American Lavender


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"Me neither," I said. "Maybe, when my work is done here, we ought to cool off for a while."

"I guess," Julia said, but as she took me in her arms again, I could see she looked no happier about it than I did.

"Just what did you mean about letting your regrets eat at you?" came an eerily familiar voice.

I jumped back and turned around. There was Penny, standing just inside the window, swathed in a blue dress and pumps. Julia saw her as well, for she instinctively drew her hands up over her breasts. Neither of us dared move.

Penny laughed -- a fairly good-natured laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. "Don't be shy, my dear. I have breasts too, after all. Nice bra, by the way."

"Th...thanks." Julia let her arms down.

"Peter still isn't here," I managed to say through my fright. "And I still don't know where to find him."

"Neither do I, to answer your question before. Silly old me, I've been waiting for him to come meet me here for the better part of seventy years, and had my heart slaughtered every time I thought he had finally come home!"

"You were here, then." I knew I'd smelled the lavender.

"Yes, and this time I knew you weren't Peter." She helped herself to a seat in the armchair by the window. "Why don't you both have a seat on the bed? I'm not here to hurt anyone. For heaven's sake, don't look so terrified!"

"You looked ready to strangle me the last time you were here!" I said.

"I'm sorry," Penny said. "This time I know you're not Peter, and I'm grateful you came back. They never do, you know."

"Of course they don't, the way you scare them!" Julia said.

"Oh, I don't mean to!" But once again she laughed. "What would you do if you came home time and again expecting to find your true love in your bed, and find someone else entirely? But I've learned my lesson. You've both helped me learn it, by coming back here knowing I could be here."

"How do you mean?" Julia asked.

"Well, Julia," Penny began, "I've been -"

"How did you know my name?!"

"Through Tom here," Penny said. "Since we made love the other night, we've got a bond, until I'm set free. So all through your whirlwind affair, I was there, whether I wanted to be or not."

"Then you saw...last night." Julia looked horrified.

"I do apologize for the intrusion," Penny said. "The good news is, you two can set me free."

"How do you figure?" I asked.

"It was fear and despair that put me in this wretched trap, haunting this room and the environs all these years. My father's fear of letting me follow my heart instead of his wallet, and my despair at the evil deed he pulled on Peter. All this time I've been ever so sure if our love was so true, Peter would surely return. Even so, I was utterly furious with him!" Penny stood up and began pacing back and forth before us, her fists clenched in rage. "How could he be so stupid to let himself be vulnerable to Father and his men?"

"But wasn't it you who insisted he come have sex with you in here?" Julia asked.

"Exactly," Penny conceded. "It was my stubborn, selfish demand that put him on that road that night, where Father could lay his trap. And he knew it was crazy! 'It's far too risky, Penny, and we'll have a lifetime for all that once we get away!' If only I had listened! But I wouldn't listen, and Peter, bless his soul, he did as I wished, even at such tremendous risk to himself. Whatever his faults, he showed courage and resilience -- the very opposite of what my father and I alike displayed! No wonder he's slipped his chains while I remain confounded here! No wonder I've been cursed to sow fear and despair with everyone else who comes in this room!"

"You did give me that, I must admit," I said. "But I still don't see how we can set you free."

"But can't you see? You already nearly have!" Penny flopped back down on the armchair. "You came back. You didn't let fear beat you down. You spoke to me with respect. And you," she said to Julia, "showed me a great deal of what I had hoped to learn from Peter on that awful night!"

"Are you saying you've been haunting this room so you could learn how to have sex?!" Julia demanded.

"Well, it's not nearly that simple," Penny said with a coy smile. "But you must understand, my father raised me in a gilded cage, and he sheltered me from all sorts of things I didn't want to be protected from at all! There's so much I never learned about while I was alive. If I was going to run off with Peter, I at least wanted to be sure I knew how to love him first. That is why I wanted so much to take him to my bed in this room before we left. And as you know, that never came to pass."

"Just how much did you see last night?" Julia snuggled up to me.

"Please don't be embarrassed, Julia!" Penny said. "You looked and sounded utterly beautiful. Every bit the natural woman I always wanted to be. And Tom, you obviously know your way around a woman's body -- far more than most of the men I've spooked in here, if you could even call them men."

