Alpha Killer Ch. 71-75

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Civil War.
10.4k words

Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/05/2019
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Randall Meechum's POV
Dallas FBI Field Office

"Randall! Get your ass in here!"

I had just walked out of the empty office where I'd ducked to talk to Talia and was walking back to my desk in the cube farm when she yelled for me. Senior Agent-In-Charge Rosalie Martinez was poking her head out of her office and was pissed. I didn't know what I'd done, but it really didn't matter now. "Coming, boss."

She held the door open and gestured for one of the chairs in front of her desk. She looked absolutely exhausted; things had been going nonstop since that night at the ballgame. "Are you sleeping, Rosalie?"

She sat heavily behind the desk. "Ain't nobody got time fo dat," she joked, but it didn't deflect from her fatigue. "I got at least four hours last night, get off my ass."

"How many more are we going to pick up?"

"I think we have them all for now," she said. "The press is going nuts, and now this." She turned her computer to show the news article that she had pulled up. SEX SLAVES SUE SOFTWARE CEO, the headline blared. The picture was of Todd Martinn, the young and wealthy software executive I had arrested at the start of the sweep. He was being perp-walked, cuffed with his head hanging, as I and Agent Rebecca led him to booking. UNDERAGE VICTIMS SEEK $100 MILLION.

"We knew this would happen, as soon as the story broke the lawyers would be all over this. There's too much money to go after."

"Yeah, well, this one had a head start. Check out the lawyer's name."

I read the story quickly, finally getting to the quote from the plaintiff's lawyer. Lou Walls. "Lou was Tania Stillwater's lawyer when she gave her statement, we met in his office up in Sulphur River."

"He's been a busy man. He must have smelled blood in the water and struck fast. He has partnered up with the Dallas law firm Dewey, Dewitt & Howe and they represent Tania plus nine of the victims who were rescued from the island." She leaned forward. "We've kept those names strictly confidential due to their age, so I find it interesting a small-town lawyer from your hometown is suddenly lead lawyer for a case like this."

"What are you really asking, Rosalie? Do you think I leaked it?"

"I hope to hell you didn't."

I looked her in the eyes. "I didn't leak it, but I didn't have to," I said evenly. She sat back. "Tania was an excellent witness, and she lived on that island for two plus years. She was bound to know the real names and backgrounds of the other girls there, they slept in cages in the same room the whole time. She gave us all the details, and her lawyer knew them as well. It wouldn't take much for him to contact their families and seek to represent them. Hell, he might have started before they were even found."


"Tania would have insisted. Nobody knew what happened to her, or if she was alive. She just disappeared without a trace, just like the other girls. If I was her, I would have tried to find the parents of the other girls just to let them know they are alive."

She sat back, thinking about it. "They would have raised holy hell if they knew the girls were being held overseas. It would be one press conference after another."

I shook my head no. "I'm pretty sure Tania and Lou advised them against that. With the girls held by the Cartel and the corruption in the police down there, making their claim public would put the girls into a shallow grave within hours. No, he played the long game. As soon as the indictments were issued, he was ready with a civil suit."

"How can they have enough to file?"

"If he's smart, he's interviewed each of the girls since they were returned home and gathered his own evidence. This Martinn guy is a good one to start with; rich, scared and guilty as hell. He'll settle with them because his lawyers will make him. Even without a conviction, could you imagine a jury trial? Tania and her memory laying out every visit, every lewd act he committed? Shit, a hundred million is a bargain. I bet they're preparing dozens more, and trying to pull even more victims in. It's a fucking rainmaker for these lawyers."

She thought about it for a while. "It will interfere with our cases," she said.

"Not really. It's like dominoes; the civil case, they get discovery, they can't hide behind the Fifth Amendment without the jury being able to take that as an admission they did something wrong. Any evidence or testimony, any discovery interviews, it all becomes admissible in criminal court. You can't afford that, so you settle. Or, you delay, but then after you are convicted you lose even more. It's about time these ambulance chasers did us a favor and took these men down."

"I need you to look at me, Randall, and tell me you haven't worked with Mr. Walls or Miss Stillwater on this or revealed any portion of our investigation."

"I'm not working with Lou or Tania, but it's time I came clean on something. I'm involved with Miss Stillwater, romantically involved."

Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open in disbelief. "You... a WITNESS... she's only eighteen years old? What the FUCK are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I'm the luckiest man in the world, because this job brought me in contact with the most beautiful, amazing woman who is now my fiancé."

She shook her head and looked at me. "You're engaged to her. Tania Stillwater, a girl a few weeks removed from sex slavery."

I just laughed, I had her. "No, not Tania. Her older sister, Talia Stillwater. We met while I was back home, and it was love at first sight."

Rosalie's shoulders slumped and she leaned back into her chair. "Jesus Christ, you had me going there. It's still not good, she's a family member of a victim in an active investigation."

"I know. Look, I didn't give her any details of our investigation, but I did pass on that the girls on the island had been rescued when we went to Key West. Her sister was really worried about them. They had all made a promise that if any of them got free, they would tell their families about them."

She nodded. "Still, this stinks and I have to report it. Your involvement with her could taint the entire investigation, Randall!" She looked down at her desk, trying to think of what to say in response. "I need a statement from you, and Internal Affairs might get involved."

"That won't be necessary," I said. I stood up, removing my shield and placing it on her desk followed by my gun. "I just got off the phone with Talia; I was offered a job where she is, working corporate security for a company near Pittsburgh. I was heading back to my desk to write my letter of resignation when you called me in here."

Her jaw was catching flies again. "You're quitting? NOW? We're doing so much good!"

I nodded. "You were right, I'm too personally involved. I've seen the effect on the family, boss. As satisfying as all the arrests were, you don't know how hard it was for me to resist."

"Resist what?"

"Beating them within an inch of their miserable lives," I said.

"You could transfer, work something else. You're a good agent, Randall, I don't want to lose you."

"I appreciate it, boss, but I want my wife and future family to have more stability than this job requires. I want to spend every night of my life with her."

"You're sure?" I nodded my head. "Go type the letter and turn over your notes and assignments to Rebecca. I'll get started on the paperwork."

"Thanks, Rosalie."

I got up, and she came around and gave me a hug. "We're going to miss you around here," she said.

"Just keep putting the bad guys away, boss. I'll be fine." I walked back out to my desk, sitting heavily. Rebecca's cube was next to mine, and she looked over the partition with a quizzical look on her face. "I resigned, effective immediately," I said.

"What the hell, Randall? You can't just quit!" That got the attention of pretty much everyone in the office. "Is she making you?"

"No, it's not that. I just accepted a job offer doing corporate security up by where my fiancé lives by Pittsburgh." They looked at me in shock. "I don't regret being an agent, but I want the stability this job can't offer me." I accepted their congratulations, including lots of ribbing about being off the market and how the single ladies of Dallas would miss my attention.

"I should have known something was up when we went to the game," Lindsey said. "Not only did you go without a date, but you didn't even glance at that waitress with the huge rack."

"Once I met Talia, I stopped thinking of other women," I said.

"When will we meet this woman?"

"I don't know. I have to type up my letter and get my place packed up," I said. "I can't wait to see her again."

"Do you have a picture of this wonder woman?" I just smiled, pulling out my phone. I brought up a picture of her sitting on my lap at the dinner table back home, we were looking at each other like nothing else in the world existed. "Wow, she's beautiful," Lindsey said.

"Young, too," Rebecca added. "You robbing the cradle here?"

"She's a little younger than me," I said. "Nothing that matters to either of us."

"You're a lucky man, Randall. Take care of her, and take care of yourself," Lindsey said as she gave me a quick hug. "I gotta go."

The others finally left me alone and I typed up a resignation letter, printed it and signed it. There wasn't much in my drawers, all the stuff I wanted to take fit in a Xerox box. Leaving it on my desk, I went back to Rosalie's office. "Here's my letter," I told her after I knocked on the open door.

"Come in here," she said. "You can't just walk out like this, Randall. This is government, there are forms to fill out, exit interviews, debriefings."

"I just want to move on, boss."

"I know you do, so here." She handed me transfer paperwork to the bank robbery division in Pittsburgh. "Take a couple of weeks of your back vacation, then go process out at the Pittsburgh field office."

"I didn't ask for a transfer, Rosalie."

