Amish No More Ch. 04


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"Tomorrow is another day and will be a fresh start. Maud, you will not mention Martha's punishment to anyone. This matter is closed and shall remain between the three of us.

I don't expect hugs and kisses between you two; however I do expect civility, common courtesy and cooperation.

Maud, you may stand and return to bed after you change the sheets and pillow cases.

Martha, I want you to return to your room. I'll meet you for breakfast in the morning around ten; please have it ready for us. Good night mi Niña. Please close the door quietly behind you."

Martha turned, her little hands clenched in fists and without wishing me a good night, closed the door quietly with great deliberation. Maud kneeled after finishing with the bed and placed her hand at the base of her throat.

"No blue eyes. I'm tired and need to think. Let me sleep to clear my mind. We'll make love again in the morning if you like and I'll put aside time before breakfast to talk."

Maud lay down beside me, touching my face and smiling. She kissed my lips lightly before turning on her side facing away but staying close, so taking the hint I put my arm around Maud to pull her closer. That is how we awoke in the morning with my arm around her for a new day and a fresh start.........

I was dressed and packed before I went for breakfast in the kitchen. Martha prepared the same delicious omelet as the morning before and I made a fuss to let Martha know it was delicious.

It was a pleasant breakfast with no tension between the two women. They were polite and cordial. Martha's spanking went a long way towards that.

Before breakfast, I made love to Maud as promised. We talked while showering together. We talked about closure and forgiveness and second chances and that conversation had its desired effect as well.

After breakfast Martha and I went for a walk on the grounds of Arthur's estate while Maud made a private appointment for me with the owner/ sales manager at the local Harley Dealership, plus some other arrangements for the next two days.

I was pleased that they had the motorcycle I wanted in my preferred color from the catalog; typhoon maroon. At my direction, Maud offered them two grand over full sticker with the stipulation that it be ready today; done deal.

Martha and I talked. I didn't tell her about the Sanctorum for Martha wasn't ready for that yet. She was in good spirits and looking forward to returning home with me.

"I learned something about you last night, Michael."

"I'm curious, mi Nina; what have you learned?"

"You've always been a polite man. I'll have to give you that and that hasn't changed.... although you have."

"How have I changed?"

"With the new Michael, please doesn't necessarily mean I have a choice....."

While we were sitting in the grass under an elm tree talking about her duties and new living arrangements; Martha would have her own bedroom and could decorate it any way she liked, she was delighted to find a four leaf clover.

She plucked it from the ground and kissed it before she tucked it in between her breasts for safe keeping. She then took my face in her small hands and kissed my lips.

"Do you remember our first date when you were exclusively my Mickey, Michael? We were at an outdoor Irish music festival sitting on a blanket in the grass when you found a four leaf clover. You kissed it and then you kissed me?

"I do remember mi Niña. The odds are about 10,000 to one in finding a four leaf clover and we did it twice."

"This is so wonderful Michael. You told me then that Irish tradition says each leaf in the clover symbolizes good omens of faith, hope, love and luck for the finder."

"What happened to our two of hearts, Michael; two hearts beating as one... in hope.... and in love?"

"I still have it, Martha. It's in the inside pocket of my beat up leather jacket."

"After all this time you still have!" she exclaimed, "after all that has happened between us? I thought for years you hated me and you still have it."

"You must understand something Martha. Although I was bitter for a time followed by anger and resentment; in my heart of hearts, I never hated you. How can I hate you Martha when we were so much in love once?

Hate does terrible things to people. It eats at our souls until nothing is left but a hollow empty space that invites darkness.

I am lucky that I found Minerva, with my other two ladies to follow. I've discarded conventional thinking in regard to love and women.

It's possible to be in love with more than one woman, mi Niña. They are my family now and the rewards aside from the obvious sexual pleasures are priceless. I'll never be monogamous again."

"I realize that Michael. Arthur visited me often when I was in the hospital and we discussed that. I have grown to think of him as the strong father I never had. We had many long talks together; hours and hours. He flew all the way to Sweden just to talk to me.

Sometimes I think Arthur can read minds. He is such a complex man and a commanding presence. He is kind and sweet. He can be so stern at times. I'm a little afraid of him, as I am with you.

