All That Glitters Ch. 64


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They joined the line moving into the receptions area, the Cats bobbing up and down obviously enjoying all the people. At the head of the receptions line, they finally saw the Asoc.

*Aunty >Catal!* the children called out in Asocan, only to be scolded by their parents. But that just brought a smile to the Asoc.

*Children, welcome to my new ship!* she replied happily as the family finally came up to her.

"It big ship, Aunty >Catal, big like Mr. President's ship!" they replied.

"It is designed after the Franz Müller, with some comforts for us Asocans," the Asost told them. "We are happy with this ship."

Garnal and her entourage bowed low to her parents. *Welcome, my daughter. I have a gift for you. There are six Trine Class vessels on this ship, I will make one of them available for your use while you are on Liramor Twenty-Three.*

*My own ship?* Garnal gurgled excitedly.

*Yes, but only if you use it to return home from time to time so that we can be together as a family more frequently,* the Asost commented, getting grins from all.

*Where is Varren, Aunty >Catal?* Ikekiya asked.

*Right here, Ikekiya,* Varren called out as she came back to the group. *I had to step out for a moment,* she explained (Asocans did not talk about using the toilette as it is considered impolite). The girls clasped hands with her claws and welcomed her as one Shamot to another, though with hand motions to identify that Varren was politically superior to them. Varren waved that off, saying; *You are Palda, only the Asoc is above you.*

*Welcome Palda Junelliya, Gurn Mutt Piscium, Dragon Fayad Mutt Piscium,* Varren greeted the adults in order of rank bowing to them. Junelliya short circuited the responses from her family by hugging Varren to herself. Varren had grown taller in the ensuing months and now reached up to Junelliya's shoulders. That surprised her but didn't lesson the hug she gave the young Asocan.

*Palda Junelliya, that is not the way we greet the Imperial family,* the Asoc scolded with a grin.

*No, Asoc. But it is the way we greet family, Dusar of my clutches godparents,* Junelliya answered, getting grins from all of the Asocans within hearing.

*In that case, I am owed some hugs too,* the Asost said looking down on the children, who laughed and rubbed cheeks with him as he bowed low (he was so much taller than them!) for them to do so.

The Cats jumped all over the three until Junelliya scolded them and called them back to their bond mates.

Next was the Asoc, who rumbled her delight in getting hugs from the little ones. *I want to thank you for how you dealt with my Fourth Clutch, Ikekiya, Sharreniya (most Asocans found it difficult to make the Z sound so Zarreniya usually became Sharreniya).

"No Asocan could have done better, especially so since you are their height. They respect that you have already become Shamot and were insistent in asking how they could achieve that rank. Those who became Ultar in your presence were delighted, while those who did not, are practicing extra hard for your return visit,* the Asoc told them.

*They are family to us, Aunty >Catal. We were glad to help,* the girls said in unison in a way that was characteristic of twins, which they were not.

*Your next Clutch, Junelliya?* >Catal asked.

^Is already spoken for, Asoc,^ a voice said in Byandi. ^Besides, you are already family, making you godparents would only monopolize the Piscium family.^

Mylat Alafka bowed low to the Asoc and her family, given them smiles when she stood back up.

*Politically, I understand, semantically, I am disappointed,* the Asoc rationalized to laughter from all around.

The family was escorted to what had always been the Ballroom on the Franz Müller, a multipurpose hall that could be configured as required. It was set up for the ceremony but still had tables chairs about for the people that needed such. The Pisciums chose to rest as they had already toured the Müller and were quite familiar with the ship's basic design.

"Hello," a familiar voice said. The family turned to see...

"Shallel!" the children called out and rushed her for hugs.

"Hi, girls. How are you two?" Shallel Konexi, the daughter of Harradi Impatoss asked.

"We good. You not in school?" the girls asked simultaneously.

"I am representing my father and our government today. I have an arrangement at school for things like this," Shallel let them know.

"Is Grace not here?" Shallel asked looking about.

"Fiona is scheduled to be here, so you will see her during the day," Fayad confirmed, getting a smile from Shallel. They quickly caught up on family affairs and settled down for some tea. The family was amused to note it was Anuuran tea.

That was also when they met up with...

"Mr. President, Aunty Angelique, Aunty Fiona! You came!" the children chorused.

