Allen - It's in the Genes

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What's a guy to do after a second divorce.
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Allen --

It's in the genes

Dreams are wonderful things. Every night when I go to bed, I look forward to dreams that neither haunt me nor make me afraid. (Please forgive the double negative). The importance of my dreams started about seven months after my divorce from my second wife. I gleefully watched her walk out of the Courthouse, and I began having pleasant dreams that very night. The way I look at it.... My life is now in a safer place. The frigid, conniving, heartless hussy is out of my life.... forever!

She was a wonderful, loving, dedicated companion and lover till the day we said... "I do."

I think she had her fingers crossed at that very special minute. Otherwise, we might still be married.

Don't think for a minute she was the only guilty party... she wasn't. It was me in all my stupid glory. You see, I, like a lot of men, look at a woman and put her in one of two categories. "Would" I fuck her, or "will" I fuck her? A very simple equation, but one that has haunted me all my life. When I say haunted, that's exactly what I mean.

Unfortunately, there are a large number of beautiful women in my workplace, and for some reason they think they have to impress me. Every time I meet another woman for the first time, my mind, like an out-of-control computer, puts each woman into one of those two categories. I can't help it.

Oh, yes, I forgot to mention, I am not only the boss at my workplace, but it's my name on their paychecks, and the front of the building. I inherited it from my dad, like he inherited it from his dad.

I must have the horny gene that slipped by the gene police from my dad or my mom, but one of them was a very horny person. I sit at a desk day in and day out with these beautiful women just looking for a chance to get me alone for a little personal-time, and there's going be a problem. This horny gene is so hard to handle. I survived the "Me-Too" movement only because my dad, when he was alive, warned me of the possibility. I think his comment was.... "They're coming for you and all you beware."

I survived one lawsuit because when I just happened to be out of town at the time this gold-digger swore, I molested her. But it was getting harder and harder to keep it in my pants, hence the divorce from wife number two.

No, it wasn't someone from my business, it was someone from church. I couldn't help it, she was just too much to resist, and we got caught... by her mother. Not to be upset, she was thirty-nine years old and her mom remembers sitting with the Doves on Noah's Ark.

Now, when asked why I did it? My answer is simple... "I'm not getting it at home, so I thought 'I might as well'."

Now, after seven months practicing self-love. Maybe it was time to do something. Anyway, I was getting tired of beating up on the monkey every night. One of my friends suggested going online to find a date. If not a date, at least a wild and wonderful evening between the hedges, or legs of an attractive woman.

I began to hesitate, then realized he was right. So, that very night, I went home and stared at my computer for about thirty minutes and decided to go ahead and see what might be out there on the world wide web.

There were doubts playing havoc with my mind. What if my minister was monitoring my keystrokes. Maybe my ex-wife wasn't done with me, and she had her henchmen watching all the stuff coming from the wi-fi at my house.

It might be wise for me to slow this story down a little right here. I look at a computer all day long; that's part of the job.

When you're the head of a company, you only have to pretend you are the smartest guy in the room. Bluster and bavado usually work, but when you step out of that world you had better have your shit together.

Most important for my part of the business, the computer system is a closed system. If it's not on a chart or in a spreadsheet, I don't waste my time. Decisions are based on facts and what I see. Not bragging but I'm very good at my job. If I have a question, I have beautiful, well-paid assistants for all the technical stuff. In fact, every morning starts with a review and an update on anything and everything that has to do with the company.

At home, I have two systems; one for work, (closed) and one for the web, which I seldom use. Mainly because I pretend, I'm computer literate. If anyone wants to do the company harm ... Well, let's just say we have a bunch of good people that know how, to do bad things. Okay, let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, enough about my inadequacies. I'll reveal more later.

I wasn't looking for a wife. I was certainly not looking for a fling. Truth be told, I really didn't know what I was looking for. I'm of the school, I may not know what I want, but when I see it, I will know.

Going online to satisfy my carnal urges for the first few minutes was kind of embarrassing. Who was looking over my shoulder or at least who was tracking my searches? Then suddenly I stumbled on something that caught my eye. It wasn't the photo; however, she was a very beautiful, a dark-haired vixen. It was a comment under her photo.

Not interested in a Monogamous relationship.

A non-monogamous relationship could mean anything. I visualized orgies, threesomes, foursomes, swap parties. What about.... Oh, my God, the possibilities are endless.