Arthur assured me that you have forgiven me. He told me I must learn to forgive myself about the death of our son because it was nobody's fault.

He said undeserved irrational guilt is a poison to the soul as arsenic is to one's body. We discussed there are many ways to grieve besides ashes and sack cloths'.

Arthur literally held my hand for moral support when I called my mother and my aunts; overseas calls. I told them that I forgave them.

They all hung up on me afterward and that's fine because at least I tried; I've moved on Michael, just as you've moved on.

Arthur and I talked about our families and I confessed everything to him as if he were a priest giving me absolution. The more I talked with Arthur the better I felt about myself and the more I got to thinking......and well, here we are...... "

On a side note, shortly after I found my four leaf clover, I selected the two of hearts from a deck of playing cards and wrote our pet names for each other on it; mi Niña and Mickey. I then placed the clover on it and had it laminated. Martha is the only person whom I ever allowed to call me Mickey.

After Arthur returned from Salt Lake City we locked ourselves in his study for a good three hours discussing matters of the Sanctorum, followed by discussions of Martha and Maud with snifters of brandy over a chessboard.

"You never told me about the four leaf clover on the playing card" Arthur commented, taking a sip of brandy as he moved his pawn.

"It never came up in conversation" I replied positioning my knight to counter the pawn while explaining about the card.

"Good, move Michel. Your chess game has definitely improved. I am chalking up Martha's treatment as a success. How was your time with Maud? Did she please you?" he asked, moving his bishop.

"Chalk Maud's up to a success as well. I'm pleased with what you done with her hair, Arthur. I enjoyed all her orgasms and mine. It's obvious to me why you want her. Maud confided that she wasn't used carnally by other Masters or Mistresses out of fear."

"Do you fear me, Michael?"

"Well, Arthur, a man can only die once. I've done nothing to merit death. You will never break your vow to the Sanctorum nor will I. Neither of us are untouchable Arthur; the Sanctorum sees to that."

"That's a good answer my friend, and I do consider you a good friend, Michael, which is why I confide in you. As for Maud's orgasms, yes, it is very good that she enjoys her submissive sexuality. Have you taken Martha to bed yet?"

"No, I haven't; although she's more than willing."

"Maud told me about the incident in the sea food restaurant where you rendered that loud mouth fool unconscious. Was the device incorporated into a ring?"

"Yes, this ring is the prototype" I advised him taking it out of my pocket and handing it to him "twist the bezel right then left to arm it....yes, like'll notice the two electrodes sticking up. Twist again to disarm. Because of the size of the battery it's only good for three debilitating discharges before a battery change."

"Will you be offering them up for sale?"

"No; this will be one of my toys."

"Will you share your toys, Michael? I would like such a ring."

"Yes and you may keep the prototype until yours is ready. I'll include two spare batteries. I can cast a signet ring with your initials on it in gold with the seal of the Santorum if you like."

"Gold with the Santorum's seal will be fine; are there any regrets or concerns about bringing Martha home with you? I believe she will eventually be a fine addition to your family...tell me about her temper."

"Martha still has one, although it's more subdued now that she has limits with consequences" I moved my rook to counter his queen and took a sip of his excellent brandy.

"Thank you for taking the time to visit her for it did Martha a world of good; she believes that you can read minds."

"Perhaps I can Michael, checkmate. Perhaps I can. Would that surprise you?"

"Out and out read minds, yes it would. Good game by the way. Reading people or sensing their feelings, not at all....perhaps you're empathic, Arthur?"

"Perhaps I am Michael. Maud will remind us when it's time to drive you to the Harley dealer; we have another ten minutes according to the Grandfather Clock.

Remember what we discussed. The upcoming tribunal next week will put you in a good position depending on the outcome.

Judge fairly I beg your pardon, of course you will.....please send my love to your ladies. Maud and I will be visiting as planned after Thanksgiving. I do believe that Maud is knocking to remind us......... "

Martha was waiting for me with all her luggage by Arthur's white 1960 Rolls-Royce Phantom-V Limousine.

I wanted the trip home to be a surprise. I planned on taking the meandering scenic way home and spending two nights in a motel.