"Well, I couldn't miss these dedications as I was principally responsible for getting them started," Fiona replied getting hugs from the girls.

The girls got hugs from Capt. Émilia Pétillante, the Aide-de-camp for Fiona, and of course from Grace Holloway, Fiona's civilian EA/PA.

"Shallel looking for you," Zarreniya told Grace. Grace was torn between staying with her father and step-mother or going to find her friend, when Shallel arrived and took that issue away.

The children gave hugs and kisses to the President and his wife. Being in her fourth month she was now showing her pregnancy.

Eventually, all the dignitaries arrived and the ship's Comms O contacted the leaders of the races not present, putting them up on monitors throughout the hall.

*Hello to all of my guests, both those present in body and present in spirit,* the Asoc began waving to the leaders on the monitors and getting giggles from the crowd. *It is my good fortune that my ship is the first that will be dedicated today. I have been waiting long for her, as have my friends, the Impatoss Halet Konexi, for his ship the Harrad Gallet, and the Mylatrin Adriné, for her ship, the BN Sanata. For now, I would like to call forth François Pallanders, so that we can official sign for our ship.*

François came forward and bowed low to the Asoc. He stepped over to stand at a prepared table and documents were shuffled and signed between him and the Asoc. After, he bowed low once more to the Asoc and presented her with the Certificate of Space Worthiness, and the bronze first voyage plaque, which listed her as a member of the crew for the first voyage but listed the ownership of the vessel as the Asocan Government. Both the certificate and the plaque would eventually be placed on the wall under the name of the vessel in that very room.

Polite applause filled the room. The Asoc invited her mate, her eldest and youngest daughters to step up onto the platform to pull the lever. *I name this vessel Drall Asoca Tarl Asoc, may it serve our people well.*

The family pulled the lever together and the bottle crashed against the appropriate spot beneath the name DA Tarl Asoc emblazoned on the wall, to cheers from the crowd.

The Asoc and the Asost moved to the side to be asked questions by the media while Martte Garnal and Martte Varren took congratulatory messages from the leadership, thanking them for the same and ensuring them that their mother would indeed see the messages and respond back when she could. The leadership nodded, acknowledging that fact that the two were being groomed for their future roles by being allowed to interact with the leadership. It was something that all royal families did, except the Djinaëte, who had no real families. Garnel and Varren would represent the Asoc and the Asost for the remainder of the day, going to the follow-on dedications.

The Piscium children took the time to speak with each of the dignitaries on the monitors and to Shallel and Alafka, who were representing their parents at this dedication. They were quite happy to speak with their 'friends' again.

Finally, the Asoc and the Asost had a chance to relax, and the President, his wife, Mylat Alafka, Shallel Konexi, Fiona and her group, and the Piscium family came to see them.

*Hi, Aunty >Catal,* two sad looking children said. That peaked the interest of the Asoc.

*Why so sad, little ones?* she asked.

*We need help our friends, but we do not know how," Ikekiya started.

*We want to make a charity concert, but that is very big. Too big for us to make happen,* Zarreniya concluded.

*Charity concert?* the Asost demanded, curious. *For whom?*

*For Maha-Rrin injured in big tremor,* Ikekiya informed them. *They get support from governments for surgery and hospital stay. But they need so much more than the governments can give them. Especially those who lost their families.*

*We want to make one million credits to help them find new float chairs, braces, crutches, and comps for them to study and be happy with,* Zarreniya picked up again. *They do not have full access to Maha-Rrin world net. That means it is not simple to educate them, or listen to Maha-Rrin music or other things.*

*I see, and you want to give them money to help with these 'other' things?* the Asoc asked.

*Uh huh,* both girls agreed together.

*We want to make things better for them. But we don't now how to make these things happen,* Zarreniya explained.

*Ahh, so you need someone to help with the organization of your concert,* the Asost mused. *We have lots of people in our government that can organize things for us but music concerts...that's a highly specialized field. You need someone with real expertise for that. What have you done so far?*

Ikekiya called up her event calendar and showed what they needed to do (the concert itself) and the steps they needed to complete to get there, including the need to find specific people for specific tasks. The Asoc's family was impressed when they translated the list. It was amazingly detailed and the timelines to act were part of it.

*That is an amazing calendar!* Garnal stated.

*Our financial advisor gave it to us. But we still have many empty spaces, like finding a promoter and organizer,* Zarreniya explained to them.