Let's take a minute or an hour or forever and try to figure this out. "Not interested in a Monogamous relationship."

Now what in the world did that mean? I know what it meant to me, but I didn't have a crystal ball to look into the mind of this woman. Was she looking for.....? Hell, I had no idea what she was talking about. But maybe ... just maybe she's looking for me.

Several things came to mind.

She wasn't looking for marriage. She was independent financially, and she seemed to have the same interest as I had... getting laid. She was alone and didn't want to be tied down to the same warm body for the remainder of her life.

Now if any one of these assumptions were correct, I might have found the one. At least a woman that could possibility understand why I had a hard time keeping it in my pants.

Oh, my... I was actually thinking about giving this sexy cougar a top spot on my "Maybe" list. I looked at the photo and she looked better and better. There was one of those winkie things and so I clicked it. Before I knew it, I was clicking it again.

Now what do I do? Do I sit here till starvation sets in to wait for a reply. No, I could just go to bed and see if she shows any interest. It's not like I know what to do... and if I made an impression on her, like she did on me. We'll just have to celebrate later.

First thing the next morning, actually it was the middle of the night. I wiggled the mouse on my computer to get it to come back to life and there it was. She sent me two winks and an email.

"Oh, shit!" I thought out loud. "She really wants to communicate."

The picture I posted was the photo a friend had taken as I was leaving the Courthouse the day of my divorce. It was a very happy face.

Now it was time to do something. For a grown-ass man in his late thirties, you would think I would just jump right in and set up a meeting or something.... Anything. That was the moment in my life I found out how naive I really was. Always before I could count on my quick wit, my charm, my good looks and of course my money. But this was different. It had to be the most impersonal way ever to meet someone.

The first thing I did was to grab my crotch, to make certain I still had balls. The second thing was to start answering her email. After several attempts (I'll never confess to how many), I had something that would be, what I thought was the best come-on ever.

Then came the part where there was no answer. I waited and waited and still no response. Finally, I sent another email and went straight to the point. "Let me be straight with you. I think you are a beautiful woman. I make no claims of my sexual prowess. I just want to meet and maybe give you a memorable night. Let's face it... we both have needs."

I didn't have to wait long. We struck up a conversation that gave both of us a better picture of who we were. After several emails there was a video phone conversation, and I was certain I needed to meet this woman.

I didn't want to put a meeting off any longer than I had to, and she felt the same.

It was a Saturday morning when we finally met. Her name was Alice Woods. She ran a cosmetic company that was doing very well. I thought it was odd she didn't wear a lot of make-up. She was dressed in a cotton summer dress that flowed back and forth in the soft breezes of the season. She was so much more beautiful in real life. The wind pushed strands of her dark hair across her face but could never hide her beauty. Combined with her dark hair, gentle features and lightly colored lips, I was putty in her presence.

Like a fool, I attempted to figure out a schedule of activities that would lead eventually to bed somewhere. But I was so overwhelmed by her, we just let the day happen.

Sometime in the afternoon I dropped her off at her place so she could get dressed for a night out. When I arrived back at her house to pick her up for the evening. I knew immediately there was no one going out tonight.

She opened the door wearing a smile and the sexiest black see-thru bra and panties I had ever dreamed of seeing. There were arms, hands and fingers ripping at my clothes. Lips smashing into lips and tongues fighting a losing battle with lust. In a matter of minutes there were two bodies molded into a single writhing mass in the throes of climax. I had no control and didn't care. It was more than just magic; it was euphoria at its peak.

Afterwards we lay together holding each other and breathing in the aroma of the moment.

We talked while in the clutches of the afterglow. Questions were asked and answered. But there was one question in the back of my mind that just wouldn't stay hidden. "What is this thing about non-monogamy?

"She smiled and asked. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know." Watching a small, yet mocking grin appear on her beautiful face.

"I didn't hide the fact I was once married." She began.

"Neither did I."

"Well, just so you will know, it was not a happy marriage." The grin got wider. In fact, my husband was a lot like you.

Now that will change the mood in the time it takes a turd to hit the ground.

He was handsome and well, kind of large in the crotch department." She squeezed my cock and then continued. "He let me catch him with my best friend in the world.... What they call today a BFF. Somehow, I thought I could forgive a one-time slip-up.

I was very upset. I had just lost my best friend, but I forgave him. I already knew she was screwing around on her husband; so, what the hell? This went on for about a month and he was back at it. I caught him fucking his Personal Assistant in our bed, in our house and they didn't stop when I walked into the room."

