Amish No More Ch. 03


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"Am I your first choice or second choice, Maud?"

"I have no choice, Master but you already know that; however I'm content to be here with Arthur."

"Tonight you are my first choice, Maud and you will be mine until Arthur returns."

"Would you still have purchased me if Arthur hadn't?" She asked. "You know the answer, Maud. "

"I want to suck on your cock now, Michael?"

"You are awful bold, slave; addressing me by my first name." Maud ignored the admonishment.

"I need the practice; I've never sucked on cock before and I don't want Arthur to know."

"Is that why you asked to speak to me in confidence; you sucked me in you silver fox."

"Yes, Michael and now I want to suck you off. Will you teach me to suck cock?"

"Goodness gracious! Such crude words from such a dignified Lady; stand up and turn around." I took the sticks out of her hair watching her tresses fall down her back like a silver water waterfall. Maud's silver hair felt wonderful in my hands as I arranged it around her shoulders and back. I then put my hands on her shoulders and turned her to face me; Maud was smiling.

"Impertinent slave" I pulled her close and kissed her mouth. "You have a saucy mouth much like Minerva's. You do not have permission to speak. I have other plans for your mouth and tongue. Heel and start with your tongue. Be sure to look into my eyes or Arthur's eyes when you are licking unless you are told otherwise."

"Yes that's right. Lick the entire shaft................Marvelous. Take your little tongue and lick the entire circumference of the tip.

Very good that feels wonderful. Alternate between the two: the shaft the tip... the shaft the tip; in a circle with your a circle with your tongue... keep licking. As you can see I am shaved down below: a small concession to my Ladies. It makes oral sex more enjoyable for them and for me....ah Very nice, Maud you are doing, pretend that your tongue is a butterflies wings fluttering from flower to flower. Flutter your tongue on the tip...good you are reading my mind; in a circle, on the tip, on the shaft, good you are developing your own technique already; you have me throbbing and pulsating and I am holding back my orgasm to prolong the sensual God, blue eyes...back off your teasing and lick the clear pre-cum off of my penis... keep looking at me.... now take a break."

All the while that Maud was licking I had my hands in her hair to keep it out of her face. "At this rate you will soon instinctively know when your Master is about to come; the pulsating and throbbing cock and the pre-cum; learn the taste and then back off.

If I wanted to come right now I would use your beautiful hair like a horses reins and then immediately ejaculate into your mouth.

Many Masters would come on your face: I am not one of them unless that is your preference and only to indulge you, to spice things up so to speak.

I am going to pull out slightly just before I do come so that you do not gag or choke; again, many Masters enjoy making their slaves gag; I'll be damned if I know why though. Maud nodded her head and smiled.

Most men also like to have their balls licked and sucked on...very nice...keep licking...lick the inside of my legs where my balls hang; ah, yes nice, very nice; that's why I showered first: simple common courtesy and good bed manners....take my balls in your mouth and suck and be sure to be careful with your teeth...good....suck and look up at me blue eyes... watch your yes, yes ...ah.. Nice, but enough of that for now; I want you to concentrate on my eyes; stand up."

I took her face in my hands and looked into her eyes as would a lover or as would a Master of my ilk.

"You have beautiful eyes Maud. Until I arrived I expected to see brown hair. Not the natural silver I see now. Your hair is like fine spun pure silver and yet as soft and silky as eider down.

Your eyes are so cornflower blue as to shame the most precious and rare blue sapphires from Burma; eyes so blue as to make Shakespeare sputter and stammer for lack of words. When we alone together I shall call you Blue-eyes and that shall be our secret... Please go get my leather jacket from the closet."

When she returned, I removed a white envelope from the inside pocket. I then took her hand and led her to the large

Oval floor to ceiling mirror on the far wall and I had her stand in front of it while I stood behind her. This mentioned mirror was bordered with stained glass and set in a black wrought iron frame.

"I brought you something else, Blue-eyes. Lift your hair off the back of your neck and hold it there on top of your head.

I removed platinum serpentine choker with a four- caret stone that was set in a pendant and put it around her neck.

It looked lovely there; a perfect fit with the flawless sapphire nestled nicely against the base of her throat.

