Amy's Security Continues


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Kevin chuckled. "I think you were right Sam, she's a little trouper that one." I smiled at Kevin's obvious pride he had in his little fireball. I lightly punch him on the arm. "I never had any doubts Kevin!" I said this as I tapped my temple with my index finger in a sign of knowing and sauntered off to help out.


I walked into Jason's office, straight passed his shocked secretary. "Excuse me Sir but you can't go in there!"

Jason looked up in disgust, and waved her off, "It's ok Lyn!"

"What's the meaning of this intrusion Beckman?" It was clear that Jason was more than a little upset at again seeing me standing in front of his desk.

"Now that's no way to begin a negotiation Jason! I would have thought a man of your calibre and business acumen would know when to be a little more contrite." My face was a mask of menacing beguilement.

Jason sat back and waited for me to continue. I, on the other hand didn't need to ante up straight way and let him stew on what was coming, knowing full well that in a battle of wills it was generally believed that he who spoke first, lost. Finally Jason broke, as tiny beads of sweat ran down his forehead, "You going to just stand there all day and stare me down, or are you going to tell me why you're here?" He finished by looking at his watch nervously, "I have a stockholders meeting to attend in an hour."

"I'm here to help you pack shithead!" I finally informed him.

"And just where am I suppose to be going?" I could see Jason didn't like the way this confrontation was going in the least.

"I don't give a damn where you go, just as long as you're out of here by the end of the day!" I screwed my lips up in a sneer. "But I think that you'd be well advised to make it another state...on the other side of the country."

"And what if I have no intention of going anywhere asshole? I'm only a couple of years off retirement and I have no intention of giving up my lucrative retirement package for someone like you."

I shook my head. "You got two choices fuckwit. You can get up, hand in your resignation and walk out with what you have in your pockets and no more, or you can stay and watch me dismantle your pathetic life brick by brick! That includes your married life as well, and as far as I have been able to ascertain, you'll be lucky if you're left with enough to buy a cup of coffee."

Jason scowled, "I did what you wanted Beckman. I gave Amy her shot at VP, and as you well know she's now in control of JPL! So why are you handing out the threats all of a sudden? It's no secret that we have never seen eye to eye, but I was always under the impression that you stuck by your word. What's changed your mind to make you bring the past back to haunt me?"

I leaned forward and put both hands on his desk so that his face was only inches from mine. "You changed my mind, you cock sucking son of a bitch! I held up my end of the bargain, until you went and broke it, now you pay. You fucked Amy in more ways than one. You let her stand up in front of that board and state her proposal, when you knew for certain that it was doomed to fail. You saw a chance to kill two birds with one stone. You knew she would come to me for help to turn the company around, and you damn well knew that I wouldn't help her. So you broke our arrangement, and now I'm extracting payment in full."

The sweat was pouring off Jason's face as he listened to me. Everything I had said was true and he must have wondered how I'd found out that he'd set her up. "I didn't break our deal Beckman. She came to me; I didn't do anything but give her a chance to prove herself. If anyone is to blame for the position she's in, it's her!"

"Don't give me that crap, you lowlife scumbag," I said as I swept some doodads off his desk with my left hand in anger. "You had every chance to get her to back off. Hell, even a moron with a fifth grade education would know that without you she had no chance to get in front of the board members to make a fool of herself." Pointing my finger in his face I continued, "It was your call and you called it wrong. Now you have to put it right. You resign or sit back and enjoy the destruction of your life in total."

Jason's face was a stage of emotions and I enjoyed the concert with immense pleasure. I stood my ground and watched as he battled with his options. "I seriously doubt that you have the necessary goods on me to do as you're threatening?" It tickled me to watch as he mentally tried each door and found it securely locked.

"Do you honestly think that I've been sitting on my ass these last few years? Not only do I have all the lowlife dealings you've been up to your neck in before you destroyed my marriage, I've also dug up more in the intervening years; corporate fraud and embezzlement to mention only two!"

This was only a bluff, but I figured that since he was as corrupt as he was, then it wasn't a far cry to think that he'd have more irons in the fire. "It's up to you Jason, its jail or resignation?" I watched his eyes dart around the room as the realisation came to him that the one and only door I left open to him was his office door and it was waiting for his departure.

"Kevin Paxton is at this very moment talking to your board of directors and he has a prospectus that will turn your world to shit!" Just to rub it in I finished with, "And when I leave here I'm going straight there to hand over everything I have on your cuckolding ass. No man will ever have to worry about you getting your pathetic dick into a any wife ever again, because your nuts will be nailed to the board room wall by the time they get through with you!"

That was it for poor Jason and he punched the intercom. "Lyn! Get in here with your pad and pencil. I have a letter I need typed up immediately." I walked over to his liquor cabinet and poured myself a scotch. "You don't have to stay Beckman, you win, I'll be gone by the end of business today!"