"If you don't, you'll spend a week stuck here in Dallas instead of being with your woman. Do it up there when you're ready, and maybe you'll change your mind." She turned and picked up my gun and badge. "Keep these for now."

I wasn't getting out of it that easy, but I did want to get going. "Thanks, boss."

"Now get out of here, I've got bad guys to catch." I laughed as I hugged her goodbye, then grabbed my box and walked out of the office.

I had just made it to my Jeep and started the care when my phone rang. "Jarrod?"

"Hi Randall. There have been a few developments." He filled me in on the escape of Master Louis and what it might mean. "The vampires are split, just like the Council was," he said. "I need you here in New York."

"New York? Why not in Pennsylvania with my mate?"

"I don't know who I can trust in this building, Randall. I've got my Coven coming to stay with me, but only Eduardo can move during the day. I need you two here, tracking down Louis before he starts a civil war among our kind."

"It's that bad?"

"It could be. Masters Leonardo and Nikolai are going to stay at the Werewolf Council with Talia, they are better off there. I need you on the next plane to New York, Randall. I already talked with Talia and she agreed."

Shit. I owed Jarrod everything, I had to help him. "Fine, I'm on my way." I turned out of the parking lot towards the airport, a bad feeling in my gut as I drove.

Ch. 72

Talia's POV
Tomah Pack House

"How bad is this going to get, Master Nikolai?" We had been in the conference room as he was given updates from the Council, and I'd gotten a call from Master Jarrod already. He convinced me that Randall was needed there along with his coven. The Vampire Council staff couldn't be trusted.

"I'm not sure, but it could be really bad," he said. "Talia has seen our side, but you need to understand that our method of government isn't like yours. There is no Pack bond, no Alpha command. The vampires are loyal to their Maker, and the Covens are far smaller than your Packs. As such, it is more a collection of strong-willed people than a top-down military structure." I watched Dad as he nodded, he was familiar with Jarrod's small coven. "The Vampire Council is on your side strongly now that Daniela is dead and Louis is on the run, but that doesn't mean the Covens will go along."

"What do you think the proportion is that will align with Louis against us?"

"I'm not sure. Masters pride themselves on being emotionless and difficult to read, and politics are a blood sport. I'm sure the two of them were working the Coven leaders for years."

"The hatred is difficult to overcome for those who have been alive so long," Leonardo said. "Werewolves don't have the same memory as your lifespan is so much shorter. Others, like me, are more pragmatic. We realize that these wars have been harmful to both sides. With the technology surrounding us now, we can't take the risk of a war."

"It's true, things have changed quite a bit in these cities. All the surveillance cameras, everyone having cellphones, government surveillance; it all makes it more difficult for vampires to operate in the city."

My father-in-law nodded at this. "We don't have the same issues as you, but satellite imagery, drones and trail cameras make us restrict where and when we can be in our wolf forms. A war would be just as disastrous for us."

"So what are you gong to do, Master Nikolai? Return to New York?"

"I don't think that would be wise," Leonardo said. "If Jarrod can't trust the staff, you shouldn't either. You are far more vulnerable on the road than you are here."

"I trust them, and I know Talia and Brent will not allow anything to happen here. I'm worried about the Packs, though." Nikolai looked at Chairman Brent. "What would cause war to break out the fastest?"

"Vampires attacking a Pack," he said quickly. "Oh fuck. All it would take is a couple Packs around the country to be hit and the Alphas would be demanding war."

"You've got time, they won't be able to do anything until sunset."

"Put the word out, Dad," I said. "All Packs should go on precautionary lockdown tonight. Get everyone but the fighters into the safe rooms and pull the warriors back to the Pack Houses."

"No patrols?"

"Vampires would cut patrols to pieces before they can raise an alarm, there's no point in getting someone killed. Set up cameras, put sentries on the roofs and arm them."

"Put ultraviolet lights in place, shining around the buildings," Leonardo said. "Buy as many UV lights as you can find, replace all the exterior lights with them. The light will blind the vampires as they get closer, and a focused beam can burn their skin."

"I'll make the arrangements for an emergency video call," I said. "The more prep time the better."

