American Dream


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"I'd love to put this on Pornhub," he said, when we were lying on his bed, me with my head on his shoulder, just playing with his balls.

"No way," I squealed, half sitting up. "Everyone would know who it was as soon as they saw my face if they knew me."

It was an exciting thought though, and I kind of liked the idea. I was really getting to enjoy guys looking at me, and okay, I'd gotten over not being Jia-ying anymore. She'd been a little chubby, and not that good looking, and far too shy and introverted, and she hadn't had much self-confidence either.

I was April now, and I knew I was hot, and I liked being hot. I liked the new April, and I didn't say rude things about that Dr. Kim back in Seoul anymore. I enjoyed working out and staying in shape, and I knew how to use all the equipment too. I didn't say no to the guys helping me, though. I enjoyed flirting with them, and that was something the old Jia-ying wouldn't have enjoyed at all. But April did, and more and more I was April now, and I didn't actually think of myself as Jia-ying very often either. I really didn't miss her that much.

"I could edit it to make sure we don't show your face at all," Paul said, and I could see he was thinking. "I might need some help with the cameras though, to reshoot some of it. Or maybe I should just pixelate your face out."

"I'm not doing it with someone watching!" I said, but as soon as I said that, I sort of knew I was okay with it, as long as my face didn't show.

"We can shoot anything we need to reshoot separately, April," Paul said, thinking. "And edit them in later to make sure your face doesn't show or if it does, we can pixelate it so you can't be recognized. You know, fake the excitement and the orgasms and everything."

"You think so?" I asked, thinking about it. I really didn't think we'd need to fake the excitement and the orgasms. Not mine, anyhow, and I didn't see how he could fake his. I mean. A cock needs to be hard, you can't fake that, and cum is cum. You can't show a guy cumming if he actually doesn't.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure," he said, confidently. "Want to try it?"

"Who's going to film us?" I asked. "Pete?"

"Yeah," Paul said. "I mean, he did last time."

"He's not going to film us, you know, doing it," I said.

"Of course not," Paul said.

I thought about it. "Okay."

"You're really okay with me uploading it to Pornhub?" Paul asked, and he was getting hard.

"Mmmmm, sure," I said, sliding my head down and licking the tip, and I loved it when his cock tasted of his cum and me, and it was still wet and sticky from last time.

"As long as my face doesn't show and no-one can tell who I am," I said, and then I plunged my lips all the way down his cock, and I started blowing him again, really excitedly, because I was thinking about me being on Pornhub, and lots of guys watching me having sex with Paul and how they'd all be jerking off watching me, which I knew I shouldn't think was exciting, but it was.

* * *

"So that's how 'Good Girl Gone Bad' was your first porn movie?" John asked, or maybe he was panting. He looked all hot and bothered, anyhow. "The first one you actually made to upload to Pornhub anyway?"

"Yeah," I said. "But after that thing with Gavin, Paul re-edited it and left my face and everything in, and it was hot before, but after he edited it, it really took off. Have you watched it?"

"No, I haven't," he said, and he looked really disappointed.

"I'll send you the link," I said, smiling. It was all packaged as a promotional clip now, subscribe to April Foo-Lee, yadda yadda yadda. "You'll enjoy it." I giggled. "Most guys do."

"The first ones I saw myself, apart from the one with Gavin, were those two that came out right after," John said. "You know, Chinese Cheerleader Slut. That looked really homemade, and there was that other one with you and those two guys, that Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag one."

"That Chinese Cheerleader Slut one, that's so upsetting," I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up any...," John started to say, but I cut him off.

"No, it's okay, I mean, it's the poor camerawork. It's so insulting and that was a high school party I went to and someone filmed me, I guess, but that was after Paul and I kind of had a talk about us and decided okay, maybe we shouldn't be dating, you know, like boyfriend girlfriend."

"How did that happen? You two sounded like you were great together."

"Well, I guess it was after we filmed Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag," I said, thinking back. "That was the one we made with Pete in the end, so I guess that was my real second movie. I mean, that Chinese Cheerleader Sut one, someone filmed that without me knowing and I never even saw it until after, you know, Gavin and that party, it was after we did Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag anyhow, so let's talk about Team Tag first."

"Are you okay talking about that, April? I don't want to bring up anything upsetting or anything."