"Then it's true about the town boys coming here to lose their virginity," I said, looking at Julia, who looked just as surprised as I was.

"I thought that was just a lot of talk on their part," Julia said.

"I can assure you, it was," Penny said. "All those times I thought it was Peter, and...well, I can only hope Peter would have known more about me than any of them did." She stood up again. "Look, I see now that I've got to face the world rather than flailing away at something that never could be, and find someone new."

"You mean there are other spirits out there to mate with?" I asked.

"Everywhere, my friend," Penny said. "The difference is, their earthly business is finished, and they're set free from their worldly regrets. Would the both of you do me the honor of setting me free from my last one?"

Julia and I looked at each other. "You mean you want to...with both of us?" Julia finally asked.

"More than you can imagine!" Penny said. "Once I'm free, our bond will be severed. I'll never haunt either of you again, or anyone else." She reached back, and I realized she was holding both ends of the sash of her dress at the ready to untie it. "Please?"

Julia squeezed my hand. "She didn't actually hurt you the other night, did she?"

"I woke up before she could."

"I'll be gentle!" Penny said. "If you want me to, that is." She laughed, and I joined in, and at last Julia did too.

Julia stood up, and unzipped her skirt. "I've never been with another woman, not even a phase in college," she said.

"A phase?" Penny asked.

"It's a joke, about something some very closed-minded people say," I said. "Never mind. Shall we?"

We both looked at Julia, who slid her skirt down around her hips and stepped out of it. "Yes," she said with a pert smile at us both.

Penny, electing to keep her dress on for the moment, stepped up to Julia and reached out to fondle her gently. "I am ever so jealous of modern women! That bra looks so utterly comfortable compared to any I ever wore!"

"Perhaps Tom and I ought to help you out of yours, then?" Julia grinned and untied Penny's dress sash.

"Please do!" Penny declared. "And while we're at it..." She reached back and unhooked Julia's bra.

While she was busy playing with Julia's breasts, I stepped up behind Penny and lifted her dress up. She raised her arms to let me remove it, and then turned and surprised me with a fierce embrace. For a split-second I was terrified, but just as quickly I realized her intentions were good this time. "I am ever so sorry I frightened you last time, Tom!" she said. "I was just so horrified when I realized you weren't Peter!"

"I understand." I was surprised to find her body was warm and supple up against mine, nothing like what you'd expect of a ghost. "Now let's set you free."

"Free of this, you mean?" Penny laughed and pulled back to give Julia and me both a good look at her ancient bra.

"God, that does look uncomfortable!" said Julia, fingering the wide elastic strap. "Strong, though. You do have a lot to support, Penny."

"Don't remind me!" Penny said, and she reached back to undo it. "Mother always told me how blessed the women of our family were -- I never saw why!" Only as she pulled the bra off did either of us notice that Julia had done away with her panties while I was undressing Penny. "Well, hello there!" Penny said, eyeing Julia's bare body from head to foot but not touching her again. "Looks like I've got a little catching up to do, and then we've got to do something about Tom, haven't we?"

"Yes, well," Julia said, "Last night I got a taste of what Tom likes, you know." She helped herself to Penny's panties and saw what I already knew. "And I see you've got plenty of it!" she added, running her fingers through Penny's abundant pubic hair just as I had done to her own the night before.

"Oooh, you've got a nice touch, Julia!" Penny said, looking down and squirming in pleasure. "Just what is it with your generation always shaving or pulling it all out?"

"It's in style these days," I said. "But not everyone likes that style."

"Thank heavens you don't, Tom," Julia said. Then, with a final tease of Penny's vulva that made her squeal, she said, "Now, Penny, let's get him out of his clothes, shall we?"

"I do feel horribly overdressed right now," I admitted.

"Not for long!"

I wasn't even sure which of them had said that, for even before the words were out, I found myself enveloped, hands everywhere as they finished unbuttoning my shirt and unzipped my pants, and rubbed me playfully with hands and breasts alike all over my chest and back. It was Penny who first got her hands on my dick, which of course was hard as could be. "How I used to imagine this!" she exclaimed. She squeezed a bit harder than I'd have liked, but I held my tongue on that point -- the poor thing never had a chance to learn. "The way I wanted to..." Rather than finish the sentence, she knelt down and kissed it -- a sloppy, delightfully wet kiss that made me shiver and yelp, to Julia's delight. "That's a good thing, isn't it?" she asked, looking up at me.