"As a Grand Mistress your symbol was a gold tiara with an amethyst stone; your color was the purple of your cloth.

The tiara is a symbol that is common to all Grand Mistresses but unique to none.

This blue Burmese Sapphire is set in platinum; this pendant is of one of a kind as are you. You are far more precious because of your intellect; your soul, even more precious to a Master who knows your true worth. Your color is now silver; your cloth is your glorious naked body soft and warm in your Master's arms.

See how the stone glows and sparkles now that it is warmed by your body heat and infused with your bright aura.

She was at a loss for words and I saw her bottom lip quiver as she watched us in the mirror.

I could also see that she was starting to cry so I reached around and wiped away that first tear from her eye.

Maud turned, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek and whispered.

"Thank you Master. I've never received such an intimate gift...nor have I had a man talk to me like this before. I'm, I'm......"

Then she kissed my mouth and put her head on my chest and started crying softly; and yet she was smiling.

Maud; imperious Maud lost for words; My Blue-eyes, soft and warm in my arms...ah the epiphanies of being a Master.

I held her a few moments knowing that she was somewhat embarrassed and then I gave her bottom a playful slap and said. "Remember your cloth and colors Blue-eyes and then please pour me half a glass of wine."

I let go of her and then got into bed while sitting up and leaning back against the large pile of pillows in front of the headboard.

Maud undressed, filled her wine glass ¾ full and took a sip leaving the volume ½ full as I requested before handing it to me.

She then got into bed with me and lay down with her head in my lap. I pushed her hair to one side and lightly caressed her cheek while slowly savoring the wine.

"Michael, may I finish now?"

"Of course you may; show me what you have learned." I answered, draining the small glass and dropping it carefully to the carpet. She rolled over onto her stomach and started kissing my manhood while sneaking in little licks here and there.

Kissing and licking my balls and the insides of my legs and crotch, teasing and probing.

As before Maud licked the tip and shaft in a circular motion alternating soft, hard and fluttering her tongue on the tip.

Getting up on her hands and knees Maud kissed my neck and chest and worked her way down licking here and there while continuing to kiss until she reached my cock.

She took it into her mouth and started sucking, moving her head up and down the shaft.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her off. "Watch your teeth Blue-eyes." I advised her while lightly cuffing her head.

"Many Masters would beat you if you irritate their Manhood with your teeth.

Not that you just did; however that if very important to mind your teeth.

School is in session and this is your final exam to graduate.

If you pass I will make breakfast tomorrow morning.

Besides, it has been a long day and I want to get some sleep."

I lay down on my side after fixing the pillows to get comfortable.

Maud slid down squirming to get to into comfortable position and was very careful with her teeth while she started sucking and doing a totally marvelous.

I played with her hair while she licked and sucked, pulling back in into a ponytail, twisting it up into a bun and then letting it down again to caress her shoulders and back repeating my hair play and in no hurry to come.

When my orgasm finally washed over me I pulled out partially as not to choke or gag her.

My semen felt white hot as I hosed the inside of her mouth with my molten cum.

To her credit she swallowed most of it getting a smidge on her chin.

Maud then sat up smiling at me and her eyes were shining as she was licking her lips.

I wiped the spilled semen from Maud's chin with my fingers and then she licked and kissed each finger clean.

I then held her hair away from her face while she cleaned my cock and balls thoroughly with her mouth and tongue.

"There is mouthwash in the bathroom for you if want to use it. Afterwards you may stay up read if you wish

Goodnight Blue-eyes; you passed." I then stretched out in the bed, closed my eyes and went immediately to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with Maud snuggled up close to me sound asleep.

I noticed that she had fixed her hair in a simple three strand side braid.

Sarah does this with her long brown hair to keep me from lying on it while we are sleeping and accidently pulling it when she or I move.

Looking at Maud sleeping beside me reminded me that I have often contemplated that although I am a Master with four slaves; I was also like a husband with four wives to keep happy.

Totally obedient wives to be sure, but all vying for my attention to various degrees; especially Minerva and Sarah.

Discipline is paramount to maintain harmony in such a household; too cement their joint cooperation with one another.

Discipline is followed closely by submission, loyalty, kindness, affection and yes; even loves.