"No, that's fine, John," I said. "I mean, that was actually the first real porn movie we did. Up until then it was just Paul and me, but when we filmed Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag, it was with those two guys, and it was kind of a gangbang movie, just, Paul kept my face pixelated, and he was doing all the filming, and he had someone else he knew, this girl from his film classes, helping with the sound and everything, and some other guy with the lights, so it was actually a real, you know, porn movie and it was a bit scary and everything, having sex in front of everyone, but Paul was a great director and once we got going and I got used to everyone watching me, it was fine."

I giggled. "It was all an accident to start with though, I mean we'd just planned to do another movie with just Paul and me, and it was filming Team Tag that sort of led up to that whole fiasco with Gavin."

"Oh, really?" John was looking even more interested now. If that was possible. I hadn't thought it would be, but it looked like I was wrong. "So yeah, let's talk about Team Tag. If you're okay talking about that, I mean?"

God, he was so sweet.

"Well...," I said, thinking back...

* * *

We'd been out clubbing, and I'd never been out clubbing or anything like that until I met Paul. Conchita and Betty Boop had tried to talk me into going out with them, and I'd always been hesitant, but when Paul eventually talked me into it, I enjoyed it. I'd gone to some dance classes with Betty Boop and Conchita though, because that was what they were into.

I wasn't shy about dancing now, and Paul had taken me out a couple of times lately with his buddy, Pete, from next door. Pete was this older guy, in his thirties, him and Paul got on really well and Paul seemed to be really well connected, he got us all in wherever he took us, just bypassed the queues, and he drove a Mercedes, like my Dad back home, except Pete was a lot younger than my dad, and I figured the way he threw money around, he was loaded like my dad was too.

All that didn't worry me. Paul wasn't hard up, and it wasn't like I was one of the oppressed masses or anything and with my allowance from dad, I could pay my own way if I wanted too. So we'd been out clubbing, and dancing and everything with Pete and one of Pete's other friends, and I was sort of high on a couple of drinks and that weed of Pete's, because Paul smoked that stuff too and I'd tried it, and between that and the drinks and all the attention I'd been getting, I was really flying high, as well as dressed to melt titanium in one of those really hot clubbing dresses that doesn't leave a whole lot to the imagination.

"Come back to my place," Pete'd said, about one in the morning, so we all did, and Pete's weed was really good, I was getting even higher on the fumes from the three of them, and I was very very mellow as I sat on Paul's lap, his arm around me, my head on his shoulder, just drifting as they talked, until Pete's friend left, which was when Pete asked about the movie he'd helped film.

"Oh yeah, we finished it," Paul said.

"Why don't you play it for Pete," I said dreamily, not really thinking that, well, it was me, and it was a porn movie, and yeah, I really was that mellowed out, which kind of goes to show how much I'd Americanized in six months. I mean, I wasn't that conservative Chinese girl I'd been when I arrived, that was for sure. Not with Paul, anyhow, and as long as my face was pixelated, not on Pornhub either.

"You sure, April?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said. "Pete's seen me in a bikini, it's not like there's much more of me."

I wasn't really thinking about the sex.

"Oh, hey, let's all watch it," Paul said, and okay, we were smoking some of that stuff Pete grew in his conservatory, and I'd tried it before, it was great, and I was pretty mellowed out and everything, like really mellowed out, so I just sort of giggled, when Paul brought up Pornhub on the LCD, and it was the version we'd filmed with my face blurred out.

"Jesus, this is hot," Pete said, and him and Paul were both watching, and okay, so was I, because you couldn't see my face, except in profile, but I knew it was me, and I looked really hot, and I sounded really hot, too. I mean, it was a bit embarrassing, but it was Paul and me in the movie, and Pete, he'd seen me in a bikini and he'd helped film all the non-sex shots, so really, he was only seeing a little bit more than he'd already seen.

"It's hotter when you can see my face," I contributed, taking the roll-your-own from Paul and inhaling, before I passed it on to Pete, and it was really good stuff. So good that I had to giggle at the look on Paul's face.

"It's only Pete," I giggled. "Show Pete the original. He helped film some of it, after all."

"You sure, April?" Paul asked, and I was lying on the couch with my head on his lap, and one of his hands was cupping one of my boobs and his hand felt beautifully good on me.