"It's a great thing!" I reassured her.

"I have an idea," Julia said. "Tom, you lie down on the bed, and she can finish from there."

"But what about you?" Penny asked.

"Tom'll take care of me," she said as I followed her directive and lay back on the bed.

Penny didn't bother asking how I was going to 'take care' of Julia, and I figured I already knew. I soon welcomed Penny's hands on my hips and thighs and her mouth on me, and had just enough time to savor that alone before Julia climbed onto the bed and settled herself just above my mouth. I wasn't at all sure I could concentrate on her with Penny going to town on me behind her, but I dove in and gave it my best shot.

My best shot was apparently pretty good, for Julia's response was just as boisterous and uninhibited as the night before. Penny must have paused to look up and see what had brought it on, for I felt her passionate licks stop for a moment. Maybe she laughed or said something -- I couldn't hear over Julia's moans as I teased her clit with my tongue and reached up to caress her breasts.

I was, in any event, aware of Penny getting back to business quickly. If this was new to her, she was a great student, as I was writhing about in pleasure even under Julia's weight. Somehow I was still able to please Julia, though, as she ran her fingers through my hair and periodically gripped at it as a wave of joy hit. I was moaning out loud as well, which seemed to help Julia along as she occasionally grunted, "Talk more!" as she humped away at my chin.

A moment later, I talked plenty. "Penny!" I roared as I came. I'd intended to warn her in case she didn't want me coming in her mouth, but evidently she didn't mind when I did. My screeching also delighted Julia, as she wiggled even harder and faster about my face until, just a few moments later, she also came.

Penny was sitting on the far edge of the bed, admiring us. "Good to know I could do that after all," she said. "I always wondered, but Peter wouldn't even let me try, silly boy.

"Not someone worth waiting all these decades for, is he?" Julia suggested as she tumbled off me and sat up on the other side of the bed.

"Not if I wasn't worth waiting for," Penny agreed.

I stood up. "Come sit by Julia," I told her. "I've got some itchy fingers."

"Itchy for what?" Penny asked, as she did settle herself beside Julia.

"Oh, Penny, we're in for some fun!" Julia knew what I had in mind, I could tell, even before I climbed back onto the bed facing them both. She spread her legs, and Penny followed her lead, though it didn't look to me like she'd caught on yet.

She did before long, though, as I could see the look of tickled anticipation on her face as I placed my right hand between her legs and my left between Julia's. Slowly, teasingly, I slid first one and then two fingers inside each of them, drawing passionate sighs from them both as I did. Penny was a bit tighter, Julia a bit wetter, but both were perfectly delightful from where I sat.

"Oh, that's lovely!" Penny squealed, her eyes shut tight as she wiggled with my strokes.

"So good!" Julia said, and her eyes were wide open as we gazed at each other in mutual adoration.

"Oh! Ohhhhh!" Penny moaned, and I could tell I had her close. She grabbed Julia's hand and opened her eyes to look at her, and next thing I knew they were kissing as I rubbed them both gently, slowly, reverently.

"Oh, that's beautiful," I said as they pawed at each other's breasts and their lips stayed locked together, barely stifling more moans from them both. As their petting got heavier, I rubbed harder and faster.

Julia came first, which didn't surprise me. I thought she might pull away from Penny as she did, but she stayed latched on to her lips and her intense scream was muffled. Penny knew what had happened, though, as she slipped into laughs in response, at which point Julia did finally disengage from her. She also sat up, my fingers slipping out along the way, and bent over Penny to kiss her breasts. "Your turn, Penny," she whispered.

"Yes pleaaaaaase!" As I fondled Penny harder than ever, Julia worked her magic on her nipples, and we both had her reduced to wonderfully inarticulate pleasure for a wonderful minute or so before she came, just as surely as Julia had. "Aieeeee! Yessssss!" she screeched up at the ceiling, her head tilted all the way back. "Thank you both!" she exhaled as I gave her pussy one last luxurious stroke. "This is ever so much better than I'd ever dared imagine with Peter!" she said. "There's just one last thing..." She sat up and took me in her hands again, and I was hard again in no time. "Would you mind, Julia?"