*I don't know of any one in my realm who could help set up a concert at Denders, little ones,* the Asoc admitted.

"I know of someone who can," Shallel commented. "Martin Fith is Ciara Collin's Manger/Producer and Jacqueline Abreu is Ciara's spokesperson and media specialist. You might contact Ciara and ask her if you could make a deal with her for their help."

"That is a good idea, Shallel. Even if they are not available, they might know someone who could help you out," Alafka remarked.

That brought smiles to the children. They now had a plan forward. They both looked at the Asoc with determination in their eyes.

*>Catal Mutt Herrtt, of the Third Clutch of Ensch Mutt Herrtt, Asoc and supreme ruler of the Asocan Realm,* they both began speaking together in a formal Asocan manner, taking a knee as they did so. *The people of the Maha-Rrin are hurting. Your realm has already helped them evacuate the injured to Pod-Saar, but the Maha-Rrin still have needs.

*We ask you, Asoc, to help us help them. We ask for your support for our concert, and to encourage your people to give generously,* the children finished with a formal Asocan bow to the Asoc.

*Very well then. If you make this concert happen, I will lend my support to it,* the Asoc stated just as formally. *But the Asocan people are not known for giving away money. Have you a plan to encourage them to do such?*

*We will sell tickets for our guitars,* the children said in unison, smiling at the Asoc.

*Guitars?* the Asost asked.

*We will sign our guitars,* Zarreniya began.

*We will have other singers, dancers, celebrities, sign too,* Ikekiya carried on.

*We will sell the tickets for five credits. Any ticket could be a winner,* Zarreniya picked up.

*We will have other prizes, too,* Ikekiya said.

*We need special items unique to each race, that people will think of as treasures, things they want to win,* Zarreniya helpfully put in, both children now becoming much more excited that they had a potential sponsor.

*And we can tell other leaders that Asocans are very generous,* Ikekiya smiled playfully, getting a huge belly laugh from the Asost.

*So, that is why you sought us out?* he demanded.

*No. We are here on your ship. You are our* Ikekiya looked up rather sheepishly on using that word but she got a good laugh from the Asoc who was, first and foremost, a warrior.

*I truly am happy now that MY ship was the first to be dedicated today,* she jokingly said.

"If you get this off the ground, girls, we will throw in our support as well," the President said, holding his wife's hand. That made the children very happy. They now had two potential sponsors!


The next ship on the list was the Harrad Gallet, named after the first known historical Impatosse. The family was much more animated as they shuttled over on the President's larger VIP shuttle, as they now had a much larger group with them. Garnal, Varren, and the Asost were representing the Asocan Realm, the Asoc remaining on her ship. Shallel was happy to be bringing friends to her father's ship, and Alafka was happy to be with her to 'best' friends again, adding to the excitement. On top of that, everyone was talking about how to make the children's charity concert a success putting out some rather wild ideas.

They were the first shuttle over to the new vessel because of Shallel, who was to be part of the reception line and needed to get there early. As soon as the shuttle landed in the bay, Shallel excused herself and rushed up the ramp as quickly as dignity allowed.

The group came into the reception area at a much more sedate pace, until they came to the reception line where Shallel Konexi, was standing in for her parents. The Cats were better behaved here as there was not really anyone they recognized other than Shallel and they had already greeted her.

Shallel formally bowed to the President and First Lady, and to the Asost. The remainder of the group bowed and smiled to Shallel and met the various ministers and members of the crew, including the human Captain and ChEng (Chief Engineer).

"How long will you be in this position?" Hanalei asked the Captain.

"I'm contracted for one year with possible extension dependant on how well the designated Harradi Captain will do in his/her training," Captain Miles Lawrence replied.

"Where will you go from here?" Junelliya asked.

"I'm hoping to get one of the new Ur Class ships for the House of Ur Trading Company," Miles replied. "But I don't have any contact numbers for them."

"We can help you there," Fayad said, waving someone over.

"Caye-Ur, this is Captain Miles Lawrence, temporarily the captain of this vessel. He will need a job in roughly one year," Fayad explained.

Caye smiled. Without saying a word, she touched her comp to his. "Contact me anytime. I will be needing Captains, ChEngs, and Duty Officers for some time to come as we build our fleet," she told him.

