All That Glitters Ch. 34


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"Your Captain told us that this is but one style of jewelry among many that humans produce. She told us that there are over 1,200 languages and many more cultures in the human sphere and that each has examples of jewelry that we might find interesting.

"I would wish to know if this is true, Minister?" the Byandi asked.

"Yes, this is true," Ronter admitted. "Terra once hand many thousands of languages and cultures, most of which have been lost and absorbed into the greater human cultures. I believe Humans currently occupy over sixty planets within our sphere with at least 1,200 languages and perhaps as many as 2,000 different cultures. Each would have examples of different dress, jewelry, music, and dance."

That got the interest of many of the Byandi who heard, and they quickly passed that to others on the ship.

"Just how many Byandi are currently on this ship?" Ronter asked.

"We have now 364 members of the Byandi on the ship," the guide replied.

"That is a lot of people to send to Liramor-23 for shopping," the Minister replied.

"Yes, we are aware," the guide replied. "We hope to send some at least."

"I'm sure that can be arranged," one of the senior members of Liramor-23, who happened to be with the group, replied.

"Our people would appreciate this, we like to shop," the guide commented.

That got a laugh from the dignitaries as humans liked to shop, too.

It took over two hours for a 'quick' tour of the Great Ship, the guests thanking their hosts and the guides for the tour.

The Imperial Palace, The Pod-Drran Home World, Twelve Light Years from the Piscium System

Today was selection day, the day on which the Ro who would be elevated to Kumaroe would be interviewed and selected. The list of potential suitors had been whittled down from 283 candidates.

Twenty-nine very eager, and one rather reluctant candidate, were led to a room not far from the private reception area. This was usually used by the Imperial Pair when they were meeting delegates in a more relaxed setting, away from the herd in the Great Hall.

The aspirants were brought forward one by one and asked many questions by the Kumaraie and her selection committee. A decision was made on their answers to send them either to the exit on the left, or the exit on the right. Those taking the exit on the right, found themselves moving down a long corridor to a door that brought them back to the Great Hall. They knew that they had not been selected.

Jarl-Het Kai-Ro was the last of the group to be interviewed. He was also the reluctant candidate.

The Seneschal announced his presence to the throne.

Upon entering the room, he saw the Kumaraie herself, sitting on a throne with seven wide steps leading up to her. On her lap, sat a Chlaerge. Behind her, twelve Kumir-Rai stood, Kaldars drawn, points down, but ready for use if necessary. It was a statement in and of itself.

One step down from the Kumaraie was a mated pair that Jarl recognized as Kome-Nar Ro, so the female must be Nar-Tre Rai, who he had never met but was aware of the bonding.

What surprised him more was the Atohan was seated on a stool the left of the Kumaraie on the third step up from Jarl's point of view. On her shoulder was another Chlaerge.

Opposite her, on Jarl's right and one step up from the floor, was Raymond Ro and his two Jurte-Rai, also seated on stools. Yet another Chlaerge sat on Raymond Ro's shoulder.

Jarl knelt, head bowed, hand over heart, "My Kumaraie, I am at your service," he stated.

"Rise, Jarl-Het. You need not fear being here this day. Jarl-Het, you have been selected as a member to be interviewed for the position of Kumaroe. What say you to this, Jarl-Het?" asked the Kumaraie Na-Maj Se-Lam Pod-Raie.

"Forgive me, My Kumaraie, however, I must admit that I do not want the position," Jarl-Het stated.

Jarl saw all of the Kumir-Rai react to that statement as if he had just insulted the Kumaraie, and in effect, he had.

"Explain," the Kumaraie demanded, rather testily.

"My Kumaraie, should I be elevated, I will be required, as is expected of all Kumaroe, to take your name and surrender my own.

"I have worked all my life to bring distinction to my name and my House. Now, you offer me extinction for my name.

"My House, of course, will be elated, should I be selected. But I will not. Thirty years of work will cease to exist. I find myself reluctant to do so, My Kumaraie.

"It is, I know, a selfish thing for me to say and I ask for your forgiveness on this matter. I ask that you remove my name from the candidates list, as is your right My Kumaraie," Jarl-Het finished.

The Chlaerge on the Kumaraie's lap suddenly jumped into the air and flew down to land on Jarl-Het's shoulder, surprising the Ro. Jarl turned his head to look at the small creature. He felt a sudden burst of warmth from the beast, which surprised him yet again.

