Altering the Plans Ch. 03


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Maya sighed. "Yeah, yeah he was. And thank you so much for speaking up. I was kind of running out of ideas." She rang up the order for him. "Actually, sir, it's on me. I appreciate the help."

He laughed. "I cannot remember the last time anyone called me 'sir.' Well, thank you very much, little darlin'. No, I'm sorry, that's too forward. What's your name?"

"Maya." She smiled. She liked Charles. He seemed like a friendly type, but also someone who did not suffer fools or nonsense. She didn't even mind him calling her "little darlin'."

"I take it, it was a bad one," Charles said. At Maya's curious look, he clarified, "Your relationship with the dickhead."

"It wasn't great," Maya confirmed.

"They never are," he said. "Best thing you can say about relationships with people like that is, they're over."

"Absolutely." Maya fixed the drink and handed it to him over the counter. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"What's that?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you said something about a dress? And it's ruined?"

"Oh, lord." Charles gave her a resigned look. "Not sure you have enough time for that story."

Maya glanced around. The store was empty, and the rush wasn't due for another couple of hours at least, and she'd be gone by then anyway. "I don't mind, and I like stories about dresses."

"You do?" Charles gave her a curious look over his latte.

"I do." She nodded. "I'm a dressmaker. I was wondering if I could help."

"You are?" Charles' eyebrows shot up. "For reals, as the kids say?"

Maya laughed. "For reals."

"Then, Maya, sit down and let's see if we can work something out."

"Sure. Who's the dress for?"

"For me."

"For you?" Maya gave him a puzzled look. "A costume?"

"In a way. It's my work clothes, Maya. I am Trinity Rose. I'm a drag queen." He drank some more coffee. "Is that a problem?"

"What? Oh, no, of course not." Maya smiled. "I'm sorry, that just took me off guard. I guess my dressmaking has always been a bit more conventional. But I'd be happy to help."

Charles outlined his problem: he'd ordered a dress he needed for his act, based on a lukewarm recommendation from a friend of a friend, because he was in a time crunch. When the dress had arrived, it was horrid. The seams were uneven, the stitches came apart at the slightest touch, and the material was cheap.

"My five-year-old niece could make something better out of cardboard and macaroni," he said. "I'm not sure it can actually be saved, but if you can get me through one night, I will set you up in your own shop."

Maya laughed. "I'm not sure that's necessary."

"We'll see." Charles stood. "All right. The dress is at my club and the sooner you can look at it, the better. What works for you?"

Maya checked the time. "My shift ends in an hour. I could come then?"

"That's fine," said Charles. "Here's my card, and my cell number. Buzz me when you're on your way, all right?"

"That sounds great, and thank you so much." Maya grinned as she watched him go, feeling better than she had in days.

"Hi, Maya," Lacey said as she came in.

"Hi, Lacey. What are you doing back here?" Maya asked.

Lacey had worked the morning shift, and she and Maya had overlapped for part of the day.

"Just came in to see how you're doing." Lacey smiled. "And for a drink. You'd think I'd be sick of this stuff, but here I am."

"I guess it's addictive," Maya said. "What can I get you?"

"Whatever we have with raspberry and lots of sugar." Lacey dropped into a chair.

"You got it." Maya went behind the counter and began fixing the drink.

"You seem in a good mood," said Lacey. "Anything fun happen today?"

"I think I finally have a shot at making a dress. I mean, another one." Maya told her about the conversation with Charles.

"Drag queens?" Lacey asked, then sat back and grinned. "Why not? I bet that would be fun. I hope it works out."

"Me, too," said Maya. "I'm trying to keep myself calm. I want it so much, but it might not amount to anything. I mean, really. It's so random. Here you go." She handed Lacey her drink. "But crazy as it is, it's the first solid lead I've had." She sighed. "I guess if it doesn't work, I won't be any worse off than I am now."

"Do you not like working here?" Lacey asked.

"No, that's not what I meant at all." Maya shook her head. "It's nice working here, it really is. Everyone's friendly and I'm so glad to be able to make some money and keep up my end of things, and save up for my own place and—"

"Your own place?" Lacey raised an eyebrow. "Why? Don't you like our place?"

