Altered Ch. 05


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She turned away from the door and came back to the table, "OK, fine, I was going to grab something to eat in town, but don't try anything, Mister."

"Ha, ha, I better get going then. You're looking too good to resist," I said, giving her a sloppy set of kisses across her face.

She always pretended to be annoyed by it but I knew she loved it. I grabbed my pack of food and water and took off out the door.

I started off on my daily run down a path that led me up a mountain trail about ten miles west of our home. At times, I ran through the forest at top speed, topping off at 35 mph. I was faster than a horse at full gallop. My burst speed, which I couldn't maintain for more than a minute, I clocked at 60 mph. I may have fast healing abilities and increased strength and endurance but I was still limited by my heart and organs and they in turn limited how fast my body could go.

As I made my way up the trail, I practiced what I liked to call hard-core parkour. I felt like a ninja and at times like a gymnast, bouncing off of trees, flipping from branch to branch, leaping over cliffs. I was a fast learner. Unfortunately, the fastest teacher is failure, because despite my agility, speed and reaction time I still crashed into trees, bashed into rocks and fell off of a cliff once. My injuries healed up pretty quickly but the pain and misery it caused taught me lessons no one without my abilities could learn.

I ended up in a glade that I often went to in order to get peace of mind. It was the quietest place I knew of; there were only sounds of the forest there. With my exceptional hearing, I could always hear the sounds of human activity of some kind everywhere I went except here. Although I lived in the Rockies, I lived in a well populated area with highways and trails everywhere.

I sat in the middle of the glade with my eyes closed. I could see around me the outline of all things without their colors, texture or details. The forest floor, the trees all around, a squirrel, a few birds, and a boulder about 20 yards away, probably weighing in around 50 lbs. - they all were surrounded by what looked like an energy field. I wanted to reach out and touch them somehow, and my focus was on moving the boulder.

I felt like I tried everything. I had been at it for weeks now with no luck so far. Then inspiration struck. What about Star Wars? I needed to stop thinking that the world is as limited as we were all taught and realize that there are probably a lot of telekinetics out there. They probably needed to make a buck so the question was, how would they do that without exposing themselves? How about writing about what you know but making it a fiction? Hide in the open.

Then I thought about all of the successful movies about telekinesis that were disguised as something else, then it hit me - Star Wars. What if George Lucas was an Ataruian hybrid with telekinetic powers or he knew someone with them? What if 'The Force' was only partially fiction? What if there were beings that could move objects with their will? What if Yoda was a modified script teaching potential telekinetics how to use their powers?

"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship," I thought about what Yoda said in Empire Strikes Back.

I could see the 'Force', now I needed to feel it somehow. So, I meditated and focused on the feelings and memories of my psychic blast back in Mexico. I had a photographic memory and made it a point to store away what I saw, felt and did back then.

"Use the Force Nate," I thought, and chuckled to myself.

I tried everything I could think of to get something to move, but as I drove myself into deep meditation I began to see what I did and slowed it down.


I felt trapped. On the one hand I was being controlled by a psycho who was using my body to rape a friend of mine. On the other hand, my very personality was being taken over and to my horror I was enjoying it. I pushed down in my mind and searched my soul for hidden knowledge. The anger and fear of it all brought out what was buried inside of me.

I suddenly 'remembered' how to protect myself even though I knew I had never learned this before, but the memory came to the forefront all the same, from an unknown and previously unused part of my brain. I lashed out with it urgently and full of vengeance. I seized random objects with my mind and threw them about and my mind both pushed them away and hung onto them, which had the same effect as twirling a weight attached to a string. Suddenly all around me, everything was seized and held and they flew about as if in a tornado.


The knowledge came back to me in a flood. It wasn't like willing your hand to move, I realized; it was like making ripples in water to move a floating object. I felt the energy around me, and like heat, the closer to the energy the more I could feel it and also like heat it was dependent on how intense the energy was. So larger and closer objects I could feel more, but also some objects were surrounded by more energy than others.