"Good idea. Meanwhile, Leonardo and I will go through the Coven locations and try to identify those most likely to attack, and the Packs closest to them." Nikolai was already pulling out his phone. "We only have six hours until sunset on the East Coast."

"We better work fast then," I said. "I'll send an alert message, video conference in twenty minutes Dad. We can't delay."

I was more than happy to have Dad be in charge, but as Chief Enforcer, protecting our kind and the fragile treaty with the Vampire Council was MY responsibility. I went to my desk and logged in, pulling up the messaging program. "YELLOW ALERT V-threat make preparations and fall back to defensive positions. Videoconference at 1500 EDT same protocol. This is NOT a drill." Hitting send, I waited for the message to come into the dedicated pager. Every Pack had more than one of these, ensuring that with one message, every Pack in North America could be notified. Most kept it in the Alpha office and a security post that was always manned. It was only used when there was a threat against multiple Packs.

The pager beeped, and I checked the message was received properly. I set up the videoconference and put it on mute so it would be ready for us. Then I called in my Enforcers and quickly briefed them on the actions that needed to be taken. "Work with Master Leonardo's men on defense," I said. "Having vampires imbedded with our men will be more effective than working alone."

"How many Vampires are we talking, boss?"

"Unknown, it depends on how many Covens he can rally to his cause and coordinate. I doubt they'd take on two Masters and a Hybrid, plus the werewolves, with less than a dozen." The men nodded, knowing we were not an easy target. We had experienced werewolf warriors and Alphas, and Vampire strength was proportional to age. "I want all the noncombatants within thirty seconds of the safe room as soon as possible. We'll defend the building, not the grounds. Issue rifles with silver ammunition." Silver wouldn't kill a vampire, but it would slow their healing and make them more vulnerable to our attacks.

"I need permission to set anti-personnel silver charges," one asked. I looked at him quizzically. "We have homemade Claymore mines, using pure silver balls as shrapnel instead of the standard steel ones. They can be set around the base of the building and remote detonated if the vampires get close. They're effective out to twenty-five yards."

"Why wouldn't we use them?"

"We'll be picking silver off our land for months if we set them off, Chief Enforcer."

If we were overrun, it wouldn't matter. "Use them. Use anything we can. The doors and windows need to be barricaded to delay them. Any other ideas?"

"Fire," one of the men said. "We used homemade napalm fifty years ago when my Pack was attacked. It's difficult to kill a vampire with fire, but it sure fucks up their day. I can make some barrels up and attach them to remote-detonators where they might be coming through the trees. It will make a mess, but it will slow them down."

What the hell, the building was made of stone, it wasn't going to be burned down. "Will you need anything to make it?"

"A visit to the mail room should do it, if I can't get enough packing peanuts there, I'll send someone to the UPS store. The formula is simple, half a barrel of gasoline then you dissolve Styrofoam in it until full and thick. I'll get some of the Omegas working with me, we'll need at least a dozen barrels. The explosives and detonators we have in the arsenal."

I could just imagine what fifty-five gallons of sticky flame would do to the landscaping. "Get it ready. We meet one hour before sundown back here to finalize plans." I divided the men into tasks and let them get to work. I only had three minutes until the start of the videoconference.

Dad took the Chairman position, with me to his left and Jacque to his right. Master Nikolai and Master Leonardo had their own cameras but were not included in the conference yet. At precisely three PM, he unmuted his microphone. "Before we start, an update. Chief Enforcer Jacque has resigned and will be moving to join his mate as Betas of the Tomah Pack. I have selected his replacements; my son, Randall, and his mate Talia Stillwater." There was shock on the faces of the Alphas.

"She is the Alpha Killer, a wanted CRIMINAL," one of the Alphas yelled. "She killed my brother!"

"Your brother was kidnapping humans and turning them without permission. He got a cleaner death than the Council would have given him," I said. "Anyone who thinks they can do a better job than me, or my FBI Agent mate, is welcome to challenge either of us for the position once this crisis is over. Until then, shut the fuck up and listen to your chairman." Wisely, he sat back down.

Brent looked directly into the camera. "Gentlemen, we have a problem." Over the next five minutes he laid it all out; the split in the Vampire Council over peace with the Werewolves and the Hybrids, the escape of Master Louis, and the possibility rebel Covens would attack Packs to spur a war.