"No, I do, it's great, I mean—"

Lacey laughed and patted Maya's hand. "Maya, it's okay. If you want your own place, that's fine. But I think you should stay. We're all getting along, and it's so much cheaper to split the rent three ways."

Maya saw the flaws in her plan as she came down from her euphoria. Chicago was expensive, and there was no way she could afford to live alone on a barista's salary.

"That's true," Maya agreed. "And you're right about finding a place. I don't want to move out. I just didn't know if you wanted me to stay."

"Why would we want you to go?"

Maya shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I appreciate so much that you gave me a place to stay, but there wasn't much choice involved, was there? I'd understand if you guys wanted a roommate who didn't come with a lot of baggage."

"Maya." Lacey waited until Maya met her eyes. "There's not a person out there who doesn't have some baggage. Personally, I think we've all lucked out being roommates, and I don't think we'd do better if we went through any kind of formal interview process."

"You're right, and I'd really like to stay," said Maya. "You've all been great, the guys, too. I honestly haven't had friends like you all in a long time."

"That's a shame," said Lacey, "but maybe you were due for a change."

"I could use one," Maya agreed.

"Sometimes you have to make your own change, and I think you've done that." Lacey stretched and yawned. "Lord, I'm tired. I'm going to head home. Can you do me a favor? Take some drinks over to the tattoo shop when you're done your shift? Krista just texted me their order."

"Sure." Maya nodded, happy to help but apprehensive at the same time, because Toby would be there. Her feelings for Toby hadn't gone away, and she wasn't sure what to do about them. "I'll do that and then go meet Charles."

"Great, thanks. I'll see you later, then. Good luck!" Lacey waved as she headed out. She turned back for a moment. "Take someone with you to the club. I'm sure it'll be fine but you shouldn't go strange places alone."

"All right. Thanks."

With my luck, I'll end up spilling Toby's right on his shirt, Maya thought as she checked the drink order. That led to thoughts of him removing his shirt, and she was glad Lacey had left so she wouldn't see that Maya was blushing.


They all looked up as the bell chimed. Toby smiled to himself as Maya walked in holding a carrier with four drinks. He couldn't help it.

"Hi, everyone," she said.

She looked different, he thought. More relaxed, even happy. He liked seeing her happy.

"I have your drinks." Maya put the tray on the counter.

"This is great." Krista beamed and came around the counter to give Maya a hug. "Thanks, this is just what I needed."

"Hope you got a large for her," said Toby. "She downs a small in one gulp."

"Shut up." Krista glared at him.

"Make me," he teased as he reached for his own cup. He met Maya's eyes. "Thanks a lot," he said.

"You're welcome," she said, and smiled.

Progress, he thought.

"So what's up, Maya?" Krista asked. "You look like someone with news."

Maya stared at her and Toby laughed. "You get used to it," he said. "She's very intuitive."

"She's right," said Maya. "Okay, this will sound crazy, but I started talking to a guy at the coffee shop, and it turned out he's a drag queen, and he needs help with his dress. So I'm going over there to see what I can do with it."

"Oh, wow." Krista gave a low whistle. "That's crazy, but hey, that's life sometimes."

"Congratulations," said Toby. That did sound a little out there, but stranger things had happened, he supposed.

Jackson came out from his work area. "Hi, Maya. There's coffee? Where's mine? I need caffeine. Gimme, gimme."

Maya laughed. "Note to self: do not get between Jackson and his caffeine."

"Is there sugar?" Jackson gave her a hopeful look. "Do I get a muffin or something too?"

"Christ, you're greedy," Krista.

"Well, hold on." Maya looked thoughtful and reached into a pocket.

Toby and Krista both cracked up at the rapt expression on Jackson's face.

"Here. Lacey said I should put this in for you." Maya held out a bag.

All but drooling, Jackson opened the bag. "Oh, my god. Blueberry strudel. My favorite. She's a goddess, and so are you for delivering it." He gathered Maya up in a hug.