I could not yet see the correlation there was between differing materials having more or less energy surrounding them yet but I vowed I would study it. I noticed for example that living things had a higher concentration of energy surrounding them than inanimate objects like rocks. But even some type of rocks seemed to differ in energy concentration. Black volcanic rocks for example were highly concentrated but a dirt clod barely had any. Another thing I noticed was living carbon-based materials had higher concentrations of energy, but dead lifeless carbon-based objects seemed to have a small fraction of that same energy. Something about life seemed to affect the amount of energy around a material as much as what material an object was made up of.

Suddenly, I was able to move rocks, pinecones and tree branches at will. It wasn't controlled, it was more like kicking a can. Cans don't tend to fly in the direction you kick them because of their odd shapes and so too my control of moving objects seemed wonky and chaotic. It also obeyed some laws of physics that I didn't think would happen. In the movies when a telekinetic moved objects he did so without an equal and opposite reaction. But when I moved objects, I felt a pull toward the object when I pulled it toward me and a push when I pushed it away from me. The force vectors were opposed to the vectors applied to the object being moved. The thing was that the force vectors seemed to be equal and opposite and parallel but the origin points of the opposing vector seemed to be applied to my center of gravity. The force vector I applied to an object always seemed to default to the object's center of mass or maybe it's centroid, I wasn't certain. I had no way to test it since it was all based on visual observation only.

So, I decided to try some experiments, if I was applying force to an object with an angle and direction and the same force was negatively applied to me in 3D space then what would happen if I applied a force vector that wouldn't move an object, would the opposing force vector still be applied? So, I pushed a rock with a certain amount of force, enough to move it 6 feet and I was able to resist its opposing force by digging my feet into the ground. I tried that same force to a giant tree, and the force vector seemed to be stronger, I guessed it was double because of a rebounding effect.

I then tried doing it to the ground, and it lifted me off my feet by an inch. Now that was interesting. With enough practice, I bet I could use it to help me leap higher off the ground, I already had enough strength to leap 20 feet straight up.

I practiced control over various objects for weeks and eventually got good enough to control direction and speed of the object being moved. I was a novice at best, it would take time to get good at it, years to master. One thing I did observe while practicing my skills was that when I did move objects there was a brief energy line that would form connecting the two force vectors origin points. Another psychic, who could see energy fields the way I could, would be able to follow the line to who was conjuring it (if they were paying attention). The thing was the line flashed quickly so it was just like gun fire, snipers only fire once so they don't give away their position. So, a psychic hunting a telekinetic would have to be looking at just the right moment for it to be useful, but like gunfire the flash would draw the psychics attention to his general location.


Besides learning to use my abilities, I would take time to communicate with Anya. I learned that our link grew stronger over time and now I could communicate with her conscious mind. It took a lot of concentration because she wasn't very good at using her abilities or was just resistant to it. In either case, it took a lot of concentration on my part, especially since we were far away from each other.

She let me know in our previous sending that she had bodyguards protecting her 24/7. I warned her of the Illuminati and told her that Tanya may have been kidnapped. If Tanya was kidnapped by a team with mind readers available to them, then Tanya might have inadvertently informed the Illuminati of Anya's pregnancy. She was a potential target. She let her father know and surprisingly he not only believed her but had dealings with the Illuminati in the past and tripled her protection. Her father had her stay in one of his homes in Carmel By the Sea, California and she was like a prisoner.

The thing I didn't tell her was how hostile Tanya was becoming. Like Anya, Tanya's link was getting stronger, however she took to her abilities like a fish to water. She was very hostile with me and was able to push me from her mind. She was even able to make me feel excruciating pain which later I learned was a psychic defense called a mind spike. I didn't understand where this hostility was coming from but at times she seemed to be friendly and at other times it was like someone was controlling her mind. I didn't recognize her from before.