The family came to the end of the line where a Harradi servant in the livery of the Impatoss was indicating that people should lay their comps in a cradle. "Please choose how you want to be addressed when you are presented to the Impatoss and his mate," he explained.

The Asost did and a card with the flowery script of the Harradi slid down into a catch pocket. "Give this card to the Heralds at the door to the throne room. They will present you to the Impatoss. The cards can also double as place holders to reserve the tables in the throne room."

^Oh, pretty,^ Zarreniya said after her card dropped down. ^Can we keep them?^

^There is no reason why not, little one, they would make excellent souvenirs,^ the servant stated, surprised to have been addressed in Harradi. He looked at the child's card and was very much surprised to see her titles. He looked again at the family as they pulled all of their cards.

"Are they good?" he asked them in Standard. That allowed him to take surreptitiously look at their cards in the guise of checking them. He was once again surprised at the titles and accomplishments listed for the small group.

"Very well, please follow this servant to the throne room," he said, pointing out yet another Harradi who guided them to where they needed to go.

They came to an open hatch through which they could see the Impatoss and his mate sitting on thrones on a small dais across from the door.

The Herald announced the visitors as he they came into the room. He flipped to the back of the card which had the phonetic pronunciation (in Harradi of course) of the person's name and titles, allowing him to properly pronounce them.

"All rise," he intoned. "Introducing the President of the Union, Wilford J. Holloway, and his mate, Madame Angelique Aubuchon," the Herald called out as a smattering of applause came from Harradi already in the room. The pair nodded their heads to the couple on the thrones and were signalled by the Impatoss to approach.

"All rise. Introducing <Korme Mutt Goult, Asost, mate to the Asoc. Garnal Mutt Herrtt, of the Second Clutch of >Catal Mutt Herrtt, Martte of the Asocan people. Varren Mutt Herrtt é Salalta Semt, daughter of the Asoc, Martte of the Asocan people," the Herold called out.

The three bowed to the Impatoss across from them, the Asost with low bow of his head as he was technically their equal, while the two Martte bowed very low. The Impatoss signalled them to approached and briefly spoke to them.

"Introducing, War Dragon, Fleet Admiral, Doctor Fiona Marsh, commanding Union Navy Sector Fifty-Nine," the Herold called out some of but not all of her medals and accomplishments. He introduced Capt. Émilia Pétillante, and Grace Elizabeth Holloway, who both had status in their own right and as such, they were not introduced as aides to Fiona.

The Piscium family and their staff were introduced as all had achieved distinction, even Kriss Klassen, who was a Grand Maser Empath. The children were introduced at the end.

"Introducing, Palda Ikekia Fatima Tema Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Dosri Piscium, Soona-Patek, Shamot, First Daughter of the Piscium family. Introducing, Palda Zarrenia Henadi Se-Lam Poda-Rai-Latti Piscium, Shamot, Second Daughter of the Piscium family," the Herold called out to much greater applause from the guests for the very famous family. Everyone knew of the history of at least one of the Piscium family, from Dragon Fayad Sai-Ro, to Hanalei Anar Gurn Piscium, to Palda Junelliya, Dr. of Music, to les Enfants d'Or, the two golden children.

The family formally bowed to the Impatoss, but it was his mate, Grenta Konexi who signalled them forward. They stepped up to the dais but kept a clear view of the entryway for the Impatoss and his mate.

"Welcome to our ship, my guests," Hatel spoke to the Pisciums in very good Standard.

"Impatoss, you have been practicing," a smiling Hanalei stated for the family.

"I thought it important as we are doing so much trade now with the Union," Hatel replied.

"He hired a language specialist from Malton University to help us," Grenta explained, smiling.

^You have done very well, Uncle Hatel, Aunty Grenta,^ the children chorused in Harradi.

^But not as good as you two,^ 'Aunty Grenta' replied. ^How did you get so good in Harradi?^ she inquired.

^We have practice since we were little,^ Zarreniya answered with pride.

^And now that you are big, you speak very well,^ the Impatoss stated getting a giggle from his mate.

Zarreniya gave him a withering look. ^We are still little, Uncle Hatel. We still need lots of practice. ^ She let that sit for a moment, then broke into a bright smile. ^But we have Ambassador Clend and other people in the embassy to help us,^ Zarreniya explained getting laughter from the pair.