"Yeah," I said, totally cool about the whole thing as Paul logged in and started the original that we'd filmed for us, and wowie-zowie, I did look sooooo hot when we were doing the deed, and it was actually a real movie, credits and all, and really, I'd had no idea I could look that hot.

It was so cool seeing myself in a movie. Hot too. I was melting.

"Jesus," Pete said after it finished. "Can we watch that again."

"Mmmm, sure," I said. I liked watching myself, and I didn't object in the slightest when Paul slid his hand down and started teasing my boobs as well as kissing me while Pete watched that movie. He so engrossed in watching me in that movie, he wasn't even looking at me and Paul.

"Mmmmm," I hummed, rather dreamily, as Paul's hands roamed beautifully, and before I even realized it, my little black clubbing dress was a little black belt crumpled around my waist and Paul was turning me, easing me onto my back between him and the back of the couch, his fingers teasing me through my panties, and they were those little black G-string panties he liked seeing me in so much.

He liked taking them off me even more, and I didn't say no when he did, and I didn't say no when he wanted to make love to me either, slowly, and when I looked around, Pete was watching us and not the movie, and I didn't say no when Paul eased us up and around so that I was sitting on him and Pete was kneeling behind me, kissing my shoulder, his hands cupping my boobs.

I didn't say no to that, either, and when I looked at Paul and them down at Pete's hands, he smiled.

He was still smiling as he eased me down onto the rug, and he was smiling as he eased off me and Pete, naked now, took his place and gently eased his cock into me, and I didn't say no to that either. I'd been wondering what it would be like to do it with another guy, and now I was finding out.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," I moaned, finding out it was just as good, and Paul smiled, and after that smile, I didn't say no to anything either of them wanted to do. Actually, I said yes, lots of times, and I really enjoyed it, and Pete loved it when I climaxed for him, and I loved it when they both took turns with me and everything, just like those guys did in a couple of those Cheerleader movies my mom had bought me.

I'd only ever made love with Paul before, but with Paul and Pete, it wasn't just that they took turns with me. It was that I got to do some of those things that I'd only ever fantasized about, like kneeling there blowing Paul while Pete knelt behind me and did it to me, and then they swapped, which was so dirty and everything, but really exciting, especially when they both came at the same time, I climaxed so hard when they did that.

It really did remind me of a couple of those Cheerleader movies my Mom had bought me, and when I told Paul that, afterwards, back in his bed with him, instead of on Pete's floor, he'd grinned, because we were talking about what'd happened with Pete, and he was worried I'd be upset with him.

Me, to start with, I was worried that he'd be upset with me, and okay, I was really embarrassed about what had happened, but it'd been exciting too. I was really hesitant to admit that to Paul, because I thought he might dump me, but it turned out that he was worried I might dump him because of what'd happened.

"You don't mind?" I'd asked, sort of very hesitantly. "I mean..." and I'd hidden my face against his shoulder. Totally embarrassed. "I'm your girlfriend, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but that was really hot, April," he'd said. Then, hesitantly himself. "Making that movie with you was a lot of fun, too, and you look amazing on film..."

"I do?" I'd said, wriggling. It was always exciting when guys told me I looked good. Jia-ying wouldn't have thought that, but Jia-ying was almost a different person now, and now I was really enjoying being April. Jia-ying sure wouldn't have been doing what I was doing now, which was teasing Paul's cock with my fingertips, and I could feel him reacting. April did though, and April was enjoying his growing erection.

"Yeah, I mean, Pete thought so too," he said.

I couldn't help giggling. "I guessed that." Then, embarrassed again. "I shouldn't have done that though."

"That was really hot, April," Paul said, again, and he rolled me onto my back, and he was really hard, and I knew that because my hand sort of automatically did what it always did now, when he rolled me onto my back, and held him and stroked him and guided him to where I knew he wanted it to go.

"It was?" I gasped, drawing my knees back, as he moved over me, and I was so hot and wet and I wanted him all over again.

"Yeah, it was," he said, emphatically, and he pushed. My hand guided him, and he slid into me, thick and hard, filling me, his weight coming down on me, and he was in me all the way, pressed up against me, hard, moving inside me.

"Ohhhhhh," I choked out, back arching as the exquisite fullness of being taken overwhelmed me. "Ohhh, yes... yes..."

