All for a Cup of Coffee


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We headed out into the main room to find a few women still sitting around and Cherry standing behind the bar. She looked stiff and kinda scared of something. Her eyes were wide and she looking around with these twitchy little glances.

"Go sit down and eat up. I'll be right over." I said, gesturing to one of the empty tables. Berry bounced away, the stubby little tail above her butt shaking with excitement. Then I headed over to Cherry and she looked up at me as I said, "Everything okay?"

"This... This isn't real, is it? I'm gonna wake up. This is gonna turn into a nightmare, I'm sure of it. Nothing could actually be this good!" Cherry hissed sharply, her eyes narrowed and suspicious as she looked at one of the front windows where a few passing women stared in.

That made me roll my eyes and I blew out a breath, "No Cherry, this is all real. Good god, I'm the one in a different world full of magic and hot babes. I'm the one who should be lost in disbelief."

"But you don't get it! It all happened exactly how you've said! We closed down, rebuilt everything in here, and then reopened. You cooked a huge array of breakfast dishes and we charged more money. Nobody even looked twice at the prices and we made more than a hundred and sixteen gold! Every single time you came out here this morning, everyone lost their minds! Every one of them was clamoring for more. They all want to come back for dinner, and to come back tomorrow! We're never going to be able to serve everyone and I'm making more money than I know what to do with!" Cherry grabbed the front of my vest and pressed herself to my bare chest. Her lips locked with mine and her tongue wrestled into my mouth. I hugged her against me, fingers all over her ass, and kissed her back until she broke it off. Her lips pressed to my ear and she mumbled, "Everything you've promised me has come true. You're everything I dreamed of as a little girl and I wouldn't trade my life here for the Queen's own palace."

I pulled her skirt up and fondled her bare ass a bit more as I nuzzled her neck. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a few of the women staring jealously. Berry was looking at us over her heap of food as well, but it was more horny longing than jealousy.

Cherry giggled and I let go of her, her tail wagging happily. I looked down and said, "Let's go have breakfast with our new employee. I want to hear about how well she was handling herself out here."


Dinner was nothing special. We filled the High-Tail to bursting and I ran my ass absolutely ragged. We had four dishes to offer for dinner tonight and I used up mountains of our stock to deliver at least twenty of each meal. By the time I closed up the kitchen and flopped onto a stool for a beer, Berry and Cherry were both tired as well. But Cherry couldn't complain because she was holding onto a sack of more than twice the gold I had promised her we could make in a night.

"Well ladies, how was it all?" I asked the three dozen remaining patrons that were nursing last drinks or nibbling on the crumbs of their deserts.

"Amazing." One Lamia hissed.

"Can I have your baby?" A harpy smiled and flashed me her tits.

"I'm eating here every single day." A horned, dark-skinned woman said and she trailed a very long tongue around the rim of her beer.

I took a drink of my own and saluted the room with it, "That's what a chef likes to hear. To empty plates and full bellies!"

The women cheered and raised their drinks to me.

Cherry leaned across the bar and kissed me on the cheek. To my left, Berry had disposed of her dirty apron and was lounging naked on the floor. Her fifth beer was in her hand and she was drinking heavily from the large mug. We talked and drank until our glasses got low.

"Alright everyone. Finish up and leave the coin on your tables. No breakfast tomorrow, I've got to buy a lot more stock than I did today. We had more customers than I thought we would." I said as I got to my feet. There were groans and whines but I waved a hand, "Scoot on folks. Maybe we'll hire more people and we can stay open longer, but not quite yet."

It took a bit of cajoling, but everyone left in short order. Cherry locked the door and flopped back against it, her face turned up in a bright smile. She laughed and said, "I can't believe we did so much business! Just the three of us! I sold out of beer again! I can't even lift the bag of gold we earned!"

Berry stood nearby, swaying a bit on her feet. She hiccuped and said, "It was really fun!"

"I can't believe you got drunk on six beers." I chuckled and gestured to the stairs, "Come on, let's go get some sleep."

"You two go on. I'll finish tidying up and collect the last of the coin." Cherry said and she headed back towards the bar. I watched her go and enjoyed the sight of her bending over a table. Naked women were great... but there was something extremely enticing about watching a skirt rise up over a fuzzy pink pussy. It was like seeing a silken red curtain rise on the stage of my favorite thing in the world. My dick throbbed but my eyes were torn from it by a booming rattle that made the building shake.