The Chlaerge gave his ear a rub, then jumped up and returned to the Kumaraie. It landed on her shoulder and rubbed its head against the Kumaraie's ear. Jarl could hear the rumble from the beast from where he was standing.

The Kumaraie giggled. She giggled! That surprised Jarl-Het to hear a giggle from the Kumaraie.

"What would it take for you to stay in this selection process, Jarl-Het?" the Atohan asked.

"That I keep my name, Atohan," Jarl answered immediately. "I would, of course, adopt the Kumaraie's name, as is traditional, but I would ask to be Jarl Se-Lam Pod-Roe, if it would be permitted.

"That would allow me to keep a distinction from other Kumaroe in the past, and future, My Kumaraie. I fear that many here are very eager to be accepted as Kumaroe, for the power that the position brings. However, I do not think they know what it means to so completely lose ones identity.

"That is part of what spurred the deposed Kumaroe to do what he did. While I cannot condone what the former Kumaroe did, I can fully understand why he did it, My Kumaraie," Jarl-Het stopped talking and again bent the knee to the Kumaraie.

The Kumaraie flicked her right hand and Jarl-Het was ordered to rise by the Seneschal and guided to the left and into another room, where five others waited.


"What do you think of the final candidates?" the Kumaraie asked her advisors, while she rubbed her finger gently over the head of Juneya, who was back sitting on her lap.

"You have five strong candidates, and one reluctant one," Raymond said. "Was there a reason you kept him in the group?"

"Juneya likes him," the Kumaraie answered truthfully. "He was the only one that any of the Chlaerge liked."

"They were not opposed to any of the finalists," the Atohan spoke.

"Nor were they openly friendly to them, except for the last," Raymond stated.

"That is true, yet he does not want the position. Why should the Kumaraie then give him the position?" Nar-Tre asked.

"Maybe because he doesn't want the job?" Raymond replied. "Those who want the position usually want it for a reason, as Jarl-Het stated. We need to find out the motives for the other five."

"What do we do with Jarl-Het?" Kome-Nar asked.

"Why not give him what he wants?" Junelliya asked. "While it breaks tradition somewhat, he will still adopt the Kumaraie's House name, just add his to the full name. That will allow him to have a distinct future in the history books, separate from all the other Kumaroe that have come before, or will come after. Is that so much to ask?"

The Kumaraie did not answer immediately. "I will think on this. In the meantime, let us bring the finalists back and do a much deeper interview and find out what their true motives in wanting this position are, as Raymond has suggested."

The Seneschal called back the first candidate.

The candidate went to his knee in a formal flourish that grated on the nerves of the Kumaraie, now that she understood that he was attempting to flatter her with all his 'eloquent' moves. She had seen this so often that she had become inured to the courtly flattery.

"My Kumaraie, I am at your service," he stated in flowery speech and a Pod-Drran smile that lit up his eyes. Even so, the Kumaraie did not believe that the smile was real.

The Kumaraie knew the type and it sickened her. She expected this type of action from petitioners in the Great Hall, not from a candidate for the position of Kumaroe. She needed someone who would back her, who would challenge her when she went too far. This one would grovel on his knees to get the position, but what then?

The small group of Pod-Drran and humans bombarded the candidate with questions as to why he wanted to be Kumaroe. His answers were swift, sure, and given in a simpering manner that indicated to all that he was the Kumaraie's to use as she pleased. She was not happy that a Ro would surrender himself so willingly.

At the end of the interview, she flicked her left hand, sending him to the door on his right, and out into the Great Hall.

Thus it went, with only two candidates being sent back to the door on the left.

Jarl-Het Kai-Ro was announced again.

"My Kumaraie, I am at your service," he said. However, it was the way he said it that struck the Kumaraie. He did not simper. He did not grovel. He stated a fact, that he was hers to guide, to direct, to use for the good of the people.

He too was grilled mercilessly. At the end, she sent him back to the waiting room.

"We are down to three candidates," the Atohan stated. "Now, My Kumaraie, I am going to ask you some questions that you must answer for yourself first and your people second...

"What do you think of them as males? Do you think that you would enjoy being in the company of any one of them? Are you anticipating taking them to your bed?" Junelliya asked.

"That is an unusual demand of the Kumaraie," Kome-Nar Ro said, giving the Atohan a significant look.

"Perhaps, but one of these candidates will be your future mate, Kumaraie. You need to think in those terms now that you have looked at the political side.

"Any of the three remaining candidates are suitable mates for you from a political perspective, from the connections they bring, but what about from a male/female perspective?