"I'd like to do another movie with you, April," he said, not stopping.

"Okay," I said, without really thinking, because I'd liked watching that movie of him and me.

"A real movie," he'd added, and God, I was so wet, and I knew it was Pete's semen, as well as Paul's, inside me from before, from when we were over at Pete's, and I was so wet with excitement, and my sex squeezed him tight as he moved inside me.

"Real movie?" I moaned. "Wasn't that one we made a real movie?"

"Yeah," he grunted, easing all the way up inside me again, so that my head arched back and my feet kicked, and I clutched at his shoulders and moaned. "Something longer, though, with a bit of a story, and an actor or two instead of me. I'd like to do some decent shots, not just with a static camera. I think you'd be really good with some rehearsals and coaching."

"Ohhhhhh," I moaned. "You do? Really?"

"Yeah," he said. "I do, could we try it?"

"You really think I could act?" I moaned, my knees clutching at his ribs, and my sex was making those soft wet sounds as he moved in me, long thick slides that went in and in and in.

"I think so," he said. "You're incredibly photogenic, April. I mean, the one we did, you look amazing and we did that on the spur of the moment, a couple of mobile phones and those handheld cameras. Do it with real cameras and sound equipment and costumes, and makeup, and everything, and we could make something that'd sell. Really sell."

"Really?" I moaned, not even thinking that it'd be a porn movie that'd be selling, or the and that I'd be in it, and that'd make me a porn movie actress. I mean, every girl dreams of being in movies. Maybe not porn movies, but it's really hard to think clearly when a guy's fucking you. In a movie? Me? And Paul? He'd actually, you know, produced and directed a couple of real indie films. He knew what he was talking about.

"Yeah, really," he said. "Would you like to try it?"

"Okay," I said, and then, "Ohhhhhh.... Ohhhhhh.... Ohhh god..."

"I'm going to fuck you real good now, April."

"Yes... yes... oh god, please..." I didn't think about movies and acting after that. Not until much later, when I was home in mom and dad's apartment, in my own bed. But I was so tired I didn't think about it for long, and I tried not to think about Paul and Pete at all and even hearing mom and Steve through the wall didn't keep me awake for more than about thirty seconds.

"Would you like to?" Paul asked, afterwards, as I kind of rested on him.

"Again?" I yawned. "I have to get home."

He laughed and slapped my butt, lightly. "Make a movie," he added.

"Okay," I said sleepily, not even remembering he'd said it would be with other actors.

* * *

"So that was how we got started with that "Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag" movie," I added.

"That was with two guys, April," John said. "Wasn't that a bit of a jump from doing a movie with just you and Paul?"

"Uh, yeah, it was," I said, thinking back. "Actually, it was more than a jump. It was a real shock, and a bit scary when I realized what Paul was thinking of. I mean, I'd been thinking of something like that 'Good Girl Gone Bad', but with, you know, more romance, a story, conflict or something like that, and Paul was thinking of a gangbang movie right from the start. You know, innocent schoolgirl seduced and gangbanged at a party, that kind of gangbang. All consensual and everything, but he was talking about three guys, and I was, like, "what?"

We did sort of debate the sex though. Not the sex itself. I mean, I liked the whole idea of filming that, with me, so it wasn't so much the sex, as that Paul wanted the sex to be with someone else. Well, three someone else's.

"How about just you and Pete?" I'd asked, because Pete had already fucked me, and I knew him pretty well by then. Although it was just that one night, for two or three hours. "I mean, I know him."

I did blush, even though we were in his bed and actually we were in the middle of having sex while we were talking about it, which was kind of exciting all by itself, although it did seem pretty weird talking to my boyfriend about him filming another guy fucking me, even if it was Pete, while we were making love, except Paul wasn't talking about him or Pete at all.

"I have to do the camerawork, April," he'd said. "We need a couple of guys who look good on film."

"You look good, Paul," I said, loyally.

"Not really," he said. "I mean, I know you think so, April, but I'm not that photogenic, and I don't act very well, and when I speak, it really does sound like I'm acting and it drags your performance down April, you're a natural." He hesitated. "And it's going to cost a bit to do this properly, April. We have to make money on it, and you're going to be the star, not me. We need a couple of male actors, real actors."