I interrupted. "You don't have to say anything else."

"Yes, I do. You asked and you deserve an answer." She continued. "After about a year without a man or a woman, I decided it was about time to either sew it shut or open it for some fun and games." The grin was now a full smile. "The needle and thread are in the drawer next to the bed." She nodded toward the nightstand. That was when I was visiting my old roommate at college. She suggested I might as well go ahead and see if I still had any feeling. I knew I did because I had purchased just about every toy on the market."

"So, you got laid?"

"Yes, I got laid. Then I got laid again... and again. It was damned exciting. But I was still getting one marriage proposal after another too. That part was not exciting. I did, however, have a live-in boyfriend for about a month. Then he got tested and he was suddenly gone."

"What do you mean... got tested?"

"I don't think you will find out, so don't worry about it." All the time she was talking, she was gently massaging me back to life.

There was no doubt in my mind if I was ever going to see her again. I might as well ride this train as long as she would allow. We did indeed climb that sexual mountain again, and when we got too tired to continue, we rested, reenergized, and fell into each other again. It was truly a day I would never forget, or ever want to forget. She was insatiable. I never stopped trying to satisfy her.

Haunted by the idea this might be a one-time only, I gave her more and more of my soul with every minute we were together. Saturday turned into Saturday night.... Turned into Sunday and into Sunday night.

As I was about to leave late Sunday night, we were standing at the front door to her home. Just as we ended our final kiss for the weekend, she said. "Stay, don't go... I want you to stay."

I didn't expect to hear those words, but there was no way I could stay with her. We both had businesses to run, and I didn't have clean clothes. But I was not about to let this woman slip away. I went back into the house, and we discussed how we could be together.

She looked into my eyes. "Go ahead and go, but tomorrow you come back. You get enough clothes to wear, and we can give it some time to grow."

I wasn't sure I understood what she meant by give "it" some time. But I was eager to find out what she meant.

The following two months were pure bliss. I had never had so much desire to please a woman. We didn't have sex every night, but it was close. We never settled for just once. But most important of all, we never doubted each other. If she had a bad day at the office, I comforted her, and she did the same for me. The most important event of the day was being with each other. I never asked her again about the non-monogamy thing that had caught my eye that first time online. There was no need to push that button again.

On one particularly warm evening, I came to the house to find Alice (Bye the way that's her name), in a particularly good mood. We had a light dinner. Afterward she suggested we do some role-play tonight. It was still early, but we had done this several times before. We would pretend we were other people and it seemed to make the evening's sexual events much more exciting. Our ideas came mainly from watching porn together, or just throwing verbal fantasies at each other.

On this night she came up with a fantasy I had had several times. She asked if I was ready for the fun to begin. When I said yes, I noticed a sneaky little grin begin to grow on her face. The game was I do you and then you do me. In this case I was first.

I thought it unusual when Alice led me to one of the guest rooms not the nest to the master. There were candles lit, and the bed had been stripped of all the blankets. The only thing remaining were the handcuffs fastened to each corner of the bed.

Alice was loving me, which wasn't necessary because I was in full bloom. She was dressed in another of her many sexy under garments that she knew turned up the heat meter of my desire for her. Once I was almost naked and secured to bed with handcuffs. She teased me and licked and kissed me till I was begging for release.

At that moment, she whispered. "Remember I told you about a test?" She stood from the bed and walked to the doorway. There was a light in the hall, and all I could see was her silhouette casting a sensuous shadow across the room as I lay shackled and motionless on the bed. I saw her going through the motions of blowing me a kiss, then she disappeared down the hallway.

There is a safety button on the handcuffs that a person can free himself in case of an emergency. But the more I contemplated my fate, the more I wondered if this was the test she spoke about. What kind of test had her previous lover failed. Did I want to fail this test and be without her? Or was her presence in my life more valuable?

I will never wonder again about why a woman is allowed to change her mind and a man is not. In the seemingly lifetime I lay on that bed, I changed my mind a hundred times. Could I emotionally handle what I felt for certain was happening at that exact moment in time.

It turns out I didn't have to wait long. I heard the sound of laughter in the house. I heard two people stumbling up the stairs at the far end of the hallway.

Alice laughed and saying the words loud enough for me to hear. "Are you going to fuck me with that thing?"

