleep," Emily whispered.

"She did huh," Rory asked also in a whisper.

She took his hand and led him into the living room where Ashley was curled up on his couch snoozing away. Rory ran through his options, he could wake her and send her home but he's wary of putting her behind the wheel if she was that tired. He could try to get her into his car but then he'd have to go digging around in her pockets for her keys and he couldn't see that going over very well. It left him with only one real choice.

"Looks like you're having a sleep over, Em."


"You remember where all your overnight stuff is right?" He asked.

"Uh huh," Emily answered with a yawn.

Emily and Chloe had spent several nights with him, so Emily had the essentials that she needed already there.

"Okay, get upstairs and get ready for bed. I'll get your mom up," He told her.

Emily headed towards the stairs as he reached down to try to shake Ashley awake. Rory called her name but she only mumbled something that couldn't be deciphered.

"Well, I could just leave you here or," he knelt down and scooped her up into his arms. "She's either surprising light or my workouts are paying bigger dividends than I thought."

Again, she mumbled something before putting her arms around his neck.

"You're either really enjoying this or that wine hit you hard," He chuckled.

She didn't answer except for a little snort in her sleep. He shook his head as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom.

"Mommy's sleeping in here?" Emily asked as she watched him pull an extra set of sheets from his closet.

"You are too Em," he informed her. "I'll be in Chloe's room in case you need anything tonight otherwise hop on in and give your mom some cuddles."

Emily carefully gets onto the bed and cuddles to her mom's back.

"She's still in her clothes," She pointed out. "You can't sleep in your clothes."

"We're making an exception to that rule for your mom, Em. She doesn't have any pajamas here. Did you brush your teeth?" he asked hoping to avoid any more questions.

"Uh huh," Emily yawned again and he could smell her minty breath.

"Great job, Miss Em, now off to dreamland." he told her as he pulled the sheet over them both.

As he exited his bedroom he wondered just how he's going to fit himself onto Chloe's small princess themed bed.


Ashley slowly began to stir when her nose picked up the smell of cooking bacon.

"Mmm, somebody's makin' bacon," She murmured as she rolled over then drifted off back to sleep for another minute.

Suddenly she sat up.

"Who's making bacon?" She wondered.

As she looked around she realized that she wasn't in her bedroom.

"Oh no," She sighed.

Emily opened the door at that moment, a huge grin appearing on her face when she saw her mother awake.

"Mommy, you're up," She cried excitedly as she launched herself at the bed.

Ashley caught her in mid flight and gave her a hug.

"Morning baby," She said stroking her hair.

"Mr. H sent me on a mission to wake you up because breakfast is almost ready," Emily informed her.

"I owe, I owe, it's off to breakfast I go," Ashley muttered.

As she slid out of bed she noticed that she's fully clothed.

"Em, how'd I get to bed last night?" She asked.

"I think Mr. H carried you up here. You were really out of it, Mommy. I was brushing my teeth like I'm supposed to," Emily answered.

"Of course he did," She sighed allowing Emily to lead her downstairs. "How'd you sleep Em?"

"You moved around a lot but I slept okay." She answered.

"So you slept with me," Ashley asked a little surprised.

"Uh huh and Uncle Rory slept in me and Chloe's princess bed. I bet he looked so silly!" She giggled.

"I imagine that he did," Ashley agreed with a giggle of her own.


"Did you manage to get Sleeping Beauty awake, Em," Rory asked when he heard someone enter the kitchen behind him.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake and Scooby got your intrepid Miss Em, Mr. H, coffee, please," Ashley answered as she takes a seat at the island counter.

He nodded and passed her a cup.

"Morning," Rory greeted her cautiously.

"Pour first, then talk," she told him.

He poured, passing her the sugar and creamer that he kept on hand for her and Ellie.

"Mmm," She sighed after taking a sip. "Now would you like to explain how I ended up in your bed last night?"