Now that I have seen her and talked with her, would Martha been able to accept that fact I live with four women?

Or that they love me? Could Martha with her temper and acid tongue be able to get along in our household?

Minerva can easily handle Martha if it came to a confrontation.

Katherine is busy studying for her PhD and is living off campus in her own house, a house that is in walking distance to her classes.

She will not be around much for the next four years and will hardly have to deal with Martha.

Katherine loves this arrangement. I spend two days with her every three weeks or so.

We pretend that she is my mistress....the other kind, a kept woman.

We have the entire house to ourselves to play chess and do whatever we like

This is a concession and a reward for her studying hard to become a doctor; Katherine has a brilliant analytical mind.

My little peach, Mandy has her business to attend to during the day, taking weekends off.

It will pretty much fall on Sarah and Minerva to deal with Martha when I am away on business; my own or that of the Sanctorum.

I was just lying there contemplating these things along with my promise to cook breakfast when there was a loud knock on the door. I sat up getting ready to answer it and heard her call from behind the closed door.

"Michael, it's me, Martha. May I come in? I made you breakfast."

The knock woke Maud up as well. She sat up and wrapped the sheet in front to cover her ample bosom.

She was smiling while giving me a knowing look and was not at all embarrassed.

I was thinking; "I am sure I told Martha that would be making breakfast for the three of us."

To late...Martha opened the door and walked in on us with a tray in hand, breakfast for two.

When she saw Maud sitting in bed next to me... well, to say that she was surprised was an understatement.

Martha was told that Maud was Arthur's Personal Secretary and live-in house sitter/caretaker; after that there was no telling what Martha assumed or thought about the arrangement; and then she saw Maud in bed with me who changed her perception again.

Maud got out of bed and assumed the stern commanding persona that she used as a Grand Mistress; or should I say naked Grand Mistress Persona.

She took the tray from a totally flabbergasted and now tongue-tied Martha.

"Thank you, Ms. Cardoso. It was very thoughtful for you to make breakfast for the two of us.

Michael was just telling me that he was taking us out for lunch later; I would attend but I have no time in my busy schedule.

So if you will please excuse us."

Maud said as she put the tray on the bed. "He will attend to you later."

Intimidated and confused Martha left as Maud followed and ushered her out and locking the door before she turned to me, smiling.

"Do you take cream or sugar with your coffee, Master?"

"That was mean, Blue-eyes!"

"What was mean, Michael?"

"Pulling the Grand Mistress on Martha, intimidating her; and you did it so well."

"She had it coming for the way she treated you." Maud replied, pouring my coffee and taking the covers off of the dishes.

"You'll have plenty of time to spend with her when you get home; besides I don't want to share you with her until then."

"If you didn't want to share why did you tell her that I was taking her out to lunch and you couldn't attend?"

Maud ignored the question; it was like dealing with an older version of Minerva.

"This looks delicious!" She exclaimed taking a bite of omelet, chewing and swallowing.

"It has hot and sweet peppers, Genoa Salami, provolone cheese minced black olives and it is simply delicious."

"So... I'm taking Martha out to lunch am I?"

To which she replied. "Yes, it is the least that you can do to thank her for the delicious breakfast that she made for us; although taking us out to dinner would be better. Besides, it makes you look good in her eyes."

"Did you just say us, Blue-eyes?"

"Yes Michael, us, as in Ms. Cardoso and me. I just discovered some free time in my busy schedule."

"You realize that the breakfast was for Martha and me?"

"Well too late now." She answered, taking a bite of toast. "Your omelet is getting cold, Master."

I just sighed and picked up my fork. I had been outmaneuvered.

"Fine, be so kind as to make dinner reservations for three."

"Of course I will Mr. Buckley that is my job as a personal secretary............

I spent part of that day just talking with Martha; about our failed marriage and the death of our son; Martha broke down and cried and I held her hand. We talked of things that went unsaid but should have been. We cleared the air about many things, many misunderstandings and laughed about many others and it was good for both of us. Then I took a nap alone until it was almost time for dinner.

I usually travel light and only brought two changes of clothing this time.