She laughed again, and Toby tried to ignore the feeling of jealousy that welled up. He knew that Jackson had no designs on Maya, but it bothered him that Jackson could do such things freely whereas he, despite any progress he thought he'd made, was still leery he'd scare her.

"Come on, Maya. Let me take you on a little tour before I devour this," said Jackson. "It's the least I can do. Here's my corner."

"Okay. I have to go soon, but I have a little time."

Toby trailed after them as they walked back.

"Are these your designs?" Maya asked, paging through a binder of pictures.

"Most of them, some are from the customers," Jackson said. "Here's the comfy chair, with only the best vinyl coverings for our customers, and at which I ink my masterpieces."

Maya smiled. Toby and Krista exchanged an amused look at Jackson's detail and hyperbole and then Krista went back out to the front. Sipping his coffee, Toby waited to see what his friend would do next.

"Now here's the fun part," Jackson said, "the tattoo gun. I think it should make little 'pew pew' noises, but no one listens to me and—hey, are you all right?"

Maya swayed and stumbled a step. Toby dropped his coffee in order to catch her.

"Damn it, Jackson." Toby held Maya steady for a moment, then moved her to the chair. "Move that stuff. All of it. Move it so she can't see it."

"What—okay, okay." Jackson grabbed a cloth and covered up his workspace. "What happened?"

"She's afraid of needles." Toby cursed under his breath, angry at himself for not thinking fast enough.

"Jesus, what did you guys do?" Krista demanded as she came back.

"Nothing, nothing." Jackson's eyes were wide. "I mean, I didn't know, and—"

"It's all right, Jacks." Toby took a deep breath. "I'm sorry to snap. You didn't know, and there's no reason you should have."

The door chimed and Krista hurried to greet the customer.

Toby turned his attention to Maya, relieved to see she was already coming around. "You okay?" he asked. Relief tinged with guilt made his voice sharp. She nodded but looked at him uncertainly.

Damn it, he thought, why do I do that?

"Are you?" Jackson asked, apprehensive.

She looked over and gave him a weak smile, making Toby jealous again.

You, he told himself, are going nuts.

"I'm fine, Jackson, thanks. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," said Toby. "It's his fault."

"I am really sorry." Jackson looked wretched, and Toby felt bad for teasing him. "I had no idea."

"It's all right, Jackson," she assured him, and gave Toby a reproachful look. "It's not your fault, no matter what Toby says. It seems so stupid, anyway, but I can't help it. I've been afraid of needles all my life."

"I swear I'll never so much as mention them again."

Maya chuckled. "I don't think you need to go that far."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Toby asked. Strangely, he found himself pleased that she'd called him out on blaming Jackson. Christ, he was all over the place. He wasn't sure he could take much more of this.

"I think I'm good." She took a deep breath and sat up. "Oh, no. You dropped your coffee."

Toby looked down. "So I did." He hadn't even noticed. "That's okay. No big deal. Jackson can clean it up for me. It's all his fault, after all."

"No, it's not," Maya protested, but both men laughed.

"It's fine, Maya. I've got it, and it was kind of my fault." Jackson went to get some paper towels.

"Why don't I take you home?" said Toby. "You're still looking a little pale."

"I'm fine, really. And I have to go meet Charles at his club," Maya said.

Krista came back in and gave her brother a dirty look. "What did you do now, and why is Jackson cleaning the floor?"

"No, no, it's my fault," said Maya. "Jackson was showing me around, and then I saw the needle and got a little dizzy and Toby caught me and—"

"And then scared you," Krista finished. "Yeah, he does that."

"Wait. I didn't mean to." He turned to Maya. "Did I scare you?"

She glanced at him, but then averted her eyes, fidgeting with the cuff on her jacket. "Maybe a little."

Krista sighed and poked his shoulder. "Stop scaring my friends, for Christ's sake."

"Ow," Toby said reflexively. He was mad at himself for scaring Maya again. He wanted her to get comfortable with him, but why should she get used to someone who scared her?

"Bye, everyone." Maya patted Jackson's arm. "Don't worry, it's no big deal. Once in high school there was a blood drive and I passed out and hit my head on a bleacher. This is nothing."