"Oooof..." Berry groaned from where she had tripped and fallen up the steps.

Look, I know I should've rushed to her help. I know that. But I was tired and horny and Berry was a damn sexy woman. She was laying face down with her legs spread in front of me, and I knew for a fact that her pussy and her ass were both virgin holes. Her thighs were so shapely and muscular, as well as the big furry muscles across her back. The size of her breasts kept her from hitting her head and her drunkenness was keeping her from getting back on her paws very quickly. So I just stared a bit at that plump, thick pussy and gave into a bit of a fantasy about burying my dick into it right where she was. I hadn't gotten to appreciate until now just how thick but silky smooth the bush between her thighs looked. I could dive right in and just imagine how hot and slippery she'd be inside.

Then I came to my senses and hurried to her side, "Berry, you alright?"

"Yeah... fell down." Berry sighed as she got to her paws with my help.

I pulled one of her arms across my shoulders and hugged her against me, "Alright, come on now. One step at a time."

Berry giggled and she turned her chest towards me, trying to thrust her huge breasts in my face. She succeeded in shoving me back against the wall and got her thick, naked nipples right in my face. Her voice was heady with both lust and beer, "You got strong hands, Harry. I like how they feel."

"Berry, come on. You're drunk and we're on the stairs." I said, reaching up and grabbing her boobs to push her back a step. She gasped a bit at the squeeze and I said, "You know, Berry. If you want it, it would be better in your room."

"Oh my gosh, really? We could do it?" Berry squealed excitedly. She grabbed me around the waist and I felt her heave me off the ground.

"Oh fuck. No! Berry, no!" I panicked as she lifted me over one broad shoulder and stepped up the stairs. Visions of us tumbling back down them filled my head as she took shaky steps upward. I focused on staying still and trying to keep my weight forward on her shoulder. If I freaked out and thrashed around to get free, that might cause her to fall. I also wasn't sure if I could actually overpower her impressive muscles and if I failed to, that might cause her to tumble as well.

So instead, I just worked with trying to get her safely to the top of the steps. Her arms stayed wrapped around me and we got to the landing in one piece. She tottered to her bedroom door and pushed it open.

"There we-hiccup-go!" Berry said as she tossed me on the bed. I cringed as I tumbled onto the fluffy mattress. She walked over and fell onto the bed next to me, "H-Here we... are."

I leaned up and smiled at the drunk bear girl. She was back up at me with a half-lidded smile on her face. I reached out and caressed her cheek, "You're kinda sloshed. You sure you want to do this?"

"You kidding? Harry, you're hot! You're really hot! No girl knows if she'll ever get some while she's still fertile. I'm only seventeen and I have a chance! I want it so bad!" Berry said, her voice frantic but not too slurred.

That made me roll my eyes and I got up on my knees. Normally fucking a drunk girl was a bad idea, but this was another one of those 'reversed gender roles' kind of situations. Back home, a woman fucking a drunk guy just results in the guy waking up in amazement that he actually got her home. This'd surely be the same thing. Berry would wake up and be in complete disbelief that she actually got some dick.

And I was really goddamn horny. The daily sex with Cherry had given my balls a hearty workout and my libido had an expectation now. So either I waited on Cherry and fucked her again, or I could give this cute young woman her first time. I'd caught sight of that thick virgin pussy so many times already today, and here it was offered to me again.

"Fuck it." I said and I pulled off my vest. I threw myself on Berry.

Berry caught me and laughed girlishly, "Gosh, is this really gonna happen? I've never done anything like this before!"

I worked my hand into her thick hair and pressed my lips to hers. She awkwardly kissed back and her arms circled around my shoulders. She was definitely, undeniably a virgin. She didn't even really know how to kiss and she just sort of mashed her lips against mine. I helped guide her by turning my head and parting her lips, slipping my tongue down along hers. She seemed to like that intensely and her tongue worked back against mine. I felt her legs squirming beneath me and she was eagerly thrusting her crotch against mine. I broke off our kiss and leaned up, hands full on her tits, "Not eager at all, are you?"

"I've never kissed like that before." She giggled, "I feel so wet already and you haven't even touched me yet..." Her eyes went to her boobs, "Well, no where really fun yet."