Most of our luggage aside from one change of clothes for me and two for Martha would be shipped home via Fed-ex.

Martha had her hair up in a ballerina bun and her makeup was tasteful and minimal. She was wearing a nice dark green cotton summer dress that came down almost to her ankles.

Minerva would describe it as an asymmetrical design with a scoop neckline, puff sleeve; embellished with ruffles and a sash. It was she who taught me about such things; I defer to Minerva's taste in women's clothing as do all my ladies.

There was no way Martha will be riding behind me in that dress or with open toe sandals on her little feet.

"Well, how do I look?" Martha asked while turning from side to side making the bottom of her dress swirl around her.

I planned on purchasing the proper riding attire at the Harley Dealership for her to ride in safety and comfort.

"You look lovely, Martha. Didn't Maud suggest that you wear blue jeans and a blouse or a tee shirt?"

"Well, yes, why?"

"The reason I asked is you did the opposite."

"What difference does that make on an airplane? I want to look my best for you."

"And you have succeeded and more. Where is your four leaf clover?"

"I have it folded in a sheet of parchment paper and wrapped in a silk scarf. It's right here in my purse."

"I take it everybody is ready to depart?" said Arthur, walking out with Maud on his arm, "I haven't been on a motorcycle in years" he opened the trunk for me to put our luggage in "and you won't catch me on one in the years to come. Give me a big comfortable car or truck any day."

Maud was wearing the same style dress as Martha except it was red, a nice contrast to her silver hair styled in the same ballerina bun. Their makeup was lightly applied with the addition of blood red lipstick for both.

"Ladies" said Arthur, opening the door for Maud and helping her in before opening the door for Martha on the opposite side and helping her in, "we gentlemen will ride in the front......."

When we arrived at the Harley Dealer I helped the ladies out and escorted them in while Arthur parked the limo. It was my pleasure to walk in with a beautiful woman on each arm.

"You must be Mr. Buckley" the sales manager/owner greeted me shaking my hand "I'm Bob Emerson; which one of you is ladies is Ms. McCabe?"

"I'm Ms. McCabe, and this is Ms. Cardoso" Maud said shaking his hand followed by Martha "Is Mr. Buckley's purchase ready?"

"Yes everything is in order thank you."

"I don't understand, Michael. Why are you buying a motorcycle when we have a plane to catch....wait a minute....are we going home on one?"

"Yes, Michael wanted it to be a surprise, my dear" said Arthur walking in "I'm afraid we will have to say our goodbyes now. I received a telephone call while parking and must return home immediately on a very pressing matter."

"What about our luggage, Michael?" Martha asked after they left.

"Before we leave you may pack two changes of clothing. What you purchase today and one other. Everything must fit in the saddle bags.

Bob asked the clerk who was standing by, "Janet, will you help Ms. Cardoso select her riding gear while Mr. Buckley and I close the deal? These discerning people want only the best.........."

I was in Bob's office signing the final papers, when he gave me an envelope and said "Ms. McCabe requested I give this to you." She said it may come in handy. If you'll please follow me I'll show you your bike......"

I was riding around the dealership parking lot to get a feel for my new scoot when Martha returned well outfitted for the road. She was wearing a traditional black jacket, black jeans and black ankle boots.

"Goodness Martha; you certainly do look different from before. Not that I'm complaining mind you. You're going to have to take your hair down to get your helmet on. Are you nervous about riding behind me?"

"Maybe just a little....OK, a lot. Can we drive slowly at first?" she asked anxiously taking her hair down and then fixing it in a low ponytail.

"That's the plan. All you have to remember is lean with me during a turn and leave the rest to me......."

I already have a jacket with the two of hearts tucked safely in the inside pocket. My comfortable engineer boots should see me through the trip although they will regrettably have be retired and replaced when I return home.

I didn't skimp on our helmets and purchased the well established and trusted "Bell" brand. I went high tech with their best super lightweight Kevlar/carbon fiber/fiberglass composite in black.

It is sculpted into a wind tunnel-proven, lift-free design...can you tell I'm impressed? Plus the gel padding is far superior to anything I used thus far.

This helmet also has an adjustable airflow management system to keep the rider's head cool and dry. The best feature in my book is the patented special coating on the face shield to virtually eliminate fogging.