"You fell asleep," He answered then when he noticed her glare he continued. "You were on the couch and I was going to wake you but then you'd have insisted on going home. That wouldn't have been a great idea you know, between the wine and how tired you already were. Emily's stayed here often enough to have overnight stuff so I figured that it'd be best if you both just stayed here."

"Uh huh," she responded and took another sip. "You didn't think you should wake me up and ask my opinion on the matter?"

"I tried but you were really out of it," He defended.

"Flip your bacon," She stated pointing at the forgotten strips sizzling away in the pan.

"Thanks," He murmured as he flipped the nearly ready strip. "Where was I?"

"About to manhandle me up to your bed, Mr. H," she answered and he almost choked on his own spittle.

"That did not happen," He defended.

"Well I didn't walk up there on my own and I know Em didn't carry me up so that only leaves you, Mr. H," She informed him.

"Yes but I didn't... I mean I was... there was no manhandling. I simply carried you upstairs, Ash," He stammered.

"To your bed," She pointed out.

"It's bigger than Chloe's and I wanted to put Em with you so you'd know that I didn't do anything improper while you were asleep," He stated.

"I just have one thing to say to you," She grumbled sounding as if she was about to rip him a new one. "And that is that you, Mr. Harrison, you... are fun to mess with."

"Ashley, I'm sor... wait, what did you say?" He asked.

Instead of answering she started laughing.

"I'm going to burn your toast just for that." He scolded her.

"No you won't," She managed to say between laughs.

"He won't what mama," Emily asks as she came in to see what all the laughter is about.

"The chef here was threatening to burn my toast," Ashley explained.

"Your mother wasn't playing nice, Em," He defended.

"Mommy, play nice. Mr. H, don't burn anything," Emily ordered precociously which started a whole new bout of laughter from all of them.

"I know we agreed that I owe you chili for watching Em yesterday. I can't imagine what I'll have to cook up for last night's dinner, the bed and now breakfast too." Ashley stated as he added more strips of bacon to the pan.

Emily, having snagged a ready piece of bacon, retreated back to the living room to watch more cartoons until it was time to eat. Ashley also snagged a piece of bacon which caused Rory to smile.

"Well, since you mentioned it," He began, suddenly nervous so he flipped the bacon more than he needed to.

"It's bacon, Rory, not a gymnast." She joked.

"Yeah sorry," He apologized. "I want to ask you something, well Ellie thinks I should ask you but I'm not sure I should but you keep saying that you want to pay me back. Not that you owe me anything, I hope I've made that clear. It's just that..."

"For a guy that makes his living writing you sure have a tough time with words sometimes," She pointed out with a playful grin. "Just ask me whatever you want to ask me, Rory."

"Okay, there's a party in a couple of weeks. Some big New Year's charity thing thrown by the mayor and Reg has told me that I'm required to attend. I can bring someone and I was wondering if you'd like to go... with me. Like a date," He asked.

She looked at him for a solid minute then said, "So this was your plan all along huh? Get me to owe you so many favors that I couldn't possibly say no to a date with you, is that it?"

"What? No, of course you can say no. Are, are you saying no?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm teasing you, Rory," She smiled at him. "I would love to be your plus one to your charity thing. It's been awhile since I had an occasion to get all dressed up."


After breakfast, Ashley insisted on helping to clean up so they parked Emily at the table with her coloring books while Rory washed the dishes and Ashley dried them.

"I can't believe you were nervous about asking me," Ashley giggled at him as he handed her the frying pan.

"After you raked me across the coals for your amusement over last night, I'm surprised I can speak at all," He told her.

"It was funny," She stated giggling as she dried.

"It was a little funny and of course I was nervous. You're a beautiful woman, Ashley." He answered noticing that the pan slipped from her hand a bit when he called her beautiful.

"Rory, you're a good looking guy who's also famous and not to mention rich. There's no reason for you to be nervous about asking anyone out, me least of all," She recovered.

"Because of all the favors you mean," He asked.

"I'm sure that's part of it, you do make it hard to tell you no. I am being forced to make you chili on Monday." She joked.

"I like chili," Emily shared from the table.