"Yeah, baby... I'm gonna fuck you real good." Words spoken by the next man to make a giant leap. His ignorance dripping from his lips. But it was Alice's lips I now could visualize. Those lips wrapped around this strangers manhood. Her legs wrapped around his body, his body pounding her from behind sounding like a semi-automatic firing round after round into her body.

My mind went absolutely crazy with the sounds and visuals I was getting from the next room. When the room went quiet for the longest time, I couldn't hear voices or movement.

There, standing in the doorway of my room was Alice. Her silhouette reappeared in the doorway. She was covered with a robe. I couldn't see the expression on her face, but when she saw, I was no longer handcuffed to the bed, I heard her gasp.

She was almost singing my name as she joined me on the bed. There was drying cum on my chest, and it took only a heartbeat for her to begin the task of cleansing my body with her tongue. When she finished, she lowered her body onto mine and we were off to the heights.

That night we spoke of what had happened. We questioned why we were the way we were. The answers were not important. The only answer was that we understood, and we could trust the other to do whatever we needed to stay together.

She was crying when I explained how I now understood her reason for her test. But I scolded her when I let her know there would never be another test. We would have to promise trust and truth.

She laughed and said. "You mean you don't want another 'pop quiz'."


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Pussy and clowns are stupid

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Yeah, Gay from Cameroon and his juvenile tales. Dropping them whenever finished licking the brick de jour.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

And then they died in a cruel and painful fashion. Another happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I liked the beginning of the story. I’m not complaining about it but I’m addicted to commitment. But like all the way. I want the woman to ensnare me into marrying her. I love that word conniving. My real weakness is a totally working woman type who has an incredibly tight ass. She knows that ass can get her what she wants..I want her to want marriage, to want me to provide financially for her, forever…I love the gleam in her eyes as the wedding band goes on my finger..She just kind of stares at my finger..She’ll never have to work again..Her dream come true..It’s in my genes. I love that I can’t help wanting this..


26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Started ok but veered off the tracks quickly.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This started in a decent direction and wham a train wreck without a real message. Speculation: If I let a couple of guys fuck you and I get cum on me then we are headed for a trusting relationship? Oh and since you beg me to stay….I should let you do this to me? Maybe some other comments can clarify….

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x3 months ago

Neither/nor isn't a double negative.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Double WTF? Is it possible to give negative stars?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not even worth a 1

Buster2UBuster2U3 months ago

Already confusion in the comments. I will try to explain, and I expect Mr Jay to correct me, "The Test" was to see if her current male companion would let her have strange cock occasionally. As in the original advert she said she was looking for a "Non-Monogamy" relationship. She wanted MORE than just a standard M&F marriage. She was basically saying that she would want some "strange" occasionally. If I understood it correctly. And our Hero "Passed" the "TEST" by uncuffing himself and jerking off while she was getting it on with the other guy. By doing that he showed it turned him on as well for her to fuck other men, and therefore passed the test. Am I correct, Jay? What do I know, just my understanding. Thanks, Buster2U.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So he told us what a stud he was having sex with orher women and he settled on a woman having sex with orher men... Seems rational enough.

NickTeeNickTee3 months ago

Was there a couple of paragraphs missing?

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu3 months ago


I didn't quite get the ending but I have no empathy with rhe main characters but I think they deserve each other.

lujon2019lujon20193 months ago

You see, I, like a lot of men, look at a woman and put her in one of two categories. "Would" I fuck her, or "will" I fuck her?



define a lot?

becuase when I see a 600lb woman covered in puss oozing lesions she NEVER goes in either of those two categories, the fact your MC never considers NOT fucking a woman no matter her weight, her smell, her health, or more importantly her AGE is beyond disturbing

Buster2UBuster2U3 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars for the Winner of "The Test" as she said in her original Advert she wasn't looking for monogamy, and then she tested him by cuffing him and bringing in another guy to fuck. LOL Tough test. Unexpected like that. I've have always always shared all my women, however, it was always my idea, NOT hers. So, how would I have done on that test? NOT Good I suspect. LOL Great Story, Great Writing, Great Effort. Thanks, Buster2U

GreyMatter46GreyMatter463 months ago

Yes, a test to determine fidelity, compatibility and trust is far more effective than a mere promise, words. thanks

EastCoaster1EastCoaster13 months ago

Gotta agree with the Bear... I liked the mechanics of the story but didn't get the test, and there was no explanation of what that was REALLY all about.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker3 months ago

What the fuck??? 1 star.


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