Maud was aware of this having made the reservations and dressed accordingly to the establishment that she selected; a well known landmark oyster bar, casual but expensive. Because of this among others events made dinner and interesting affair.

I was wearing my scuffed engineer boots, blue jeans, a white silk shirt and my old friend (my beat up A-2 leather jacket).

While Maud was dressed in snug fitting blue jeans, white sneakers and a short jean jacket over her white silk blouse.

She wasn't wearing any makeup that evening except for the red lipstick and her silver hair was unbound and loose about her shoulders and it flowed nicely down her back; she was also wearing her blue sapphire.

Martha was deliberately left out of the loop about the correct time and proper attire and met us downstairs at the last minute dressed to the nines in a revealing black dress better situated for a formal dining establishment.

She was wearing a beautiful pearl necklace with matching earrings; a gift from Arthur; Her makeup done to perfection.

Martha's hair was pinned up in a curly French twist with Maud's help and despite the terrible bleached blond hair Martha looked nice.

Martha wasn't happy when she found out where we were going and she was glaring daggers at Maud.

Although in the end she was a good sport about it and made the best of it.

We drove to the oyster bar in Arthur's classic 1960 Rolls-Royce Phantom V White Limousine.

Maud sat in the back seat and Martha sat in the front with me while I drove. When we arrived I helped each lady out and then I walked into the restaurant with one on each arm.

When we got there the only table available was a raised one with tall barstools right next the kitchen; not good.

In a better location Maud and I alone could have managed but difficult it was for Martha considering that she was dressed so formally.

There were two young couples, friends celebrating a first wedding anniversary in a prime corner away from the bar.

I sent a drink over to their table and one of the men came over to thank me. I took him to one sided to talk with him; he in turn went back to his table to talk with his friends. With the help of one of our first United States Diplomats, Benjamin Franklin a temporary treaty was reached and we switched tables.

After we were seated at the new table Martha asked, "What did you say to him, Michael?

I'm complaining but how did you convince them to switch tables?"

"I let Benjamin Franklin do the talking." I replied, taking a sip of my India Pale Ale.

"I don't understand?" She said looking puzzled and putting her menu down.

"How many did it take?" Maud asked, smiling.

"Eight, I told them to consider it an anniversary gift." I replied to Maud's question.

"So you bribed them?" Maud emphatically stated while looking at Martha as if she had just scored a point.

"Essentially, yes." I said laughing with Maud joining with me. Martha looked at us thoughtfully and sipped her diet Pepsi.

Somehow I got the feeling that Martha was being deliberately obtuse because she timed her next question as Maud was taking a sip of her ale.

"That's a lot of money Mickey! Can you afford it?"

That bitter ale went down the wrong way because Maud started coughing and turning red.

She had to put her napkin over her face to stop the ale coming out of her nose.

I stood up to pat her on the back but she waved me off and rushed to the Ladies Room.

The whole time Martha sat quietly while innocently studying her menu.

I glared at her thinking, "tit for tat ladies" and then sternly said, "Well Martha?" "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Oh, I forgot, Michael I'm not supposed to call you Mickey anymore." She replied, holding the menu in front of her face so that I could not see her mischievous smile; or should I say passive aggressive smile?

When Maud returned to the table her face was still flushed and pink and red her lipstick was freshly applied and now she was staring knives at Martha.

"I meant the other thing, Martha."

She folded her menu and put it down. "Oh that. I think that I shall have the steamed Maine Lobster."

Martha replied sweetly returning Maud's stare.

I had to bite my tongue and sipped my ale to keep from laughing and then turning to Maud I asked "Are you alright."

"I'm fine; what are you having." Maud asked, still glaring at Martha.

"I'm having dozens and dozens of raw oysters on the half shell with malt vinegar and black pepper and then more with Tabasco sauce."

"That sounds fabulous, Michael!" Maud exclaimed "We can share.........................."

I must say that those fresh oysters were fabulous! Maud slid her chair quite close to mine while we ate and ate; we lost track of how many dozen oysters that we ordered until the bill came. I tipped the waitress a ten spot for each fresh dozen that she brought to keep them coming fresh and cold on ice. Martha ate her lobster and then decided to try a raw oyster; she made a terrible face