"Subtle." I snorted and got up off her.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" She said worriedly as I stood up.

"No. I'm still wearing pants. That's what's wrong." I said as I pushed off my shorts and let my dick loose. It was already mostly stiff and finished growing as Berry watched.

Her mouth formed a little O of shock and she stared shamelessly. One hand reached out as though she wanted to touch it but was worried she'd offend me if she did. I leaned forward and flopped my cock into her waiting palm. She closed her fingers gently around it and said, "Wow... it's... oh Harry, it's huge. Can this really fit inside me? It fit inside Cherry, right?"

"Oh yes, you should hear her scream. Last night I had her pinned against the headboard and-" I stopped as her face turned to one of confusion.

"Last night? But... you're hard now." Berry mumbled as she rubbed my erection slowly as though she weren't sure it was real.

I smacked my forehead and said, "Right. Sorry. You're not in on the secret yet. Berry, I can fuck as much as I want. I fucked Cherry like fourteen times in one night. I'll fuck you tonight, and fuck her again tomorrow. Heck, might fuck you two in one night together if you're not opposed."

Her mouth fell open in shock and her hand fell away from my dick, "What? Really? You can really have sex as much as you want? Are... are we gonna... do it lots then?"

"Oh yeah." I smirked widely, "Copiously and regularly."

"Eeeee! I'm the luckiest girl ever!" Berry squealed excitedly and wiggled her way to the middle of the bed. She spread her legs wide and said, "Go on then! Do me!"

That made me laugh openly. It was such a virgin thing to do. To act like nothing sexual mattered except the very act of sticking a dick inside a pussy. God damn it, I was going to corrupt this cutie into the horniest bear-slut in the world.

I stretched my arms above my head and thrust my hips a bit in a show of teasing motion. Berry swallowed and her raised thighs sort of fell back together a bit. She watched as I gyrated and bounced my dick for her enjoyment, and I watched as her pussy grew visibly sloppy with the copious lust that was running out of her. It wetted her bush and left it looking shiny and stuck to her.

Something I had learned with Cherry and the banana hammock recently was that what I thought of as the moves of a slutty hooker dancing on stage was unbelievably enticing to women of this world. The same motions and gyrations that would make my dick hurt to watch turned women like Cherry and Berry into geysers of pussy juice. So I tensed my muscles, strained my chest, and rolled my hips like I was fucking. I slowly crawled up onto the bed on my knees and worked my way over to the completely enchanted virgin woman.

"You haven't a clue what you're in for, do you?" I said as I straddled her legs and pressed my throbbing cock to her belly. I ground its hot length against her skin up until I slid it between her boobs. She gasped and stared down at it, hands going up to grab at the pillow.

"Oh it feels so hot on my chest. Guh... Harry, you can put it in me anytime." Berry said, her chest heaving as I fucked her cleavage slowly and sensually. She blushed a bit more as she said, "I'm soaked."

I reached behind me and put a hand to her sloppy pussy. It felt as hot as a furnace and wetter than an ocean. Her pussy was so engorged and thick that it would probably suck the cum right out of me without me even moving. She mewled something cute when I touched her which rolled into a squeaky moan as a finger slid between her gooey lips.

"Haaaarry~!" She moaned as I fingered her gently.

Oh I had to have a taste of this. I had to have a taste of this AND I had to tease this poor girl even more. So I wriggled my finger rather quickly as I pulled it out and left her shuddering. I lifted my dick from the vast canyon of her tits and turned over, straddling her head in a way that left my dick quite literally sitting on her chin, my balls hanging right above her eyes. I leaned down and put my head between her thighs in order to dig my tongue into her sodden slit. The rich flavor of it immediately made my dick twitch and I heard her squeak in surprise. I don't know if it was surprise at me unintentionally cock-slapping her or if it was at the feeling of a tongue dragging between her lips.

One or the other, it didn't matter because I went all in on that pussy. I snaked my arms under those thighs and held on as I dug my tongue in deeper, slurping and lapping. I pressed it against her clit and flicked it top to bottom. Her moans were more whimpers and whines than proper slutty sounds, but they worked for me. A big strong bear girl like her and she was completely at my mercy.