"That's good because we're having it Monday night in honor of Mr. H and all his heroic bravery yesterday," Ashley laughed.

"What about today?" Emily asked.

"Well I'm going to help him finish up the dishes then you and I are going home so I can take a shower and change clothes. After that, we'll see what adventures you and I can get into today. How's that sound," She asked.

"Great!" Emily enthused.

"Are you up for a day of adventuring, Rory," Ashley asked.

"As much as I'd love to, I need to get some writing done today or Reg will have an aneurysm," He told her.

"We can't have that and I can't wait to read your next chapter so we'll leave you to it, Mr. H." Ashley stated then, after she made sure that Emily was occupied, she leaned up and kissed his cheek. "That was for yesterday, Rory. Thank you for everything."

"Anytime, Ashley," He said. "You know that by now."

"I do," She nodded then leaned up and kissed his other cheek.

"What was that one for?" He asked smiling at her.

"For calling me beautiful," She smiled back. "It's been a long time since I've been called that."

"I highly doubt that," He told her.

"Then it's because I like it when it comes from your lips," She corrected. "How's that?"

"Nearly perfect," He chuckled.


The week before Christmas, Rory headed to the mall to grab the last few gifts he needed to complete his list. At around lunchtime he headed into Victoria's Secret looking to surprise Ashley.

The girl at the counter perked up as he approached.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" She asked with a huge smile plastered on her face.

Rory looked down at her name badge that she was wearing close to her very exposed cleavage.

"I'm not sure if you'll be able to, Janice," He said to her.

"I'm sure that I can, sir," She assured him as she pushed her boobs together even more. "Are you looking for some lingerie for your... wife?"

"I'm not married. It's for a friend," He answered her.

"Close friend," she asked flirtatiously.

"Just a friend," He answered then with his own smile added, "for now."

She looked around to make sure there's no one close by then whispered.

"Well if she happens to be my size, I could help you out by trying stuff on for you. Make sure that you'll like how your friend will look in it."

"Hmm," he tapped his chin as if thinking over the offer when in the mirror behind the counter, he spotted Ashley emerging from the back, her arms full of boxes.

He turned and nodded towards her.

"Actually, she's more my friends size. Do you think she'd be willing to try some stuff on for me?" He asked with a grin.

Janice laughed.

"Miss Perfect there would never do such a thing," She told him.

"I'll bet you that I can get her to go out to lunch with me," Rory said with a wink.

"Why waste your time on her when you have a sure thing right here already," She asked him.

"I like a challenge," He smiled at her then walked over to where Ashley was working.

She had her back to Rory as she restocked a display of pajama pants.

"The sales girl at the counter said you might be able to help me out," He stated keeping his voice low so she wouldn't be able to easily recognize it.

Her shoulders sagged for a moment before she straightened herself, put on a fake smile on her face and turned.

"How may I help... Rory," She asked as she saw him there smiling at her.

"Shh," he whispered, "I bet your coworker Janice that I could get you to go out to lunch with me. She said that would never happen."

"I'll bet that's not all she said." Ashley huffed but then smiled over at the staring Janice.

"She offered to model some lingerie for me," Rory added.

"Of course she did." She sighed. "So why aren't you taking her up on that offer."

"She's not my friend's size," He chuckled.

"Your friend huh," Ashley smiled. "Let me guess just who this friend of yours is."

"Well you did have to spend that one night in your work clothes. I'd like to be prepared for the next time," He answered her.

"It's so cute that you think there will be a next time and a little forward of you to think I'm going to slip into some sexy lingerie if I'm staying the night at your place, Rory," She teased him.

"A little forward of you to think I wasn't going to buy some pajama pants and top," he responded.

"Uh huh, sure you were." She playfully glared at him.

"You can't prove that I wasn't," He smiled at her. "So, how about lunch?"

Ashley looked over his shoulder at Janice who was smirking at her.

"Well since you were able to ask me without stumbling over your words and it'll make Janice's head spin to see me walk out of here with you," She smiled and took his arm. "You're on."