"Not at all." Julia scooted back to the edge of the bed and set her hand at the ready on her pussy.

Penny lay back flat and spread her legs. "Come here, Tom," she cooed. "Come set me free."

I was more than happy to oblige.

"Onhhhh, wonderful!" Penny whispered in my ear as she guided me inside her. "Stop," she added, clamping her hands on my hips. "I just want to savor this for a moment." She gazed up into my eyes as our bodies remained still but locked deliciously together. "How I longed for this right here in this room!"

I dared a look around the room, and was stunned to find it once again looking like it had in my dream. How long had it been that way, I wondered? Did it matter?

Well, no, it didn't. I knew that as soon as I started pushing slowly in and out, drawing gasps of delight from Penny. I kissed and nibbled her neck, and she stretched out and gazed up at the ceiling. "I see stars!" she said.

I looked up long enough to see if her eyes were closed. They were open. I didn't dare spoil the scene for her. Instead I stepped up the pace down below, thrusting harder now.

"Oh, yes! Do it like that! Yes, Tom!" She slapped me lightly on the hips and writhed about playfully below me, much more like the uninhibited lover I'd briefly known the other night than the blushing flower she'd been playing tonight. All at once I knew just why -- she was feeling free to love someone else instead of Peter for a change.

"You're free!" I reassured her between kisses as I humped her with hard and fast abandon now.

"Almost!" she said. "I see stars and rainbows and the beach and the wide world...oooooohhhhhhh!" She wrapped her arms tightly around me as she came, and I felt myself getting closer by the split-second as I continued flailing away into her. She kissed me hard and I felt what must have been tears of joy in her eyes as I came hard as well, and she gave me one final squeeze with her arms and her pussy all at once, and vanished into thin air.

I flopped down onto the mattress, unutterably lonely for the first moments, then joyful as I realized just what had happened. "She did it," I whispered in amazement as I flipped over onto my side to admire Julia, who was rubbing herself ferociously.

"We did it!" Julia corrected, just as she got herself off with a triumphant grunt. "And thanks for the show. It was beautiful."

"I hope you didn't feel left out," I said.

"Hey, I understand. I get you from now on, I could let her have you for this once." Julia stood up and took my hand in hers, which was wet with her own arousal. "I'm curious. Let's go look out the window."

I didn't know what either of us expected to see. I guess I might have imagined a new bright shooting star roaring through the sky, maybe even spelling out a thank-you as it went by, or two stars uniting as one brighter one. There was nothing like that, of course, but we were both wonderfully serene and comfortable standing naked in the window, gazing up at the night sky and hearing the waves on the beach.

"Beautiful view," Julia said.

"I'll bet we make one from outside, don't we?" I added.

She laughed, but then looked down at both of our bodies and nodded her agreement. "You certainly make me feel beautiful, Tom." She turned and put her arms around me, and we shared a triumphant kiss.

"Now what are we going to tell Renee about Penny?" she asked me once we came up for air.

"I vote we don't tell her anything," I said. "If she found out how we know what we know, it'll break her heart."

"Then I guess we've got to keep our distance from one another once your visit is done here," she said. "Things do tend to slip out."

"I'd have to agree," I said with a sad nod. "But we've got the rest of this visit, haven't we?"

"It sure beats getting trapped in a room for seventy years," Julia said, and she threw her arms around me. "Now let's get back to bed!"

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story. A few slips (proofreader?) but otherwise very readable. Better than the original.

LoquiSordidaAdMeLoquiSordidaAdMeover 4 years ago

Great little ghost story. I haven't read Ogg's original, but now I'll have to. In tone and style, it did remind me of his work. Well done.

KingBandorKingBandorover 4 years ago

Who was Dave? Right when Renee and Tom are talking about Penny she calls him Dave.

I also found it odd that Tom had no reaction at all when Renee essentially offered to sleep with him. She said something about "if you want to explore anything while you are here"... And he had 0 reaction instead he brought up Penny.

Great story, though.

vanmyers86vanmyers86over 4 years ago

Delightful and joyous, as always!

joeyjaxjoeyjaxover 4 years ago

Beautifully done, YDB!

oggbashanoggbashanover 4 years ago

A great twist on my story. Thanks.

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