Well, maybe not completely. After a few more licks, I felt her lips wrap around the tip of my cock and she started moving her mouth up and down. She wasn't sucking properly, but she at least had the instincts to keep her teeth away from my shaft. Her mouth was warm and it felt good to have her tongue rubbing the head of my dick. If this were Cherry, I would've thrust down and bottomed out in her throat already, but I'd feel bad doing that to a virgin like Berry. She was still learning and this ought to be a good experience for her, not an embarrassing shameful one.

She abruptly spit my dick out and she moaned, "Harry! Harry, I think I'm cumming!"

She sure fucking was. As soon as she said that, her pussy clenched and I was almost drowned. I had to come up for air and try not to throat Berry with my dick. I ended up slumping back against the headboard with my wet cock sitting across Berry's face. Her legs were clenched together and the wet spot on the bed was nearing some kind of biblical proportions. If I didn't cork this girl soon, we were going to have to get a mop. Luckily...

"S-So... Am I still going to get..." Berry mumbled as her chest heaved and I got off her face.

"You think I'm going to miss out on taking the virginity of a cutie like you? Berry, you better prepare yourself because you're getting some dick right now." I said as I crawled over her again and spread her legs. Her pussy shone with lewd desire and my knees were pressing into damp blankets. I pushed her legs up and set my cock down against her fat cunt. Of the two, I'm confident her pussy was hotter than my dick.

"I've always dreamed of this..." She cooed, grabbing fistfuls of the blankets. She ground her pussy against my cock and moaned out, "Do it. Make me a mother."

Ooof. There was something else I was going to have to tell her in the morning. For now though, I had no plans to ruin the mood. I squeezed her thighs and drew my hips back to nestle the head of my cock into her gushing hole. Normally I'd be worried about the pain for a virgin, but astroglide had nothing on Berry. With how sloppy wet she was, I probably could've gotten my arm in there to my elbow.

I slowly penetrated her and marveled at the marshmallow softness of her pussy. There was tension for just a moment and then something popped. I sank in right to my balls and Berry moaned deeper and louder than she had so far. I looked at her for a moment and found her face turned up in blissful ecstasy. Clearly popping Berry's cherry was far from an uncomfortable or difficult endeavor. She was absolutely loving every bit of my dick that was buried inside her right now.

And damn did that feel good. Her pussy wasn't just thick from the outside. It wasn't excessively tight, but it had another quality to it that was making my dick sing. It squished in around me on all sides and felt kind of heavy in the way it was conforming to my dick. There was no real restraint to movement like a pussy clenched tight, but it still massaged me from all sides. She was as much warm and cuddly as Cherry was wildly horny and tight.

"Oh fuck, Berry. Your pussy feels so good." I grunted as I bore down on her.

I pressed my lips to hers and forced her into a kiss. In her mindless, pleasure-drunk state she just went with it. She kissed back some but mostly just sucked on my tongue and hugged me close. I continued thrusting my hips to increase the moist, splattery orchestra going on between our crotches.

Honestly, Berry was a good fuck for the night. She was still half-drunk. I was tired. Cherry had been getting sex nonstop for the last week. A cozy, relaxed first time with a virgin was just the thing needed to lull us off to sleep. So I spent no effort on resisting or driving Berry into catatonic levels of mind-breaking pleasure. I just humped away for a few more minutes, lazily made out with her, and then sank to my balls to deposit a thick and gooey load right in her unsullied womb. It was a pretty hefty one and it left both of us panting. She hugged me close and we both went limp. I was slow about pulling myself out and when I finally did, Berry was already out cold and my dick was going soft.

I slowly extricated myself from her arms, wiped my dick off on her blankets, and pulled the blankets over her sweaty, cum-splattered body. Then I shuffled off to Cherry's room and cuddled up with the much squishier of my two ladies.

"Have a good time?" Cherry asked without being able to hide all of her jealousy.

"Yes. And if you aren't too grouchy, I'll have one for you in the morning. Okay?" I said as I wrapped an arm around her from behind and rubbed my crotch against her pillowy ass.

She sighed and said, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be. It's really good that you're willing to give Berry a nice time too. I should be happy for her. I've just gotten so used to having you to myself..."

"Hey, I'm always going to sleep with you. Okay?" I said as I leaned up and kissed her cheek.

She smiled and I could hear the bubbles in her voice, "Even if you fuck another girl, you are still my man, aren't you?"

"Definitely." I said and nuzzled the back of her neck as we drifted off to sleep.