The thing about connecting our minds is that not only did we share our conscious thoughts but we also share each other's emotions. Connecting to her mind was a lot like a phone call in that there was an annoying feeling, like a pinging, that pulsed until she allowed her mind to be connected. I was getting strong enough to force my way into her mind without this but that was considered a big no-no in the psychic community. You would only do that to your enemies, so I never tried it on Anya.

When she finally 'picked up', I became overwhelmed by a deep depression.

"Nate!" she sobbed.

"How are you, Anya? What's the matter, baby?"

"Oh, Nate. It's terrible, I'm all alone here with no one to talk to. My father won't let me leave and with my pregnancy, my emotions are all over the place."

I knew she was over exaggerating a little bit, she had staff there along with her body guards so she wasn't alone. But, you can feel all alone surrounded by people if none of them are friends.

"Baby, I wish I could come get you, but I think I would put you in more danger if I did. Right now, you are safer there than here."

"Nate, I don't want to be 'safe.' I want to be with you."

"OK, baby, can you hold on for a couple of months? I'm preparing a place and when it's ready I'll come get you."

"Really?" she asked, her emotions changed suddenly from sorrow to hope. "OK, but please don't make me wait long."

"I'm heading your way in a couple of months, I have to work out a plan. It won't be easy to get you past everyone safely. I'll have to get you another ID and get you past the trackers. Don't worry I'm almost there."

"Thank you, Nate!"

I talked with her about this and that for another hour, mainly keeping her 'company'. I finally said my farewells and cut off communication with her and took off back towards the house.


I was running down the path towards home when I heard my name being called out.

"Nate! Nate!"

What worried me was that it was Robin and she wasn't using my alias. She was probably a mile away so I ran down the mountain at full speed, thinking we were found out and an attack was eminent. I caught up to her in less than two minutes.

"Robin! Are you OK, honey?"

"No, I NEED you..." she said emphasizing the word need in a way that let me know what was going on. "It's time, baby!"

She started stripping off all of her clothes, right on the dirt trail with no concern for onlookers. Before I could react, she stood there naked as the day she was born.

"Baby, let's get inside!" I pleaded.

She wasn't having any of it. She was mad with lust, out of control. She was in heat. She warned me that this would start soon. From what she described, she would become insatiable, her body would have more endurance and strength.

She had been known to take on multiple lovers and changing to a male form didn't change a thing, her male form would just masturbate constantly until her cock would get sore, she'd heal and repeat the masturbation. She said that in some ways being a woman in heat was easier for her because finding multiple partners to fuck her constantly was easier than finding a bunch of women to fuck constantly.

One of the reasons Robin and Tracy sought me out was because they found being gangbanged for a whole week every year to be humiliating. With me they would only need one partner. The only issue I foresaw was that Robin and Tracy's heat cycles seemed to have synced up with each other over the years. That meant that Tracy would be going into heat soon also and I would have to keep two women with unlimited endurance and desire satisfied at the same time.

Although I had "unlimited" endurance, I wasn't a god. I couldn't be in two places at once, and I still needed to eat and drink in order to maintain the endurance or things would start shutting down.

Robin tore at my pants with a desperation and strength I wasn't expecting. I tried to stop her but it would have taken more strength than I wanted to use on her. I was both afraid to hurt her and part of me wanted her to continue, it was fucking hot.

My pants dropped in record time and before I could react she climbed me like a tree grabbing my cock on the way up, and she dropped herself onto me. I was both flabbergasted and full of lust. Neither side of me won the war on what to do as she rode me like I was a toy not caring what I thought. She just made guttural sounds. She howled like a bitch in heat, crooned like an ape being mated by her silverback, and I swear she even cawed like a bird at one point.

I wanted to take her inside but with my pants around my ankles I couldn't move. I fucked her hard, the harder I went the louder she became. Her scent started to overwhelm me and I found myself losing control of my mind and body. I backed her up to a tree and shoved her against it. I soon lost conscious control over my 'second appendage' as it drilled into her ass bugging her eyes out.