"Kumir-Rai, your Kumaraie is in need, She is in heat, which of these males would you deem the best candidate to bring to her to sate those needs?" the Atohan asked her Kumir-Rai, deliberately switching tactics.

That got some rather ribald comments coming from her guards as they lively debated the pros and cons of the male worthiness of the candidates. Surprising, one was dropped almost immediately. There were now only two candidates remaining.

The Seneschal went into the room and guided the unworthy candidate to another door and back to the Great Hall.

"There are only two candidates left, Mund-Harl Ro, the puppy, and Jarl-Het Kai-Ro, the disinclined," Raymond said.

"I understand the 'disinclined', but, Puppy?" the Kumaraie asked.

"A small animal that seeks attention all the time. In their juvenile form they can be very entertaining, but when they become adults, they can change significantly," Raymond replied.

"Bring in the 'Puppy', then," the Kumaraie ordered.

Mund-Harl was announced and went to a knee before the Kumaraie, once again batting eyes to the Kumaraie in the fashion of the court.

The Kumaraie looked him over objectively, as a potential bed partner, as per the Atohan's suggestion. She had to admit, he struck an imposing figure.

He was reasonably intelligent, well-connected by House, knowledgeable in court issues, and aware of the political issues that now faced the Pod-Drran, including the issue with the Union. Also, she could see a reasonably good bulge at his groin.

Damn, the Atohan has got me going! she thought, trying to hide a sudden smile.

She looked at him more objectively. His Ga-Den was new and he wore it immaculately. She looked at his Kaldar and noted that it had been recently refurbished. The weapon, what she could see of it, looked almost pristine, as if it was brand new.

Why? She asked herself. Most Ro want their Kaldar to be ready for battle at all times, even if they had not used them for battle for years. The most they would do to their Kaldar would be to sharpen it from time to time or replace the grip on the hilt or providing a new sheath.

Something was not right here. His actions did not fit his purpose. As if ordered by her, the Atohan and Raymond both rose and made their way to the throne.

"The Chlaerge have let us know your worries, Kumaraie," Raymond said. "What do you sense? What is making you worry about this one?"

The Atohan looked at the head Kumir-Rai and made a signal with her hand that surprised the Kumir-Rai. These signals were usually only used by the Kumir-Rai to make other members of the guard aware of a possible problem.

Kad-Hal Kumir-Rai, the head of the Kumir-Rai, did not hesitate and reacted immediately to the signal. She sent a hand signal to the Kumir-Rai and sent an electronic signal to the remaining twelve Kumir-Rai, off at a 'relaxed' post.

As one, the Kumir-Rai in the throne room marched down each side of the throne, six per side, facing each other, the two senior most members one step down from the Kumaraie.

Junelliya sent the three Cats into the air and toward Mund-Harl. Working in tandem, the Cats opened their senses to the one at the bottom of the steps and suddenly turned away from him.

"He is a traitor!" Junelliya suddenly understood. "Mund-Harl, you followed the old Kumaroe. You want the positions for the power it brings you. You want to use that power as the old Kumaroe did. The Chlaerge know your mind, Mund-Harl!"

Mund-Harl's hand went to his Kaldar, but only part of the weapon came from it's sheath. What was in his hand was a beam weapon. Junelliya and Raymond activated their PSS and stood directly in front of the Kumaraie.

Before the Kumir-Rai could act, Mund-Harl fired the beam weapon, aiming at the Atohan. The weapon's beam impacted her suit which flared brightly for a moment. Mund-Harl was momentarily stunned that the weapon did not hurt the Atohan, then the Chlaerge were in his face, scratching at his eyes.

Mund-Harl had only time to start to scream before he was run through by four of the Kumir-Rai. He fell to the ground, his eyes so damaged by the Chlaerge that he could no longer see. But he could hear them screeching at him, damning him for his act. It was the last thing that he heard in this world...


Jarl-Het was walking back and forth in the other room when he heard a commotion and yelling in the small throne room. Immediately he was through the door, his Kaldar in his hand.

He stepped into the small throne room and looked around at the scene in front of him. The Kumir-Rai had killed Mund-Harl.

"My Kumaraie?" he yelled, looking around and seeing her on the throne.

Realising that he had stepped into the throne room with a drawn Kaldar, he put his Kaldar in his left hand, turned it down to the floor and knelt on one knee his head bowed over the hilt of his weapon and his right hand over his heart.

"Forgive me, My Kumaraie. I heard sounds of fighting," he said.

"And you came to my rescue, when I have my Kumir-Rai to guard me?" the Kumaraie demanded.