"I'll be more careful next time." He put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed lightly. "I am sorry."

Toby put a hand on her arm as she went by. "I'm sorry too, Maya. Really."

"It's okay," she said. She took a deep breath and met his eyes. "It's not your fault. I just scare easy sometimes. Anyway." She shook her head. "Do you mind if I use the restroom before I go meet Charles?"

"No, help yourself," Toby said.

"Thanks." She took her bag and walked to the back.

"Well, damn," said Toby. He rubbed his hands over his face. "Jesus, what's wrong with me. Maybe I need a drink. Or three."

Jackson shook his head and chuckled. "You have it bad. And you're not doing yourself any favors, Mr. Grumpy."

"I am not grumpy." Toby glared at his friend, who just laughed. He sighed and took some paper towels to help Jackson clean up the coffee. "I don't know what I am. Messed up."

"Yeah, you are," Jackson agreed. "You must really like her. I've never seen you like this."

"I do, and I'm screwing it up," said Toby.

"At least you know it. That's half the problem."

"I don't know how to fix it."

"You could stop acting like she's going to break."

"What?" Toby looked at his friend. "What are you talking about?"

Jackson tossed him the paper towels. "You get all gruff with her because you're worried about her. I get it, really. You care, and you don't want her to get hurt, and that's great. But, man, you need to stop acting like an angry bear."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Look, Toby, it's okay to like her, or to like her a lot."

He gave Jackson a puzzled look. "Okay. So?"

Jackson rolled his eyes. "When I was in school, I met this girl, Amanda. Someone had run into her and she dropped her books and I helped pick them up. She knocked my socks off, I had such a crush on her. But it was kind of scary because I'd never reacted to anyone that strongly before, not after just meeting them. And I guess I didn't want to admit I liked her so much.

"So, in the great tradition of teenage boys, I covered it up. Whenever we were hanging out, I decided I'd be the great protector. I told myself I was being chivalrous. Finally, she told me off, because she was quite capable of taking care of herself. I think I barely avoided a slap."

"I guess I'm lucky Maya hasn't slapped me so far," said Toby with a sigh.

"I was hoping with our little talk, you could avoid something like that," Jackson said.

"So I just need to change my instincts and reflex reactions."

"That's it," Jackson nodded. "No problem."

"Right," said Toby drily. "No problem."

"Hey, guys." Maya came out and paused at the counter. "Could I ask a favor?"

"Sure," said Krista. "What's up?"

"I hate to ask, but would one of you have time to go to this club with me? I don't know where it is, and I'm not comfortable going alone." She bit her lip. "Here's the address." She held out a card.

Toby checked the address. "It's not far. I can go with you if you'd like."

"Are you sure? You don't have any appointments?" Maya asked.

"No, he's free," said Jackson. "He finished his last appointment a while ago. I have a couple, but he'd basically be around for walk-ins, and Krista can handle those. Besides, it'll do him good to get out somewhere new."

"Thanks, Jacks," Toby said drily.

"Sure." His friend nodded.

"Anyway," Toby said, now feeling a little awkward. "Is that okay?"

Maya nodded. "Yes, it's great. Work was—" She cut herself off and shook her head. "Never mind. I'm sorry to impose on your work day. So, thanks a lot. I appreciate it."

"Cool. Let me get my jacket." He went to his work area, ignoring the big grins from Krista and Jackson, and slid his jacket on.

"Ready?" he asked Maya.

"I think so," she said.

I hope I am, he thought.

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Lions86Lions86about 2 years ago

yeah i was going to ask the same question as Artemisjb. How does she have an Aunt and cousins without her parents having siblings?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Weird that a person who sews for a living passes out at the sight of needles.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

dont dressmakers use needles?

ArtemisjbArtemisjbalmost 3 years ago

How can Maya have an aunt and cousin if both of her parents are only children?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another excellent chapter. Keep them coming please!

dwoelfledwoelflealmost 3 years ago

Loving this story. Your characters are realistic and growing as you continue.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 3 years ago

Another great chapter!


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