"Yes, master, fuck me. Breed your whore."

I didn't know why she was talking so dirty, we were regular lovers for months and it was rare for her to talk dirty and never to this extent. I normally would have been turned off by this but my animalistic side soon took over and I found myself getting more and more rough.

"Take that, you fucking cum-bucket!" I found myself saying.

She would definitely be turned off by this normally, but then it just increased her lust.

"Yes, oh yes, fuck your slut!"

I soon brought her to five orgasms before I let loose. Surprising to me, her ass tightened up on my second appendage and my cock seemed to have latched onto her somehow effectively bonding me to her. It became too painful to pull out of her and I was afraid of damaging her. With surprising agility, I stepped out of my pants and kicked them up to one of my hands. I grabbed her ass and ran as fast as I could back to the house continuously fucking her along the way. I ran with her for two miles surprising a group of hikers that were too stunned to react. I don't even know if they understood what they were seeing because we passed them with impossible speed.

I practically kicked the door in. We scared the shit out of mom as we rushed past her up to my room.

"Mom, I need water, electrolytes... something quick. She's in heat and I can't seem to pull out!"

I didn't wait for my mother. I rushed us to my bedroom, threw us on the bed fucking her missionary, until I came. I kept changing positions, sometimes doggy, sometimes with her on top, sideways, slantways; I wanted to keep her bruising to a minimum. Although my second cock was latched to her it also acted like a tendril and its length varied allowing me to get into different positions with a little difficulty. Luckily, I was super agile. To her it didn't seem to matter, she didn't let up and went with whatever position I put us in.

My mother was prepared for this day, but when it finally came I think it still caught her off guard. She brought up some Gatorade and some protein shakes as we rutted like dogs into the night. I had soundproofed my room as best as I could in preparation for the day, but I think our screams were still heard throughout the house. Not to mention the vibrations and shaking caused by our slamming my bed over and over.

The week of heat was supposed to start off with the most intensity and taper off after half the week was up. Tracy came to check up on us in the morning when Robin finally slept. She brought clean sheets and took the cum and sweat soaked ones to the laundry. I put on a robe and called a family meeting while Robin slept.

"What do you need, honey?" my mom queried.

"I think I'm going to need help... if Tracy goes into heat - I won't be able to 'help' them both simultaneously," I informed.

"What do you mean, are you getting too tired?" Tracy asked, worried.

"No, baby, but for some reason I have no control over my second dick. Not only is it doing its job instinctually, but it seems to lock me into her until she falls unconscious."

"Oh, I see... but what do you want me to do?" Mom asked.

"I hate to ask you this, but at this point it's not the weirdest request ever..." I began, with pleading eyes.

"OKaay... You hate to ask - what?"

"I'm hoping that Tracy's heat won't start for a couple of days, by then Robin will have a little more control over herself," I said. I hesitated to continue but finally just blurted out, "I'm gonna need you to get a strap-on and 'help' me 'help' Robin..."

"Oh my god!" she gasped.

She seemed shocked and deep in thought for a few minutes. I was thinking it would take her longer to make up her mind but after a minute's contemplation she agreed.

"OK, lucky for you I found a sex shop in town... I'll see if they have something."

"Uhm, yeah - it's not that simple. You need to be able to fill both her holes at the same time, errr. Look just take Tracy with you, she'll know what to get."

They both left, really flustered but determined to get what they would need to 'help' Robin if needed.

I went online and did a rush order, just in case. Unfortunately, living up in the mountains, we rarely were able to get stuff overnighted and it wouldn't likely show up until the week was up. I was super sticky and smelled rank from hours of constant sex, so I decided to take a shower.

No sooner did the water get to temperature and I stepped into the shower then Robin ambushed me from behind shoving me against the wall of the shower. She kissed the back of my neck and worked her way down my back licking and kissing all the while she kept me pressed against the wall. I could have broken loose but I wanted to see where this was heading.