Rory smiled at her, then turned and gave a gape mouthed Janice a wink.

"Janice, could you be a dear and sign me out for lunch," Ashley called out as she led Rory towards the entrance. "I'll be back in a while. Bye now."


They grabbed a bite at the food court and, after a bit of searching, found an empty table to sit at. As they were eating, Ashley pointed towards the bags at Rory's feet.

"Dare I even ask," She stated after taking a sip of her tea.

"It's not sexy lingerie for my neighbor if that's your concern." he joked.

"It wasn't until your eyes lit up so now it's my only concern," She laughed.

"I don't have her measurements," he assured her.

"Smart ass," She sighed. "Did you stay within the budget I allotted you at least?"

"Yes, I did manage to do that," He answered.

"Wow, you really don't want me to back out of this New Year's date huh," She teased him.

"I'm asking Janice to model some lingerie for me when we get back to your store," He told her and received a kick to his shins from under the table.

"She isn't your friends size," She stated as he rubbed his shin. "You earned that bruise, Rory."

"I was only kidding," He told her.

"Sure you were but there's no way I'm letting her steal my New Year's date. Even if I have to get a new dress for it," She said with a twinkle in her eye as she wagged her finger at him.

"I wouldn't dream of replacing you, Ashley," He assured her.

"You'd better not! My ass is much nicer than hers anyway," She quips and he nearly spits his soda across the table. "Well it is."

"I wouldn't have any idea." he coughed out.

"You'll just have to trust me on that," She grinned wickedly at him. "I know how much you like mine. You're always trying not to stare at it and failing miserably."

"And you're still willing to go out with me?" He asked her.

"I think it's kind of cute that you like to look," She admitted then changed the subject.

"I've got to get back to work. Walk me back so I can see the look on Janice's face."

Janice was staring wide eyed as the couple walked back into the store holding hands. Ashley thought for a quick second then threw caution to the wind, leaned up and gave Rory a brief kiss on his lips.

"Thanks for lunch, handsome," She said loud enough for Janice to overhear. "We will definitely be doing it again soon."

Rory was surprised by the kiss but not enough that he forgot to watch her ass as she walked towards the counter where Janice stood with her mouth wide open in shock. Ashley put an extra sway in her hips as she practically strutted away from Rory. Of course she looked back and caught him looking but to his surprise she smiled then blew him an air kiss. He smiled, gave her wave then left the store.

"What in the world was that?" Janice asked once she found her voice.

"Lunch," Ashley answered her.

"Uh huh," Janice said as she saw the smile on Ashley's face. "And just what did you eat for lunch? I'm thinking that it was him!"

"It wasn't," Ashley answered. "Not yet anyway but he does make me feel nice."

"Nice? Nice?" Janice asked. "You strutted away from him, caught him staring at your ass then blew him a kiss. Nice is the least thing that man makes you feel!"

"Isn't it your lunch time?" Ashley said and did her best not to blush.

"Maybe but it won't be nearly as fun as yours obviously was!" She answered.

"It was quite fun," Ashley smiled then felt the inkling to put the screws to Janice just a little. "I wonder if our dinner will be as much fun?"

"Wait... you... he... Dinner?" Janice stammered.

"Well he did forget to buy his friend some pajamas didn't he?" Ashley teased. "It's only fair that I make him dinner and deliver some pajamas to him, isn't it?"

"Who are you?" Janice shook her head.

"I'm just me," Ashley answered but thought to herself. "The me that's been hiding for far too long."


Christmas Eve arrived with the first snow of the season. A few inches covered the ground in a blanket of white by the time Rory headed over to Ashley and Emily's for dinner. He kicked the snow off his boots before he rang the doorbell.

"Hey, Rory, right on time as usual," Ashley said as she opened the door. "Is it still snowing?"

"It stopped about fifteen minutes ago," He informed her. "I think we got another inch at least."

"Did you have any trouble on the roads?" Ashley asked as she took the gift bags from his hands.