"Yes, My Kumaraie. I cannot explain why I did this. I ask your forgiveness for drawing my Kaldar in your presence," Jarl-Het replied.

"It is still drawn, Jarl-Het," the Kumaraie stated.

"In your service, My Kumaraie," Jarl-Het responded.

Juneya glided down from the throne to land on the shoulder of Jarl-Het. She rubbed her head against his and rumbled into his ear, bringing surprise to Jarl-Het.

Suddenly, the three Cats were in the air screeching an alarm. The Kumir-Rai reacted, their weapons in their hands, ready.

Several dozen Pod-Drran burst into the room and attacked the occupants. There were three attackers for each defender on the stairs, including Jarl-Het, Kome-Nar Ro, Nar-Tre Rai, Raymond, Kim, and Gillaya.

Six Pod-Drran attacked the throne from the rear but Junelliya rendered them unconscious with a wave of her hand.

She then turned to those in the melee and took down several more attackers who were holding beam weapons before they could use them.

Though they were the best warriors of a warrior race, four Kumir-Rai went down to the blades of multiple attackers. Kim and Gillaya came in to help the injured and prevent their deaths, killing several of the attackers.

The remaining Kumir-Rai burst into the throne room and entered the melee, the defenders swiftly getting the upper hand but not before several more were injured. As the fighting began to swing in the defenders favour, the Cats jumped into the face of the Seneschal, buffeting him with their wings and claw at his eyes.

The now injured Seneschal was screaming and batting his hands at the Cats, who had already blinded him in one eye. Raymond noted that the Seneschal was holding a beam weapon. He ran down the steps and hit him hard in the face, breaking his nose.

Raymond grabbed the weapon and twisted his hand in a special way, instantly disarming his foe. The Cats got to his other eye and the Seneschal fell to the floor, blinded, screaming in pain.

The fighting came to an end, most of the attackers dead, though some had been captured more or less alive, including the Seneschal.

"How many are injured?" Junelliya asked of the defenders.

"Nine Atohan, three seriously, including Kad-Hal and Jarl-Het," came the reply.

"Medical?" Raymond demanded.

"The Chiksta-Dai have been called, Raymond Ro," Mand-Tre Kumir-Rai stated. She was the second in command of the Kumir-Rai and the leader of the second squad.

"Make sure that they are led by those you trust," Kome-Nar Ro said. "I give my trust to Mal-Hut Sin-Dae or Sun-Hur Sin-Don."

"There is another I trust," Mand-Tre stated, but sadly, very few unfortunately, she thought.

"We are at risk here," Raymond stated. "We cannot see who is coming or who is plotting. We also must show that the Kumaraie is not injured and that there have been those who were injured defending her. We should move to the Great Hall, Kumaraie, then demand that all the senior members of the Houses swear fealty to you again, Kumaraie."

"Why?" the Kumaraie asked. "They have already done so. If they are going to lie, how do we catch them?"

"The Chlaerge can find them out, Kumaraie," Junelliya explained. "Raymond understands this."

"We should also bring the bodies of the attackers and the captured for immediate justice, My Kumaraie," Nar-Tre Rai declared.

The Chiksta-Dai arrived and began to check out the injured. Several minutes later Mal-Hut Sin-Dae stepped forward.

"Six are minor injuries that required bandages and time to heal, My Kumaraie," she stated flatly. "Three are more seriously injured and should be brought to a medical facility."

"Can they be treated in my presence? Do they require an operation?" the Kumaraie demanded.

"No, My Kumaraie, but they do require many stitches to close serious wounds, My Kumaraie."

"Very well then, bring them to the Great Hall and work on them there. I want these to be seen as my faithful. Today will be a day of reconning for the Pod-Drran," the Kumaraie snarled.

Mal-Hut bowed and quickly scurried away. An angry Kumaraie was always to be avoided.

"Mand-Tre, make sure that the Chief of Services has the video system working. I want this broadcast to the planet," the Kumaraie snapped.

A few minutes later, those in the Great Hall were surprised to see injured Kumir-Rai being brought into the hall beside the twin thrones. The Pod-Drran began to worry when bodies were brought in next, then Pod-Drran under guard, one without eyes.

As one, all those in the Great Hall took a knee when the Kumaraie came forward and sat her throne. Along with her were the humans they recognized as the Atohan, Raymond Ro, Kim Jurte-Rai, and Gillaya Jurte Rai. Surprisingly, they were given places of distinction one step down from the thrones.