AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 051-060


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"I wasn't thinking that far, but I guess I'm not head honcho," I said.

"JC looks like he's getting a decent feel for them," I said, gesturing over to the other boat where JC was talking with three of the guys, two of them the ones in the hot tub. His sports knowledge and fandom probably served him a lot better - all I could connect with the guys over was being a student-athlete, and I'd been out of that racket for several years now.

"Uh-oh," Becca said. "Cattie, it looks like your sister is getting invited down to their boat."

"What? Ah, frick. Horny bitch," Cattie said, sitting up and turning around to look over the back of her chair.

Things developed quickly, and soon the guys were giving speedboat rides. And it turned out to be all innocent - or at least as innocent as a bunch of horny college-age guys mixing with horny cosplay and sex work models could be. They had a tow rope and both water skis and an inflatable tube along with the oversized speedboat and considering at least half of the guys were staying on the houseboats at any one time I was less worried about kidnapping or something.

What did surprise me was that I found Ami sitting alone down in our Couples Boat sitting area with the sliding doors open to let in the breeze. She was sitting in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, glasses propped up cutely on her nose as she read a book.

"Hey," I said, the surprise in my voice pretty evident. "Not your scene up there?"

"Sort of," Ami said. "I like to party, but not with strangers. Some not-great experiences."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No, no, it's fine," Ami said. "There's a reason I brought a couple of books on a trip like this. I just need my own little downtime every once in a while."

"Alright, well, can I at least offer you a drink? I'm on refill duty," I offered.

"Sure, if it's cold and you're offering," Ami smiled.

I went back to mine and Cassidy's room and fetched a quartet of cold beers from our cooler. When I came back out I handed one bottle to Ami.

"Thanks, and please don't judge me," she said.

"Judge you for what?" I asked.

"This," she said, then pulled off her T-shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath, and her golden tanned tits popped out, her brown nipples quickly hardening as she lifted up her boobs with one arm and positioned the cold beer bottle under them. "Oh, fuck that's good," she said, closing her eyes and savouring the moment for a second.

"Boob sweat, huh?" I laughed.

She snorted. "I should have guessed you'd understand, what with living with Cassidy for so long."

"Yeah, between her and my sister I got a lot more education into the daily woes of women than most guys my age," I said.

Ami's nipples were now very hard, and she'd stopped lifting them - they were out in the open, the beer bottle literally propping them up. "Well, ever since I got these puppies enhanced, the sweat issue is even worse. It's like my big anime titties act like a heat sink sometimes."

"How long have you had them?" I asked. "The enhancements, I mean. They look really well done. Then again, I don't have a ton of experience in that regard."

"You ever felt fake titties before?" Ami asked me.

"No, can't say I have," I chuckled.

"Here, go ahead," Ami said, gesturing to her boobs. "Give 'em a squeeze."


Thanks for reading! Votes are awesome, comments are even better!

If you enjoyed, make sure to catch the rest of the series! And if you're a fan of these short chapter stories, make sure to check out my The OF Girl series.




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LamppLampp8 months ago

"She reached for your cock again and you stopped her."

Random second person during the Becca part

Lolilol47Lolilol47about 1 year ago

Keep up the awesome work!

JodailyJodailyover 1 year ago

As always, a great read. Character development is good. Less whining about cheating. You did use you/your a couple of times when it should have been my. A little distracting for a moment, anal picky bs on my part. Still, a lot of fun.

RonanJWilkersonRonanJWilkersonover 1 year ago

You've done a great job developing these characters.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 1 year ago

"I'm sorry you were offended, I was only trying to encourage you to feel free with your body.


Funny, she isn't apologizing for the things she said or did only for the fact that Cass was offended. Meaning "sorry you were offended" not "sorry I offended you".

LynchjimLynchjimalmost 2 years ago

I’m loving this story and how your not rushing things. Taking time to develope characters and the storyline please keep this up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love the series, but for the last 2 installments you've been flip-flopping on first and second person for the narrator

BreakTheBarBreakTheBaralmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hey folks! Quick reminder that my Erotica stories are powered by PATREON, which help me invest time into my ongoing series and upcoming oneshots. Join up to get early access to chapters and give direct input to the stories I work on through votes and calls for specific ideas. Cheers! (

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