I sipped my drink as Jason's secretary came in and sat down to take dictation. "No problem Jason old pal, I've got nothing pressing at this moment in time, I'll be happy to drop off your letter for you."

Lynette could feel the tension in the air as she waited for Jason to start dictating to her. By the time he'd finished she was having trouble keeping her mirth under control, and exited the office as fast as she could. I saw her reaction and knew it'd be around the office before Jason had time to pack his personal possessions and leave the building.

As a parting shot I called out to him as he walked out his office door for the last time. "I hear the South Pole has nice weather this time of year, I'm sure I have no wish to look for you there. Ohhh and Jason, you have a nice day now!"

Lynette came back in a few minutes later and threw her arms around my neck. "Thank you Mr Beckman. Thank you so very much!"

I reared back in confusion, "Hold back there lady, what am I being thanked for?"

Lynette had tears in her eyes as she settled down. "Jason was trying to blackmail me. He's been hitting on me. It's only been innuendo so far but I think he was planning to up the pressure if I didn't come across. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you have done for me."

I was furious that Jason was walking out scot free. I was right! Amy had passed her use by date and Jason was looking for a replacement. I decided that maybe Jason had finally seal his fate and that his marriage was now in jeopardy. "Rest assured that your next boss will be someone you can trust, if all goes to plan, all he'll ask of you is to do your job to the best of your ability. He's a fair and honest man, who rates loyalty in his employees at a premium."

Lynette gave me another kiss on the cheek, "All the same, you're now on my Christmas list forever and I'll try to talk my husband into naming our next son after you," she grinned. "Thank you again for all your help."

She handed me an envelope, "I have to say that I have never in my life enjoyed typing a letter more than I did this one!"


I walked back in to the same office Jason walked out of six months ago. "Morning Lyn! Is the boss in?"

"Morning Mr Beckman! Yes Mr Paxton is expecting you." And as I reached for the door she finished, "Mr Beckman? You were right. He's all a secretary could want in a boss; thank you again."

I grinned as I opened the door. "My pleasure Lyn, and call me Sam; Mr Beckman was my father," I chuckled. Lynette giggled and waved me through.

"Well how does it feel to be CEO of one of the top producing companies on the stock market for the last quarter?" I enquired as I slumped down into one of the comfortable office chairs.

"Sam, you old bastard, where the hell have you been? How the hell are you? I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you've done for everyone here, especially Megan and I. She's still pinching herself every morning just to make sure it's not a dream."

I raised my eyebrow in interest. "Ohhh really; and how do you know that for sure? Are you telling me that you're waking up next to her? Are there plans in the pipe line for a mini merger here?" I joked.

Kevin shrugged, "We're still in the negotiation stages at the moment, but a deal is likely in the near future. I'm sure that Megan would love you to be there at the contract signing. And from what I've heard you have a little filly that you've been grooming as well?"

I burst out laughing. "Same here and that's where I've been! You had a business to save and I had one to build. Vivian certainly has the breeding, a fine thoroughbred if I have ever seen one. I have to admit that if I have any say in it, I'll be hitching my wagon to her."

Kevin sat back after our jovial banter had subsided and with a more serious look on his face and asked, "Have you heard about Amy?"

I felt my own face turned solemn. "Yes Megan rang me the day she was taken to the hospital. I think it all got too much for her and she just wigged out. Megan asked me if I was going up that afternoon to see how she was fairing, and maybe repair a few bridges. I couldn't see any mileage in that, at least until she got some professional help, my being in her face would just have made things worse for her."

Kevin nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, maybe you're right there. I think Megan was feeling a little sorry for her, but then that's a female for you. I think she's going to offer her an entry level position with JPL, maybe a secretarial position of some sort. Hope it doesn't offend your sensibilities?"

I shook my head, frowning, "Hell no! I don't hate her, and to tell the truth I don't even dislike her anymore, she's just someone I knew once, and I hope she straightens herself out and gets on with her life."

Kevin sat back in his chair, "So no wishes to come back? I can find you a good job, with an excellent financial package!"

I chuckled, "Not on your life buddy, and besides, you don't need me, from what I hear you have GOD working for you now!"

Kevin burst out laughing himself then, "Ohhh yeah! I almost forgot about Jack. He got his plaque, and the respect of everyone working here. You were right! He's a veritable mathematical genius. I have to admit, it was touch and go for awhile, and I was literally walking into the meeting with the board members an hour before the stockholders meeting as he handed me the financial statement of our prospectus."

Kevin dropped his eyes and started chuckling, "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking how Jack looked when some of the girls sauntered up to him and gave him the look. We'll see how socially inept he is when he tries to use his mathematically formulas to work out what women are all about. If he can do that, then I'll believe he is god!"