In the old days I rode with a basic flat black half-helmet with sunglass or goggles because it was cool. What wasn't cool and hurt like hell was getting hit in the face by bugs at sixty five miles an hour.

In those days I joked about it. Question; "What's the last thing that goes through a bugs mind after it hits your face at 65 miles an hour?

And the answer is most obvious...." the bugs ass."

Now all joking aside, Martha hung onto my waist for dear life for the first hour until she gradually relaxed and learned to lean with me. I kept the speed under forty until we stopped along the side of the road to stretch and then sit down on a strip of grass.

"Well, what do you think so far, mi Niña? You seem more relaxed now."

"Yes, I'm fine, Michael. Actually now that I've tried it I feel very safe with you. Can we find a bathroom somewhere? I have to pee."

"There's a roll of toilet paper in the saddle bags. We can take turns behind that stand of trees "I advised her standing up and pointing "remember, obedience, Martha."

"But, Michael!" Martha exclaimed assuming I would make her go outside.

"I'm teasing you for goodness sakes. There is a gas station with restrooms just up the way. We'll stop there for you and I'll top off the gas tank." I started walking in the direction of the trees.

"Then where are you going?"

"It's a guy thing my dear; a simple pleasure from my wild days before I met you; when I rode with babes who didn't balk at the idea of peeing outside; I'm going to water the trees...."

We rode for another couple of hours and decided to stop in the next town for a bite to eat. There was a Volunteer Firemen's Field Day going on where they were serving barbeque chicken dinners. Martha asked if we could stop there to eat. I hadn't attended one of these events in years.

I'd almost forgotten how good those chicken dinners tasted; ½ a chicken, salt potatoes, corn on the cob, sour dough biscuits with butter and honey; the homemade pies lovingly made by the women's auxiliary for desert; make mine blueberry with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

After dinner we walked the midway arm-in-arm still dressed in our leathers for about half an hour playing various games and losing. I bought us tickets to ride the Ferris wheel tipping the operator a twenty spot to make it an extra long ride.

I had my arm around Martha's waist and she was very affectionate for I received many hugs and kisses from her.

We went into the beer tent and I had a couple of brews while Martha drank diet cola. We left the Field Days and found a 24 hour convenience store. I bought a bottle "no tears baby shampoo, a bottle of baby lotion, a package of four blade razors and a can of shaving gel.

It was approximately an hour before dark when we left the store. We drove for a few more hours, stopping for the night at around ten in the evening at a motel where Maud made reservations.

Martha's hands were practically all over me when I stopped at the desk to check us in and get the passkeys to our room.

"Is there something you want to tell me, mi Niña?" I asked after we were in our room with the door locked.

"I'm horny" Martha said getting close and rubbing up against me.

"You don't say. Tell me why you're horny. Are you turning into a biker babe because that's not unheard of? The vibrations of the powerful engine are like a vibrator between a woman's legs; Sarah will attest to that."

"I'm horny and you're right; riding that close to you with the wind rushing past us with that powerful engine rumbling underneath arouses me....I had several little orgasms after you brought it to the speed limit; I like going fast now."

"Do you have anything else to confess mi Niña?"

I crushed her to me roughly, kissing her lips long and deep; my hard cock pressed up against her through my blue jeans straining against them.

Martha returned my kisses "I'm so horny, Mickey...I mean Michael...I mean, please. I want you to make love to me."

"You were aroused by your spanking, mi Niña. I smelled your arousal then as I smell the musky sweetness of your arousal now.

You are embarrassed by it; don't be; you will learn to embrace your new found submissive sexuality and orgasms until they are as second nature to you as breathing.

Besides the medical treatment and healing; you were sent to that spa for another reason.

You are well on your way in your new life's journey Martha....the rewards of obedience and submission will set you free. You don't have permission to speak, although you may moan as loudly as you like..... Stand by the door and strip for me."

Martha's nipples were already hard when I pushed her up against the door, cupping her breasts in my hands, squeezing and caressing. I stroked her hard nipples with my thumbs, making her moan with pleasure, before I again kissed her lips, whispering "Play with your pussy, mi Niña, surrender to your feelings."