I then broke up laughing. "I would have loved to been there! In addition, I would have loved to been at the board meeting as well, but I had more unsavoury fish to fry. It was about the same time you were wooing the board members that poor Jason was sweating behind that same desk you now occupy."

Kevin's smile was hard to miss, "Just the same, if you ever need a job, let me know!"

I shook my head again. "I have what I want now! Vivian and I have got our little family resort up and running. I actually came down to offer you corporate rates for this year's Thanksgiving long weekend. I was thinking that maybe you could run some good natured comps and foster some good team bonding?"

Kevin nodded his approval. "I think we can come to some arrangement there. It might just foster a little more camaraderie with a fishing competition or two."


Vivian and I were invited to Kevin and Megan wedding and they now have two wonderful boys. They're still a team to be reckoned with in the business sector.

We get cards for Christmas from Lyn and family. She also did talk her husband into naming their next child after me; her name's Samantha, Sam for short.

Jason hasn't been heard of since his wife threw all his clothes out on the lawn and turned on the sprinklers. Jason's Elvis signed guitar was turned into a necklace for his favourite little garden gnome, after Nancy slammed in down over its head. I believe he's hustling penguins for warmth in Antarctica, but don't quote me on that. It's just a rumour.

And Amy? After she got the necessary help she needed to get over what Jason had done to her, she accepted Megan's offer for an entry level secretarial/ girlfriday job. She sold the ridiculously ostentatious mansion and had just enough to buy a modest condo within walking distance of work. She will never again be part of the elite business set, but she's got her own house all paid for even if she has to work to support herself until she retires on a modest pension.

I did talk to her at the company Thanksgiving party they had at the lake. She was a little reluctant to come until Megan convinced her that she needed a little closure. We spent a little time chatting and she as much as apologised for her arrogance and admitted that she was in over her head. I also apologised for destroying her security, but I couldn't see how I could get around it without jeopardizing everyone else's job.

She told me that since her therapy she now saw how stupid her thinking was. It was good to hear her laugh when I told her about Jason's departure. I think she had a relaxing weekend and spent most of it sunbaking with her fellow female co-workers. I don't know what her social life is like, Megan tells me that she does go out with some of the girls on occasions but rarely stays long. To tell the truth, I really don't have time to even think about it, let alone care all that much; it's her life she made and she's the one who has to live with it.

Vivian and I got married six months later and we moved her and Bessie into my cottage. I watched as she took a photo frame of her late departed husband out of her suitcase, she stood gazing at it for a moment, then kissed it and put it gentle in one of the draws of her vanity table.

The gesture moved me and I walked over to her and while she watched with uncertainly, I took the picture fame out and propped it up on her vanity. "I think Greg deserve to see that his wife is happy, looked after and well loved; don't you?"

Vivian smiled, with a tear in her eye as she hugged me. "You're a good man Samuel; I think Greg and you would have been the best of friends. My guardian angel has been working over time for me. I am so fortunate to have found not one but two men in my life who I can honestly say are my soul mates!"

I felt good, no can that I felt great, the best I'd felt in years. "When Bessie is old enough you're going to have to tell her all the beautiful thing about her father! I think they both deserve that."

Our little fishing resort has expanded in leaps and bounds. Jillian now has the flat attached to the store, not that that means she's always in time for work, but at least we know where to get hold of her in peak periods. We've combined our properties and added more huts with their own private jetties for the weekend anglers.

I spend most of my days tinkering around in my workshop and doing running repairs to the boats and just general maintenance around the place. Vivian still runs the convenience store, and Bessie is getting under foot more and more. She's five now and I'm dad to her; after all I'm the only father she's ever known. We gave her a surprise last summer, her very own little baby brother to fuss over. Brady keeps her out of our hair for a little while at least and I have to admit I fuss over them both.

Ohhh and my doctor. He's happy as well, so remind me to send Amy a lovely little thank you card in respect to that.

Nahhh just kidding!

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story with a very happy ending.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

I thought that was an excellent continuation. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Get yourself an editor and your story would be close to top knotch. I'm glad you didn't go the typical trope of Sam setting up a gangbang party for her. Never understood that one, especially when they stay together. That or the revenge fuck. Anyway, get that editor! Look forward to more of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

He should have met her one heck of a long way from his house!

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

Why do you use so many question marks!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I expected to hear Dolly Parton singing “9 to 5” at the end. Not a bad read, but ran out of room on my notepad trying to keep track of all the cliches.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why the f* did he ever agree to meet the ex? BORING.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice finish to the story. The Peter Principle demonstrated thoroughly.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Good finish for a slack story


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is how you turn shit into gold. I hope JPB is taking notes, he might learn something from this story. Easy five stars

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